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【金蛇喜迎春】藕花深处“音乐之声”插曲-- I have confidence
送交者: Serena藕花深处 2025年02月02日13:22:52 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

What will this day be like?
I wonder.
What will my future be?
I wonder.

It could be so exciting
To be out in the world, to be free!
My heart should be wildly rejoicing.
Oh, what's the matter with me?

I've always longed for adventure,
To do the things I've never dared.
Now here I'm facing adventure.
Then why am I so scared?

A captain with seven children,
What's so fearsome about that?
Oh, I must stop these doubts.
All these worries.
If I don't, I just know I'll turn back!
I must dream of the things I am seeking.
I am seeking the courage I lack.

The courage to serve them with reliance,
Face my mistakes without defiance,
Show them I'm worthy,
And while I show them, I'll show me!

Let them bring on all their problems.
I'll do better than my best.
I have confidence they'll put me to the test!
But I'll make them see I have confidence in me.

Somehow I will impress them.
I will be firm but kind.
And all those children, Heaven bless them,
They will look up to me
And mind me!

With each step I am more certain
Everything will turn out fine.
I have confidence the world can all be mine!
They'll have to agree
I have confidence in me.

I have confidence in sunshine,
I have confidence in rain.
I have confidence that spring will come again!
Besides which, you see, I have confidence in me!

Strength doesn't lie in numbers,
Strength doesn't lie in wealth.
Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers.
When you wake up, wake up!
It's healthy!

All I trust I leave my heart to.
All I trust becomes my own.
I have confidence in confidence alone…

I have confidence in confidence alone!
Besides which, you see, I have confidence in me!

没有美声功底, 但架不住喜欢这首歌也来山寨一把!最后一句可能要使大家花容/草容失色了!大家多多包涵!

第一次听这首歌就觉得很稀奇: 一首歌还可以这么有表现力, 表达那么丰富有层次的情绪!刚开始胆怯, 后来自己慢慢汲取力量到信心爆棚!看到油管下面留言, 有人说自己去工作面试前就听这首歌壮胆的哈!

  好难唱的歌!藕花唱得非常棒!你就是有才!  /无内容 - 娜佳醉倚听音阁 02/08/25 (3)
  能唱英文歌都很厉害的👏  /无内容 - Hanbing 02/05/25 (7)
  给多才多艺的藕花点赞叫好!很棒!  /无内容 - 票戏的乐趣 02/03/25 (13)
  挺难唱的歌,藕花完成的很棒!大赞!  /无内容 - happy_singer 02/03/25 (14)
  音乐之声的歌曲曲优美!藕花英文歌唱得漂亮!  /无内容 - 江毅 02/02/25 (9)
  藕花这歌唱得轻快,有跳跃感,自信满满,很棒!  /无内容 - 树烨子 02/02/25 (12)
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