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送交者: 冬冬 2013年12月07日11:57:48 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

Perfect complexion: Jennifer Aniston smiled broadly as she left a skin care clinic in West Hollywood on Friday That's better: Chantelle Houghton looks radiant as she makes her way back to her car on Friday afternoon Jet-set style: It would seem Carey Mulligan had taken a few sartorial tips from her rocker husband as she arrived at Los Angeles LAX Airport on Friday night looking every inch the rock star wifeTurning on the glamour: The tanning entrepreneur turned on the glamour when it came to her choice of outfit, strutting her stuff in a pair of skintight shiny black leggings and sexy thigh-high leather bootsTaking the lead: Petra Ecclestone leads the way during an outing with sister Tamara Ecclestone and her brother-in-law, Jay Rutland, on Friday afternoon

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