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高歌低吟:Whenever you come around
送交者: 高歌低吟 2023年03月12日20:35:04 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

Songwriters: Pete Wasner / Vincent Grant Gill

The face of an angel, pretty eyes that shine
I lie awake at night, wishing you were mine
I'm standin' here holding, the biggest heartache in town
Whenever you come around

I get weak in the knees, and I lose my breath
I try to speak but the words won't come I'm so scared to death
when you smile that smile the world turns upside down

Whenever you come around

I feel so helpless, I feel just like a kid
Is it about you that makes me keep my feelings hid
I wish I could tell you, but the words can't be found
Whenever you come around
I get weak in the knees, and I lose my breath
I try to speak but the words won't come I'm so scared to death
when you smile that smile the world turns upside down

Whenever you come around

I get weak in the knees, and I lose my breath
I try to speak but the words won't come I'm so scared to death
when you smile that smile the world turns upside d~own

Whenever you come around

when you smile that smile The world turns upside down

Whenever you come around

Whenever you c~ome around

ChatGPT Translated

天使一般的脸蛋,明亮的眼眸 夜晚我独自躺着,盼望你是我的 我在这儿忍受着,城镇中最剧烈的心碎 只要你出现,我便失去了重心

膝盖发软,无法呼吸 我试图开口,但是话语却无法言说,我如此害怕 当你微笑时,整个世界都翻了个个儿

只要你出现,我就感到无助,就像个孩子 是因为你,让我无法表达自己的感情吗 我多么希望我能告诉你,但我却无言以对 只要你出现,我就膝盖发软,无法呼吸 我试图开口,但是话语却无法言说,我如此害怕 当你微笑时,整个世界都翻了个个儿

  高歌的E歌味道太地道了,佩服极了!👍✌  /无内容 - 树烨子 03/18/23 (71)
  英文地道,声音醇美,唱得规范,乐感一流👍  /无内容 - -花儿- 03/14/23 (68)
  很乡村的味道,大赞加欣赏! - 月亮花花 03/13/23 (116)
    能力一般,喜欢的歌都想试试,毁歌不倦:)  /无内容 - 高歌低吟 03/14/23 (70)
    谢谢大苹果,费心了,伴奏是我用AI消的音 - 高歌低吟 03/14/23 (87)
  很规范的歌唱英文歌曲 味道十足。献花 给你一个赞  /无内容 - 溪水清幽 03/12/23 (83)
  好唱, 英文也正!   /无内容 - 翠花上酸菜 03/12/23 (68)
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