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繁华一英里 Mag Mile 置身在繁华的都市里
送交者: jmzjmz 2017年07月11日14:09:32 于 [摄友部落] 发送悄悄话

2017年的年初去了芝城,在有名的magnificent mile(繁华一英里)上随着节日的人流逛街。维基上是这样解释的:
The Magnificent Mile, sometimes referred to as The Mag Mile, is an upscale section of Chicago's Michigan Avenue, running from the Chicago River to Oak Street in the Near North Side. Currently Chicago's largest shopping district, various mid-range and high-end shops line this section of the street; approximately 3,100,000 square feet (290,000 m2) are occupied by retail, restaurants, museums and hotels. To date, rent on The Magnificent Mile is the eighth most expensive in the country, behind Fifth Avenue in New York and Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.Several of the tallest buildings in the United States, such as the John Hancock Center and the Trump International Hotel and Tower, lie in the district.可见这是非常热闹的一条有名的商业街。点击看数十张片子制作的video



Trump Tower, Trump当上了美国总统,这座楼也罩上了政治的光辉。

棒球队Cubs - Cubs 赢了2016年的National League Championship Series and 2016 World Series, 盼了108年的胜利来之不易。


Abraham Lincoln statue - The 25-foot-tall Lincoln sculpture, standing next to another large-scale figure that represents a common man holding a copy of the Gettysburg Address. 美国总统Lincoln的像刚刚到芝城因为2016年是总统选举年,旁边是谁,查了一下是个普通人,两座像放一起好像普通人在请教Lincoln什么。看到雕像才想起上次看到的是梦露。

梦露 the leggy 26-foot-tall sculpture "Forever Marilyn" Marilyn Monroe statue

The 40,000-pound artwork by American artist Seward Johnson is made of stainless steel and aluminum and depicts a closed-eyed Monroe attempting to push down her dress, which has blown upward. It's a reference to a famous scene in her 1955 movie "The Seven-Year Itch." 这是她在《七年之痒》电影里的镜头。

Macy's 店 on State Street Chicago
Recognized as a National Historic Landmark and listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Macy's State Street is a Macy's flagship destination and a true American original. There is also a second Macy's location on Michigan Avenue in Water Tower Place.


  谢谢分享  /无内容 - 颖辑 07/15/17 (268)
  很漂亮,欣赏。  /无内容 - 闲士9264 07/12/17 (266)
  第一张全景抓得一定很辛苦?  /无内容 - 安雅云 07/12/17 (265)
      照片里,我拍过纽约的,所以知道。  /无内容 - 安雅云 07/12/17 (235)
  这条街的问题是宽了点,气氛就差了点  /无内容 - Next 07/11/17 (286)
    我不这么认为,路上车俩多挺热闹的。  /无内容 - jmzjmz 07/12/17 (215)
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