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#1 有其他照片嗎?
送交者: 山雀 2019月01月27日23:54:32 於 [攝友部落] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 同問候!wjbh 於 2019-01-27 11:14:00

I am not certain about #1 neither. Olive-sided flycatcher has big head and solid face pattern; while this bird has eye line. The Sooty race fox sparrow has very little red in the back. However, they only live along the coast. So if this bird was shot at your place, then it’s more likely a song sparrow. I have seen song sparrows similar to this one at the old Denali highway.

  請進,再Do me a favor, thanks - wjbh 01/28/19 (753)
    Still not sure about #1 - 山雀 01/28/19 (717)
      非常感謝你幫忙!  /無內容 - wjbh 01/28/19 (691)
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