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學唱《Voi che sapete》- 你們可知道
送交者: 山花兒 2022年12月30日17:19:59 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話




Voi che sapete che cosa e amor,
Donne, vedete, s'io l'ho nel cor,
Donne, vedete, s'io l'ho nel cor.
Quello ch'io provo, vi ridiro,
E per me nuovo capir nol so.
Sento un affetto pien di desir,
Ch'ora e diletto, ch'ora e martir.
Gelo e poi sento l'alma avvampar,
E in un momento torno a gelar.
Ricerco un bene fuori di me,
Non so chi il tiene, non so cos' e.
Sospiro e gemo senza voler,
Palpito e tremo senza saper,
Non trovo pace notte ne di,
Ma pur mi piace languir cosi.
Voi, che sapete che cosa e amor
Donne, vedete, s'io l'ho nel cor,
Donne, vedete, s'io l'ho nel cor,
Donne, vedete, s'io l'ho nel cor.

English translation:

You who know what love is,
Women, see whether it's in my heart,
Women, see whether it's in my heart.
What I am experiencing I will tell you,
It is new to me and I do not understand it.
I have a feeling full of desire,
That now, is both pleasure and suffering.
At first frost, then I feel the soul burning,
And in a moment I'm freezing again.
Seek a blessing outside myself,
I do not know how to hold it, I do not know what it is.
I sigh and moan without meaning to,
Throb and tremble without knowing,
I find no peace both night or day,
But even still, I like to languish.
You who know what love is,
Women, see whether it's in my heart,
Women, see whether it's in my heart,
Women, see whether it's in my heart.

  哇塞!鐵樹太令人驚艷了!和過去的聲音簡直判若兩人!新年好!  /無內容 - 娜佳醉倚聽音閣 01/05/23 (21)
  鐵樹新年好!這歌唱的太棒了! - big-apple 01/01/23 (57)
    果班長新年好!又見面了很開心🍾️🎉🎊 - 山花兒 01/01/23 (21)
    謝謝劉老師聽歌鼓勵! - 山花兒 01/01/23 (34)
    哪裡哪裡,還在學習摸索階段,會繼續努力!  /無內容 - 山花兒 01/01/23 (21)
    謝謝茜西聽歌支持,新年快樂! - 山花兒 12/31/22 (79)
  鐵樹開山花兒,美聲高大上~~~  /無內容 - 北青 12/31/22 (67)
    謝謝北青的支持!問好! - 山花兒 12/31/22 (73)
    大聲向班長問好!班長辛苦了💐💐💐 - 山花兒 12/31/22 (81)
  鐵樹好唱,鐵花久違~~ - arrowing 12/31/22 (79)
    謝謝支持!高山是個難忘的地方 - 山花兒 12/31/22 (85)
    不敢當啊! - 山花兒 12/31/22 (80)
    燁子好!一轉眼又是一年了 - 山花兒 12/31/22 (96)
    鐵樹拿我做實驗研究唱歌 - 山花兒 12/31/22 (85)
  好久沒見 問鐵樹老師好 唱得好聽 高大難的歌曲  /無內容 - 溪水清幽 12/31/22 (66)
    好久不見!我在學唱歌,不足之處太多 - 山花兒 12/31/22 (76)
    哈哈,傳說中的人隱退江湖了,謝謝支持!  /無內容 - 山花兒 12/31/22 (71)
  太高大上啦,👍新年快樂!💐  /無內容 - santa999 12/30/22 (83)
    新年快樂,天天快樂!  /無內容 - 山花兒 12/31/22 (90)
    祝你元旦快樂! - 山花兒 12/31/22 (73)
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