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送交者: 贾舟子 2025年02月18日12:41:01 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话




打个比方:卢比奥(Marco Rubio)最近给中国外交部长王毅挠痒痒了!怎么挠的呢?卢比奥用“台独”这根小拇指,在王毅的胳肢窝里挠了几下。结果可好,王毅不仅没笑出来,反而炸了,跳脚大骂!


所以,王毅立马发飙: “美国!你这到底是想干啥?赶紧给我改回来!别再拿台湾来挑事儿了!” 语气就像一个老父亲指着那个专门带坏自家孩子的不良少年,怒吼道:“你离我儿子远点!”



但咱们都知道,这事儿不只是嘴炮,后面肯定还有大单子要谈。台湾政府据说正准备向美国采购 70 到 100 亿美元的武器! 什么岸防巡弋导弹、高机动性多管火箭、防空升级、反无人机系统……这不就是“军火版双十一”吗?

总统赖清德更是高调宣布:“我们要把国防预算提高到 GDP 的 3%!”







U.S. Deletes 'No Taiwan Independence' – What’s the Drama?

Today, we’re talking about some juicy drama—the U.S. State Department updated its website and quietly deleted the words “We do not support Taiwan independence.”

This is like waking up one morning, checking your ex’s social media, and realizing they deleted all your couple photos. But instead of just wiping you out, they left a note saying: “I hope we can peacefully move on.” Uh… what does that even mean?

Beijing saw this and lost it. "What the hell? Are you handing a knife to the Taiwan independence movement?" They jumped out with an official statement, calling it a "serious mistake" and basically yelling: “Stop playing games with Taiwan to mess with us!” You know that feeling when your best friend suddenly starts hanging out with your worst enemy? Yeah, that.

Meanwhile, Taiwan is over here, grinning like a cat that just got extra treats. They’re thanking the U.S., like, “Oh wow, we really appreciate this show of support!” But let’s be real, this isn’t the first time this has happened. The U.S. pulled the same stunt back in 2022—deleted it, then added it back. Now Trump is back in the White House, Marco Rubio (aka a hardcore China hawk) is the new Secretary of State, and this time? That change might just stick.

But wait, there’s more! This isn't just about political wording—it’s about selling weapons. Taiwan is apparently looking to buy $7–10 billion worth of U.S. military gear—missiles, air defense upgrades, anti-drone tech… basically, they’re stocking up like it’s Black Friday for the military. Taiwan’s president, Lai Ching-te, even announced they’re bumping military spending up to 3% of GDP—pretty much the same ratio as the U.S. defense budget. That’s like telling America: “We’re paying our protection fees, now watch our backs, okay?”

So while Taiwan and the U.S. are getting cozy, China isn’t sitting still either. Experts think Beijing might start playing the long game—strengthening ties in Europe and the Indo-Pacific to counter America. You mess with my relationships? I’ll mess with yours. It’s basically an international version of high school drama—except with missiles and economic leverage.

Finally, the U.S. State Department spokesperson comes out with the classic “damage control” speech: “We oppose unilateral changes to the status quo and hope differences can be resolved peacefully.”

Oh, come on! This is like a guy caught cheating telling both girls, ‘Hey, let’s all stay calm and talk this out, okay?’

So… how does this end? Well, grab your popcorn, because this political soap opera is just getting started! 🍿


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