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送交者: suibian2009 2016年11月29日07:59:46 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話





Classic Caesar Salad with Garlic Croutons

Antipasto of Grilled and Marinated Vegetables with   Shaved Parmesan Cheese


(Choice of Two Entrees)

Baked Italian Meat Lasagna, Broiled Salmon Fillet   with Braised Leeks and Basil-Citrus Sauce, Lemon Roasted Chicken with   Rosemary Essence, Seasonal Vegetables Sautéed with Garlic and Herbs

Fettuccine Alfredo, Garlic Bread and Rolls with   Butter


Sliced Seasonal Fresh Fruit and Berries, Mini   Cannoli, Tiramisu

Freshly Brewed Coffee and Tea



The Dinner Buffet


Fresh Crudités with Dip, Domestic and Imported   Cheese, Caesar Salad or Tossed Garden Salad with Dressings


Choice of Two of the Following; Classically Sautéed   Chicken Piccata

Orange Soy Glazed Chicken Breast

Steam Ship Beef Round


Includes: Roasted Garlic Red Potatoes, Chef’s   Selection of Fresh Seasonal Vegetables, Warm Dinner Rolls and Butter

Coffee and Iced Tea Station


Pacific    Rim


Egg Drop Soup


Mixed Baby Greens, With Ginger-Soy and Lime Dressing   with Toasted Black and White Sesame Seeds,    Mixed Baby Greens with Avocado, Toasted Cashews and Mango-Cilantro   Dressing,


Orange-Flavored Chicken Breast with Stir Fry   Vegetables, Sautéed Gingered Snapper with Wild Mushrooms, Scallions and Sweet   Soy, Beef Medallions and Broccoli Stir Fry , Vegetable Fried Rice, Steamed   Rice, and chow mien noodles


Fresh Sliced Melon with Orange Scented Cream, Almond Cookies,   Freshly Brewed Coffee and Decaffeinated Coffee, and Tea


La Fiesta en Dallas


Tossed Garden Salad with Dressings


Chicken Quesadillas, Cheeses   Enchiladas or Tamales

Chicken and Beef Fajitas   meat Sautéed with Green Peppers and onions

Pico de Gallo, Guacamole, Homemade   Fresh Salsa,

Cheddar Cheese, Sour Cream  


Refried Beans & Mexican   Rice

Tortilla Chips and Fresh Salsa or Queso

Warm Flour tortillas


Sliced Seasonal Fresh Fruit and Berries with Flan.

Freshly Brewed Coffee and Decaffeinated Coffee, and   Tea


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