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学唱: 卡朋特经典: There‘s a kind of hush
送交者: Serena藕花深处 2023年03月23日09:37:25 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

There's a kind of hush
All over the world tonight
All over the world
You can hear the sound of lovers in love
You know what I mean
Just the two of us and nobody else in sight
There's nobody else
And I'm feeling good just holding you tight

So listen very carefully
Get closer now and you will see what I mean
It isn't a dream
The only sound that you will hear
Is when I whisper in your ear
"I love you forever and ever"

There's a kind of hush
All over the world tonight
All over the world
People just like us have fallen in love

So listen very carefully
Get closer now and you will see what I mean
It isn't a dream
The only sound that you will hear
Is when I whisper in your ear
"I love you forever and ever"

There's a kind of hush
All over the world, tonight
All over the world
You can hear the sounds of lovers in love

探亲一周归来, 试试嗓子, 尚能饭否? 

  看样子是休息得不错,嗓子听着也更年轻有活力了  /无内容 - 高歌低吟 03/29/23 (38)
  羡慕藕花的英文歌曲 越唱越好 给你献花  /无内容 - 溪水清幽 03/27/23 (60)
  哈哈!尚能饭否?要派你吹冲锋号!再听再赞!  /无内容 - 老好人 03/27/23 (66)
    谢谢好人热诚鼓励!能常跟着打酱油就很知足啦!  /无内容 - Serena藕花深处 03/27/23 (75)
  唱得很轻巧,还有些稚嫩,好听!  /无内容 - 树烨子 03/27/23 (67)
    谢谢烨子!可能这首歌比较轻声细语地hush呢!  /无内容 - Serena藕花深处 03/27/23 (55)
    谢谢花儿鼓励!先从comfort zone 唱起。。。。  /无内容 - Serena藕花深处 03/27/23 (64)
  好听~~  /无内容 - 歌哥 03/25/23 (75)
    谢谢歌哥听歌点赞!  /无内容 - Serena藕花深处 03/27/23 (70)
  赞好听的英文歌曲。藕花的声音很嫩!  /无内容 - big-apple 03/25/23 (82)
    谢谢果班!没想到有这效果呢, 可能是歌词单纯快乐!  /无内容 - Serena藕花深处 03/27/23 (69)
  赞藕花的英文歌,纯正。  /无内容 - 墨脉 03/24/23 (86)
    谢墨脉听歌点赞!喜欢你们的芦笙恋歌!  /无内容 - Serena藕花深处 03/27/23 (74)
  荷花好唱,英文歌能唱出法语歌的韵味来, 赞!  /无内容 - 翠花上酸菜 03/24/23 (96)
    谢谢友友听歌点评!有这效果哈? 好开心!  /无内容 - Serena藕花深处 03/27/23 (70)
  赞英文好唱!藕花的木匠系列优美动听!  /无内容 - 江毅 03/24/23 (117)
    谢谢江才子听歌鼓励!  /无内容 - Serena藕花深处 03/27/23 (66)
    谢谢公主听歌和热诚鼓励!会接着去开发木匠系列! - Serena藕花深处 03/23/23 (121)
    等着听公主的邓歌你,快点回来! - 月亮花花 03/23/23 (89)
      谢谢亲!我空下来如果可能会发歌也继续听你的歌~~  /无内容 - 茜西 03/23/23 (85)
  的确很经典,不错,赞!  /无内容 - 票戏的乐趣 03/23/23 (85)
    谢谢票戏聆听鼓励!你的张派真是好听!  /无内容 - Serena藕花深处 03/23/23 (82)
    谢月亮花花听歌厚爱!  /无内容 - Serena藕花深处 03/23/23 (69)
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