The 2016 Award of APS |
送交者: c_y_lo 2016年05月29日09:11:48 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话 |
Comments on the 2016 Award of APS Medal for Exceptional Achievement in Research --a big step backward in physics of APS— 評論2016年的美國物理學會在研究上的特別成就奖 -- 美國物理學會在物理上後退的一大步 --
C. Y. Lo (鲁重賢) Applied and Pure Research Institute 15 Walnut Hill Rd., Amherst, NH 03031 email: [email protected]
Abstract The 2016 APS Medal for Exceptional Achievement in Research awarded to E. Witten for discoveries in the mathematical structure of quantum field theory, is indeed exceptional because there is no experimental support. This would be a big step backward from Galileo's experimental-based tradition. Moreover, the Selection Committee of APS neglected that Witten does not understand general relativity and actually has made mathematical and physical mistakes that leads to the errors on general relativity in the press release of the 1993 Nobel Committee for Physics. However, an unexpected benefit of this award is the exposition on the shortcomings in mathematics and physics of APS. 2016年的美國物理學會在研究上的特別成就奖 给予了E. Witten在量子場論中數學結構的發现, 因為沒實驗上的支持這真是個很特別的奖. 這是自從加里略建立了以實驗為基本的物理學傳統上的大步倒退. 而且學會的選擇委員會還忽視了不但Witten並不明白廣義相對論, 而且他所造成的數學上和物理上的错誤導致1993年的諾貝爾獎委員會在發佈上廣義相對論中的錯誤. 因此, 這奖一個意外的收益是曝露了美國物理學會在數學上和物理上缺點. |
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