The diary of random thoughts
1... Western civilization has failed from the stage of history So far, the Europe based Western civilization has never humanized yet. Since the Expedition Voyage of Columbus discovered the New World in 1492, European countries were swarming out to colonial occupation; loot, kill, traffic slave and opium to do all kind of beast evils around the world from loot, kill at own home yards; and then Europe countries based grouping Europeans formed countries globally into an evil axis to more power violence, bloodbathed Europe; and looted China times and burned down the Old Summer Palace. After the World War II; the US of the son of European takes over the evil axis and more powerfully did all kill of the evils until this day. Now; the US led evil axis was suicidal killed by US launched trade war and killed coercing force to support doing evil; which induced the reality that European inhumanly cultured western civilization, and its relied governance system of capitalism democracy; and which relied value system of the deceive ideologies, values, freedom, human rights, and so on, have suicidal failed and have quitted from the stage of history. Now the world needs an acceptable alternative in humanized social governance; and the Technocratic Democracy of China and its relied ideology Confucianism are the only choice. Here, I have to explain about the value system; which is extremely important in deciding the quality of the social system and thereby it is in deciding the quality of the life of people.
There are many definitions about the value systems, all of which teach people to be good and kind. The value system of the west of values, freedom, human rights, etc., is also teaching people to be good and kind. However their social effects are opposite; due to they are fitting the fully venting of the dark sides of human nature; thus play the role of dehumanized the quality of people; and dehumanized the quality of the social system and governance; which leads to the tragic reality of endless wars, endless economic crisis, and human beings are quickly replacing by the low quality ones.
The saddest example is the bad role of the human rights. For a long time, it coerces social governance to legally advocate union culture, regarding that strikes for more by doing less, unearned gains is in line with social justice & human rights. Otherwise, it is slave labor, violating social justice & human rights, by which corrupted the quality of workers and labor productivity, and have uprooted the ability for making life necessaries; and the democratic gamblers are promoting such tomb culture globally to uproot the foundation for human survival. The failure of the Western value system lies in the fact that it is just the empty & general beautiful slogans. In sharp contrast, the value system of China – Confucianism provided detailed concrete and executable steps. Confucius (551– 479 BC), who was a philosopher in vassal state Chu of China, he lifelong strives to establish social order by restoring the war destroyed rituals and music system; his followers edited its sermons as The Analects of Confucius to be respected as Confucian or Confucianism, there were people making improvement on Confucianism by integrating own thoughts lasting for centuries, which showed that many people care about educating quality of people. Thus scattering recorded Confucianism was systematized and simplified as simple as easy to understand, remember and implement – the son obeys the father, the wife obeys the husband; the minister obeys the monarch, the young people should respect and take care for teacher & elderly, everyone must abide by law; respect social morality and keep own promise in the social activities, and do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you, and so on. More importantly, in 134 BC, the government of China used administrative power to have socialized Confucianism by outlawed all schools of thought to respect Confucianism as only moral guidance; since then people spoke in Confucianism; behaved in Confucianism and the exam Questions of Imperial Examinations were also in Confucianism. Under the enforcement of government, Confucianism cultured people in collectivistic values & peace seeks genes, the prosperous life attracts the neighbor countries shared same values formed Eastern collectivistic civilization in Asia Values. It was just due to the doctrine of “do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you”, Zheng He Fleet (1405-1433) 7 times around the world, besides fair trade, did not carry out colonial ruling; but presented large amount books to Italy and Europeans accepted Chinese ideas, discoveries, and inventions. The understanding and learning of China inspired the creativity of the Renaissance and formed the foundation of European civilization. This was 59 years earlier than that of Columbus discovered the New World. It was China triggered Renaissance and Enlightenment, then later triggered French Revolution of French people playing barbaric hobby and bloodbathed their palace and hanged the king to have finished Dark Ages; but the west developed much evil culture and made the human world entered much inhuman barbaric Era. Supposed that if Confucianism has no concrete and executable steps, and if government did not socialize it, then it will be like lots good thoughts in the west, just to be used for people chewing, bloating, burping, farting, and moans without ill. Consider human survival, over 50% of the majors in universities are useless. 99% of the professors of humanities and social sciences make living by digging tombs to look for excrements of dead to chew, bloat, burp, fart, and moans without ill. European ancestors have humanly prepared too many tools, excuses for too many social garbage make a living by doing nonsense, and living on the blood sucking people as that of parasite; badly, they have been taming too many good kids as parasites as they are doing to lead the shortage in labor for manufacturing life necessaries in the Era of overpopulation. The Conscience of France, the Leader of the Enlightenment Voltaire admired Confucius very much and said that Confucius has completed the moral science, in Philosophical Dictionary, he specially put a section - China and wrote with that: I knew a philosopher who had no other portrait than that of Confucius in his study. At the bottom of it were written the following lines: Without assumption he explored the mind, Unveiled the light of reason to mankind; Spoke as a sage, and never as a seer, Yet, strange to say, his country held him dear. According to the description of Voltaire; the values or moralities of the west did not come from the exploration of human minds, but from the fabrications of the seers; so that their social effects are negative. We must recognize the sad reality that due to the brain defects and evilly brainwash; there are more than 50% of population in antihuman mentality and many of them are in the beast quality by seeks harming others as pleasure. The ignorant values and human rights are just in protecting beast people promoting inhuman for human; which is the reason that people in humanized democracies lived the life without dignity as human.
I knew that there many rational people all over the world are anxiously searching for a way out. As my view; the world can be saved only by people cursed Marxism integrating welcomed Capitalism to enjoy their complementary advantages; which is China has been in doing and achieved great success by created people a life with human dignity.
This the purpose I am stupidly exhausted thinking and typing here. Please cheer up to take action self rescue rather than passively waits to be social garbage finished. --- Frank (Hongde) Li, Mar. 18, 2025 Afternoon 01:53
2... Foresaw the doom of today’s US in 37 years ago; Wang Huning leads China resisting Liberalism, in CCP centralized state owned economy for common prosperity
In viewed the sadness that liberalism-Capitalism-Democracy is designed facilitating for low quality people freely venting animality by driving Gov-power plunder and by which ruined proud of democracies, the people of China is able to enjoy today's life should thank Wang Huning for his foresight and persistence; and thank the rationality of successive leaders since Jiang Zemin; have strictly followed the advice of a common professor.
If you ask me to sum up Western civilization in the most concise way, it would be the freedom, or free world. It facilitates the free play of people in any quality as the main axis in penetrating all aspects of politics, economy and society; as if an evil poisonous arrow in driving evil souls of people to free exertion in creating tragic life for people. From the Crusades - by the name for faith, driven people killing of each other, which started in 1095; to the Era of the Great Voyage - by the name for free trade, driven people killing of each other, even in the political design – in the name for democracy to continue conduct people in fighting of each other by setting multi-party opposition.
In order to avoid endless wars caused by aristocracy and religious dictatorship, the ancestors of European promoted democratic politics. Due to the evil genes of the European, the democratic politics has been granting power to low quality individual dictator in creating more evil dictatorship and has been provoking wars in the name for democracy. Look at the Ukrainian war, which was caused by democratic politicians promoting democracy. 2007, in The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West, Prof. Ferguson wrote: “why the twentieth century history was bloodiest by far? Why did unprecedented material progress go hand in hand with total war and genocide? The rise of democracy during the 20th century should have reduced the incidence of war, however, the waves of democratization were followed by increases in the number of civil wars and wars of secession with around 19 or 20 million people were killed in around 100 military conflicts.” For a long time, under the shining of the beacon of democracy, the developed democracies, have been coerced by the toxic ideologies to legally advocating union culture, regarding strikes for more by doing less, unearned gains is in line with social justice & human rights. Otherwise, it is slave labor, violating social justice & human rights, by which destroyed the quality of workers and labor productivity, made manufacturing companies go bankrupt, and losing the ability to produce life necessaries. Now, no Made in China, no one lives well. Now the politicians of democracies in the west are desperately create the tomb culture that is powerfully enough to destroy manufacturing industry, but they are also still howling for the return of manufacturing industry to make their country great again. The great democracy tames great democratic players, by equipped with the magic of daydreaming.
Please look at those leaders of the democracies; everyone is in destructing own country at personal will by swearing through gritted teeth; the facts proved that democracy is actually in making dictator by the name of democracy. Please view back; it was just democracy granted power to Hitler in Germany, who took power dictator bloodbathed Europe. Now, in our motherland China; the most of experts and professors, who have been bestialized by Western civilization are still in eagerly promoting liberalism and democracy in China. Western civilization has bestialized too many people and made them lose essential humanity without mind for reasoning the bad consequence on what they are doing.
Western civilization, created by bloodshed in Europe, was born to destroy human civilization. This section inspired by American N.S. Lyons, who once wrote The Upheaval to explore the shared upheavals of our era, including technological and cultural change, the ideological revolution consuming the West, the rise of China, and the crisis of liberalism. American N.S. Lyons, who well understood the rational practice of the top leaders of our mother country China; than that of the vast majority of our beloved compatriots. In 2021, N.S.Lyons wrote article The Triumph and Terror of Wang Huning to indicate that Professor Wang Huning is the member of the CCP's seven-man Politburo Standing Committee and China’s top ideological theorist, strategic advisers and consigliere, the “ideas man” of “China Dream,” the anti-corruption campaign, the Belt and Road Initiative, a more assertive foreign policy, and even Xi Jinping Thought.
“The fingerprints of China’s Grey Eminence on the Common Prosperity campaign are unmistakable. While it’s hard to be certain what Wang really believes today inside his black box, he was once an immensely prolific author, publishing nearly 20 books along with numerous essays. And the obvious continuity between the thought in those works and what’s happening in China today says something fascinating about how Beijing has come to perceive the world through the eyes of Wang Huning.” When Wang won national acclaim by leading a university debate team to victory in an international competition in Singapore in 1993, Wang, having defeated National Taiwan University by arguing that human nature is inherently evil, foreshadowed that, “While Western modern civilization can bring material prosperity, it doesn’t necessarily lead to improvement in character.” He caught the attention of Jiang Zemin and granted a leadership position in the CCP’s secretive Central Policy Research Office, putting him on an inside track into the highest echelons of power at the age of 40. In 1988, 33 years old Wang become Fudan youngest full professor; and won a scholarship to spend six months in the US and visited more than 30 cities and nearly 20 universities. He concluded: The US allowed corporations take over government functions, the excessive commercialization and the rampant liberalism has corrupted value system and destroyed foundation for survival, led to a failure of social system. (Talking to here, we can imagine a society that has no a value system, where members' social activities do not consider the values and behavior as a qualified higher animals, but they are all in wantonly play according to selfish accord to be lived as that of lower animals. This is the Western world that is coerced by the United States today).
Wang recorded his observations in a memoir that would become his most famous work: the 1991 book America Against America. He abandoned his fantasy that gets inspiration from liberal democracy and became a strong opponent of the liberalization, insisting that China must resist the influence of global liberalism and become a culturally unified and confident country ruled by a strong centralized party-state that is not able to be influenced by the Western liberalism to achieve a goal of long-term stability and growth. "From the smug point of view of millions who now inhabit the Chinese internet, Wang’s dark vision of American dissolution was nothing less than prophetic. When they look to the U.S., they no longer see a beacon of liberal democracy standing as an admired symbol of a better future. That was the impression of those who created the famous “Goddess of Democracy,” with her paper-mâché torch held aloft before the Gate of Heavenly Peace." “As a tumultuous 2020 roiled American politics, Chinese people began turning to Wang’s America Against America for answers. And when a mob stormed the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021, the book flew off the shelves. Out-of-print copies began selling for as much as $2,500 on Chinese e-commerce sites.” Exactly as Professor Wang Huning predicated; the loss of values, over commercialization and the overrun of liberalism made American a nightmare life no dignity. Now, due to the afraid of American life; Canadians unite against the US. Please remember that Wang foreseen U.S. fell into garbage today was in 37 years ago. At that time, the socialist camp was about to end, while capitalist democratic camp was in its heyday, and Western scholars and politicians were eagerly trying to and were ready to take over the world with their own culture and political system.
In 1992, saw Berlin Wall pushed down to end Cold Wall in 1990, US political scientist, Dr. Francis Fukuyama who excited that it is the end-point of mankind's ideological evolution and the universaliation of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government. But, 22 years enjoyed donkey & elephant killing “final form of human government”, 2014 Dr. Fukuyama who was despaired to write America in Decay was “no way out”.
1992, facing fatal wrong of own student; political scientist Samuel Huntington,who immediately made a lecture; 1996 expands as book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order to warn that "in the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilizational clash, Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: it is false; it is immoral; and it is dangerous.” “The West is reluctant to accept this because it built the international system, wrote its laws, and gave it substance in the form of the United Nations”.
“There can be no true friends without true enemies. Unless we hate what we are not, we cannot love what we are.” “The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion […] but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.”
It was just after 5 years later of the warning of the political scientist, the most tragic Clash of the Civilizations happened on the Twin Towers of the New York World Trade Center. Please remember that day; it was the Sept. 11, 2001.
As my view in today when writing to here, the tragedy of 9.11 was the ringing of the loudest death knell on the peace of the world. Since then, humans have entered an Era that was filled with fears, and which cannot be undone, because the brain defectives yap Religious Freedom to promote the brainwash for producing more attackers. The most rational political scientist Samuel Huntington died in Dec. 24, 2008 at his 81, which was just the time of the peak of the 2008 Financial Crisis developed; a Crisis was even more powerful than wars in harming human society massively. In any case, for great many years, I can't get rid of the thinking; it was the financial disaster took great political scientist Samuel Huntington of the most conscience thinker away. Due to the financial disaster simply caused by over play of market fundamentalism of the logical consequence of immoral universalism. The political scientist has foreseen the birth of the disaster; however self cannot stop and have to helplessly see it destroy world economy and greedy ones reckless plunder made millions people jobless and lost their homes and their savings. Such psychological pressure destroyed his health. The cause of the 1930s Great Depression was mainly due to the manmade barriers destroyed the trade flows that economic development depends on. Today, the democratic politicians in the west are still promoting the repeat of historical tragedy.
