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簡談法國大革命與美國老政權French Revolution & American Ancient
送交者: 無套褲漢 2025年02月16日09:13:48 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

簡談法國大革命與美國老政權(Bilingual 漢英雙語)A brief discussion on the Great French Revolution and the American Ancient Regime.

法國大革命出現曲折是由於革命內部分裂,它歷經三次資、封之間的反覆才爭取到資產階級革命的勝利。革命必然出現反革命與之對抗,無從避免。MAGA黨對準美國兩百多年來私有制的沉疴進行起死回生的整頓,採用了革命的方式,首先清算歷史遺留,進而破壞瀕臨死亡的老政權,他們希望藉助美國無產階級的力量,到達勝利;因此這對於後者奪取政權來說是極為有利的——破壞過程不可跳過,破壞越徹底,越有利於奪權鬥爭。革命內部要緊密團結,藉助無產階級的強大革命力量作為中心力量。當年,因為法國的無產階級還比較薄弱,還不能避免革命力量分裂以至於出現政權更替多次的法國革命史;當前,就需要無產階級革命的力量本身能夠組織和團結起來了。[Mark Wain 2025-02-09]


The twists and turns of the French Revolution were due to the internal divisions of the revolution. It went through three rounds of reversals between capitalism and feudalism before it won the victory of the bourgeois revolution. Revolutions are bound to have counter-revolutions to confront them, and there is no way to avoid it. The MAGA Party has adopted a revolutionary approach to revive the deep-rooted illness of private ownership in the United States for more than two hundred years. First, it has cleared up the historical legacy and then destroyed the dying ancient regime. They hope to achieve victory with the help of the power of the American proletariat; therefore, this is extremely beneficial for the latter to seize power-the destruction process cannot be skipped, and the more thorough the destruction, the more conducive it is to the struggle for power. The revolution must be closely united, relying on the revolutionary power of the proletariat as the central force. At that time, because the French proletariat was still relatively weak, it was impossible to avoid the division of revolutionary forces and the history of the French Revolution with multiple changes of regime; at present, the power of the proletarian revolution itself needs to be organized and united. [Mark Wain 2025-02-09]

On 02/09/2025 8:46 AM EST Joe Zhang wrote:


美國的林肯、肯尼迪、馬丁 · 路德 · 金被暗殺是必然的嗎?川普、馬斯克準備後事、寫下遺囑,除了表明他們革命的決心,還揭示什麼?


Lao Wang: I would like to ask you, was the French Revolution doomed to fail? Was it a mistake by its leader Robespierre? What enlightenment does it have for Trump and Musk's revolution today? What is the difference?

Was it inevitable that Lincoln, Kennedy, and Martin Luther King were assassinated in the United States? In addition to showing their determination to revolution, what else do Trump and Musk reveal by preparing for their funerals and writing their wills?



然而,MAGA運動的勝利並不等於敵人就此甘於罷休。他們現在正組織瘋狂的反撲可以預見,戰鬥的慘烈與規模了。【滄海橫流,方顯英雄本色。】這回就看英雄們、戰士們的革命意志與決心啦![Joe Zhang 2/9/2025]



Today is different from the past. Trump and Musk's revolution have strong public support. Trump has already said it before: he has been issuing a strong call in this election and in the years before the election: [Drain the Washington Swamp! ] The American people are very clear about this and voted in overwhelming support! MAGA's enemies are also well aware of it: they have used every possible means to suppress the MAGA movement and its leaders in recent years: multiple impeachments, house searches, arrests, imprisonment, slander and siege by the "main media"... The crocodiles, judges, and prosecutors lurking in the regime have joined forces to attack Trump. The life-and-death struggle has already begun! But Trump has not been knocked down, but the MAGA movement has become more powerful. Trump and his comrades have become more courageous.

However, the victory of the MAGA movement does not mean that the enemy will give up. They are now organizing a crazy counterattack. The cruelty and scale of the battle can be foreseen. [In times of turbulence, the true colors of heroes are revealed. ] This time it depends on the revolutionary will and determination of the heroes and soldiers! [Joe Zhang 2/9/2025]





深層政府對大改革大革命是絕不干休的,必定要誓死抵抗的。但是我們有壓倒性的多數選民的支持。人民的力量是勝利的根本保證。“水能載舟,亦能覆舟”在這大蕭條烏雲籠罩的時候,一定要注意深層政府挑撥離間、挑動民眾對經濟困難的不滿。一定要注意民生民意,逐步改善經濟民生。另外,這場大戰,戰線不能展開的太長太闊,最好是先打閻王、打老虎,然後全面鋪開。軍隊的支持、輿論媒體的伸張正義也是控制局面的重要因素。[02/11/2025 Joe Zhang ]

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