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送交者: 右撇子 2025年02月12日23:52:26 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話


What's our life and freedom worth When a tyrant seeks our earth, Aiming to subdue our land with greedy hand? But we'll stand against his might, Canada won't yield this fight, And we'll shout across our free and sovereign land: Go home, Yankee! Yankee, go home! Keep your deals and go back home. Say "goodbye" to your grand schemes, Don't tread on our hopes and dreams. As our anthem proudly sings, Canada stands! Go home, Yankee! Yankee, go home! Keep your deals and go back home. Say "goodbye" to your grand schemes, Don't tread on our hopes and dreams. As our anthem proudly sings, Canada stands! Trump and his cronies proclaim Canada should play their game, "Join us as the fifty-first state", they demand. But our spirit won't be sold, Freedom's worth more than their gold, We'll resist their grasp with every steadfast hand. Go home, Yankee! Yankee, go home! Keep your deals and go back home. Say "goodbye" to your grand schemes, Don't tread on our hopes and dreams. As our anthem proudly sings, Canada stands! Go home, Yankee! Yankee, go home! Keep your deals and go back home. Say "goodbye" to your grand schemes, Don't tread on our hopes and dreams. As our anthem proudly sings, Canada stands! Yankee, learn our northern ways, We won't bow to your displays. When looking at our land, close your greedy eyes. Try to force us, and you'll find Canada's not yours to bind. For the True North strong and free will always rise. Go home, Yankee! Yankee, go home! (You gotta) Keep your deals and go back home. Say "goodbye" to your grand schemes, Don't tread on our hopes and dreams. As our anthem proudly sings, Canada stands! Go home, Yankee! Yankee, go home! Keep your deals and go back home. Say "goodbye" to your grand schemes, Don't tread on our hopes and dreams. As our anthem proudly sings, Canada stands!

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