As my view; the clash of civilization is the clash between different ideologies; it will be endless ongoing. The Berlin Wall is a visible wall of the ideologies; the pushing down of visible wall of the ideologies is easy; but the invisible wall of ideologies can never be removed; because of that is build up in people’s mind in endlessly renewing.
Years ago, I saw a video of Dr. Fukuyama giving speech in Germany. When the host introduced Fukuyama seriously, the audience suddenly burst into laughter, Fukuyama embarrassed. I infer that it was due to the host mentioned that Fukuyama's political views were wavering between left and right; and constantly breaks one's preached. Obviously, Dr. Francis Fukuyama, who was educated in the West of no human culture, only can look at the skin of the civilization, while Professor Wang Huning, who was educated in China’s culture, can look at the cultural spine of the civilization.
British macroeconomist John Keynes; who indicated intellectual flaws of people in The End of Laissez-Faire 1926, “The compelling force of many of the original reasons has disappeared but, as usual, the vitality of the conclusions outlasts them.” “The next step forward must come, not from political agitation or premature experiments, but from thought.” “The average man averts his attention from the problem, and has no clear idea what he really thinks and feels about the whole confounded matter.” “Confusion of thought and feeling leads to confusion of speech.”
Avoided the harm of liberalism or “the final form of human government”; China insists on common prosperity, organizes cities, enterprises, and individuals to provide targeted support to poor areas, and relocates poor people to the areas where it is easier to survive, rapidly develops the economy by the unbelievable high speed in shocking global people; by which quickly and largely improved the lives of people.
April 2023, the President of European Commission Ms. von der Leyen indicates that: “for centuries China have helped to shape world civilization; and in the last decades, they have really transformed the economy of their country, lifting more than 800 million people out of poverty in the last 45 years and transformed into a modern-day economic powerhouse, key global player and a leader in many of the cutting-edge technologies that will certainly shape the next decades of global civilization and progress.” Please remember that the achievements of China were made based on the destroyed ruins with huge war reparations from a century long killing and looting of Western allies and US tamed Japan; which started since 1840 British armed selling opium after government of China banned opium trade that started in 1773. The outstanding achievement of China should be attributed to Professor Wang Huning, who strives for keeping own national soul, avoid the greed of Western liberalism, and adhere to build collective common prosperity. Here I have to indicate that no one is able to deny the efforts of Deng Xiaoping, who uses the cat theory to break the ideological fetters of socialism and capitalism, thereby successfully promoted economic reform and opening up. However, supposed that if Professor Wang Huning had not resisted the strong impact of the wave of the democratization in 1990s; China would be more chaotic than that of United States today. 2014, in Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature, I indicate that: “Human behaviors determined by dual natures: The cultural nature of the acquired altruistic quality, and natural (animal) nature of the inborn selfish instinct. The Management is to finish purposeful tasks with culture nature driven by meeting animal nature with payment under enforcement of regulation. Therefore, the Management is the Art of playing human natures.” “The failure of the Socialist-Bloc is due to it over relied on cultural nature by suppressing animal nature, while the failure of the Capitalist-Bloc is due to it over relied on animal nature; China is good at the best use of both.” The success of China lies in the continuation of the rational practice of history; which is that rational people and thoughts can always play a leading role and correct the course of history at the critical juncture. In the west, it also has a lot of rational people and outstanding thoughts; but can never play a role. The role of their outstanding thoughts is just for people to chew, stomach bloat, burp, fart, and moan without ill. This was the reason that the west ruined the life of their own people and world people; and has been pushing human civilization towards the vast graveyard of the suicided civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Recently, the Chinese animation "Ne Zha 2" goes popular all over the world gave me a confidence for the rationality of people of the world, they are contempt for the culture of the west; which can only make murders, fight and pornographic movies for people imitating crimes, and they desire for human culture of China. The fact proved that the West has no culture belonging to mankind. -- Frank (Hongde) Li, Mar. 16, 2025 Morning 09:16 3... Politicians not recognize the fact that the survival of own country has been relying on plunder by coercing allies, and now for own country great again attacks the allies in relying on. Now all countries of the allies have become mortal enemies to rebelled fight back and crushed the axis of evil in ruining world. The beacon of democracy led the world countries to declare bye-bye to past, and step into the Era of tasting a human life. -- Frank (Hongde) Li, Mar.13, 2025
4... The United States and the European Union will soon go to be disintegrated, because setting up a tumor government above the governments and by which set up a large number of tumor power positions to facilitate the greedy need of people's inherent selfish instinct, and by selfish gains endanger the survival of many countries. As trade war intensifies, the economy will worsen and countries will seek the independent way for survival. Please look at those tumor politicians are all in reckless plays by enjoying luxury payments and west benefits as parasites blood sucking people to ruin people's lives. -- Frank (Hongde) Li, Mar. 15, 2025 Morning 02:53
5... The conflict on world today is the conflict between the individualistic values & collectivistic values. It is the conflict of the survival competition of western individualistic civilization & Eastern collectivistic civilization. The trade war crushed the evil axis of the west. Now the western civilization & its relied ideologies suicided. The world needs a humanized govern model; the Technocratic Democracy of China & its relied Confucianism are the only choice. -- Frank (Hongde) Li, Mar. 15, 2025 Afternoon 01:39
6... Due to inborn brain defects and the limit in acquired knowledge, all of us have certain intellectual flaws; includes myself, who is stupidly thinking and typing here; only contributions proved quality people are able to judge in more rational less irrational, such as, Entrepreneurs; Scientists, engineers, doctors, etc. Even so, the collective discussed wisdom in carefully consideration is still needed to avoid mistake.
Please look at those democratic politicians, all of them are full of confidence, boldly swearing to make their country great again, generation after generation, they are all in repeating the same, but they governed country are becoming more and more decadent, and made their compatriots live in the nightmares no dignity as human. The politicians call people to protect democracy are due to that democracy can provide them with opportunities to enjoy luxurious wages, welfare and privileges. Over four years’ epidemic Covic-19 made the lives of people are increasingly difficult. People’s wages not increased, but lost jobs. However, those democratic politicians have increased their wages in times. Please look at the EU officials; Europeans waste their hard-earned money to feed so many people with hope of a better life, but they destroyed the life. European ancestors invented democracy in the hope of good social governance creating a stable happy life. But the democracy was misused and low-quality people took power dictator to make disasters and let Hitler bloodbathed Europe. People must abandon the deception of democracy and dictatorship; and learn the Technocratic Democracy of China; chooses quality entrepreneurs, scientists, etc., to take power. --- Frank (Hongde) Li, Mar. 16, 2025 Afternoon 02:46 The creation for humans live a life as human Frank (Hongde) Li, Dec. 29, 2024 – Mar. 12, 2025 To think and write such kind of topic is the unbearable psychological torture. Today, the science and technology progress promoted the unparalleled prosperity of the material wealth; it can be called as Affluent Society under the proud of democracy; people should enjoy the hoped prosperous life. However; please look at the world; even if it is in rich democracies, increasingly people cannot make end meets. In the poor countries, people even sell their own organs to survive their families; people have pushed in the multi-exterminations: the Atomic cremation, WWIII; Great Depression; and crimes life threat home yard. Even if we are lucky not finished by wars and crimes; but we still cannot avoid finished by capital free plunder makes soaring up life spending. Please look at the self proud of higher animal humans inhumanly bombed unlivable ruins at Gaza Palestine: the first one, the second one. A person who has a little bit human nature; must ask that why self proud of intelligence is superior to that of the lower animals; but has to be evilly coerced live in the Law of Jungle of much evil than that of lower animals. The quality of human is too complex to govern. Computer program AlphaGo beats human Go player revealed that human intelligence acts as robot; the acquired knowledge acts as software driver; killing software kills people, and service software serves people. The brain defect & ideology brainwash led too many people inhuman quality. Human society is composed of people; the governance is also people govern people. So that when considering social governance; we must consider the quality of people & consider how to educate people quality human. The life human or inhuman is depended on whether it cultures people as quality people; and whether it ensures the quality humanized people on power to properly govern the country in the quality humanized manner. Since ancient time, Europe was ant nests populated in wars, by fabricates feud Gods brainwash people ganging up to loot & kill others for self survival, the warlike life threat environment made people in individualistic values & war seek genes; and by low quality people free competing to govern; (the modern democracy has been doing the same), in regarding that looting, killing others being a No.1 for self survival as a matter of of course, by which developed Western individualistic civilization with individualistic social elements harm to social animal human survival.
Review past to this day, we may conclude that the west is good at hatred tearing apart humanity and society; made culture and economy in the fragmented state, and made the world in a state of chaotic hostility, hatred killing between the ethnic groups, religions, and countries. Today the west is still by such an evil hobby makes world unlivable. This is that the west is good at making humans lived as nonhuman. Or may say that the west has never humanized and no human quality for what human life is. Since ancient time, China united dozens of ethnic groups in centralized govern, and outlawed schools of thought by developing rites & Confucian culture people collective self-discipline in collectivistic values & peace seek genes of not to impose on others what self does not want other to do to self; by choosing quality humanized people on power; for which even developed Imperial Examination, the prosperous life attracts the neighbor countries shared same values formed Eastern collectivistic civilization in Asia Values with collectivistic social elements are suitable for human survival.
Review past to this day, we may conclude that China is good at integrating culture and economy; and promote different ethnic groups, religions, and countries to peacefully coexist, and today China has been still by the humanized hobby doing the same; by updating Silk Road as Belt Road to integrate billions of marginalized people into the world economy from making $2 a day in degradation to 10 or 15 a day which is the beginning of dignity. This is that China is good at promoting humans lived as human. Or may say that China was ancient civilized and has a human quality for what human life is. For example, at the help of China; once inhuman chaotic unlivable African country Rwanda now called as the Singapore of Africa; and Tanzania called as the small China in Africa; many African countries follow their practices and adopted military textbooks of China.
In contrast; at the colonizing of the US and EUs, Philippines, Americas and African countries; especially once ancient civilized India, as same as the helping countries; are mess, crimes and full of disorders, and people's lives are worse and worse lost dignity as human.
For a long time; there two individualistic demons are in harming human survival; the democracy grants power to low quality ones dictator ruining world; while medications are used for greedy made drugs and hospitals expensive unaffordable.
The social elements of Collectivistic Civilization of China are able to humanize the west dehumanized world based on the current individualistic democratic system and individualistic healthcare system by acceptable way in avoiding conflicts. Learn Technocratic Democracy of China by quality entrepreneurs, Professors, economists, etc., part time self reliant as lawmakers in collective wisdom. But in democracies; we must avoid touching political body and then form a civil legislature in collective wisdom taking 30% of vote right to parallel run with the Gov-one to patch the flaws of democracy.
This topic will discuss this issue from the base of the origin of civilization, history, culture and philosophies. Learn TCM of China to view patient as human, from viewed as nonhuman assembly; then cure patient by compound medication of natural remedies repairing ill-lesions from inhumanly killing and genetic patching. Then the humanization in disease treatment will naturally humanize medication; and human body needed common nutrients will be the best medicine. 2x500mg vinegar capsules/50kg or dilutes 5% vinegar x 20ml + honey at will, 3-5 mg of melatonin + 3 g vitamin C and/or more remedies are able to cure various diseases and repairs aging lesions to disease free for healthy 120 years.
The vinegar oral rat showed that LD50 is 3.3 g/kg or 165 g/kg. Long dietary and medicinal use world widely has proved that vinegar is safe in both of intake and external use. Since the birth of mammals; it is immune cells releasing HOCL to kill virus functioning immunity. Vinegar alone can both kill virus & increase immune cells. In addition, it also has therapeutic effects on all diseases studied. I infer that Vinegar alone is able to cure the most of diseases. As my experience, 2 times intake can cure flu and Covid-19; and can cure respiratory and digestive infections; by water dilutes smearing skin cures babies; then self-help can empty emergency room to end the evil of medicine profits kill people. Vinegar has long been used in TCM for curing many thorny diseases. Please try it at home; then tells friends to promote the use; don’t ask medical expert who has dehumanized by western medicine in the psychotic state. To spray water diluted vinegar or HOCl in the feedlots; or by water dilutes to feed the poultry and livestock; it will cure and prevent any kind of infections to avoid the alaughterer. Meantime, it will promote healthy growth and largely increases the quality & output of the egg and meat; which are the valuable life necessaries; we must stop repeated slaughterer.
