脫口秀| 白宮裡的“熊孩子秀場” |
送交者: 賈舟子 2025年02月12日13:35:10 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話 |
導言: 白宮裡的“熊孩子秀場” 各位觀眾,今天給大家講個勵志故事——“如何在世界權力中心,一摳成名”。 故事的主角不是馬斯克,也不是川普,而是馬斯克的小兒子X Æ A-12,簡稱小X。這孩子昨兒跟着老爹去了白宮,本來是去見總統,結果呢?一頓騷操作直接讓全場變成了他的個人秀。 老爸談財政,小X在白宮做“生物實驗”馬斯克這次來白宮,主要是跟川普討論削減聯邦政府開支的事兒。川普誇他辦事兒麻利,馬斯克呢,謙虛了一下,承認自己削得太猛了,搞得美國財政差點“剎車失靈”。 就在這嚴肅場合,全場焦點突然被一個駝色大衣、脖子上掛着粗金鍊子的小傢伙搶走了——小X站在川普旁邊,專注地摳鼻涕,然後大大方方地把戰利品粘在了白宮橢圓形辦公室的桌子上! 朋友們,這可不是普通的桌子,這是美國總統辦公的桌子!多少歷史性文件在這兒簽署,今天終於迎來了它最“接地氣”的一刻。 川普現場表態:這孩子有未來面對突如其來的“白宮生物實驗”,全場記者一片寂靜,所有人都在等川普的反應。 結果川總根本沒在意,反而一臉讚賞地看着小X:“這孩子膽兒真大,長大能幹大事!” 話里話外,感覺自己當年的風範總算有人繼承了。 小X繼續無視全場目光,淡定地站在橢圓形辦公室,散發着“整個白宮都是我遊樂場”的氣質。 親媽格萊姆斯炸了:這是一場“個人悲劇”此時此刻,畫風一轉,遠在社交媒體上的小X親媽、馬斯克前女友格萊姆斯已經氣到變形了。 她直接在社交媒體發文,怒斥這一幕是“個人悲劇”,並且強調:她絕不認同小X在公共場合露面! 這就很尷尬了,馬斯克帶兒子見總統,算是給孩子鍍金,結果親媽不買賬,直接來了一記社交媒體靈魂暴扣。 馬斯克權力再升級:削減人手,狗狗幣“上位”就在大家還在研究小X的“摳鼻涕戰術”時,川普順手簽了一個行政命令,進一步擴大了馬斯克的權力。 從今天起,馬斯克的政府效率部(DOGE)將直接影響美國聯邦機構的人員編制:每離職四人,最多只能招募一人!而且所有招聘都得先經過DOGE團隊負責人的批准。 聽上去很複雜,其實翻譯成人話就是:“美國公務員們,你們好自為之吧。” 至於“DOGE”這個名字……大家都懂的。馬斯克這位“全球最強帶貨王”果然連狗狗幣都不忘打廣告。 透明度?當然,外界也有擔憂——馬斯克手握如此大的權力,缺乏監督,是不是有點危險? 對此,馬斯克自己倒是挺坦然,直接回應:“我是一張開放的書。” 沒錯,這本書確實是開放的,但具體內容是什麼?估計得看馬斯克心情才能翻到正確的頁碼。 總結:白宮政治大戲變成“熊孩子秀場”這場原本屬於川普和馬斯克的“政治+商業”大戲,最終被小X一個鼻屎攪得天翻地覆。 馬斯克學會了削減財政,川普簽了個削減公務員的命令,小X成功在白宮留下了“DNA”,格萊姆斯在社交媒體上哭暈,DOGE幣可能又要起飛了。 大家都收穫滿滿——唯一受害的,大概是那張被小X獻祭的白宮辦公桌。 歷史將會記住這一天——2025年2月11日,小X“鼻屎外交”正式登場! (來源: 《自由財經》2025-02-12 11:28:43) Elon Musk Brings Son to the White House – But Little X Steals the Show (and Maybe the Desk's Cleanliness) Ladies and gentlemen, gather around for today’s inspirational tale: And no, the star of this story is not Elon Musk. It’s not even Trump. Musk Talks Budgets, Little X Conducts "Biological Experiments"So, Elon Musk swings by the White House to meet with Trump. The topic? Fixing America’s finances. But just as the world’s richest man is talking dollars and deficits, his kid becomes the main event. Draped in a camel-colored coat and a thick gold chain, Little X is standing right next to Trump… Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this isn’t just any desk. Trump’s Verdict: “This Kid’s Going Places”The room goes dead silent—everyone waiting to see how Trump reacts. Does he scold the kid? Trump nods approvingly and says, The crowd laughs nervously. Little X? He just stands there, owning the room like he’s the real president now. Grimes is NOT Happy: “This is a Personal Tragedy” Meanwhile, across the social media universe, someone is absolutely fuming—and that’s Little X’s mom, Grimes. She blasts out a post calling this “a personal tragedy” and says she never agreed to have her kid make public appearances. Honestly, compared to the sci-fi names she’s given her children, this might be the most normal thing she’s ever said.
Musk’s Power Grab – and DOGE is Officially a ThingWhile the media is still trying to recover from the “White House Booger Incident”, Trump casually signs an executive order, giving Musk even more power. From now on, Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) gets to control federal hiring. Ladies and gentlemen, Musk didn’t just come to fix the budget— And yes, he named his agency DOGE.
"I'm an Open Book," Says Musk – But Is He?Some critics say Musk is accumulating too much power without oversight. "I’m an open book." Sure, Elon, but that book is written in Martian code, only available on X, and probably comes with a $99/month subscription fee. Final Verdict: The White House Just Became a Daycare At the end of the day, this meeting wasn’t really about government spending. It was about a kid stealing the show, a billionaire getting more power, and a former pop star absolutely losing it online. America’s future is in good hands… Mark your calendars, folks: |
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