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學唱: 卡朋特經典: There‘s a kind of hush
送交者: Serena藕花深處 2023年03月23日09:37:25 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

There's a kind of hush
All over the world tonight
All over the world
You can hear the sound of lovers in love
You know what I mean
Just the two of us and nobody else in sight
There's nobody else
And I'm feeling good just holding you tight

So listen very carefully
Get closer now and you will see what I mean
It isn't a dream
The only sound that you will hear
Is when I whisper in your ear
"I love you forever and ever"

There's a kind of hush
All over the world tonight
All over the world
People just like us have fallen in love

So listen very carefully
Get closer now and you will see what I mean
It isn't a dream
The only sound that you will hear
Is when I whisper in your ear
"I love you forever and ever"

There's a kind of hush
All over the world, tonight
All over the world
You can hear the sounds of lovers in love

探親一周歸來, 試試嗓子, 尚能飯否? 

  看樣子是休息得不錯,嗓子聽着也更年輕有活力了  /無內容 - 高歌低吟 03/29/23 (38)
  羨慕藕花的英文歌曲 越唱越好 給你獻花  /無內容 - 溪水清幽 03/27/23 (60)
  哈哈!尚能飯否?要派你吹衝鋒號!再聽再贊!  /無內容 - 老好人 03/27/23 (66)
    謝謝好人熱誠鼓勵!能常跟着打醬油就很知足啦!  /無內容 - Serena藕花深處 03/27/23 (75)
  唱得很輕巧,還有些稚嫩,好聽!  /無內容 - 樹燁子 03/27/23 (67)
    謝謝燁子!可能這首歌比較輕聲細語地hush呢!  /無內容 - Serena藕花深處 03/27/23 (55)
    謝謝花兒鼓勵!先從comfort zone 唱起。。。。  /無內容 - Serena藕花深處 03/27/23 (64)
  好聽~~  /無內容 - 歌哥 03/25/23 (75)
    謝謝歌哥聽歌點讚!  /無內容 - Serena藕花深處 03/27/23 (70)
  贊好聽的英文歌曲。藕花的聲音很嫩!  /無內容 - big-apple 03/25/23 (82)
    謝謝果班!沒想到有這效果呢, 可能是歌詞單純快樂!  /無內容 - Serena藕花深處 03/27/23 (69)
  贊藕花的英文歌,純正。  /無內容 - 墨脈 03/24/23 (86)
    謝墨脈聽歌點讚!喜歡你們的蘆笙戀歌!  /無內容 - Serena藕花深處 03/27/23 (74)
  荷花好唱,英文歌能唱出法語歌的韻味來, 贊!  /無內容 - 翠花上酸菜 03/24/23 (96)
    謝謝友友聽歌點評!有這效果哈? 好開心!  /無內容 - Serena藕花深處 03/27/23 (70)
  贊英文好唱!藕花的木匠系列優美動聽!  /無內容 - 江毅 03/24/23 (117)
    謝謝江才子聽歌鼓勵!  /無內容 - Serena藕花深處 03/27/23 (66)
    謝謝公主聽歌和熱誠鼓勵!會接着去開發木匠系列! - Serena藕花深處 03/23/23 (121)
    等着聽公主的鄧歌你,快點回來! - 月亮花花 03/23/23 (89)
      謝謝親!我空下來如果可能會發歌也繼續聽你的歌~~  /無內容 - 茜西 03/23/23 (85)
  的確很經典,不錯,贊!  /無內容 - 票戲的樂趣 03/23/23 (85)
    謝謝票戲聆聽鼓勵!你的張派真是好聽!  /無內容 - Serena藕花深處 03/23/23 (82)
    謝月亮花花聽歌厚愛!  /無內容 - Serena藕花深處 03/23/23 (69)
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