澤連斯基致普京:《決鬥挑戰書》(代筆) |
送交者: 歷程歷程 2025年03月08日06:01:44 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話 |
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Duel Challenge to Russian President Vladimir Putin Vladimir Putin, For three years, the war you launched has ravaged our lands. Countless lives have been lost, families torn apart, once-thriving cities reduced to ashes. Millions have been driven from their homes, and the world watches in anguish as the devastation continues. Yet, throughout this tragedy, you have remained sheltered within the Kremlin, orchestrating destruction from the shadows while sending young soldiers to die in your place. You force the innocent to bear the weight of your vicious ambitions. Even your own troops whisper of your cowardice. Today, I challenge you—let us end this war with our own hands. No more bloodshed of our people. No more suffering of our nations. Let fate and history judge us. Let the heavens decide the future of Ukraine and Russia. Whoever falls, the war ends. To ensure fairness, I propose a formal duel: Pistols at ten paces, a single shot each, at a neutral location such as Minsk, Belarus, under international supervision. This is the way true leaders should settle their conflicts—not by sacrificing their people, but by staking their own lives. Putin, do you dare accept my challenge? If you still possess any shred of courage and sense of honor, then stand and face me—instead of cowering behind your palace walls. The world and I await your response. With unshaken resolve, Volodymyr Zelensky 中文譯文: 烏克蘭總統弗拉基米爾·澤連斯基向俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·普京發出的決鬥挑戰書 弗拉基米爾·普京: 三年來,你發動的戰爭蹂躪着我們的土地。無數生命在戰火中逝去,家庭被撕裂,曾經繁榮的城市化為灰燼。數百萬人民被迫流離失所,而世界只能眼睜睜地看着這場浩劫持續上演,痛苦不堪。 然而,在這場悲劇中,你卻始終躲藏在克里姆林宮內,暗中操控戰爭,讓年輕士兵替你赴死,讓無辜者承受你野心的惡果。甚至你的軍隊也在私下議論你的懦弱。 今天,我向你發出挑戰——讓我們用自己的雙手終結這場戰爭。不要再讓我們的人民流血,不要再讓我們的國家受苦。 讓命運和歷史裁決我們,讓蒼天決定烏克蘭和俄羅斯的未來。無論誰倒下,這場戰爭都將結束。 為了確保公平,我提議一場正式決鬥:在白俄羅斯明斯克等中立地點,按照國際監督,雙方各持手槍,相距十步,各開一槍。 真正的領袖應當用自己的性命來解決紛爭,而不是犧牲他們的人民。 普京,你敢接受我的挑戰嗎? 如果你還有一絲勇氣和榮譽感,那就站出來迎戰,而不是繼續躲在你的宮殿裡。 世界和我在等待你的回應。 堅定不移, 弗洛基米爾·澤連斯基 |
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