本人元旦在家受伤,救护车送医,至今还是不能负重,坐着,肋骨还是不舒服,三个多月没法开车,直到我家的长长车道可通行(因厚厚一层冰)后,三月底才第一次开车,有我先生在旁陪着,两次后,就可以自己单独开车,后来又因天侯造成,我家车道又结回冰层,没法出门,别人都已经去拍天鹅了,我很晚才赶上最后一波,不过,也没关系,后来我也遇到多次好机会。昨天二十一号,我比较用心birding,从早上九点十六分到十一点四十五分,walked 2.95 miles in a recreation area in town. Luckily I spotted two kinds of woodpacker. American Three-toed woodpacker is not easily spotted. I had chance to drive to 30 milees rest stop of Denali NP a week ago. I found my very first American Three-toed woodpacker in NP. I had very good photos of this bird in NP, but not in the woods of my town. There is a deformed bill black-capped chickadee on the tree of the roadside. It is rare and that bird has disease called AKD(avian keratin disorder ). I had severl deformed bill birds came to my bird feeder in the past year.But I found this one first time while I was birding in different area.