The Covid-19 should not worsen as pandemic, and poultry & livestock should not slaughter. But the methods cannot be promoted; since Jan 2020, I sent hundreds of emails; calls and specially bought a Fax Machine to fax, bit all failed. Because of wrongfully adopted precision seeking philosophy Reductionism as guidance, made medication wrong to have made nightmare in human healthcare and misleads people doing inhuman for human; and which misled the officials of WHO to have misled the anti-pandemic Coivd-19, otherwise 20 million of people would be still alive enjoying life with their beloved families, also emptied Gov-finances, destroyed economy, and completely destroyed lives of people. Now, Disease-X has been fabricated for further emptying the Gov-finances on studying non-existent diseases. Western medicine has dehumanized too many people as social garbage. Only humanize medication by the dialectic philosophy of TCM; people are able to self help in the disease treatment by the cost free handily remedies; thus we are able to uproot the evil behavior of medication used for greedy by kills people; thereby save big sum of medical spending to be used for improving the lives of people in broad social aspects. I will make my best making people taste a life as human. Contents as summaries Preface Motivation of the topic . The shape of human life It is the quality of politics in deciding the quality of human life The prosperity as world leading economy of China is from the rational rule How to relieve the social resistances for a peaceful social improvement Humanize Democracy Humanize Medication Stop setting new power positions and cut off the existing ones The civilizations are in shaping human life The mechanism of human intelligence and the complexity of human nature The origin of civilization of China The history of China was promoted by the wisdom of the individuals Historian and philosopher compare the difference of China and West Ray Dalio: the philosophical; legal and moral roots of China’s civilization How China did initiated economic reform and open up The review of the development of China’s economic reform A decisive ideological battle for economic reform of China Cat Theory destroys ideological dogmas made China high speed development The initiation of the test zone for economic reform Initiation of Yiwu blobal largest wholesale market for daily commodities China’s Premier invites ordinaries to discuss policymaking The bloody cause of the formation of the ideology – communism Today China is Technocratic Democracy by quality elites’ part time self reliance China improved the lives of people as world leading economy Authoritarian developed China faster, the libertarian ruined west People of China trust government increased to 98% US is 17% Why people of China trust on government; but the West in opposite Professor Wang Huning is leading plan of long strategies China proposed Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in 1953 British historian Arnold Toynbee wished to be reborn in China China is merging feud fragmentized world as Arnold Toynbee wished The film proves high quality of China's civilization and the west opposite It was nothing else but the Marx and communism saved China Since ancient time China officially control development of language The development of written expression contributed civilization of China There 30% of vocabularies in Mandarin were absorbed from Buddhism Why did China not produce harmful native religions China’s Collectivistic Culture made people highest IQ, the west is in opposite The social significance of the highest IQ scores intelligence China never wars excepts defense, Dr. Toynbee wished reborn in China The Art of War was born In BC 514 after 200 years endless wars 2000 years ago, China has been large scale standardized production The Chinese Government Is dominated by scientists and engineers Since ancient time China ensured quality people on power enjoying prosperity British Sir Hart worked as China’s top official & predicted China powerful The governance in quality people collective wisdom made China in prosperous life Chinese Party purges corruption, but Democratic Party runs it rampant The Technocratic Democracy of China is able to humanize liberal democracy Only the practice of collective wisdom govern of China is able to save world Communist party is a means to turn loose sand into an iron fist China follows Marxist Communism mainly state owned market economy China has well developed the preferential policy for ethnic minorities Confucian & Imperial Examination made civilization of China 5000 years The process of China’ economic reform is avoiding social resistance China trade more with developing countries than US, EU & Japan combined 2027, China will overtake U.S. for healthy lifespan of people Rational Dr. Micklethwait and Dr. Wooldridge view governance The origin of the civilization of West The start of the west destructs world from killing in home to kill world widely The rich of the west is from plunder not from democracy The civilization of China triggered the birth of western inhuman civilization China humanized the west, but the west developed more evil one The civilization of China enlightened development of modern economics Europe individualistic civilization made world bloody pool The Europe based Western civilization was inborn to dehumanize human life Individualist values and warlike genes destroyed Europe and world Human rights coerced union culture destroyed manufacturing of the west The west coins and pick up bad thoughts to dump good one The formation of the U.S. plutocratic politics and capitalism democracy The evil deeds of the plutocratic politics of the United States The capitalism democracy is an evil anti-human tombs system Political correctness witch hunt coerces the west playing ignorance Hormone disorders used as ideology hijacking social governance Bridgewater Associates Ray Dalio indicated the doom of the US The U.S. Federal System will be dismembered within 2050 Democratic gamblers ruin own motherland and the world by good wishes Europeans costly feed huge European Parliament to ruin own life The capitalism democracy promoted plunder destroyed human life Multiparty political design dehumanized legislature and government Inborn corrupted democracy completely corrupted democracies British PM Cameron reveals the reason that EU is in disintegration Margaret Thatcher saved Britain and the US by beaten mob Not British politicians, but valueless values made country valueless Briton and French are enjoying the bitter medicine from ancestors The belief in universality of Western culture corrupt human society Singaporean PM indicates west corrupted by disorderly elements The west cultures false ideologies in poisoning human world The Democratic Fundamentalism fooled the West in governance The origin and the development of the Market Fundamentalism Market Fundamentalism is in destroying Agriculture Market Fundamentalism kills real economy Market Fundamentalism aids financial system making Britain poorer Britain is ready to dump Invisible Hand by renationalizing infrastructure Argentina has dumped Neoliberalism by Renationalized Rail System Religious Fundamentalism is the major inducement of social unrest Fundamentalisms caused wars made people lifelong in the fear Capitalism democracy favors low quality one ruined human life Ridiculous sovereign bonds destroy national economies The west made too many toxic ideologies ruin human society Europe bloodily soiled social elements laid landmines bombing world Establish a permanent stable political ballast humanize democracy Establishing a civil legislature mends the flaw of democracy Civil legislature is able to end the political correctness witch hunt Establishing civil legislature humanizes democratic legislature By philosophy Daoism of TCM humanizes western medicine Wrongfully philosophy Reductionism made medication kill people Vinegar combo cured stiff-person syndrome of Celine Dion Philosophy Daoism and Traditional Chinese medicine Philosophy Reductionism and Western medicine Since 1950s, Western medicine has been batch training killers TCM integrates Western medicine to enjoy complementary advantages Dump antibiotics into garbage bin by TCM boosting immunity 1... The synergistic interactions of medicinals will be god medicine 2... The electronegativities of atoms will be god medicine 3... Melatonin will be the god medicine curing for all 4... The Orthomolecular Medicine is best medication 5... Honey is the best medication with broad cure effects The genetic studies can never benefit but harm human life Western medicine researches were falsified and unreliable Cheaper remedies can erase the concept of incurable diseases It is wrongful Western medicine ruined healthcare of Canada Without proper medications made tragedy of Covid deaths in Britain French Prof. Didier Raoult mistreated by dehumanized people It is the medical experts in misleading WHO wrongful directing Preface I am not sociologist nor humanist; but a metallurgist; due to the particularity of the work, my career life has been spent in Libraries, Laboratories, Steel production lines and reading & writing. Before one day 9.11, 2001 as immigrant from mainland China landed in Canada. Unexpected shocks by the childish play of democracy and shocks from the sharp difference of two cultures between China and the West forced me to think and wrote some articles about the social governance and medicine. The manmade finishing world forced me to think about the meaning of life as human. This topic tries to dig a way for saving world with the result as revolution; but no blood as that French Revolution. Higher animals must act in higher animal way; human do not kill for inhuman democracy and toxic ideologies. I talked below was not my invention; but the essence from the civilization of China, hoping to save humanity. Until now; the civilization of the west has never been humanized; due to it favors the inhuman people ruining world. This is a only draft, a diary of random thoughts, just write down whatever comes to mind in scattered, it need to be readable wording and section revisions; but now I really exhausted. To promote social progress, the key lies in promoting the progress of people's ideology and consciousness; it requires more convincing explanation for persuading; and for which a simple idea or concept requires long and repeated consideration; this is an time-consuming process. In viewed that multiple airborne infectious diseases are spreading around the world, massively kill people, paralyzing hospitals, wasting valuable social resources and destroy economies again, I must send it out earlier to start its own life journey for carrying out the mission I endowed it. I infer that vinegar alone is able to end the airborne diseases. Now due to bird flu, laying hens are being slaughtered and there is an egg shortage in the United States. In fact, feeds chickens with diluted vinegar or/+ HOCL, it can avoid slaughter; while largely increase the quality and production of eggs; and feeds livestock, it is also largely increase the quality and production of meets to avoid slaughter. As the carrier of electronegativity, the HOCL is the magic Panacea of cure for all. The combo of HOCL + Vinegar + Melatonin + vitamins can cure all of diseases health 120 years & send antibiotics and vaccines back to tomb. The remedy will empty hospitals, but I failed promotion by hundreds emails, calls & faxes since Jan 2020. Any efforts cannot win individualistic western civilization dehumanized inhuman people unbridled greedy. This topic tells that it is not the viruses harming humans; but is wrongful philosophy guided western medicine doing evil; it aids greed one kicks away the cheaper remedies for profiting expensive ineffective drugs and vaccines. They often used cheating excuse is unscientific or unproven; online posts of home-proved effective remedies were deleted or dehumanized inhuman people immediately posts to say that is not proven in tell lies under a truth. By evil way they made Covid-19 ongoing profit vaccines to empty Gov-finance, destroyed economy and the life of people. The individualistic Western civilization cultured social elements are the same as western medicine in sounds perfect right & reasonable; but their actual effects are extremely inhuman by favoring the inhuman people doing evil. Now, it is high time to reflect on the inhuman life from being dehumanized past to this day and sums up the lessons to map out the way out for starting a humanized life as higher animals’ human beings should be lived. Also, our beloved families have been inhuman civilization of the West pushed in critical juncture of life or death; we must get rid of the constraints of west fabricated inhuman ideologies to explore a way out for a rescue. The reason I said that it is the inhuman civilization of the West pushed us into the critical juncture; because of it is the civilization cultured social system in determining the quality of a society and deciding the quality of life. I said that a civilization cultured social system is inhuman; due to it favors inhuman one dominated. Now facing a world that is about to be destroyed by democracy grants power to inhuman social garbage, I cannot find any polite words to describe the inhuman behaviors of the western civilization dehumanized people. Looking at the inhuman deeds of the west; and it made miserable lives, everyone will be angry. Now the European bloodily made western civilization has successfully made evil distortion on cognitive function of too many people; and made everything on Earth has been developing on their favored antihuman way. Here, I must state what I said is based on the inhuman facts that the West has ruined human life. I know that what I revealed the inhuman facts and the language I used to describe will make many people uncomfortable. Not killing and looting is the minimum standard for qualify-evolved higher animals. The repeated manmade disasters showed that human society has been in the inhuman coercion of the non-evolved lower animal people. Europe based Western Civilization has never humanized, due to it favors of beast play to make inhuman life and ruined the world, which prove that Western Civilization and it based capitalism democracy has ended. All of evils stem from European loot kill inhumanly soiled social elements favor inhuman one free play; due to brain defects; it is not all of people in human features in human nature; there are too many are animal beast. The great contribution of the European ancestors was successfully distorted people’s cognitive function by fabricating toxic ideologies; thereby ensured everything on Earth has been developing on dehumanized direction. Elect bold one dictator; take parliaments as mad house, for social garbage makes livings by look for fight to have made own country and world as boiling boiler, no one is able to be peace. Now all democracies in the west have been corrupted unlivable; people cannot make ends meet living life threat. Why higher animals governs in such a way. By human rights supporting union culture dehumanized the quality of labor; the left of quality WWII generation has brought away labor productivity forever; and the democracies have been uprooted foundation to survive. After the Socialist-Bloc failed now Capitalist-Bloc fails. the U.S. Federation will be dismembered within 2050; due to by human rights encourage lazy has destroyed labor productivity; and the dedollarization deprived plunder. European bloodily budded western civilization has completely corrupted human society into the antihuman state politically, socially and human quality. This was that the governance of individualistic western civilization and it cultured capitalism democracy failed. Due to the individualist is not suitable for social humans who need mutual help. This was the reason that the rich democracies in west have ruined unlivable and people lived no dignity as human. The selfish driven capitalist society leads to lack of concern for society and others; selfishness, indifference, plunders, and kills each other in badly harming human survival. Only a society that is established by Marx's communist thought in everyone does their best, takes what they need, together making coexistence can satisfy human survival. The terrible was that people in west has been insisting on the wrong way in no sense made improvement and repeats the historical disasters; while they desperately prevents others from making any humanized improvements.
The Gov-China strictly censors their media, so that the Ne Zha 2 teaches people positive; striving for a better life and now is going to popular around the world. Some democracies failed to ban. The West advocates media freedom to play at will without care about social effect, and made pornographic and murderous TV & films rampant, as templates for people imitate crimes; due to the west has been bloody killing from past to this day; all of the hitory cannot talk about. In the west, people appreciate for free world, but often mass shootings make disaster; because of, due to brain defects and toxic ideologies brainwash; there are big proportion of population in antisocial mentality; before they commit crimes, people cannot recognize to prevent. In China, the proportion of antisocial population will be no difference; but the foreigners who live in China appreciate the safe without fear, due to China prohibited private guns and knives; timely recognize criminals by a large number of surveillance cameras.
But in West, people condemn the practice of China as violation of values, human rights and personal privacy. The proud of free world democracies cannot get rid of the state of criminal crimes; due to they were values and human rights coerced. The democracies are always low quality one hijacked. Under the evil coercion, in the free world democracies; the ideas and measures that are conducive to better social governance cannot be implemented. On the contrary, anti-human ideas and behaviors are always to proceed unimpeded. The facts are clear; in the democracies, the heaven and earth are in a state of evilly reversed; this is why the democracies make own countries increasingly unlivable and have been the trouble makers for the world. The manmade finishing world shows that it is not all of people in human feature are in human nature; there too many are in low quality by taking harms people as pleasure. Separated power democracy just grants power to low quality people to ruin world; and its relied ideologies, values, freedom and human rights culture people low quality.
We may conclude that humans suffered politically-induced disasters were mainly stemmed from the ideas of ancestors of France. But, if we Google for the humanized achievements of Voltaire, no one can match so far; also majority French people are the same; but the ideas of own ancestors were always made low quality ones dominated as that of bad money drives out good one.
