終結戰爭,重建全球共生新秩序計劃書 |
送交者: 孞烎Archer 2025年01月03日00:36:07 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話 |
終結戰爭,重建全球共生新秩序計劃書 錢 宏(Archer Hong Qian) Intersubjective Symbiosism Foundation(Canada)
(1)俄羅斯軍隊撤出 俄羅斯軍隊撤出1991年規定的烏克蘭所有占領區,歸還被擄掠的烏克蘭兒童。 烏克蘭軍隊與國際組織保障俄軍撤退的安全,防止新衝突的爆發。 (2)高門檻的獨立自決與中立緩衝區 克里米亞等爭議地區:根據“公民(民族)自決”原則,在聯合國託管理事會和人權理事會合署機構監督下,通過公投成為新的主權國家。 50年併入限制:為防止新爭端,新獨立國家50年內不得併入任何相鄰國家(如克里米亞不可併入俄羅斯)。
(3)加里寧格勒州的調整 作為政治平衡,俄羅斯最西部的加里寧格勒州(柯尼斯堡)在同樣監督下成為新的主權國家,如“柯尼斯堡共和國”,並保持中立。
(4)國際社會的讓步 國際社會免除對俄羅斯領導人的戰爭罪追究,解除對其外匯儲備的凍結,用於俄羅斯的經濟重建與發展。
終結戰爭,重建全球和平新秩序的核心在於創新的第三條道路,它通過高門檻的獨立自決與國際監督機制,平衡主權與人權,確保和平與穩定。同時,通過《全球共生公約》和全球共生理事會的建立,為國際社會提供一個長期合作的框架。 如此一來,不僅俄烏戰爭將得以終結,更讓任何統治全世界的帝國、聯盟或軸心政治企圖成為事實上的不可能,為人類邁向和平與共生開啟全新的篇章。
Ending Wars, Rebuilding a New Global Symbiosis Order
By Archer Hong Qian
Institution: Intersubjective Symbiosism Foundation (Canada)
Human history has been filled with wars and conflicts, bringing profound disasters to all living beings on Earth. In the Xinsi-AI era, the self-organizing and balancing capabilities of individual lives are awakening like never before, enabling the possibility of community symbiosis and autonomy. With the accelerated globalization of the global village and the growing interdependence among nations, it is imperative to establish a new type of international order centered on “intersubjective symbiosis” of human rights and sovereignty. Such an order would render any attempt at global domination by empires, alliances, or axis powers factually impossible, paving the way for lasting peace and prosperity.
The Unpredictable Nature of the Russia-Ukraine War and the Deficiencies of the Current International Order
In 2014, Putin accepted the results of the Crimea referendum and annexed the region into Russia, which severely undermined international law. At the time, if Putin had refrained from accepting the referendum, he could have maintained his moral high ground, left the dilemma to the Ukrainian authorities, and still garnered support from a pro-Russian Crimea. However, his decision shifted Russia’s strategy from defensive to expansionist, escalating Russia-Ukraine tensions and planting the seeds for deeper conflicts.
In 2022, Russian forces invaded Eastern Ukraine and Kyiv, intending to swiftly control the country through a blitzkrieg. However, the emergence of a "Marvel-like" superhero, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, dramatically altered the course of events. Refusing to flee Kyiv, Zelenskyy relied on anti-tank Javelin missiles provided during Trump’s first term in 2017 and widespread public mobilization to mount a staunch resistance. Ukraine’s determined defense thwarted Russia’s plans, turning a seemingly certain victory into a prolonged stalemate and showcasing the unpredictable nature of this war.
The Russia-Ukraine War not only exposed military miscalculations but also highlighted a profound flaw in the current international order: How can we reconcile the principles of "the inviolability of sovereign rights" and "high-threshold national self-determination"?
Strategies and Measures
Under the auspices of international organizations, urge all parties involved in conflicts to immediately cease hostilities and engage in peace talks to lay the groundwork for solutions.
(1) Russian Troop Withdrawal
(2) High-Threshold Independence and Neutral Buffer Zones
(3) Adjustment of Kaliningrad Oblast
(4) Concessions to Russia from the International Community
Learn from the successful examples of Switzerland, Belgium, and Singapore to promote the establishment of small, independent states in multicultural regions, enhancing regional stability and development.
Draft an international charter based on the philosophy of intersubjective symbiosis to regulate relationships among nations, communities, and individuals, providing institutional safeguards for global peace and cooperation.
Expected Outcomes
The core of Ending Wars, Rebuilding a New Global Peace Order lies in the innovative "Third Path." By combining high-threshold independence with robust international oversight mechanisms, this approach strikes a balance between sovereignty and human rights, ensuring peace and stability. Simultaneously, the Global Symbiosis Charter and the Global Symbiosis Council provide a sustainable framework for long-term international collaboration. This proposal not only paves the way to end the Russia-Ukraine War but also renders any attempts at global domination by empires, alliances, or axis powers factually impossible. It marks a new chapter for humanity, leading us toward peace and symbiosis on a global scale. |
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