俄亥俄之旅(四) |
送交者: dan7901042 2024年06月12日06:32:27 于 [摄友部落] 发送悄悄话 |
离开辛辛那提的Krohn Conservatory(温室植物园)后,去了不远处的艺术博物馆。 1 Pinocchio by Jim Dine, 2007。当时下着小雨,几只小鸟在匹诺曹的手上休息,被我惊飞了。 2 Deli-Going to Lunch by Emily Brock, 1991。这是一个熟食店迷你模型,只有15英寸见方。 3 Seated Dress Impression with Drapery by Karen LaMonte, 2005。 4 Sisters, from the series 'An Economy of Grace' by Kehinde Wiley, 2012 5 Lida Mitchell Fenton Memorial Window, 1904, by Tiffany Studios (American, 1900–1932), designed by Joseph Lauber 6 清朝官服 7 Miss Mary Joy Johnson by Diego Rivera, 1939. 里维拉是著名的墨西哥艺术家,各位如有机会参观底特律艺术博物馆,强烈推荐他的不朽壁画名作“底特律工业”(“Detroit Industry”) 8 David by Antonin Mercié, 1872 9 Cabbage Patch Near the Village by Camille Pissarro, 1875 10 Still Life with Glass and Lemon by Pablo Picasso, 1911 11 Woman With Necklace by Henri Matisse, 1937 12 Head of a Woman by Pablo Picasso, 1922 13 Madonna and Child by Matteo di Giovanni, 1470-74 14 Madonna and Saint John the Baptist Adoring the Child by Francesco Botticini, 1490-1500 15 Portrait of Eleonora of Toledo and Her Son, Francesco de Medici by Agnolo bronzino, 1549 16 十七世纪藏传佛教大威德金刚欢喜双身 17 Nabataean collection from Khirbet et-Tannur, Jordan, 2nd century BCE 18 这位女士的着装与她面对的约旦神庙(见图18)很配! 19 金代观音塑像 20 日本地藏王像,19世纪晚期。 21 元代文殊菩萨像,壁画,山西洪洞县广胜寺,约1309 22 Lion Funerary Monument - 350 BC Attica/Greece 23 Mithraic Relief with Bull - 150-200 Rome/Italy 24 Tomb Relief: Female Attendants Clapping Hands, 2049 BCE–1998 BCE Circa/ Egypt 25 Sacrificial Heifer from an Altar Relief, Roman, 1st century AD 26 Head and Shoulder Mask (D’mba), Western Guinea,Early 20th Century |
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