俺给你搞了一箩筐的歌--礼多人不怪--俺中华传统继承的好啊! |
送交者: 丫子 2008月09月24日13:10:55 于 [摄友部落] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 跟丫子,七味,孤亡魂聊天,一点想法,不求对错 由 桦树 于 2008-09-24 09:17:49 |
同样喜欢jazz 。喜欢他们的自由,真性情。
介绍一个nina simone 给你。(可能你已经很喜欢她了:) 我很喜欢nina simone 听了很多的歌, 别人说nina simone的嗓音是最难模仿的。那种味道,那种爆发力。那种黑人女人独有的坚强的声音。总是让我感到calm。一股非洲女人的味道。一股坚韧的味道。(大陆还找不到这样的女人哈,不是年轻的嘣嘣跳带着假睫毛的妹妹,就是装腔作势的唧唧呀呀的温柔女人,要么就是李宇春) 1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBy4QXAAil8 2:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUcXI2BIUOQ&feature=related 这首很棒,我什么都没有,没有衣服,没有国家,没有香烟,但是我有手,有脚,有咪咪,(而且唱这个词的时候还升上了)。。很搞笑。彪悍坚韧的非洲女人! 3:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCwME6Jpn3s&feature=related 4:my baby just cares for me 听着总是会感动的笑。。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYSbUOoq4Vg&feature=related 5:why 我喜欢晚上一遍遍听也不疲倦。一种平淡,一种平静,一种追忆 没有歇斯底里,没有装腔作势,就是那么宽厚的追忆着, Lived a man of humble birth--多么让人感动阿。。 :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Uy8cyVWU2A Billie Holiday 也是很刚烈的女人 1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4ZyuULy9zs&feature=related 2:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qyxmn0uQxE&feature=related Why (The King Of Love Is Dead) by Nina Simone Once upon this planet Earth, Lived a man of humble birth, Preaching love and freedom For his fellow man. He was dreaming of the day Peace would come to Earth to stay, And he spread this message All across the land. "Turn the other cheek," he'd plead. "Love thy neighbor," was his creed. Pain, humiliation, death he did not dread. With his bible at his side, From his foes he did not hide. It's hard to think that this great man is dead. Will the murders never cease? Are they men or are they beasts? What do they ever hope to gain? Will my country stand or fall? Is it too late for us all? And did Martin Luther King just die in vain? But he had seen the mountaintop, And he knew he could not stop, Always living with the threat of death ahead. Folks you'd better stop and think, Everybody knows we're on the brink. What will happen, now that he is dead? He was for equality, For all people, you and me, Full of love and goodwill, Hate was not his way. He was not a violent man, Tell me folks if you can? Just why, why was he shot down the other day? But he had seen the mountaintop, And he knew he could not stop. Always living with the threat of death ahead. Folks you'd better stop and think, and feel again Cause we headed for the brink, What will happen, now that the King of love is dead? 您喜欢小孩的照片,我就再给您两张。 http://i37.tinypic.com/34fmixv.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/33eikqq.jpg |
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