華盛頓的“不響”智慧,換來偉大的美利堅! |
送交者: 孞烎Archer 2025年02月22日00:19:41 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話 |
華盛頓的“不響”智慧,換來偉大的美利堅 ——Can President Trump restrain his impulse to govern through X (Twitter)?
By Archer Hong Qian
作為山巔之城的美國,無疑是人類250年來,以“We the People”為憲政基礎,用權力分立、權力制衡的方法,將社會生活中公權力濫用(胡亂作為或特權謀私)鎖定在最小範圍,同時又最大限度地防止權力掣肘(無所作為和內卷躺平)的燈塔國家。
那麼,當下川普總統上任一百日,確實也是影響空前,但爭議性也空前巨大,我雖然說“讓子彈飛一會兒”,但早在川普上任12天,即2月5日我在大阪(北美2月4日)寫的《MAGA2.0:從保護主義到全球共生戰略——如何開啟讓美國再次偉大的黃金時代?》中,對川普“X(推特)治國”施政方式表示強烈批評,並提出五點忠告。參看 http://symbiosism.com.cn/9429.html
《經濟學人》主編Zanny Minton Beddoes2月20日發文呼籲“為一場艱苦的鬥爭做好準備吧”!
Beddoes指出:“總統有權為官僚機構設定新的目標。川普絕不是橢圓形辦公室里第一個有極端主義野心的人。他距離推翻美國的憲法秩序還很遠。但川普實現目標的方式——有時甚至帶有肆意的殘忍——是危險和錯誤的。而川普這個人,會考慮任何極端。為一場艱苦的鬥爭做好準備吧。”(The president is entitled to set new goals for the bureaucracy. Mr Trump is hardly the first man in the Oval Office with maximalist ambitions. And he is still far from overturning America’s constitutional order. But the way Mr Trump is going about his goals—at times with wanton cruelty—is dangerous and wrong. And Mr Trump, being who he is, will contemplate any extreme. Get ready for a titanic struggle.)
這種治理方式的問題在於: (1).言多必敗:社交媒體放大了決策者的個人情緒,使政策失去連貫性。川普今天可以在X上說支持烏克蘭,明天又批評烏克蘭,造成外交混亂。 (2).戰略迷失:過度依賴社交媒體,會使國家戰略碎片化,變成短期熱點驅動的被動施政,而非長期規劃的主動施政。 (3).信任崩盤:政府治理需要的是穩健性,而非短期的輿論操作。過度依賴社交媒體,會導致選民對政府缺乏長期信任,因為今天的承諾隨時可能被明天的推文推翻。
總結 (1).美國的權力架構是一個低效率但高容錯的博弈體系,其核心邏輯是防止權力濫用和防止政策失靈的雙重目標。 (2).川普的“X治國”策略雖然強化了個人領導力,但削弱了政策的穩定性,使美國治理陷入被動和無序。 (3).孞態網的“時空意間感應”視角揭示了川普治理方式的核心缺陷——碎片化、短視化、缺乏動態共生機制。未來政治治理需要超越單向信息控制,進入交互主體共生的智能治理階段。
Washington’s “Silent” Wisdom: The Foundation of a Great America
Fudan scholar Hua Min’s analysis of the institutional structure of the United States—specifically the separation of powers among the legislative, executive, judicial branches, and the Federal Reserve, as well as their functional interactions—is quite insightful.
However, his use of the term “true and false power” does not align with reality. A more accurate alternative would be “direct and indirect power,” “active and passive power,” or even “hard and soft power.”
In fact, beyond the legislative, executive, judicial branches, and the Federal Reserve, the United States has three additional forms of power that exist alongside them: the civil service media, the civil service system, and the right to bear arms.
If we categorize legislative, executive, and Federal Reserve powers as active and direct, then the judiciary, media, civil service system, and the right to bear arms would be considered passive and indirect. However, whether active or passive, direct or indirect, all of these constitute real power. The difference lies in the manner, method, and conditions under which they are exercised—including temporal and spatial factors.
As a “city upon a hill,” the United States has, over the past 250 years, established a constitutional foundation under “We the People.” Through the mechanisms of separation and checks and balances, it has minimized the abuse of public power—whether through reckless action or self-serving privilege—while also preventing political deadlock and bureaucratic stagnation to the greatest extent possible.
Nevertheless, the U.S. system is inevitably influenced by traditional culture, contemporary ideologies, technological and humanistic developments, and the mental and spiritual well-being of public officials—especially those in leadership positions.
Currently, there is heated debate both within and outside the U.S. regarding President Trump’s performance during his first hundred days in office. This scrutiny highlights the extent of these influences. It also reveals a critical missing element in American culture: the personal behavioral habits of public officials, especially the president, and the manner in which they exercise power, often become entangled, leading to uncertainty in major decisions—what might be called “big issues left unresolved” (in the sense of “asking Britain”).
