Exactly. A lot of |
送交者: 全伊 2008月11月19日12:24:48 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: To me,the most ridiculous part 由 yfch 于 2008-11-19 12:16:04 |
folks were also oppsed to bailing out Wall St initially,but at least Wall St is letting the market force do the painful job: drastic cost cutting with massive lay-offs. Guess what will the bailout do to the Big 3? Nothing except prolonging the dying process of a business model that is doomed to failure and at tax payers' expense.
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2004: | 超强无敌的意淫小说--赤旗寰球记 1 | |
2004: | 小说: 克里辛那 (3)-完 | |
2003: | 这也算是自揭伤疤,自爆家丑了 | |
2003: | 心殇 (全文版,4) | |