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林培瑞: 中共會不會徹底毀掉中國文明?
送交者: 賈舟子 2025年03月11日14:52:01 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話

林培瑞: 中共會不會徹底毀掉中國文明?



林培瑞(Eugene Perry Link, Jr.1944,哈佛大學中國歷史博士,漢學家普林斯頓大學東亞系榮休教授,現任加利福尼亞大學河濱分校校長特聘講座教授。

加拿大記者張彥(Ian Johnson)在《星火:中國的地下歷史學家和他們為未來的鬥爭》中,卻點燃了一盞微光。他記述了一群不屈的靈魂——記者、教授、學生、電影製作者,他們冒着被捕甚至喪命的風險,堅持記錄歷史的真相。比如,林昭在1960年代用鮮血寫下對毛政權的控訴,被秘密處決;遇羅克在文革中發表《出身論》,質疑血統決定命運的荒謬,終被槍決;劉曉波因起草《零八憲章》呼籲民主,獲諾貝爾和平獎卻死於獄中。這些人並非孤例。從1950年代土改中約200地主被殺,到1959-1962年大饑荒導致3000萬至4500萬人餓死,再到1989年天安門廣場的血腥鎮壓,乃至2017年以來新疆至少100萬維吾爾人被關進再教育營,他們用文字和影像揭露暴行,延續着反抗的薪火。





Perry Link, in his commentary for Voice of America, poses a haunting question: Will the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ultimately destroy Chinese civilization? History offers a lens—tyrants like Qin Shi Huang burned books and buried scholars, Sui Yangdi waged relentless wars, Genghis Khan trampled empires with his cavalry, and Zhu Yuanzhang unleashed literary purges. Yet, none severed the lifeline of Chinese culture. Today’s CCP, however, wields a modern arsenal: cameras on every corner, big data tracking every step, AI dissecting every whisper. This omnipresent surveillance, unimaginable to ancient despots, blankets society in a way that prompts the question—could it fracture China’s millennia-old civilization?

Canadian journalist Ian Johnson, in his book Sparks: China’s Underground Historians and Their Battle for the Future, offers a flicker of hope. He chronicles the defiant spirits—reporters, professors, students, filmmakers—who risk imprisonment or death to document the truth. Take Lin Zhao, who in the 1960s wrote indictments of Mao’s regime in her own blood, only to be secretly executed; Yu Luoke, who penned On Class Origins during the Cultural Revolution, challenging the absurdity of fate-by-birth, and was shot; Liu Xiaobo, drafter of Charter 08, who won the Nobel Peace Prize but died in custody. These are not isolated cases. From the 1950s land reform that killed some 2 million “landlords,” to the Great Famine of 1959-1962 that starved 30 to 45 million, to the 1989 Tiananmen massacre, and the detention of at least 1 million Uyghurs in “re-education camps” since 2017, these underground historians have used words and images to expose atrocities, keeping the flame of resistance alive.

Why do these fighters persist, generation after generation? Perry Link suggests it’s not just the courage of a few, but the ceaseless brutality of tyranny that fuels them. The numbers speak: since 1949, political campaigns have been relentless—550,000 purged in the 1957 Anti-Rightist Movement, over 100 million affected by the 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution, human rights lawyers like Gao Zhisheng “disappeared” in the 2000s, and countless youths detained after the 2022 White Paper protests. As long as oppression endures, rebellion will rise. Their moral bedrock lies in China’s ancient concept of “righteousness” (yi). Qu Yuan’s Li Sao mourns his exile with a cry for justice; Su Shi’s Red Cliff Ode radiates resilience amid banishment. These timeless works nourish today’s truth-tellers. They record not just for fidelity to the past, but as a pact with the future. Johnson writes, “They want future Chinese to know that in the 2020s, when darkness reached its peak, people did not surrender.” It’s a letter sealed in a time capsule, addressed to posterity.

So why does the CCP tremble before these dissenters? A regime with a $17 trillion economy and a 2-million-strong army, rattled by a handful of pens—it seems absurd, yet it’s profound. The CCP’s “legitimacy” teeters on a fragile edge. It claims a mandate from heaven, like ancient emperors, scripting history as an inevitable triumph, while borrowing Leninism’s dogma of an infallible Party. Mao might be judged “70% right, 30% wrong,” but the Party must be 100% pure. If the truth spills out—that land reform was a calculated slaughter of 5% of the population to cement power, or that the Great Famine was no natural disaster but a man-made calamity—the foundation crumbles. Czech writer Václav Havel, in The Power of the Powerless, observed how Solzhenitsyn’s truths exposed the Soviet facade. Likewise, the CCP’s propaganda shell—slogans like “Three Antis, Five Antis,” “Four Modernizations,” “Xi as the Core”—feels invincible until a single voice pierces it, revealing its disconnect from the people’s daily concerns: healthcare, education, fairness.

Will Chinese civilization perish under the CCP? The answer may not lie in grand prophecies, but in these stubborn sparks. In November 2022, blank sheets of paper raised on Shanghai’s Urumqi Road ignited nationwide protests; in 2023, anonymous voices online spread the banned Sitong Bridge Manifesto. These small, tenacious acts prove the civilization’s resilience endures. The CCP may crush the moment, but history’s truth, like an underground stream, will always find its way.

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