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送交者: 孞烎Archer 2025年02月12日17:55:54 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話





By Archer Hong Qian









  • 富裕精英不再動員窮人去抵抗代價高昂、破壞性極強的革命(雖然權力易手,但系統結構依然完好無損)。

  • 精英中的精英如今親自登場,利用超低成本、高效率的策略,實現結構性轉型。


2、 人工智能時代的政治批評與行動












AI不僅提升Trust組織(如政府、企業、聯盟等)的效率和規模,更關鍵的是,它可以規範這些組織存在的正當性,決定其“道地”或“不道地”。如果AI結合愛之智慧孞聯網(Amorsophia MindsWeb3),將徹底重塑治理模式,使傳統利維坦式的Trust組織退出歷史舞台。否則,人類要麼陷入更殘酷的“窮人革命”,要麼走向“第六次大滅絕”。










  1. 認知陳舊(概念工具問題)——仍然用過時的概念和框架分析新問題,導致理解偏差;

  2. 信息不對稱(井蛙夏蟲困境)——信息渠道受限,視野局限,缺乏全球化、多維度的認知;

  3. 邏輯混亂(類比推理誤區)——習慣用不恰當的歷史類比,導致對現象的誤讀和誤判;

  4. 主觀武斷、情緒化(井繩效應)——受過往經歷影響,對外界充滿防禦性和非理性偏見;

  5. 權威人士無邊界(鍾馗效應)——特意“餵料”+“起興”(先言他物以引起所詠之詞),發布誘導性意見,產生認知盲區。


這些慣性思維不僅影響個人認知,也影響社會的政治討論質量,造成判斷失誤,從而影響治理模式的優化。因此,AI時代的政治批評,應當超越這些局限,置於交互主體共生(Intersubjective Symbiosism)框架下,以推動當代政治的優化治理,從對抗與標籤化走向精準分析和交互優化。






  • 認知陳舊:習慣用過時的政治概念(如“東方西方” “左派右派”“東廠西廠”“獨裁”)來描述當代政治現象;

  • 信息不對稱:對全球政治經濟發展的了解極其有限,導致誤判;

  • 邏輯混亂:用極端歷史事件(如納粹、文革)類比當代治理模式,忽略關鍵變量;

  • 情緒化思維:批評帶有濃厚的個人情緒,而非真正的政策分析。












  • 國會制衡:通過立法和調查限制行政權力;

  • 司法獨立:法院司法審查行政命令,確保其符合憲法;

  • 媒體監督:獨立媒體與智庫提供專業批評,推動政策調整;

  • 選民反饋:通過選舉制度,讓選民決定領導人的去留;

  • 公民擁槍:萬一上述四種制度設置都失靈,還有憲法第二修正案!








  • 在野黨批評執政黨,但更多是為了選票,而非真正推動治理優化;

  • 媒體監督政府,但缺乏互動性,容易陷入意識形態對立;

  • 民眾意見難以有效反饋到政策制定層面,導致批評與決策脫節。


而在AI時代,政治批評可以藉助數據分析和AI技術,轉向更精準、更動態、更建設性的模式: ✅ 基於AI數據分析,讓批評更加精準、減少情緒化;

✅ 利用孞態網(MindsNetworking)**等去中心化信任機制,與政府形成“政策共創”關係,而非單純對立;






  1. 互聯網(Internet):解決信息不對稱問題



  • 信息碎片化:過量信息反而導致判斷困難;

  • 虛假信息泛濫:假新聞和情緒化信息干擾真實認知;

  • 算法推薦形成信息繭房:人們只看到符合自身觀點的信息,強化偏見。


  1. 物聯網(IoT):從信息獲取到物理感知




  1. 孞態網(MindsNetworking):孞念交互,實現三網疊加共生場




  • 孞念交互:孞態網通過AI增強交互式信任計算,讓個體與社會形成高效的共生關係;

  • 分布式信任計算:建立動態信譽機制,使社會合作擺脫傳統的權力壟斷;

  • 智慧合約治理:以算法為基礎,使政策執行透明、高效,減少人為干預帶來的不確定性。






AI遠不只是能幫助人類解決政府、企業、聯盟等Trust組織平台的效率和規模問題,更可以規範這些Trust組織機構的存在價值和道地不道地問題!如果AI(人工智慧)加上Amorsophia MindsWeb3(愛之智慧孞聯網),就全活了,所有利維坦式的Trust都將壽終正寢。


三網疊加共生場的孞態網治理模式,使人類組織行為的動力學挑戰得以破解: ✅ 權力剛性與變革需求的平衡——孞態網促進動態治理;





AI時代的政治不應是對立與控制,而應是交互優化與共生! 讓全球社會走向真正的共生新時代。



以上討論於2025年1月10日,自Osaka至San Francisco轉機Vancouver途中,記於機場3號航站樓G5-F17登機口



A New Paradigm for Political Criticism in the AI Era


— Solving the Persistent Imbalance Between Organizational Behavior Dynamics and Synergetics


By Archer Hong Qian



Introduction: Reassessing the Role of Government in Human Development in the AI Era

The role of government in human development deserves fundamental reassessment. Two key aspects stand

1. Two Forms of Anti-Privilege Systemic Transformation

Historically, regime change has often beendismantle privileges—but the **methodsmethods have evolved. The **latestlatest version of the "Rich Man's Revolution" followsnew paradigm:

  • The wealthy elite no longer mobilize the poor to engagehigh-cost, disruptive revolutions ththe system fundamentally intact.