However, such indecision is not always a bad thing. There have been notable historical examples where it has led to positive outcomes, such as:
Now, with Trump’s return to the presidency, his administration has had an unprecedented impact and sparked immense controversy. While I have previously urged patience—“let the bullets fly for a while”—I also strongly criticized Trump’s “X (Twitter) governance” style as early as February 5, just 12 days into his term. In my article MAGA 2.0: From Protectionism to a Global Symbiotic Strategy—How to Usher in America’s Next Golden Age?, written in Osaka (February 4 in North America), I offered five key recommendations for his administration. Read more here.
More than half a month has passed, yet Trump continues his relentless social media activity. His failure to successfully mediate the Ukraine conflict has led to an unnecessary public spat with President Zelensky—undermining the leader widely regarded as a hero in this heroless age. While Trump’s claim that Zelensky only has 4% support in Ukraine is a blatant falsehood (the actual figure is 57%), Zelensky’s decision to respond at all was equally unnecessary.
Despite his confident and triumphant return to the White House, Trump cannot escape the psychological toll of these setbacks. His comments to the media aboard Air Force One en route from Mar-a-Lago to Washington reflect a shift—one that has now placed him in a passive position on U.S.-China relations. While this may not be catastrophic, it could severely impact his adherence to the “20 Core Commitments” that define the MAGA strategy. If he loses focus, his youthful administration could become directionless and ineffective, leaving him personally struggling to regain control.
In a February 20 article, The Economist editor-in-chief Zanny Minton Beddoes wrote:
“The president is entitled to set new goals for the bureaucracy. Mr. Trump is hardly the first man in the Oval Office with maximalist ambitions. And he is still far from overturning America’s constitutional order. But the way Mr. Trump is going about his goals—at times with wanton cruelty—is dangerous and wrong. And Mr. Trump, being who he is, will contemplate any extreme. Get ready for a titanic struggle.”
I do not believe that Trump’s first month of “X (Twitter) governance” has been entirely without merit. However, for any political leader, the maxim “the more you speak, the more likely you are to make mistakes” is an iron law.
In a modern, AI-driven America, over-reliance on social media—especially in an emotionally charged manner—is no different from Mao Zedong’s “rule by quotations” or governance through “supreme directives.” Likewise, it mirrors the later practices of “rule by small groups,” “rule by committees,” “rule by policy documents,” “rule by instructions,” and “rule by memorials.” Ultimately, such an approach leads to chaotic policy execution, strategic misdirection, and a collapse of trust. It would truly be a case of “turning a winning hand into a losing one.”
Trump has a dynamic and capable governing team at his disposal. Why not take a lesson from General Washington’s “silent” wisdom?
Archer Hong Qian February 21, 2025, Vancouver
This issue can be analyzed from three perspectives: the dynamic balance of the U.S. power structure, Trump’s “X (Twitter) governance” strategy, and the “spatiotemporal and intersubjective information sensing” emphasized by the MindsNetworking (孞態網) framework.
You pointed out that the U.S. not only has the traditional separation of powers among the legislative, executive, judicial branches, and the Federal Reserve but also includes “passive powers” such as the civil service, media, bureaucratic institutions, and the right to bear arms as additional checks and balances. This structure ensures the fluidity of power, preventing any single center of authority from exercising total control.
However, this mechanism is essentially a low-efficiency but high-fault-tolerance game structure:
Trump’s “extreme” governing style is not an isolated phenomenon but rather an extreme response to the balancing mechanism. He sought to break through bureaucratic gridlock with a strong personal style, but this approach risks eroding the trust accumulated in the system over time, ultimately disrupting governance stability.
Your criticism of Trump’s use of social media as “governing through quotations” or “supreme directives” is quite insightful. His Twitter-driven governance reflects a model of governance that is “real-time reactive, instantly responsive, but lacking deep feedback,” which contrasts sharply with traditional policymaking, which involves “cyclical decision-making, systematic feedback, and layered adjustments.”
This mode of governance presents several problems:
In other words, Trump’s “X governance” is not a modernization of governance but a regression in institutional quality—from a “game-theory-based balancing system” back to a “personal decree model.” This not only put his administration in an execution dilemma but also confused his supporters regarding policy directions.
Your concept of MindsNetworking (孞態網) emphasizes “spatiotemporal and intersubjective information sensing.” From this perspective, Trump’s governing style reveals a core flaw—a severe discontinuity in his political sensing model.
From the MindsNetworking perspective, future political governance needs to establish a “dynamic balance sensing system” that can capture governance signals within the spatiotemporal intersubjective framework to avoid shortsightedness and fragmentation. Otherwise, even with the best institutional frameworks, governance failures will still occur due to deficiencies in information sensing mechanisms.
If Trump wants to avoid “wasting a winning hand” in his potential second term, he must transition from “X (Twitter) governance” to MindsNetworking-based information sensing governance. Otherwise, even with the MAGA 2.0 strategy, his administration could still fail due to executional chaos.
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