冬冬,我試着翻譯了下china girl,你看看 |
送交者: 5香豆 2016年01月13日23:43:10 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話 |
惟有她,我的中國妹紙 I could escape this feeling with my China girl I feel a wreck without my little China girl I hear her heart beating loud as thunder Saw they stars crashing I'm a mess without my little China girl Wake up mornings where's my little China girl I hear her heart's beating loud as thunder Saw they stars crashing down I feel a-tragic like I'm Marlon Brando When I look at my china girl I could pretend that nothing really meant too much When I look at my China girl I stumble into town just like a sacred cow Visions of swasticas in my head Plans for everyone It's in the white of my eyes My little China girl You shouldn't mess with me I'll ruin everything you are I'll give you television I'll give you eyes of blue I'll give you man who wants to rule the world And when I get excited My little China girl says Oh baby just you shut your mouth She says : sh-sh-shhh
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