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送交者: 魯迅九 2025年02月13日12:14:08 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話


合同簽完,黑人開始了他的生意。 但是,他的生意始終慘澹。




Good morning sir  As promised, I started moving my stuffs to a friend garage. We should have last stuffs out today and start cleaning. Keys will be ready tomorrow and checks are also ready. Please let us know how we could meet to turn over stuff. We are still on our knees begging you to kindly help us at this crucial time of our life. Please do this for God, you will surely be blessed for your good heart. We will be committed to our promised. We take full responsibility. Thanks a lot  Sent from my iPhone

Good morning sir,  I was able to finish burial of my father last Saturday. Very painful and morally down. He was really all for me.   I am kindly beg you to please see reason of helping me out, I don't really have any means out except your discretion and good heart.  I have the checks and promissory note ready. Do you want me drop them off at your office? Please I am on my knees asking for you kind heart. Save me out of this situation and very crucial time of my life  God bless you  Sent from my iPhone

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