EDDMaps Ontario今天给我回复,说我发现的是非本地但已归顺的普通鲤鱼(non-native naturalized common carp),证据正是我那张放大了的背鳍形状,因此不必惊慌。这鱼不是他们悬赏的红色通缉犯,全文如下,与大家分享。不过我又补了几张其他照片, 再供他参考,我觉得我拍到的还是他们要抓的那个通缉犯。

Hi there
Thank you for submitting a report of Black Carp to EDDMapS Ontario. I just wanted to follow-up with you to let you know that you have encountered a non-native naturalized common carp!
Here is a link to our website page; if you scroll down, you will see the various pictures of Asian Carp, including common carp: http://www.invadingspecies.com/invaders/fish/asian-carp/
By the drawings, you can see that the common carp has a very long dorsal fin (2/3 of the body length), which is evident in one of your photographs. Whereas the Black Carp has a very narrow dorsal fin.
Thanks for reporting and keep sending us reports if you suspect you have encountered an Asian Carp or any other invasive species!
Brook Schryer
Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach Liaison
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
P.O. Box 2800, 4601 Guthrie Drive
Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 8L5
(705) 748-6324 ext. 227