The state’s education commissioner, David M. Steiner, and the Bloomberg administration have reached a deal that will allow Cathleen P. Black, a media executive, to become the next schools chief.

A top education official in the city’s schools system, Shael Polakow-Suransky, the deputy chancellor for performance and accountability, will be named the chief academic officer to serve as the No. 2 to Ms. Black, according to a person with knowledge of the agreement between the state and the city.
In return, Dr. Steiner on Monday will grant Ms. Black a waiver from the state law requiring the chancellor to have certain education credentials that Ms. Black, the chairwoman of Hearst Magazines, lacks.
Dr. Steiner had expressed reservations about granting Ms. Black an exemption and had made the appointment of a chief academic officer a condition for considering her nomination.
The move is a major concession from Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who typically resists any intrusion into his management of city agencies.
The Bloomberg administration did not dispute the details of the agreement, but refused to comment.
But in a letter from Mr. Bloomberg to Mr. Steiner released by the city’s Education Department, the mayor said Ms. Black’s decision to make Polakow-Suransky her top deputy reflected her strong leadership skills.
Ms. Black, Mr. Bloomberg said, understands that a leader’s role is to “hire the best people, give them the room to innovate and hold them accountable for success.”
Ms. Black and Mr. Polakow-Suransky have had extensive conversations in recent days about management of the system and leadership approaches, people on both sides of the negotiations said.
The city, in its letter to the state, emphasized that Mr. Polakow-Suransky was Ms. Black’s selection, though the negotiations suggest the idea of installing him was reached more broadly.
It is clear from the city’s letter proposing the compromise that Mr. Polakow-Suransky will be given broad duties, including some that might be expected to fall to the chancellor.
They include “serving as educational leader of the school system,” and “communicating the educational vision and priorities effectively to staff, students, and community,” along with “developing, implementing, and monitoring the change process to improve the educational program,” according to the letter.
Not everyone applauded the deal. City Councilman Jumaane Williams said he had hoped the mayor would scrap Ms. Black’s nomination altogether.
“I understand the mayor is used to getting his way and will do anything to prevent egg on his face,” Mr. Williams said Friday evening. “Still this is about the 1.1 million kids, who are not just numberss to be managed. I was hoping that Commissioner Steiner would be brave enough to listen to the people.”
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