Can you beat me? |
送交者: wjbh 2016年08月27日11:31:18 于 [摄友部落] 发送悄悄话 |
Twenty-three counts in ten minutes.(Probably missed one edit photo)
You beat me. My hand is now a black and white landing airport. Cheer.
It happened from 9:01 to 9:08 this morning. it is not done yet for today. So, what do you think? Can I go to the 金氏 record? Ok. all right reserved. |
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一周回复热帖 |
历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2015: | 冰上之舞 | |
2014: | 魁北克圣母院(续) | |
2014: | HDR 杂片2张。 | |
2013: | 找出一片绚丽 | |
2013: | 太可爱了! | |
2012: | 班长请进 (下面贴错地方了) | |
2012: | 2012年傻瓜机大PK(评测打分) | |
2011: | 宾州的麦田(领导版) | |
2011: | 小河边的公园 | |