Misspell costco is ok |
送交者: Bewareit 2009月02月08日15:17:25 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 得理不绕人,连costco名字都搞错。给中国人丢脸 由 m9770 于 2009-02-08 12:20:21 |
Misspell costco is not a big deal. The costco employee was prejudiced and wronggully accused the writer of stealing. That is a big deal and the writer deserved an apology. Every person, no matter what ethnic backgroud, should not be treated like this. Don't you agree? You just hit the writer more just because she misspelt "costco"? In your mind, that kind of costco employee is always right?
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