关于bagota.慕容文成.han526.redmaple的饿死三千万举证 |
送交者: 钳工 2004年08月19日23:45:41 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
关于bagota.慕容文成.han526.redmaple的饿死三千万举证 下面这几个贴子是昨天在论坛上遇到的反驳,han526、bagota、redmaple的贴子比较短,恐怕没有机会上导读,我这里帮忙汇总一下,也许斑竹能给放在文库里做个资料。 ———————————————————————— http://www4.bbsland.com/forums/politics/messages/898104.html 我所听说过的大饥荒 慕容文成 多年前笔者刚刚大学毕业时曾在一所研究所里工作过数年。记得有一位老者与笔者 老者说他年轻时曾在四川省攀枝花工作过许多年。因他把自己妻子家眷留在东北, 老者还说他看见许多儿童伏在已经倒地的父母亲身上哭泣。老者猜测着孩子们的父 多少年过去了,老者说不定已经作古。能够有资格见证那个时代的人会渐渐离世, 虽然那已经成为历史,但离我们并非久远。我们完全可以从我们的许多长辈那里得 凭着正确的心态认识历史是为了国家和民族的未来。在那个悲惨的时代里饿死,屈 ———————————————————————— http://www4.bbsland.com/forums/politics/messages/898339.html what you descibe is right. ————————————————————————————— http://www4.bbsland.com/forums/politics/messages/898058.html 送交者: bagota 2004年8月19日12:18:19 于 [天下论坛] I am from a village in Anhui I am from a village in Anhui. There were 9 deaths in my family. The whole village (~300 people in 1958), 108 people died during the 1959-1961 period. 900million is an low estimate. The actual number is probably 10million-12million range. When talking about the census, the author 钳工 intentionally left out one census in between. It was done in 1959, just before the famine. 钳工 should use that number minus the 1964 year number. For Anhui Province, that number is 5million. But here we ignored the HUGE birth rate in 1962 and 1963. Thus, it is very easy to estimate the number of death by using: 1959_number -1964_number - children_under_3_number. This number is about 10million. You can get a book called: Anhui Province Status Report. It is availabe in most libraries in US universities which has a Chinese collection. The book was published in China by Chinese Government. I don't want to be emotional. When we discuss about a matter, we should look at hard numbers that are supported by governmental statistical data. Please don't intentionally left out data like 钳工 did here. —————————————————————————— http://www4.bbsland.com/forums/politics/messages/898066.html Why elders and children die first The elders and children stayed in home. But you cannot cook at home. All the cooking pot where distroyed. If the MingBin saw any home with a cooking smoke, they came to your home and arrest you, and distroy the cooking pot the same time. All people go to the Commune Canteen to eat. Everybody has a fixed quota for each day. During the peak of the famine, the food one get from Canteen was very little soup, with a few rice pellets in. That is why the dead were mostly children and elderly. Young people die also, but only those who cannot join the "professional group". Usually, if your family has a bad "class", or if you are not very strong physically, you cannot get into the "professional group". 钳工 never talked to a person who survived the famine. He just used his imagination. I assume he is also relatively young (under 40), or he is over 40 but never lived in Countryside. I suggest you to talk to ANYBODY who is over 40, and who is from the countryside, Anhui Province, you will get a better prospective of what I am talking here. 10 million people in Anhui alone is a good estimate. ———————————————————————————— http://www4.bbsland.com/forums/politics/messages/897551.html 送交者: redmaple 2004年8月18日22:03:10 于 [天下论坛] http://www4.bbsland.com/forums/politics/messages/897572.html 送交者: redmaple 2004年8月18日22:18:52 于 [天下论坛] —————————————————————————————— 以上这些贴子都支持饿死三千万说法的,但是这几个贴子却自相矛盾,非常令人怀疑。 bagota先生说,三年自然灾害期间,安徽村子里的农民是分开生活的,青壮年由于进了Professional Group所以不容易饿死,老人还孩子没有资格去Professional Group,所以容易饿死。而且,bagota先生还提到了出身和社会关系的作用,出身好的人,亲戚里面有村干部的人不容易饿死。 这就是说,当时不管怎么饿,安徽农村都没有出现大规模逃荒现象。而且,redmaple先生告诉我们,饥民(河南信阳)想外出乞讨,可是这个唯一的自救渠道被官方安置的武装人员堵死了...。 看到这里我就发现有矛盾了,慕容文成的描述完全不同,他说: “从列车里向下望去,路上(攀枝花至东北)的行人走着走着就倒下了。后面走上来的人竟然对倒下的人看也不看一眼。老者还说他看见许多儿童伏在已经倒地的父母亲身上哭泣。老者猜测着孩子们的父母亲大概已死去很久。还有许多孩子拾起路上的粪便充饥。出了山海关虽然路上有讨饭的但看不见死人。” 按照慕容文成的说法,大规模的逃荒是存在的。因为四川、安徽、河南、山东,据说是受灾最重的四个省,而从攀枝花乘火车不会路过山东。这就是说,在四川的攀枝花——北京——山海关——东北,这条铁路沿线看到大量饥民的机会只能发生在河南和安徽两省。 所以,我搞不懂他们谁的话可信。如果存在大规模逃荒,那么bagota先生说的就是假的,因为bagota先生不可能知道“300人的村子死了108人”这种准确数字。逃荒的人客死他乡,死亡数据如何统计呢? 顺便再说两句网上经常出现的《从“大跃进”到大饥荒》这篇文章。一共五万字,作者:丁抒。这篇文章只是丁抒的反共巨著《人祸》的一小段而已。此人因为反共出色,多次在台湾获奖。我可不是造谣,大家看看下面的网址就知道他们是什么来头了。 http:// /b5/4/7/13/n594518.htm 在这论坛上观察了这么久,我的结论还是那句话:饿死三千万纯属胡扯,打死我也不信。 |
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