脱口秀| 马斯克喜添第13口“马驹” |
送交者: 贾舟子 2025年02月15日13:13:26 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话 |
导言: 马斯克喜添第13口“马驹” 科技圈的“种马”—— 埃隆·马斯克先生,最近又传出喜讯,他的“马厩”里又添了一匹小马驹,这已经是他的第13个孩子了! 大家可能要问了,这马斯克一天到晚忙着造火箭、搞电动车,哪有时间“播种”呢? 嘿,您还别说,这位马斯克先生不仅是科技界的“劳模”,还是“播种”界的“高产户”。 他的孩子,那是”龙龙凤凤”,一个接一个地来。 而且,这位马斯克先生“播种”的方式也是多种多样,有“自然”的,有“科技”的,真是让人叹为观止! 这回,这位新晋的“马夫人” 艾什利·圣克莱尔,也是一位“妙人”。 据说,这位女士不仅是一位保守派作家,还是一位网红。 这年头,作家不当网红,都不能说自己是“文化人”了。 这位圣克莱尔女士,还写过一本“奇书”,叫做《大象不是鸟》。 这本书的内容嘛,据说跟“跨性别”有关。 看来,这位女士不仅“能生”,还能“能写”,真是“巾帼不让须眉”啊! 不过,这位马斯克先生面对“喜讯”,却选择了“沉默是金”。 看来,这位“种马”先生也是“身经百战”,早就练就了一身“泰山崩于前而色不变”的本领。 好了,今天的“马斯克生子”脱口秀就到这里。 来源:https://news.creaders.net/us/2025/02/14/2833208.html
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! Tonight, we're diving into the world of tech's most prolific… let's call him a "procreator," Elon Musk. This guy, Musk, he's not just launching rockets and building electric cars; he's also been busy populating the planet. Rumor has it, he's just welcomed his 13th child! Now, you might be wondering, how does he find the time? Well, they say Musk is not just a workaholic in the tech world; he's also a "busy bee" in the baby-making department. His kids are multiplying faster than rabbits, and he's using all sorts of methods – natural, scientific, you name it! It's like a baby-making buffet over here. And this time, the lucky momma is none other than Ashley St. Clair. She's not just a conservative writer; she's also a social media star. I guess in this day and age, you're not a true intellectual unless you're also an influencer. St. Clair even wrote a controversial children's book called "The Elephant Who Thought He Was a Bird." It's about gender identity, which I guess is fitting, considering the unconventional circumstances of her baby's conception. Musk, however, has been suspiciously quiet about the whole thing. Maybe he's just too busy counting his fortune or figuring out how to get to Mars. Anyway, that's all the time we have for tonight. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of "Musk's Baby Boom." We'll be back next week with more tales of the wild and wonderful world of tech! |
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