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What is the hype on DeepSeek
送交者: 對對眼 2025年01月28日07:54:49 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話

all about?

I compared image generation between chatgpt, grok and deepseek with a very simple command: generate an image of a rainy day in Tokyo. Grok immediately generated a panel of 4 images each with a different scene of a rainy Tokyo street. ChaptGT took a few seconds to generate one.  But DeepSeek failed to generate any image after producing a useless text of gibberish on its thought process of how it could fetch information to generate such an image. But no image was generated in the end.  You don't have to just take my word for it.  Just try youself.

Then I found out through ChatGPT that DeepSeek currently has no image generation cababilities at all. So what is the big deal on it being cheap and low cost ?!.  To my knowledge, image (and video) generation with a simple command is the most challenging task that would have required tremendous amount of data and training to make sure the image (or video clips) is not only vivid and ethetically appealing, but also accurate with regard to all physical details such as light sources causing differnt shades of brightness/darkness, common laws of physics, biology and all other sciences, etc. No wonder it's cheap

So what's all hype about DeepSeek being a low cost  AI model, not to mention that it uses the so-called data distillation process (which is to me another way of saying pillage and theft of pysudo data set generated from other AI models)

In terms of the low cost in hardware, even Elon Musk doubts that DeepSeek uses low end H800 GPU chips from NVIDIA.  It may have very well used as many as 50,000 H100 GPUs that the Chinese government secretly bypassed all the restrictions to obtain from third party vendors.

You just can't trust them on anything, period!

Let's wait and see what happens after all the hooplas quite down.

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              當然就多快好省。關鍵還是依賴別人的成果。  /無內容 - a自由人 01/28/25 (10)
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          唯一的突破:大量數據訓練。諾貝爾物理學獎應該發給李飛飛的!  /無內容 - a自由人 01/28/25 (13)
            現在被一個吃相難看的“數據蒸餾“ 用極低成本給追平了  /無內容 - a自由人 01/28/25 (12)
              所以DeepSeek只是拼湊了各AI模型的算法,並沒有核心算 - 對對眼 01/28/25 (14)
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