虞美人·春花秋月何時了 英文版 |
送交者: pifu01 2021年10月04日11:03:39 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話 |
開個小差,翻譯詩詞。從小就特別喜歡這首詞。看到妖妖一句雕欄玉砌,勾起來無限江山無限愁(輪迴的習氣呀,不要學我。。。)於是把它稍作翻譯。譯文版權所有,勿轉載。 Beauty Yu (by Yu Li). Translation: Pifu01
When o when will be the end of the season? Spring comes with flowers, fall goes with a full moon. Floating among them is my vivid memories. Wind blowing from the east again and passing my loft with no trace last night, Oh how sadly to remind me of my old kingdom under such a bright moon!
Carved rails and marble floors perhaps remain, Only the red color has been aged! How much sorrow can one hold? It is just like the entire river flowing to the east in Spring.
虞美人·春花秋月何時了 (五代)李煜 春花秋月何時了?往事知多少。小樓昨夜又東風,故國不堪回首月明中。 雕欄玉砌應猶在,只是朱顏改。問君能有幾多愁?恰似一江春水向東流。 |
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