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Vizcaya Bridge by Portugalete, Spain(西班牙港口边镇山脊悬桥)
送交者: 儿歌荟萃 2024年11月14日08:54:42 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

2024-06-16 National Turkey Lovers' Day


【Clock Clear (Claro de reloj)】

Frederico García Lorca (1898-1936)

            I sat

            In a clearing of time.

            It was a haven

            Of silence,

            Of a white silence,

            A formidable ring

            Where the stars

            Collided with the twelve floating

            Black numbers. 

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——













建于1893年的山脊悬桥连接内维翁“宽”(Nervión)河东西两岸,由法国埃菲尔“善”塔设计师的西班牙弟子“明亮·宫殿”(Alberto Palacio)策画而成,高45米/148英尺,跨度160米/525英尺,将19世纪的铁艺传统与当时新发明的螺纹钢筋轻质技术融为一体,首次创造出享誉全球运输人车的高空斜拉桥,之后广为欧洲、非洲和美洲效仿,但迄今仅有很少同类桥梁幸存下来,正因为创新地使用轻型扭绞钢索,山脊悬桥成为工业革命时期最杰出的钢铁建筑之一,2006年被联合国教科文组织列为《世界遗产名录》。

The world is a handkerchief.

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2015: Olives in Crete, Greece(希腊朦胧岛的橄榄)

2014: Hospital Visit(医院探访)

2012: Persuasive─Sell(劝说文─推销)

2011: 二年级结业典礼(Second Grade Ceremony)

2010届宾州光华中文学校毕业典礼(2010 GHCS Commencement, PA)

2024-06-16_122_Oldest Transporter Bridge Built in 18930001.JPG

2024-06-16_13_One of Four 61-Meter Tower Braced by Iron Cables to the Crossbeam0001.JPG

2024-06-16_14_1st Use in a Combination of Iron Technology & New Steel Cables-10001.JPG

2024-06-16_15_Designer Alberto Palacio_ One of Gustave Eiffel's Disciples0001.JPG

2024-06-16_19_THe Shuttle0001.JPG

2024-06-16_23_One of the Most Outstanding Constructions of the European Industrial Revolution & of Iro.JPG

2024-06-16_38_View along the Top of the Bridge0001.JPG

2024-06-16_39_Ferry Transporting People & Vehicles Between the Towns of Portugalete and Getxo-20001.JPG

2024-06-16_16_Portugalete_Basilica of Our Lady over the Nervión Promenade-10001.JPG

2024-06-16_26_Kiosk in Plaza Solar0001.JPG

2024-06-16_30_Monument to Victor Chavarri (1903), an Industrialist & Businessman Contribut.JPG

2024-06-16_29_Andra Maria basilica0001.JPG

2024-06-16_31_Plaza Solar & Town Hall of Portugalete-10001.JPG

2024-06-16_32_Portugalete Town Hall0001.JPG

2024-06-16_33_Santa Maria Hostel0001.JPG

2024-06-16_34_Narrow Street in the Old Town0001.JPG




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