  • Instead, the elite of the elites now **personallpersonally take center stageultra-low-cost, high-efficiency ststructural transformation.

This shift reduces the traditional costs of regime change—both ieconomic disruption and social instabilitywithout excessive collateral damage.

2. Political Criticism and Action in the AI Era

The AI era calls for a **newnew paradigm of political criticism and action, one that integrates technology and ethics as the core pillars of political infrastructure.

Figures like Javier Milei, Donald Trump, and Elon Musk embody a break from traditional elite strategies—where elites manipulated the masses to carry out violent or costly revolutions. Instead, they represent a direct interventionist approach, where elites personally drive systemic reform with minimal cost and maximum efficiency.

This marks a departure from historical power transitions, where mass revolutions—typically led by wealthy elites but executed by the lower classes—incurred massive societal costs while failing to dismantle entrenched power dynamics. Instead, the new paradigm advocates:

Direct elite participation instead of indirect manipulation.
Technology-driven governance innovation rather than violent upheaval.
Cost-efficient political transformation rather than unpredictable mass movements.

3. Toward Low-Cost, High-Efficiency Political Evolution

The combination of AI, elite-driven political action, and decentralized governance tools offers a more rational, efficient, and sustainable model for political change. Governments must adapt to this new reality—not as rigid institutions of control, but as dynamic platforms for innovation and systemic optimization.

The era of high-cost, high-risk political revolutions is fading. In its place, AI-powered, elite-driven governance transformation is emerging—faster, smarter, and far more strategic than traditional models.

AI is not only enhancing the efficiency and scale of Trust organizations (such as governments, corporations, and alliances), but more crucially, it is defining their legitimacy and ethical validity. If AI is combined with Amorsophia MindsWeb3 (Wisdom of Love Networking), it will fundamentally reshape governance, rendering Leviathan-style Trust organizations obsolete. Otherwise, humanity faces either a brutal "Poor Man's Revolution" or a "Sixth Great Extinction."

I. From Inertial Thinking to a Global Perspective

This article aims to help individuals—especially those traumatized by the Cultural Revolutionbreak free from five forms of cognitive inertia and embrace a broader global perspective:

  1. Outdated Cognition (Conceptual Tools Problem) – Using obsolete concepts and frameworks to analyze new problems, leading to misinterpretations.

  2. Information Asymmetry (The Frog in the Well Dilemma) – Limited access to diverse information channels results in a narrow worldview and lack of global, multidimensional understanding.

  3. Logical Confusion (The Pitfall of Historical Analogies) – A tendency to rely on inappropriate historical analogies, leading to misreading and misjudging contemporary phenomena.

  4. Subjectivity and Emotional Bias (The Well Rope Effect) – Past experiences create defensive and irrational biases toward the outside world.

  5. Unbounded Authority (The Zhong Kui Effect) – Deliberate "feeding" of information combined with "excitement induction" (manipulating initial discussion topics to steer narratives), leading to cognitive blind spots.

These cognitive inertias not only affect individual perception but also diminish the quality of political discourse in society, resulting in misjudgments that hinder governance optimization.

Political criticism in the AI era must transcend these limitations, shifting towards an Intersubjective Symbiosism framework—moving from confrontation and labeling to precise analysis and interactive optimization.

II. The "Hat Factory" Phenomenon and the Pitfalls of Inertial Criticism

The "Hat Factory" phenomenon refers to political criticism that relies on labeling and emotional rhetoric rather than factual and logical discussion. This type of critique is primarily influenced by four cognitive inertias:

  • Outdated Cognition – Using obsolete political concepts (e.g., "East vs. West," "Left vs. Right," "Secret Police vs. Opposition," "Dictatorship") to describe contemporary political phenomena.

  • Information Asymmetry – A limited understanding of global political and economic developments, leading to misjudgment.

  • Logical Confusion – Using extreme historical events (e.g., Nazism, the Cultural Revolution) to draw direct comparisons with modern governance models while ignoring key variables.

  • Emotional BiasCriticism driven by personal emotions rather than objective policy analysis.

Such cognitive inertia renders political criticism superficial and ineffective in influencing policy optimization.

III. The Future of Political Criticism in the AI Era: From "Adversarial Criticism" to "Interactive Optimization"

Traditional political criticism is often one-directional:

  • Opposition parties criticize ruling parties, often for electoral gains rather than genuine governance improvement.

  • The media supervises the government, but lacks interactivity, leading to ideological polarization.

  • Public opinion rarely translates into effective feedback at the policy-making level, creating a disconnect between criticism and decision-making.

In the AI era, political criticism can leverage data analytics and AI technologies to evolve into a more precise, dynamic, and constructive model:

AI-driven data analysis makes criticism more accurate and less emotionally charged.
Decentralized trust mechanisms (MindsNetworking) enable policy co-creation between the public and government, rather than just opposition.
AI-powered policy simulations improve governmental responsiveness and iteration speed, enhancing policy efficiency.

AI-enhanced political criticism not only improves the quality of critiques but also transforms them into valuable tools for governance optimization, rather than weapons for division.

Conclusion: From Cognitive Inertia to Symbiosis—AI Reshapes Political Consciousness

Politics in the AI era should not be about control and confrontation—it should be about interactive optimization and symbiosis.

The global society must embrace true symbiosis, leveraging AI and decentralized governance models to break free from outdated paradigms.

Written on January 10, 2025, between Osaka and San Francisco, during a layover at Vancouver International Airport (Terminal 3, Gate G5-F17).

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