缺口:首贴: 原创音乐 - Blue Jay (蓝鸟) |
送交者: 缺口 2018年02月08日17:37:04 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话 |
词曲,编曲, 所有乐器, 录音, 人声合成, 后期处理: 缺口 I know you are down and you are beat, like that old wrinkled up, torn up bed sheet I see you have been set up before, I have heard you crying behind the door and I know you had dreams and high esteem like the flying blue jay over the trees. ooh..... and I know you had dreams and high esteem like the flying blue jay over the trees. I know you are down and you are beat, like that old wrinkled up, torn up bed sheet |
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一周回复热帖 |
历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
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2017: | 南大大合唱:怒吼中的行列 | |
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2015: | 谭韵英风:现代京剧 龙江颂 人换思想地 | |
2014: | 【天驷呈祥】飞袖原创:也许 是那匹 | |
2014: | 再发一组“冰封大瀑布”图片 | |
2013: | 老地雷:我豁出去PK央视春晚(多视频) | |
2013: | 明歌:唱首《阳光路上》(改词版) 祝大家 | |