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脫口秀| 川普的‘話癆’,白宮速記員的噩夢
送交者: 賈舟子 2025年02月10日17:22:05 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話








(來源:https://news.creaders.net/us/2025/02/09/2830877.html )

Trump’s ‘Talkathon’: The Nightmare of White House Stenographers

Ladies and gentlemen, hello everyone! Today, let’s talk about the U.S. President, Donald Trump. This guy, oh boy, he’s someone you just can’t help but have mixed feelings about. You know what? In his first week in office, Trump’s speeches totaled over 80,000 English words! What does that mean? That’s nearly 60,000 words more than his predecessor, Joe Biden, during his first week! The White House stenographers are practically going insane. Rumor has it they’re considering hiring more staff just to keep up with this “more talk than tea” president.

Trump’s speaking style? It’s like a machine gun—once he starts, he just doesn’t stop. On his inauguration day alone, he delivered 22,000 words. Then, when he visited disaster areas in North Carolina and California, he added another 17,000 words. The stenographers are like, “We can’t do this anymore!” You see, during Biden’s four years in office, it was relatively quiet. The stenographers probably got used to a more relaxed pace, and suddenly, here comes Trump, turning their world upside down.

Now, let’s look at the numbers. In Biden’s first week, he spoke for 2 hours and 36 minutes, using 24,259 English words. And Trump? Nearly 7 hours and 44 minutes, with 81,235 English words! That’s longer than watching all three original Star Wars movies back-to-back! And the word count? It’s more than Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Hamlet, and Richard III combined! Is Trump trying to outdo Shakespeare or something?

What’s even funnier is that Trump’s speech volume this time is way more than during his first inauguration eight years ago. Back then, he only spoke for 3 hours and 41 minutes, using 33,571 English words. It seems like the older he gets, the more he talks!

So, ladies and gentlemen, next time you see Trump rambling on TV, don’t forget to feel a little sorry for those poor stenographers. They’re literally racing against time and battling word counts! Alright, that’s it for today’s stand-up. See you next time!

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