By such a way made world people live in the nightmare. It was really a pity for the great people of the great Republic of France with the best philosophers and thinkers that should contribute a humanized world. It was really a pity.
Later you will lean that if it follows the efforts of Voltaire, Europe would copied the practice of China by examination choosing talents on power, if so, then the world would be avoided the disasters of WWI & WWII, now is oncoming WWIII. But the good life was pushed into the sewer by Montesquieu of French enlightenment thinker who conducted extensive social research in Europe and wrote The Spirit of Law to have defiled the Imperial Examination of China as autocracy, which misled the West into the childish democracy of seperated power; it was just separated power democracy made Hitler a dictator and blood bathed Europe; also the most manmade disasters are derived from over humanized democracy. The facts show that in the west the long inhuman tragic life has distorted too many people without cognitive ability for what human life is. The democracies in West and some in East are going to poverty unlivable; no matter who is on power. Due to they were inborn no quality living on human world; where no soil for parasites relying on military and economic plunder. The finishing world reveals fact that it is not all stuff in human feature is in human nature; many are beasts.
32nd President of of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who made U.S. gained trusted world leader by rescuing world from Great Depression, WWII and post war rebuilt, but since then the U.S. leaders have overdrawn the prestige as world leader and have long dehumanized US as world destroyer. Due to jokey playing with human rights destroyed labor productivity, and jokey weaponization of dollar triggered trends of dedollarization to have uprooted the survival base; the U.S. Federal will dismember helplessly within 2025. Western civilization & capitalism democracy has long been in tomb playing. After 35 years of Socialist-Bloc fails, the Capitalist-Bloc has died after destroyed human life. Faced with the convincing fact that they suicidal play destroyed survival foundation for democracies; many politicians are still swearing and working hard to make the country great again; the more they do, the faster the country will be destroyed, to drag the whole world down with them.
The Confucian Collectivistic Civilization of China has been in humanizing the west dehumanized world by updating 2000 years of old Silk Road as Belt Road and the initiative of the BRICS to re-integrate the west hatred brainwash feud fragmented economy and culture to make billions of marginalized people into the world economy from making $2 a day in degradation to 10 or 15 a day which is the beginning of dignity. Please cheer up to take action to rescue our families; rather than passively seeing to to be finished by democracy granting power to the reckless social garbage.
Now; we need to explore a solution when more and more people are jobless in the Era of over-automation.
Moreover, the social elements of European bloodily soiled Western civilization are inborn not suitable for the survival of higher animal humans. We must explore humanized ways, in the establishment of government functional departments, economic development models, judicial systems, medical systems, social security systems, and social welfare systems, etc. Especially the humanization of the national defense and military systems, in which we must resolutely prevent people with animalistic mentality from taking control of national defense and military power, prevent them from constantly clamoring for war, and waste a large amount of people's life-saving money to develop large-scale lethal arms that will destroy humanity.
All in all; we have to explore humanized ways to rescue our families from west made inhuman nightmares. To learn the philosophies from the collectivistic civilization of China, we will open a door toward humanized thinking way. Motivation of the topic Firstly please read the remark of oncoming Canadian PM Dr. Mark Carney after becoming Liberal leader: “The Americans want our resources, our water, our land, our country. Think about that for a moment. If they succeed, they will destroy our way of life. In America, healthcare is a big business, in Canada, it’s a right. America is a melting pot. Canada is a mosaic.” “America is not Canada. And Canada never, ever, will be part of America in any way, shape, or form.” Please see YouTube video: American netizens feel that the United States has no future. Dr. Mark Carney received a bachelor’s degree in economics from Harvard University, and master’s and doctoral degrees in economics from Oxford University. He ran the Bank of Canada from 2008 to 2013 and the Bank of England from 2013 to 2020. After helping Canada manage the worst impacts of the 2008 financial crisis, he was recruited to become the first non-Brit to run the Bank of England since it was founded in 1694. In 2020, he began serving as the United Nations’ special envoy for climate action and finance. Carney is a former Goldman Sachs executive. He worked for 13 years in London, Tokyo, New York and Toronto, before being appointed deputy governor of the Bank of Canada in 2003. He has no experience in politics. From the rich experienced resume that convincing proved unique personal qualities of Dr. Mark Carney, we can sense the rationality of Canadians; they never joke about their country as others. From this topic wording, you can sense my contempt for the Europeans. However, in response to the provocation of others, Canadians showed decisiveness, courage in all of country voluntarily and immediately took action to defence and refuse to buy US products and stores remove the products. I am deeply moved by the unprecedented speed reached agreement of the provincial governors optimize domestic economic environment. When the country is in trouble, Canadians act in unity quickly; I feel like the best Europeans are in Canada. Canadians' excellence is multifaceted. They do not sigh in pessimism as others did; but take action quickly. This topic inspired by the leaders of Toronto Police Association called for the resignation of Canadian PM with disappointed sigh: “Our members have lost faith in Justin Trudeau's government to do the right thing for the right reasons." Later, the leaders of the Durham Regional Police Association also made the same call. In fact, Canada is sharing the same terminal cancer that diseased global democracies except dictator Singapore. The cause was that free world made everything in the state of chaotic disorder from top to bottom; and populism dominated democracy plays a fuel role; due to politicians coerced by the ideologies that are making disorder. We must also notice the positive side of US president; he supports entrepreneur Elon Musk to uproot many thorny problems in bad impacting on social governance. Especially they eradicate the harm of ideologies. Sadly experienced helpless decline of manufacturing, especially RIM, the pioneer of smartphone, goes bankrupted,simply due to dead harm of the populism made political correctness in decisively impacting social governance by the coercing of toxic ideologies. In 2016, I once wrote article Gov-authorize non-partisan Super Leadership to assist social governance; with the hope by forming a non-partisan leadership to kick away the harm of populism. Globally, too many people are happy for play democracy; the primary attracting force is populism.
British historian Dr. Arnold Toynbee once indicated that the democratic politics creates division and unrest for the country; because under democracy everyone wants to control the politics for exercising their own will. As my view; the so called populism, in essence, or in large extent, is to use political correctness witch-hunting to coerce politicians with personal will, hunts down politicians who dare to defy their will, ends their political careers, and by which made politicians have to yell populists’ imposed ideologies loudly to be ensured being heard and practice them in the social governance; thus the populists coerce government to run according to the imposed wishes. The most commonly used witch-hunting tools are the free world, liberal democracy, values, freedom, human rights, and constant coining. Hormonal imbalances lead to women chasing women and men chasing men, which are anti-human sexual behaviors, are also used for witch-hunting, such as same-sex toilets, and homosexuality. Now, in Canada, the rational leaders of the Police Associations provided a meaningful inspiration. The police are the key part of the State Apparatus as armed force for keeping social security, but now in Canada, the increasingly crimes & uninhabitable social environment have angered police officers unbearable. We may unify all national protective forces of Canada; the police officers, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the military force as a Canadian non-partisan leadership to be composed of nonpartisan & nonofficial Canadian Police Association, the National Police Federation and the RCR Association; and on their duty adds responsibility to monitor and enforce the orderly functioning of the democratic legislature, government and society, In this process, they will easily integrate themselves work experience gained thoughts or measures as laws for improving security. Ultimately analysis, the Canadian non-partisan leadership is not direct play regulating role; it must avoid to affect the formation of government and its operation directly; but conducts public to formulate regulations according to own will based on the needs in social governance; then by the regulations regulating the disordered operation of the legislature & government; and formulate code for regulates government officials in the expression of own opinions and the action of behavior in the practice of social governance. They must hold accountable for mistake like China. Only rational Canadian non-partisan leadership is able to concern the concern of the Canadians, and unite a pile of loose sand like government, society and people to achieve the goals for Canadian common prosperity by avoiding the wastes of social resources that have been wasting by groups and individuals for private interests. Now; we have to recognize the fact that if we do not protect Canadians from the reckless finishing by the antihuman populism coerced governance; then that what we do in protecting the security will be meaningless. Only rational quality armed forces jointly unified Canadian non-partisan leadership can promote the practice that cannot practiced measures under populism and the malicious oppositions of multiparty legislature. Such as; promote the use of cheaper effective dietary supplements and saving the life of Canadians. The achievements of the Canadian non-partisan leadership will create model for world countries to inspire their army force to regulate social governance. Only the armed force can order the chaotic disorder of democracy. Only by Canadian non-partisan leadership of regulatory force from the armed power of the State Apparatus, we can order the disordered social governance; so that people are able to taste a life as humans should be lived; before being the west eventually destroyed into the graveyard of the suicided civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy. The shape of human life Now, there two civilizations are in reshaping human life. The U.S. kidnapped Europe based Western individualistic civilization and China based Eastern collectivistic civilization or Confucian Asia with Asian values. Due to the Western individualistic civilization was originated based on European warlike life threat living environment cultured individualistic values and war seek genes; which is conflict with the social animal human. The Eastern collectivistic civilization was originated by developing rites, music and Confucian teach people as human, in collective self-discipline, and not to impose on others what self does not want other to do to self. 2023, the nephew of former President John Kennedy, the 26th United States secretary of health and human services,Dr. Robert Kennedy, who indicated that: “Over the past decade, our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges, and airports.”“China spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world.” Now, China by Belt and Road Initiative integrating the cultures and economies of long hostile feuds countries that hatred fragmented by the West to create a coexistence prosperity. Integrate billions of marginalized people into the world economy from making $2 a day in degradation to 10 or 15 a day which is the beginning of dignity. China mediated the restoration of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran at the ambassadorial level, a wave of "great reconciliation" appeared in the hostile countries in the Middle East. Either they contacted and reconciled themselves, or they sought mediation from China, achieving a larger range of reconciliation and pursuing peace. The reconciled enemy countries checked their accounts and reflected on the history of hostile events. As a result, they found that many events caused hatred conflicts between each other were deliberately created by others. Obviously, the practice of China is the rational manner as human beings should be. It is beneficial to the people all over the world in peace without wars. The approach of the West is destroying themselves & world. The conflict on world today is the conflict between individualistic values and collectivistic values. The conflict of provoked by the west towards China; it is the conflict of the survival competition of Europe based western individualistic civilization defeats China’s Confucian based Eastern collectivistic civilization. Professor Niall Ferguson, who indicate that the rule of the future world is a fusion of Chinese Asian culture and Western culture; but I would like to indicate that, the future world will rule by Chinese Asian culture. Due to that Western culture has been in destroying the coexistence life of social animal human. It was built on plunder of the majority of the rest poor; now the countries are rebelling to kill the function of plunder. Joking with human rights destroyed labor productivity, and the weaponization of dollar has triggered global trends of dedollarization. Lost survival base; the U.S. Federation will be dismembered helplessly within 2025. As the pillar of Western culture; the capitalism democracy has long returned its tomb; now it is the ghosts finishing world. After 35 years of Socialist-Bloc fails, the Capitalist-Bloc has died after destroyed human life. Feb. 9, 2014, in article Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature, I indicate that: Human behaviors determined by dual natures: The cultural nature of the acquired altruistic quality, and natural (animal) nature of the inborn selfish instinct. The Management is to finish purposeful tasks with culture nature driven by meeting animal nature with payment under enforcement of regulation. Therefore, the Management is the Art of playing human natures. The failure of the Socialist-Bloc is due to it over relied on cultural nature by suppressing animal nature, while the failure of the Capitalist-Bloc is due to it over relied on animal nature; China is the best use of both. Unable to recognize the essence of the problem, many democratic politicians swore an oath to make country great again and made efforts a lot, but the result was that the harder they do, the faster country finished. The essence is the jokey democratic political design and its relied ideologies, values, freedom and human rights. The democracy grants power to low quality people ruin country and ideologies make people low quality. Lost ground for plunder; the rich democracies are returning poverty to fight at home as ancestors. <<<<<<><><>---******---<><><>>>>>>> It is the quality of politics in deciding the quality of human life The finishing world reveals fact that it is not all stuff in human feature is in human nature; many are beasts. The quality of populations is similar. It is the quality of politics in determining the quality of people’s life. Rwanda, once most chaotic, poor and backward country in Africa; even committed genocide 1994; now copied model from China and it is the cleanest and safest country in Africa, and people's lives are getting better and better. In all social aspects; Rwanda has surpassed the developed countries in the west; of under deceptive reputation. Please see YouTube: Notice the Chinese influence on Rwanda in the salute and marching techniques Chinese army men train Rwandan army men: Chinese army men train Tanzanian army men: Though the training of Chinese army man is brutal, but Africans feel gained the dignity as human. By the training of people from China with better life, their brain will quickly developed as higher IQ scores to surpass the one of Europeans where living environment is worsening by democratic players to badly damaging the brain development. From the video you will understand that How Rwanda is Conquering Their 100x Larger Neighbor People called Rwanda as the Singapore of Africa; and called Tanzania as small China in Africa; it said that many African countries follow the practices of Rwanda and Tanzania; and adopted military textbooks of China. In contrast; India, Philippines, South American and African countries; of copied model from Europe and U.S., as same as those countries; are mess, crimes & full of disorder, and people's lives are damaged worse and worse. The west is proud of democracy is a stable political system that can stably long run endlessly; but the long run is just the fatal thing about being a government; due to it can long time aid reckless one destructing human life. The antihuman ones will never