脱口秀| 川普的‘话痨’,白宫速记员的噩梦 |
送交者: 贾舟子 2025年02月10日17:22:05 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话 |
导言: 川普的‘话痨’,白宫速记员的噩梦 各位观众朋友们,大家好!今天咱们来聊聊美国总统川普,这位老兄啊,真是让人又爱又恨。你们知道吗?川普上任第一周,他的发言就超过了8万个英文单词!这是什么概念?比前任总统拜登的首周发言多出了将近6万字!白宫的速记员都快被他逼疯了,听说他们正在考虑增聘人手,专门应对这位“口水多过茶”的总统。 川普的发言风格,那叫一个“连珠炮发”,根本停不下来。就职典礼那天,他就说了22000字,接着去北卡罗来纳州和加州的灾区,又来了17000字。速记员们纷纷表示:“这活儿没法干了!”要知道,拜登在任时,那可是相对安静的四年,速记员们估计都习惯了悠闲的日子,突然来了个川普,简直是“从天堂掉进了地狱”。 咱们再来看看数据对比。拜登上任首周,发言2小时36分钟,用了24259个英文单词。而川普呢?发言近7小时44分钟,用了81235个英文单词!这时间长度,比连续看三部《星球大战》电影还要长!而且,这字数比莎士比亚的《马克白》、《哈姆雷特》和《理查三世》加起来还要多!川普这是要跟莎士比亚比文采吗? 更有趣的是,川普这次上任的发言量,比他八年前第一任期就职时还要多。那时候,他只说了3小时41分钟,用了33571个英文单词。看来,川普是越老越能说啊! 所以啊,各位观众朋友们,下次你们看到川普在电视上滔滔不绝,别忘了心疼一下那些可怜的速记员。他们可是在跟时间赛跑,跟字数搏斗啊!好了,今天的脱口秀就到这里,咱们下期再见! (来源:https://news.creaders.net/us/2025/02/09/2830877.html ) Trump’s ‘Talkathon’: The Nightmare of White House Stenographers Ladies and gentlemen, hello everyone! Today, let’s talk about the U.S. President, Donald Trump. This guy, oh boy, he’s someone you just can’t help but have mixed feelings about. You know what? In his first week in office, Trump’s speeches totaled over 80,000 English words! What does that mean? That’s nearly 60,000 words more than his predecessor, Joe Biden, during his first week! The White House stenographers are practically going insane. Rumor has it they’re considering hiring more staff just to keep up with this “more talk than tea” president. Trump’s speaking style? It’s like a machine gun—once he starts, he just doesn’t stop. On his inauguration day alone, he delivered 22,000 words. Then, when he visited disaster areas in North Carolina and California, he added another 17,000 words. The stenographers are like, “We can’t do this anymore!” You see, during Biden’s four years in office, it was relatively quiet. The stenographers probably got used to a more relaxed pace, and suddenly, here comes Trump, turning their world upside down. Now, let’s look at the numbers. In Biden’s first week, he spoke for 2 hours and 36 minutes, using 24,259 English words. And Trump? Nearly 7 hours and 44 minutes, with 81,235 English words! That’s longer than watching all three original Star Wars movies back-to-back! And the word count? It’s more than Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Hamlet, and Richard III combined! Is Trump trying to outdo Shakespeare or something? What’s even funnier is that Trump’s speech volume this time is way more than during his first inauguration eight years ago. Back then, he only spoke for 3 hours and 41 minutes, using 33,571 English words. It seems like the older he gets, the more he talks! So, ladies and gentlemen, next time you see Trump rambling on TV, don’t forget to feel a little sorry for those poor stenographers. They’re literally racing against time and battling word counts! Alright, that’s it for today’s stand-up. See you next time! |
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