He Was a Spy(Bilingual英漢雙語)紐約的中國異見人士認為他是盟友。他是個間諜。 |
送交者: 無套褲漢 2025年01月11日12:17:11 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話 |
New York's Chinese Dissidents Thought He Was an Ally. He Was a Spy.Shujun Wang seemed to be a Chinese democracy activist, but an F.B.I. investigation showed just how far China will go to repress citizens abroad. (Bilingual 英漢雙語)紐約的中國異見人士認為他是盟友。他是個間諜。 王淑君(可能須要更正)似乎是一名中國民主活動家,但聯邦調查局的一項調查顯示,中國將在多大程度上鎮壓海外公民。 https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/10/magazine/china-spy-dissidents-new-york.html?unlocked_article_code=1.oE4.XTFn.6xbrjI1HE8zt&smid=url-share By Yudhijit Bhattacharjee Jan. 10, 2025 My comment: This report is somewhat long enough to favor readers of interest only - it takes about an hour or so of your precious time for reading through. Ever since the Sino-U.S. relationships got deteriorated after Deng-Jiang-Hu era was over, people across the Northern Pacific Ocean suffer as well, though both two capitalists remain, if not more, prosperous because their commonalities of dictatorship of both nations are more than their differences. For example, both practice capitalism, the Demigod of the World. Nuances do exist of political manipulaion - the Eastern Capitalist Bloc (E.C.B.) prefer one-party right-opportunist dictatorship while its counterpart - the Western Capitalist Bloc (W.C.B.) practice with great satisfaction the multiple-party dictatorship or the bourgeois dictatorship. The overseas Chinese in the U.S., being suspected as associates of the faction of the E.C.B. is as untrue as the overseas U.S. citizens being suspected of spying for Uncle Sam, because both people are working people and therefore, they oppose, spontaneously, capitalism of either of the two blocs. Their common enemy is not the people but their ruling capitalist masters who oppress politically and exploit their surplus labor values produced by their whole working lives. Only an insignificant minority among them want to serve their masters, surreptitiously; these are usually the upper echelon of the working class, of which small groups bought up by their masters have degenerated into the upper working class as well as the petty bourgeoisie. Cross-bloc espionage mainly rooted in these sub-classes, despised by the majority or the working people as servants of the master classes. Whenever one wants to express one's opinion on inter-bloc matters, one must criticize both blocs because of their anti-working people stances. Inter-bloc wars are notoriously engaged through proxies. People should not only oppose inter-bloc wars but also any capitalist wars. The only wars that people should support are the just wars for the working-class liberation and revolutions. [Mark Wain 01/11/2025] * 漢語譯文 紐約的中國異見人士認為他是盟友。他是個間諜。 王淑君(可能須要更正)似乎是一名中國民主活動家,但聯邦調查局的一項調查顯示,中國將在多大程度上鎮壓海外公民。 https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/10/magazine/china-spy-dissidents-new-york.html?unlocked_article_code=1.oE4.XTFn.6xbrjI1HE8zt&smid=url-share 作者:Yudhijit Bhattacharjee 2025 年 1 月 10 日 我的評論: 這篇報道有點長,只適合感興趣的讀者——閱讀它大約需要一個小時左右的寶貴時間。 自從鄧、江、胡時代結束後中美關係惡化以來,北太平洋兩岸的人們也遭受了苦難,儘管兩岸資本家仍然繁榮昌盛,甚至更加繁榮,因為兩國獨裁統治的共同點多於差異。例如,兩者都實行資本主義,即世界的半神。政治操縱的細微差別確實存在——東方資本主義集團(E.C.B.)喜歡一黨右傾機會主義獨裁,而其對手——西方資本主義集團(W.C.B.)則非常滿意地實行多黨獨裁或資產階級獨裁。 在美國的華僑被懷疑是 E.C.B. 派系的同夥,這和海外美國公民被懷疑為山姆大叔從事間諜活動同樣不真實,因為這兩個集團都是勞動人民,因此,他們自發地反對任何一個集團的資本主義。他們的共同敵人不是人民,而是統治他們的資本家雇主,他們在政治上壓迫人民,剝削人民整個工作生涯中創造的剩餘勞動價值。 人民中只有極少數人想偷偷地為他們的主人服務;這些人通常是工人階級的上層,其中被他們的主人收買的少數人已經墮落為上層工人階級和小資產階級。跨集團間諜活動主要根植於這些次級階級,大多數人或勞動人民鄙視他們,認為他們是主人階級的僕人。 每當一個人想表達自己對跨集團間事務的看法時,就必須批評這兩個集團,因為他們的立場都是反勞動人民的。 眾所周知,集團間戰爭是通過代理人進行的。人們不僅應該反對集團間戰爭,還應該反對任何資本主義戰爭。人們應該支持的戰爭只有工人階級解放和革命的正義戰爭。[Mark Wain 01/11/2025] |
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