understand that why human society needs to establish a government. The prosperity of Rwanda derived from the stability of its policies, due to President Paul Kagame has been in office for 25 years not replaced. If Rwanda plays politics as that of the West; it will be also in the chaos unlivable. With China's support, the Ethiopia and Rwanda in Africa are quickly surpassing the developed countries. Lost ground for plunder, the developed countries in Europe and America are returning to poverty of ancestors. Now the America and Europe is Africanization quickly; while the Africa is Sinicization quickly. The biggest advantage is that African has no toxic ideologies hijacking as that of Europe and the U.S. Because; in Free world of democracy; everyone free plays at will; no restrictions for better social order. The Tree World, Democracy, Values & Human rights have ruined life of global people. Without the harm of ideologies; with the help of China, backward Africa is developing prosperity rapidly. While in the west; politicians and social elites are eagerly fighting for ideologies; so that democracies of the U.S. & Europe are returning to poverty quickly. In the democracies; due to political correctness witch hunt coercing; people dare not do human business. Also nowadays world widely, the west enslave plundered countries have stood up to reject being plundered. Even if it is in normal trade, Western democracies are in unreasonable price plunder, such as, the luxury goods; now it fails. The multiparty political design sets oppositions to undermine ruling party's rule to replace the ruling party. If we look back at the Ukrainian war, it was mainly caused by democracy that people purposefully made leader changes, and by which led to the change in the policies; which was as same as other wars, in fact, it is the democracy in killing. The replacement of presidents killed Ukraine; other countries are still playing in people fight for democracy. Clearly, since it was born; the bloody inhuman genetic democracy has been acting as evil tools for beasts get power and to drive the power destroying human world as that of Hitler in Germany by the power blood bathed Europe. The manmade disasters that ruin human life was stemmed from the politicians on power, for enjoying political privileges; they do all of evil to protect their political position, which was main cause that world ruined unlivable. The finishing world reveals fact that it is not all stuff in human feature is in human nature; many are beasts. Any country has certain proportion of quality elites; but the democracy is just granting power to the beasts as that the evil dictators of aristocrats and religious; but they are more evil by international gathering powerful destruction. Democracy enabled inhuman ones rumors that the country is threatened, and used a large amount of people's life savings to support a huge military group, to pose the threats to others, and forced others making defends wars. It is that democracy made the life of west return to inhuman state in same as that of past thousands of years. Now global countries stood up rejecting to be enslave plundered and self lost ability making life necessaries; the European bloody made inhuman western civilization is dying in taking the whole world together. The manmade disasters that ruin human life was stemmed from the politicians on power, for enjoying political privileges; they do all of evil to protect their political position, which was main cause that world ruined unlivable. And also, a person who has a little bit human nature; must ask that why the government of human society designed as mad house to enable reckless psychosis as politicians to ruin world and the life of people and themselves. The prosperity as world leading economy of China is from the rational rule The relative long properous life, as the world leading economy of China stemmed from constantly summarizing up experience, and accordingly makes up suitable measures to avoid the repeating of historical mistakes. Since ancient times, people of China have been able to enjoy a prosperous life, it should thank to the feudal system. The feudal imperial power was able to stable for hundreds of years without wars, and then by Imperial Examination system selecting learned quality talents to govern the country. In fact, the feudal imperial power is a kind of stable political cornerstone or institutional umbrella in safeguarding a peaceful society; so that ensured the knowledgeable & rational people governs the country. Today, the Communist Party of China is the leading party, assisted by democratic parties, which plays the role of a political umbrella and then selects rational elites to govern the country. In 2019, article China's Overrated Technocrats indicates that “Many Western parliaments are dominated by people with law degrees, but China’s leaders are mostly trained as engineers and scientists - or so goes conventional wisdom. Advocates for this supposed Chinese approach, such as the entrepreneur Elon Musk, argue that it produces leaders who adopt a pragmatic and technocratic framework to solving problems. And those scientist-politicians, the theory goes, are more likely to govern efficiently, in part because they are unburdened by ideology.” I have watched many aggressive interviews of media with entrepreneur Elon Musk; from Musk's responses, I can sense that he has truly humane understanding on human civilization and knows what is beneficial to mankind and what is harmful to mankind; our accustomed cognition and concepts were confused and wrong; which proved that Musk is a rare sober minded person in the mad house of Western free world where dominated by psychosis. Musk's participation in politics is by no means a jokey. Musk costly aided election and gained presidential support to save world by curing the Axis of Evil. Unlike China, which has been enjoying relative long peace, the West has constant wars. Due to it has no institutional umbrella; the power is fought over as a prize to make the people on power in endless replacements. The increasingly dehumanized world proved that democracy is granting power to social garbage; and with the magic of misjudgment, a brainless street thug who once elected; they immediately believed self as God given world saver and issue orders to the whole world; and then drive the State Apparatus to vent sick mentality, makes wars & economic disasters. Due to the quality distortion of European blooded western civilization, many people in west cannot understand the practice of China; even being dehumanized people of China are also condemning the human practice of China; they addicted in that only democracy based on its relied cheating ideologies are the humanized social system. Such dehumanized people regard that the west inhumanly war killing is the truly humanized manner. The finishing world reveals fact that it is not all stuff in human feature is in human nature; many are beasts. How to relieve the social resistances for a peaceful social improvement Jan. 30, 2016, I once wrote article Gov-authorize non-partisan Super Leadership to assist social governance and indicates that the progress of human society is difficult; doe to it will inevitably cause social resistences. First one is that has to deal with people who are with innate selfish instincts and are capable in independent thinking and tend to act according to own preferred accord, which will negatively conflict with social governance. Second one is that due to the improvement of social governance may cause the panic of people for the unforeseen potential risks from the uncertain social changes; so that the most of people would resist the changes. Third one is that the improvement of social governance would involve in some of social reforming; and will cause the redistribution of social interest, and it would certainly encounter the fierce resistance of interest groups. Fourth one is that the way of thinking and behaving of people is dominated by accustomed old tradition or outdated ideologies. In The end of laissez-faire 1926, the British macroeconomist Keynes indicates that: “The compelling force of many of the original reasons has disappeared but, as usual, the vitality of the conclusions outlasts them.” “The average man averts his attention from the problem, and has no clear idea what he really thinks and feels about the whole confounded matter.” “Confusion of thought and feeling leads to confusion of speech.” “The next step forward must come, not from political agitation or premature experiments, but from thought. We need by an effort of the mind to elucidate our own feelings. At present our sympathy and our judgement are liable to be on different sides, which is a painful and paralyzing state of mind. In the field of action reformers will not be successful until they can steadily pursue a clear and definite object with their intellects and their feelings in tune.” Keynes's insights into human nature are still relevant today, in the 98 years later. At the end of World War I, Keynes once advocated that reduce the war claims against defeated Germany, which would affect Germany's imports from neighboring countries to harm the development of economy. But the effort of Keynes failed; moreover the greedy nature fuels politicians started a tariff wars and made world into Great Depression; now, with greedy nature; the politicians do the same making Great Depression. I believed that the greatest contribution of Keynes was not The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money 1936; but The end of laissez-faire 1926; which was the intellectual base for his macroeconomics. Above social resistances come from animal nature & intellectual flaws of people, in regardless the race, regardless the nationality and regardless the political model; no matter one party autocracy or multiparty democracy. The process of the economic reform of China was the process of making efforts to relieve such resistance by setting the test zones to test & demonstrate the actual results of the reform in good no bad to promote gradually. As human; we promote social advancement must be by a humanized way without bloody as that French Revolution, the only acceptable peaceful way out is to learn the humanized way of China to form a political cornerstone. The social elements from Collective Civilization of China are able to radically humanize the world based on the current democratic political system & Western medicine health system by acceptable way avoiding conflicts. Nowadays, social governance has evolved as that legislature makes policies as orbit; and then society runs on, which is that lawmakers make law to make the power of State Apparatus as executable true in actual control power. Humanize Democracy As a basic part of the State Apparatus, government is concretizing its power to execute the function of governing society. It is the different civilization made different quality of people on power made the different quality of life. People often criticize the government whether it is good or bad in the general terms. But actually, the government is made up of people, and it is the good or bad of the performance of individual on power in determines the good or bad of the government. The good or bad of a government lies in whether it can prevent bad one from taking power. Society is composed of people; the rule is also people rule people. We must learn human nature. AlphaGo beats human Go player revealed human intelligence acts as robot; the acquired knowledge acts as software driver; killing software kills people, and service software serves people. Without related knowledge cannot judge. Due to brain defects and limit in knowledge, all of us have certain intellectual flaws; only contributions proved quality people are able to judge in more rational less irrational, such as, Entrepreneurs; Scientists, engineers, doctors, etc. Even so, the collective discuss wisdom are still needed to careful consider the problem roundly avoiding mistake. Due to brain defects and toxic ideologies brainwash; over 50% of population is in antisocial quality. Due to the brain defects and limit in knowledge, all of us have certain intellectual flaws; or may say that all of us acted as a kind of psychosis, at least in somewhat; as Keynes indicated in 98 years ago: “The average man averts his attention from the problem, and has no clear idea what he really thinks and feels about the whole confounded matter.” As my view; only the achievements or social contributions proved quality people are able to judge in more rational less irrational, such as, Entrepreneurs; Scientists, engineers, doctors, some of Professors, and so on. Even so, the collective discussing wisdom is still needed for considers the problems roundly in proper avoiding mistake. Historically, China has been chooses learned people on power; for which even develops Imperial Examination. Europe missionaries call it as the elite constitution that values merit over the birth to give power to scholars. Chinese people are able to enjoy a relative longer prosperous life should attribute that institutionally ensuring the collective wisdoms in governance; thus can make rational policy and implemented reaching goal. But the west was opposite due to it plays power for any quality one dictator; thus made bad policies to replace good. Today, China is by quality entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, professors, etc., as lawmakers in part time self-reliant; the top leadership is a politburo of 7 members promoted from grassroots gradually; without consensus from meeting; no one allowed to talk at will; by which institutional constraints avoided the development of the personal dictatorship and importantly this way ensured the collective wisdom in social governance under strict accountability. The west called the way of China governing by Technocrats as Technocratic Democracy. In nature, China is a quality democracy of high-quality people; while; the democracy is actual dictatorship by low-quality ones. We must dump cheating ideologies of democracy and autocracy to go on human way of China. Learn Technocratic Democracy of China by quality entrepreneurs, Professors, economists, etc., part time self reliant as lawmakers in collective wisdom. But in democracies; we must avoid touching political body and then form a civil legislature in collective wisdom taking 30% of vote right to parallel run with Gov-one to patch the flaw of democracy. Also, we must establish a global civil legislature as permanent stable political cornerstone as leadership to coordinate the affairs of the civil legislature of all of countries in social governance and by which uprooting the threats for wars. Thus, we are able to eradicate the sadness that international organizations coerced by evil and have been as tools for evil. By people respected people work as lawmakers; the formation and the policies of the civil legislature will be no one dared to oppose. So under the run of democracy, the civil legislature will be still able to play leading role. In the most of cases, the policies that the ruling party wants to establish are correct in line with the urgent needs, but the efforts of ruling party fail in malicious oppositions; and cannot pass the legislation to contribute society. Without direct interest involved; the civil legislature will be able to help ruling party to do the right job. Moreover, due to political correctness, many policies that ruling party dares not to propose; the civil legislature can do. Thus, by the humanized Confucian collectivistic civilization of China, with the peaceful acceptable human way; based on the current democratic political system; we are able to humanize the west dehumanized governance. Now no one would deny that by the support of president; entrepreneur Elon Musk is doing right business; he uncovered the dark of the U.S. governments; all of the democracies will be the same from same system. People are selfish animals; the selfish survival seeking activities are the driving force for supporting society. Once gets opportunity, everyone will abuse public instruments for selfish gain. Suppose that don’t by people acceptable way sets up a policymaking institution to curb the inborn corrupt tendency of selfish humans; it will return dark. In China, from ancient to present, the corrupt officials severely punished with death penalty. But, the corrupt officials still emerge endlessly from generation to generation, due to the selfish nature of human in fluke mentality. Also, we should consider a gentle gradual approach by making policies in step by step to treat the abscesses or patch the political loopholes rather than drastically surgery that severely impact the livelihoods of people. Many mistakes are not caused by individuals, but by bad system; the bad system turns good as bad. Because human psychological states are too complex and in ever changing with the changes of environment, therefore there is no good governance method from pre-settled in the world. Only the methods that have been proven feasible in the practice are feasible methods. The failure of the West lies in its superstition on democracy. Social progress is the process of renewing consciousness; it needs the replacement of the minds of generations. This was the reason that the economic reform of China lasts decade by regional test then promotes gradually. China's success today was achieved on the ruins of a century long loot & kill since the British Opium War in 1840; due to the rational leadership of China in the collective discussed wisdom with avoiding personal dictatorship. China carries out five-year economic plan, which is summarized the proposals from local governments. No individual can change it. Please read America Lyons article The Triumph and Terror of Wang Huning; it is Professor Wang Huning led team in making long-term strategic plan, which is also that top leaders cannot change personally. Since ancient time, China has always been a leading economy, thanks to the collective wisdom of scholars who have been selected by Examinations under strictly designed institutional constraints to avoid personal dictator. But the west has been in low quality dictatorship. Please look at the politicians all gnashed teeth swearing. The process of China's development is a process of constantly summarizing experience to avoid repeating mistakes, but the West is opposite. Hegel said: “What experience and history teach is this, that peoples and governments have never learned anything from history, and have never acted on the lessons that should have been learned from it”. In 1912 China once tried democracy; but it ganged about 300 parties to make dogs bite dogs and made China into endless west provoked proxy wars; which told China that democracy was a collector for social garbage. It was a group of young people studying in France who learned Marx's communist ideas and back home saved China. Today Marx communism is still in leading China. The economic success of China should thank that has been in the socialism state owned economy in government control capital; which avoided the harm of capital plunder. The economic failure of the west stemmed from capital control government to wantonly plunder on the real economy. Humanize Medication Back to Top Learn TCM to view patients as human, from viewed as nonhuman assembly; then cure patients by compound medication of natural remedies humanly repairing ill-lesions restore Yin-Yang balance, from inhumanly killing and genetic patching by making life killing chemicals & vaccines. Then the humanization in disease treatment will naturally produce humanization in medication; then human body needed nutrients are the best magic medicine. Then cure patients in human way to dump expensive harmful antibiotics & vaccines into garbage bin. 2x500mg vinegar capsules/50kg or dilutes 5% vinegar x 20ml + honey at will, 3-5 mg of melatonin + 3 g vitamin C and/or more remedies are able to cure various diseases, erase the concept of incurable diseases of Western medicine is in coining, and daily take as health keeping to repair aging lesions to be disease free for healthy 120 years. Vinegar alone is able to cure respiratory and digestive infections; by vinegar water smears skin cures babies; then by self-help will empty emergency room and hospitals to uproot the evil of medication profiting by kill people. I take above remedies daily before one hour (for water out of body) go to bed: immediately 1... A good sleep; 2... Better concentration and memory; 3... Better vision & hearing, and; 4... Better physical fitness. 5... Disease free. Studies show that the compound medicinals can produce synergy effect to increase the cure effects and reduce the side effects, the more medicinals combined the stronger cure-effects the lower side-effects. Since the birth of mammals, it is HOCl in functioning immunity by immune cells releasing HOCl kills viruses. In April 2020, report said that a COVID-19 sufferer self-recovered after the increase of immune cells in the blood. Please Google vinegar, honey, melatonin, vitamin C; and TCM medicinals are all able to quickly increase immune cell in blood with multi-cure effects. If we combine them together, the synergy effects will be much stronger. The West is still questioning China's concealment of the COVID-19 death data. It was TCM that quickly ended the epidemic in less death. But West governments banned the use of TCM, caused large number of deaths. Above remedies are based on considerations that people can willingly accept. Actually, as carrier of electronegativity; the derivatives from hypochlorite, carbonate, hydroxide, etc., can be medicinal used; Such as, polar chemicals of Sodium hypochlorite, Sodium carbonate; etc., they are the most effective remedy to dump antibiotics and vaccines. I infer that the cure effect of vinegar is stemmed from the chemical effect of electronegativities of the atoms of oxygen. We must stop the study on antibiotics and vaccines. People cannot stop breathing because the physiological activities of human body require electronegativity of oxygen atoms; which is the driving force for physiological activities of covalent bond structured body. The chemical effect of atomic electronegativities can produce broad therapeutic effects by destructure covalent bonds structured viruses and bacteria; while stimulate the physiological activities of the covalent bonds structured body to produce full cover therapeutic effect without the formation of drug resistance; while in this process; also it can open the physiological door for other medicinals take effects. The polar chemicals that can produce electronegativity can be medicinal used as the carrier of electronegativities, and it is the potential hope for curing chronic degenerative diseases to kill the concept of incurable diseases; according to Periodic Table of Elements, the electronegativity values are F (4.0) > O (3.5) > Cl (3.0) = N (3.0) > Br (2.8) > C (2.5) = I (2.5) = S (2.5) , which can be considered as the reference for finding potential chemicals to medicinal use. I infer that sprays vinegar or HOCl in feedlots; or water dilute to drink poultry & livestock will avoid slaughterer. At the same time, it will promote healthy growth and largely increases the quality and yield of eggs and meat. The physiological activities of the human body require the support of adequate nutrition. So that optimized nutrition supply is able to improve the physiological activities into optimal state; and thus make the body healthier. Human body is a complex system, with various organs, tissues; immune cells, etc., under regulations of various glands secreting hormones, any deviation will cause problems. Dietary supplements can regulate running well. In this rational practical way, we are able to reflect the extremely absurdity of the Western medicine; in the precision medicine; symptomatic medicine, evidence based medicine and more such kind of unearthly fantasies. As the main component of European bloodily cultured western civilization, western medicine has irresistible deception also. The study on target medication and genes therapy will waste most of medical spending to ruin life. I infer that sprays vinegar or HOCl in feedlots; or water dilute to drink poultry & livestock will avoid slaughterer. At the same time, it will promote healthy growth and largely increases the quality and yield of eggs and meat. Now WHO has coined Disease-X to force medical investment to study non-existing diseases to further empty government finance as that they mis-conducted epidemic Covid-19 to have emptied government finance, destroyed economy & human life; but now it is still ongoing. Sadly; it said that by 2027 global drug spending will reach $1.9 trillion yearly. All of above cost can be saved for other use; supposed that we take TCM to humanize western medicine, then by costless Vinegar + HOCL + Melatonin can cure all of infectious diseases to send antibiotics, vaccines back to tomb. Only help people self help in disease treatment; we are able to stop people taking medication greed to kill lives; and reduce the incidence of the diseases, thereby reduce the dependence of people on expensive drugs and hospitals. Thus, by the humanized Confucian collectivistic civilization of China, with the peaceful acceptable human way; based on current healthcare system that dominated by Western medicine, we are still able to humanize medication. Stop setting new power positions and cut off the existing ones All the evil stems from toxic ideologies made confusion of people's minds In 134 BC, China outlawed schools of thought to respect Confucian only. Today all of the toxic ideologies came from the West. Considering human survival, over 50% of the majors in universities are useless. 99% of the professors of humanities and social sciences make living by digging up ancestral tombs, chewing the excrements of the dead, and then tame good kids into parasites to lead shortage of labors for production of life necessaries. The chaos in the world mainly stems from the toxic ideologies made confusion of people's minds. The sad of human society is at that the elites who take the key social positions are just mud minded. If we look at Tesla's Musk's response to the media's offensive interviews, we will find that many our cognition & concept are confused. The most evil is that the west coined too much excuses for people freely set up too many power positions that are overriding the power of the State Apparatus to more powerfully vent their inborn selfish instincts. Legal allowing organized civil societies, over ten million NGOs, associations, societies, human right organization, etc., they are all the power positions that self set up in the name of doing good for the public, in overriding the power of State Apparatus, and driving certain social resources for selfish gains by harming human community. International issues should be solved by establishing rules that are followed by all, rather than setting up institutions to make too many power positions to waste people's money to eat human food shiting dog shit. People are animals of inborn selfish instinct; the selfish survival seeking activities are the driving force in supporting economy; if we make too many power positions that would be selfish used by harming society. Eventually; human world must end the partisan politics – the attractors to gather social garbage for making livings by playing the power of State Apparatus; which is in supporting social garbage legally doing evil. The U.S. Federation and EU are dismembering due to they play the role bad than good. Tops governments setting extra one with big group of people wasting life saving money of people ruin the life of people. The biggest threat facing humanity is the population replacing by rampant production of low-quality populations; due to the West promote the freedom of belief encouraging toxic ideologies brainwashing people. European ancestors invented nothing good; all are facilitating bad one makes living by harms good. Everything in the west needs to be and can be re-humanized by the humanized civilization of China. Only quality nonpartisan social elites part time self reliant produced civil legislature by policymaking are able to form humanized power over the power of State Apparatus to regulate the disordered world to be orderly run. In 2012 book Civilization: The West and the Rest, Professor Niall Ferguson who indicate that the rule of the future world is a fusion of Chinese Asian culture and Western culture. Here I would like to indicate that the Western culture has long suicided; due to it has uprooted labor productivity by human rights and ruined life of own people and world people. Suppose that if the world is not finished by west, the future world will be only Chinese Asian culture ruled. As the main body of Western culture; the capitalism democracy has returned its tomb; and now it is the ghosts finishing human world. After 35 years of Socialist-Bloc fails, the Capitalist-Bloc suicided after destroyed human life. Practically, Professor Niall Ferguson can be compared with British historian Dr. Toynbee; Prof. Niall Ferguson focuses on the dark side of modern capitalism democracy, Dr. Toynbee focuses on the dark side of the past of west. Please cheer up and take action to rescue our families by making high quality people self reliance control power.
The civilizations are in shaping human life There two civilizations are in reshaping human life. Europe based western individualistic civilization and China based eastern collectivistic civilization. The society is composed of people, and social governance is also people govern people, for a better socioal governance; we must learn the nature of people. The mechanism of human intelligence and the complexity of human nature In playing China 2500 years old board game Go, computer program AlphaGo beats human Go player revealed the mechanism of human intelligence in acting as the robot; the acquired knowledge acts as software driver; killing software kills people, and service software serves people. So human quality is lifelong reshaping by changes of software driver; If a person did not acquire relevant knowledge, it will be acted as if that of the robot did not install the relevant software driver, the person will be unable to judge related issues. If a person acquired wrongful knowledge and bad experiences, the person will make wrongful judgment to make wrongful behave and produce wrongful outcomes. Due to the brain defects & limited experience & knowledge; all of us has certain intellectual flaw; includes myself; no perfect one. People clamor for democracy, do it all their lives; people clamor for war, do it all their lives; due to sick mentality. This was the reason that German Hitler and Italian Mussolini were able to tame own compatriots as killing machine to blood bath Europe. U.S. black ship fleet tamed Japanese, and then they killed over 30 million Asian. This is why those people of China who were educated in the west; in homeland boldly promote free world, democracy, valueless values and inhuman natured human rights, which have been clearly ruined the west. The culture of the west has dehumanized them to lose sense to recognize that they promoted is favoring bad harms good. Modern MRI brain scan reveal that it is the populations of brain cells reasoning based on the memorized knowledge and experience to signal people behavior; the defects brain, wrongful knowledge and bad experience will cause people wrongful behaving; so that it is not all people in human feature in human nature, some are beasts. Feb. 17, 2020, researchers in Duke University of USA and Otago University of New Zealand publish research report Associations between life-course-persistent antisocial behaviour and brain structure in a population-representative longitudinal birth cohort reveals that 23% of antisocial kids reduced to 12% stay in lifelong antisocial. The structural MRI scans show that their brain reduced surface area in 282 of 360 anatomically. 1...There 12% of population were in lifelong antisocial quality of harming society. 2...the terrorists have no differences in IQ scores and executive functioning besides the poor moral reasoning. 3...there are many being toxic or extreme ideologies brainwashed people in the state of abnormally thinking and behaving. 4...the intelligence of too many people were between normal and abnormal; such kind of people are more evil and more dangerous with good looks deceptive people and therefore they are extremely harmful in easily occupying social leading positions. Dunning-Kruger Effect: Low-ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence; so that they believe they are smarter and more capable than they are and in overestimating their capabilities. Such nature made them without ability recognize the reality and cannot reason the bad results on what they are in doing. The rare humanized British philosopher Bertrand Russell, who indicated sad reality: “None of our beliefs are quite true; all have at least a penumbra of vagueness and error.” “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.” In the book The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind 1895, the writer Gustave Le Bon claims that when people grouping social activities; the conscious personality of people have entirely vanished; will and discernment are lost. All of the feelings and thoughts are bent in the direction that determined by the hypnotiser. Actually, as common sense; it was not that discernment, will and conscious personality are vanished; but due to that people are worrying for being group ousted if that they behaved outstanding. Such inborn nature of human being paved boulevard for low-ability people easily seizing leading social position and this is the reason that the capitalism democracy is the most inhuman tombs system. It was just due to the complexities of human nature in complex thinking and behaving to have made human society difficult to govern well in easily going to bad; which was the reason that the humanized design of liberal democracy to be low ability people used for seizing the power of State Apparatus making disasters. The West anti-humanly emphasizes various freedoms, free world, freedom of speech, freedom of the media, by which creates lies to deceive the people, which lead to many people being in a state of inhumanity. Especially freedom of religious belief made over 50% of population in the state of fighting for the will of their Gods. People condemn man-made disasters and condemn the killing wars, but seldom reflects on the root cause that Europe soiled social elements help reckless anti-human people seized power killing people. People condemn poor healthcare system; but seldom reflects on the root cause that Western medicine dehumanized ones kick away the cheaper drugs for profiting expensive ones by the name of unscientific. Most professors, economists, doctors, etc., are specialized in one field and lack extensive knowledge, thus becoming dogmatists. Due to their resounding academic titles, they are extremely deceptive and harmful. Only those who are wider-range of studying and extensively social practicing with contribution approved acquired profound knowledgeable and experiences can make judgments in more right fewer mistakes in qualified as lawmakers; such as, outstanding entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, fewer of professors and economists, and so on. Even so, the collective discussed wisdom are still needed to careful consider the problem roundly avoiding mistake. Also, people who made contribution, at the first, they are able to complete higher education and which demonstrated that their brains are well developed, their attention and memory are good in the higher quality.
This was the reason that for great many years, when the most of professors and economists are arguing that how to make the U.S. great again and how to defeat China, but Professor Jeffrey Sachs showed utterly desperation for the U.S. of the axis of evil and its coerced west; exhausted warning people with that how to avoid disasters. People are inborn selfish instinct, which driven survival seeking activities are the essential driven force for developing economy to support the existence of human society, without human inborn selfish instinct without economy supported human society. Once society lost control, the selfish instinct will drive people looting, killing as beast. Why with the people are in the similar inborn nature, the people of China have been living relative longer time in peaceful prosperity and in 2000 years ago explored Silk Road to provide west life necessaries, but the people in the west have been endlessly provoking wars in looting & killing each other and looting & killing the people globally. The thinking and pursuing of people is the intellectual engine in driving a civilization human or inhuman. The origin of a civilization cultures people into human or inhuman; determines the thinking and pursuing of people towards human or inhuman, and which determines a civilization human or inhuman and lived life is human or inhuman. For being able to live a humanized life, the key is at conducting the thinking of people to the humanized way. A civilization is human or inhuman depends on whether it cultures people into human or inhuman. Representative democracy brings disaster to the people. We should explore how to self rescue. The origin of the civilization of China The civilization of China was the humanization by humanized people. Since ancient time, China united dozens of races in centralized govern, the peaceful life made thinking and pursuing of people focus on how to govern country better. In Zhou Dynasty (1046BC—256BC); by Ritual and Music system cultures people in human quality. According to Wikipedia archaeological evidence indicates that the bone flutes dated to 9,000 years ago, and clay music instruments thought to be 7,000 years old. Later, in Xia Dynasty (2070–1600 BC), started the development of ritual and music civilization or ritual and music system. The Ritual and Music System divided into two parts: ritual and music. The part of ritual mainly cultures people's identity and social norms, finally forms an orderly hierarchy with etiquette between superior and subordinate. The part of music is mainly for hierarchical system by music cultures people to alleviate conflict. In order to suppress the rebellions in remote areas, Zhou Royal sent Royal members to establish vassal states as independent economies. But the generations of Zhou Royal families and vassal states mindlessly repeated gave certain land as fiefs to own sons as vassal states in independent economy as war machine. Thus eventually the imperial power lost control on about 100 vassal states; the animal instinct began to barbaric play as Europeans; in 771BC fell into 550 years of wars between the royal family's grandpas, grandsons, uncles and nephews. In 221BC, China reunited and dumped the enfeoffment to stop plating independent economies war machines; and starts to govern in province and county by selecting quality people as officials; and recognized that ideologies can be evil used to spread rumors to confuse people, provoke wars, and brainwash good people into warmongers of reshaping human quality. In 134BC, outlawed schools of thought respect Confucianism only. Under Gov-enforcement, people had to speak and act by Confucian conducted in collective self-discipline, and formed collectivist values and peace seeks genes of not imposing on others what you do not want others to do to you; by choosing learned people on power; for which even developed Imperial Examination, the prosperous life attracted neighboring countries as Confucian Asia and developed Collective Civilization in collective prosperity by Silk Road provides life necessaries to survive people in the west loot kill in home later world widely. Here I must indicate that if the government had not forced Confucian to be socialized, it would have been like the good thoughts in the west by people used to chew, bloat, burp, and fart without actual effect. All the poisonous philosophies and ideologies that are harmful to social governance in the world today were fabricated by Westerners. Thus under government enforcement; China gradually purposefully developed leading philosophy, moralities and legalism to have orderly settled down the complex relationship between the major social existences. (No one mention this point yet; but I believed that the social effects were as so); which was that by dialectic philosophy Daoism settled down the relationship between man and nature; by moral guidance Confucianism settled down the relationship between man and man; by legal system Legalism settled down the relationship between man and society; and by government sent people to purposefully invite Buddhism from India to have comforted the relationship between man and mind. The humanistic development of Chinese civilization is a process of continuous improvement. Looking back throughout human history, whether in the East or the West, it is certain individuals who use their thoughts and actions to push forward the progress of human history. In China; in the majority of times, it has been rational people in playing decisive role, so that China developed as humanized civilization. The history of China was promoted by the wisdom of the individuals In China with the accumulation of Chinese characters (about 3000) to realize written expression, in Zhou dynasty (1046 BC – 256 BC), the development of civilization entered its heyday. Easy to carry written expression has greatly increased the convenience of cultural exchange and the popularization of laws for social governance. In China, Cai Lun (63-121 AD) socialized papermaking. Bi Sheng (970-1051) invented movable type printing. Thanks they birth a little later, before that people recorded texts on bamboo slips; so that historical documents can be buried underground and preserved for a long time, and then be brought to light by archaeological excavations. The ancient Chinese military treatise; the Art of War is dating from the late Spring and Autumn period (roughly 5th century BC); it was written on bamboo slips and was unearthed later. Today is easily to understand. Unlike the West, which fabricates non-existent history, the history of China comes from written records. Politician Guan Zhong was the designer in social governance of China Guan Zhong (720–645 BC), a philosopher and politician, who served as chancellor as reformer of the vassal state of Qi and mapped brand new political and social partings on a paper of almost is blank and designed the detailed comprehensive measures in social governance. Here were some examples. The key reform was that he shifted administrative responsibility from hereditary aristocrats to professional bureaucrats, in comparison such an administrative model has last 2000 years long in Europe since China has reformed. The officials at all levels were strictly assess-promoted. Guan Zhong establish legalism uses mandatory legal terms to bind people's behavior. He reform enabled the state to impose taxation and economic autocracy directly reaching village level. Some reforms involved in social administration, including household registration, delimitation of administrative regions, and promulgation of laws, which are copied and posted throughout the country; which completely deviated from the traditional norms. Guan Zhong recognizes that effective rule cannot only rely on the wise men as moral models, but must have criminal laws as effective enforcement with rewards and punishments. Legalists emphasize that whether it is relatives or friends, whether it is rich or poor, all to be determined by the law. The taxes were levied according to the fertility of the land, trade was encouraged, and production was promoted. The government mints currency and monopolize on salt and iron to increase fiscal revenue. The government builds warehouses to store grain for prevention of famines; and great more. Here I have to specially indicate that Guan Zhong was an earliest thinker in China history who proposed the theory and principle of "ruling the country by law". He was firstly defined the legal power and responsibility relationship between lawmaking, law enforcement and law-abiding. He believed that: the legislation should be unified and the law should be made public and everyone is equal before the law, by which avoids law enforcement being affected and misused by the personal wishes of those people who are in power. The people of China are able to enjoy a relative longer peaceful prosperous life should attribute to that Guan Zhong designed governing system geographically and politically with strictly assess-promotes quality people as officials for social governance and a rational system of law; so that government is able to suppress the abnormal behaviors of low quality people. Lao Tzu, who wrote Tao Te Ching with philosophy Daoism Lao Tzu (571-471BC), Li Er, was born in vassal state of Chu, who wrote Tao Te Ching with philosophy Daoism as the cornerstone of the civilization of China. Philosophy guides the way humans think, which in turn affects the consequences of actions. Correct philosophy produces good social effects. Wrong philosophy produces bad social effects. Philosophy Daoism dialectically views the universe as a system of the unity of opposites, which is composed of many components - subsystem with own feature of unity of opposites. The components are all in the state of dynamic balance through continuous self-regulation. The two sides of unity of opposites are interdependent as the part of each other’s existence. Dao embodies the harmony of the unity of opposites by regulating the natural processes and nourishing the balance. By Yin and Yang represent the two opposites. The black fish represents the Yin, but its eye is white that means yang, white fish represents Yang, but its eye is black that means Yin. The whole symbol means that Yin doesn't leave Yang, and Yang doesn't leave Yin. They are opposites of each other with contradiction and reunification. Each is understood to be an integral part of the others. If one grows bigger, other one will be smaller. Yin often represents the negative, the female, dark, cloudy, cold and the Earth, etc.. Yang represents the positive, the male, bright, sunny, hot, and the Heaven, etc. They are in accompanying coexistence; there would be no male without female, no bright without dark. Due to the Daoism is developed by observing the real world in geography, astronomy, society and daily life, rather than by idealistic fantasy, so that the primitive philosophical view that generated in thousands of years ago is well coinciding with the modern science in nature world. In objective reality In micro perspective, as small as atom, extranuclear electrons cloud with the nucleus are both in the state of attraction and repulsion, the electronics rotating around the nucleus in dynamic equilibrium. They are in the state unity of opposites. Atoms are the components to compose of natural substance; also, include human body. In macro perspective, the planets with the sun in solar system, and solar system with other galaxies are all in the continuously rotating in the state of self-regulation by attraction and repulsion of each other. They are also in the state of dynamic equilibrium of unity of opposites. In subjective reality The dialectical thinking is very important when dealing with the social contradiction. In social life, various social contradictions or problems are also the unity of opposites, the two sides of contradiction are the integral part of each other in co-exist or co-perish; the strong and weak position of the contradiction is in the state of dynamic converting. Daoism is best matching with both objective reality and subjective reality without false illusions. Therefore, the Daoism is perfect rational for dealing with the complex issues naturally, socially and physically. Daoism is the cornerstone of the civilization of China The dialectical thinking is very important when dealing with the social contradiction. Daoism is best matching with both objective reality and subjective reality without false illusions. Therefore, the Daoism is perfect rational for dealing with the complex issues naturally, socially and physically. The way of dialectically view of Daoism helps people of China to look at, analyze and solve social problems from multiple perspectives, the factors in positive and negative, and the potential consequences, as detailed as possible. In which way, the solution will be more realistic and less error-making. As one of the important ancient philosophies of China, the Daoism is the cornerstone of the civilization of China with influencing the social governance and the civilization of East & South Asia, and the population from China globally. The dialectical philosophy Daoism cultured people of China with the quality of dialectical thinking; so that the people of China carefully dealing with anything by looking at problems from different angles, at different sides and at different levels, the good consequence and the bad consequence in detailed without omissions or mistake. Due to that rational reasoning can be deep into many levels with series of possible consequences as that of judging domino effect; so that lesser reckless; never positively aggression and plundering others besides defense; which was the reason that China built Great Wall to avoid wars, rather than simply fight back to destroy enemy. This is the reason that China built Great Wall to avoid wars and the big Zheng He fleet 7 times around the world without looting and colonizing; and bringing books to Italy to trigger the Renaissance. This is the root reason that the people of China and the people in neighboring countries are able to enjoy a long peaceful life. However, friendly and kindness of China was viewed as weak and deceivable by the people who are with distorted reasoning function, which was the reason that foreigners repeatedly invaded China. In comparison, the most of Westerners are lack of dialectical reasoning, so that they look at problem from intuitive appearance, rarely touches the deep level, and rarely takes into account of the bad consequences, which was the one of reasons that U.S. has been at war for all but 16 years of its 242-year history. In the West, there is a best philosophy for a first-rate intelligence; it is the dialectics that found Ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus (535–475 BC), who characterized all existing entities by pairs of contrary properties; which was similar as that of dialectic philosophy Daoism in Far East China in the similar historical period. But the fate of two similar philosophy on the opposite side of Earth was opposite different. In China the Daoism was taking as leading philosophy; and by its principle and terminology develops medicinal system - TCM. Confucius (551–479 BC) paved moral foundation for China The founder of Confucianism was Confucius (551–479 BC). In ancient time, the society was in the disordered state, Confucius strives to restore the Ritual and Music System of Zhou to establish social order by preaching to discipline the behavior of people, the minister should obey the monarch, the son obeys the father, the wife should obey the husband, young people should obey and take care for elderly, and everyone must respect social morality and respect credibility of own promise in social activities; and do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you, and so on. The Confucianism was the contribution of generation’s people lasting centuries. The followers of Confucius compiled his preaching as the Analects to be called as Confucianism. Since then, there were people making improvement on Confucianism by integrating own thoughts in lasting for hundred years long, which showed that there great many rational people were caring about improving life by improving social governance. The Confucianism was systematized, simplified and summarized scattered records as simple as easy to understand, remember and implement – the son obeys the father, the wife obeys the husband; the minister obeys the monarch, the young people should respect and take care for elderly, everyone must abide by law; respect social morality and keep own promise in the social activities, and do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you, and so on. Historically China suppresses greed of nobles and the plunder of capital Shang Yang (390 – 338 BC) was from State Way came to State Qin and considered to be the greatest preventative of Chinese Legalism, who promoted standard legal terms and made equality before the law. He considers the loyalty to the state above that of the family. Shang Yang introduced land reforms, privatized land, and rewards farmers who exceeded harvest quotas. He encouraged migration of peasants from other states into Qin by providing them with farmland and life supports; this policy simultaneously increased the manpower of Qin and weakened the manpower of Qin's rivals. Shang Yang made many reforms in effective social governance and helped Qin built the military power to reunify China latter. He introduced material rewards into law by making twenty military ranks and rewards system, based upon battlefield achievements with rewards of lands and other life necessaries. More achievements more rewards; which made Qin citizens willing to join the army and made all efforts to get more achievements in battlefield for getting more rewards. Especially, in this way, the hereditary privileges of the nobilities were restricted, preventing them from unearned gains. Throughout Chinese history, arable land was distributed to farmers several times, but it soon became concentrated in the hands of a few people, who became increasingly rich, while the majority of people became tenants and became increasingly poor. During the Han Dynasty (202BC-220AD), the rich had thousands of servants, while the county officials had only a few soldiers; when the servants of the rich committed murder, the county officials were unable to punish them. Emperor Wu of Han drove the rich together in one pales and put them under centralized supervision. Capital pooling companies appeared in China's Tang Dynasty (618-907AD); since then all the evils in today's capital market have been playing in China, because successive governments of China rationally restrained the greed of capital, no disasters were caused. For example, the Qing Dynasty's "Xuanzong Shengxun·Qing Daoguang Emperor's Edict" stated: unscrupulous merchants opened Taihe stores, invited groups to form gangs, and bought and sold short. Today, Chinatowns all over the world were established since the Tang Dynasty. Since the Industrial Revolution in Britain, capital-pooling companies have emerged, and they have rampant harmed the world, creating wars and economic disasters. In the West, they created plutocracy to plunder by driving the power of state Apparatus to sold arms for profit by launching wars, and committed all kinds of evil. Li Si played key role for reunifying wars chaotic China Li Si (280 – 208 BC), who was a politician, legalist writer and notable calligrapher came to State Qin from State Chu, served as Prime Minister from 246 – 208 BC under two rulers of State Qin and has fundamentally contributed to the social governance of China and globally. In 238BC, Li Si suggested to Qin Shi Huang (259–210 BC) with that now, Qin has the conditions to unify the world, and the other six countries have actually fallen to the status of Qin's prefectures and counties. Getting rid of them is as easy as flicking off stove dust; then Qin Shi Huang eradicated all of vassal states of independent economy war machine. Then Qin Shi Huang founded the Qin dynasty and the first self-invented title emperor of a unified China. After state Qin unified China in 221 BC, there was a debate between Gov-officials and the scholars. The scholars advocated the old system of enfeoffment, granting the land to the nobility and giving the name of hereditary princes. The highest judicial official, Li Si who takes the tragic lessons of the inducement of 550 years of wars and believes that the system of enfeoffment was the root cause of the melee of the Zhou dynasty, and it was a political disaster by enfeoffment of land as independent economy. Once those independent economies developed as military power, they immediately alienated of each other and waged war, and the emperor could not stop them. Li Si recognized that ideologies can be used making excuse to deceive for provoking wars and evil wash the mind of people as war maniac fighter; so that he suggested to have burned books in advocating enfeoffment and banned private schooling, while live buried 460 scholars who deadly insist to enfeoffment for war machine with armed riots. Li Si suggested gave up enfeoffment to centralized govern in counties, provinces and ministries of the social governance structure globally copied; by selecting learned people as officials in Technical Democracy as today actually; at the same time; a prosecutor was set up to monitor the behavior of the officials. Then set 36 provinces with three officials in each province: they are equivalent to today's governors, defense commanders, and ombudsmen. Provinces administered counties; the officials of the province and county were directly appointed by the emperor. Besides the officials of the provinces and counties, there were still other 9 officials, separately in charge of Etiquette for ancestral temple, Palace portal, Palace guards, Horse feeding, Judicial affair, Foreign concierge, Royal family, Agriculture and Logistics supply. Those officials were selected among knowledgeable people outside of Royal family as that of Shang Yang who was from other state and was appointed as top official to reform the old social system in 356 BC, which was 135 years before of state Qin unified China. This centralized governance model eliminated the cause of social turmoil by removing the soil for budding nobles and aristocracy. Those appointed officials may naturally form technocratic democracy. Now, we may easily image that govern such a complex social system, there were so many officials in charging of different affair of a big country, even if the emperor eagerly wanted to act as a dictator, but, he would not know how to dictate, but had to be Technical Democracy by the jointly discussion of those officials. Later, the ministers were recruited through the exam facing the entire country according to the need to hold from time to time, which started from Han dynasty 206 BC–220 AD. Li Si was also instrumental in systematizing standard measures and currency in post-unified China; he unified the width of the carriage rails, which unified the length of the carriage axle. He further helped unified and systematize the written Chinese language by banned use of other forms of written patterns; and many other unified efforts in social elements in post-unified China to have made foundation on Chinese culture for thousands of years. Dong Zhongshu paved key foundation for the civilization of China In this process; the contributed the most was Dong Zhong Shu (179–104BC) in Han Dynasty. Dong Zhong Shu suggested Emperor Wu of Han dynasty outlawed schools of thought to respect Confucianism alone; by the power of the state apparatus forced the socialization of Confucianism, so that everyone has to learn, memorize and guide social life. Otherwise the Confucianism would be as that of many good thoughts in the west acted as moaning without reason. Emperor Wu paved key foundation for the civilization of China In Han dynasty, Liu Che, the emperor Wu (156 – 87 BC) paved key foundation for the civilization of China. In 134 BC Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu issued an edict to solicit governing strategies; while establishes Royal University – in later once reached 30 thousands of people as teaching and reserving for officials and as Think Tank. 1... 140 BC, Emperor Wu adopted suggestion of Dong Zhong Shu outlawed all schools of thoughts to respect Confucianism as only moral guidance. Buddhism It is an Indian religion founded in 4th century BC. It does not recognize that the world is a universal all-round God creation with Four Noble Truths, the goal of Buddhism is to overcome suffering caused by desire and ignorance of reality's true nature, including impermanence and the non-existence of the self. Most Buddhist traditions emphasize transcending the individual self through the attainment of Nirvana or by following the path of Buddha hood, ending the cycle of death and rebirth. Believes the reincarnation; if the one did good deeds in this life will enjoy a happier life in the next time. I think which main reason that it attracts believers is. Because Buddhism does not force believers, it is voluntary and teaches people to restrain their behavior to be good. As the best assistant to Confucianism to be supported by successive governments of China and is widely spread among the people. My grandfather's house has a Buddhist shrine to be worshiped every day. When I was a child, I once also was force to kowtow to worship it. Historian and philosopher compare the difference of China and West I try to understand the different of China and the West from the eyes of noted historians and philosophers, so that we can grab the main points in the time of minutes. Qian Mu (1895 – 1990), a Chinese historian, philosopher and writer. He is considered to be one of the greatest historian and philosopher of 20th-century China. Follow was translated from article Political warmth, cultural respect — the impression after reading Mr. Qian Mu's "Self-talk Politics" in May 25, 2018, the author is in anonymous. The source of Western politics is in the Greek city-state. First, it is launched from a small area through trade or through the military; Second, the idea of "individualism" is the starting point; the third is a kind of politics of the stronger bullying the weaker, the rich bullying the poor, and majority bullying the minority; the fourth is not focused on the spirit for the interest of large group of social members. Therefore, this kind of politics is easy to cause two kinds of conflicts - the struggle of the external ethnic groups and the struggle of the internal different class. It is a kind of politics in confrontation and conquering. The politics of Greece and Rome are largely influenced by religion. It intertwined with the Christianity and interacts to form the source of European culture. The concrete manifestation is at: First, it has a strong individualistic color; secondly, it is the Imperial Emperor co-works with the Pope, one acts as social ruler, and the other one acts as tamer of people; the third is politics and religion are prone to disputes, which is the big flaw of the traditional European politics. Qian Mu believes the national state and democratic politics that emerged after the Renaissance are the result of the expansion and disguise of the Greek-Romanian central politics. The characteristics of Western modern democracy First, Western modern democratic politics cannot transcend class and transcend nationality, so political struggle is either class struggle or ethnic conflict. Second, European democracy is only present in its core body, not in the periphery of its conquest. This is due to the two fulcrums of European urban culture - the slaves in the inside and commerce in the outside and the Western countries will expand outwards in order to ensure these two support points, which will cause conflicts in the process. Finally, although European countries have different polities, but, they are governed by political parties that represent the interests of class or nationality, there is inevitably a potential danger of the inherent struggle of class or nationality. Only religion can transcend class and nationality, but it cannot solve the problem of political reality. China's traditional politics, neither aristocratic politics nor monarchy, indeed, it is democratic governance. In compared with Western political systems, although China did not set up a parliament for public expressing opinion, it does not mean that China does not have civil rights. In the case of the ruling of the monarchs and nobles in the West, in order to enable the people to supervise the government, they established the National Assembly, which is a manifestation of the civil rights of the West. Therefore, in such a context, the Western political system is a system in the state of opposition between governments and nationals; in which, the people exercise an indirect civil rights through the Congress. In traditional political system of China, the reason why there is no Congress is because that Chinese government is formed by the people that select from private sector, not from royal families; thus, the government itself has represented the public opinion; which is a political system that the government and the people are integrated. The domestic civil rights are exercised by the composition of the government. In the Chinese political system, what really represents the public opinion is not by the majority of the people, but by selected most knowledgeable people. The optimal political system is the political system that must ensure that the most knowledgeable people can take the political power. Therefore, in order to enable the civil rights to maximize their role, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality rather than the number of representatives. China's political system is not an autocratic at all The reason why China's political system is considered to be authoritarian rule is because that the royal rule lasted for a thousand years, without a parliament for representing public opinion. But, this does not mean that China is autocracy. First of all, the royal family of China is a symbolic head without power for authoritarian rule, but helps the stability of the political situation and the long-term stability of the country. Secondly, China implements "sage politics" and, therefore, does not require public opinion organs. The government of the West is like the Wal-Mart, the owner hires a manager (government) to take charge of the business, and the shareholders (public opinion agencies) have the right to question management matters. The government of China is like a university. The professors (sages) teach the students (people), and the students cannot override the authority of the professors. Therefore, the politics between China and West is not comparable and cannot be generally compared. The relationship between law and morality is different between China and the West China emphasizes the nature of people is good, so it is considered that morality is supreme, and the law is only used to make up for moral deficiencies; while the West considers that stipulates morality and leads ethics by law. In China, the core of morality is benevolence and filial piety, which is not regulated by law; while the West considers morality to be fair. This kind of fair is for protecting the rights of individual and must be protected by law. Due to the differences in political consciousness and national concept between Chinese and Western, the nature of law between Chinese and Western is also different. In the West, the state is above all else. The law is the specific manifestation of the state's domination of the will and rights of individual. The law is a tool of domination. Under the control of state power, the people need to fight for human rights against the state to defend themselves; so that the Western people demand legislative power and demand separation of powers. In China, the state is only a kind of social organization. The state is established for the people, not the people are born for the state. At the same time, the people of China have a sense of taking care of the overall interests, in the eyes of the Chinese people, the highest goal of the life is that individual ethics conforms to the overall morality of society and does not conform to the power and will of the state; therefore, the state does not override personal will or hurts individual freedom, and people do not need to fight for freedom from the state. The law of China is education at first, and then the penalties are imposed. The function of the state is to guide the advancement of morality, and the role of the law is to help correction. Therefore, as far as the nature of law is concerned, the Western law is to give people rights, so it is mostly a law to protect rights; and Chinese law is to prevent people from being immoral, so it is mostly a law to punish evil. The relationship between law and religion is also different between China and the West In West, the religion and law complement each other. At the beginning, law is a part of religion; except law has no justice, except religion has no moral guidance. The religion and law synthesized the idea of freedom, equality, and fraternity is the highest goal of European political consciousness. The law of China is completely separated from religion. The moral education is in school, and the penalty of law is in the government. The requirements of China for law are not only fair, but also to assist morality and make up for the deficiencies of ethics. Then, since morality comes from the mind of the people, the law should focus on the mind of people and focus on the emotion of people. The politics of China and West is radically different Firstly, China is a unified state, and the country is a whole that condensates into a center, it is a political form of centralized. The West began in the Greek city-state, which is the state of a small country. The formation of the country is spread from the center to the surrounding area, which formed a political form of “outward conquest”. Second, the politics of China has had religious functions since ancient times. The ideal of traditional Chinese politics is to transcend the class and transcend the nationality. There is the responsibility to teach and supervise all the large groups of people. Therefore, the function of Chinese politics is in both of complying with natural law and also meeting the needs of the people; thus the Chinese politics already have the function of religious education. The Western religions and politics, any of them is without such integrated function. Therefore, religion and politics must co-work together, both are indispensable. The society of China is neither a feudal society nor a capitalist society First of all, in terms of the political system, China is a united country with centralized power since the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC, and the county administration directly under the Central government as today’s regional distribution of counties and provinces. China does not have a feudal aristocracy. There is no privilege of nobler; there is no aristocratic hereditary politics; compared with the West, there is no slavery in China. In terms of economic conditions, Chinese society is dominated by the agricultural economy rather than the feudal economy. In addition, the system of taxation and servitude in China has largely demonstrated the freedom of giving farmers. The difference in political theory between China and the West In China, the emperor is the "outstanding talent of the sages" and is at a high level by virtue of the trust of the people. Therefore, if the theoretical source of the Western regime is the contract of the people, that is, the "contractual regime," then the rationality of the Chinese regime is from the trust of people, that is, the "trust regime." The political theory in Confucianism Chinese traditional politics advocates knowledgeable people, and education is the ultimate goal of the politics of China. The traditional education of China is transcend class and transcend nationality and is developed for the entire human culture, so the government must be under education. This is particularly evident in Confucianism. The focus of Confucian political thought is not in the monarch, the so-called monarchical power comes from heaven, and the heavenly way exists in the ministers. That is to say, the emperor is hereditary, is not necessarily the sage, and the ministers are all selected "most sages" from the whole society through the examination system, they can make up for the shortcomings of the celestial hereditary. From the perspective of the development of Confucianism in dynasties, they all reflect the characteristics of the well integration of religion, politics and education. This is the big end of Confucian ideals. China's education is in politics, so the political objectives are often far-reaching. Therefore, for China, politics has the connotation of education, and the most ideal political system should be the system that can best guarantee that the "most sages" can engage in politics. Chinese traditional politics has the goal of make the customs and the political rights equal. There is no confrontation between classes, and there is no competition between the nations. The flaw of traditional Chinese politics First, because of contempt for expansionary hegemony, it is not to engage in prosperous by aggression and merger and is easy to be bullied by strong neighbors. Second, it cannot guarantee the sages kept as the sages and the people cannot conduct effective supervision. The traditional political theory of China is not only originated from Chinese traditional culture, but, also conformed to China's national conditions. This was the reasons and feasibility of the value for the existence. The key to the way out of Chinese politics is not to copy the political systems in the West, but to carry forward the essence of Chinese traditional political theory, to correct its illnesses, to restore its original ideals and its original appearance, to pull out new political theories and exert a new political spirit. It can achieve political stability and long-term stability. Ray Dalio: the philosophical; legal and moral roots of China’s civilization Thanks Ray Dalio for well understanding the nature of humanized civilization; the humanized civilization is at purposefully humanizing people. The philosophical; legal; moral and ideological roots of the humanized civilization of China are purposefully; collectively selectively developed. May 4 2021, the founder and co-chairman of Bridgewater Associates, Ray Dalio, who published article Changing World Order, Where We Are and Where we're Going; in which, he pointed out the philosophical; legal, moral and ideological roots of the humanized civilization of China. I copy some sections as below. China’s Lessons and Its Ways of Operating The Chinese culture developed as an extension of the experiences the Chinese had and the lessons they learned over the millennia. They were set out in philosophies about how things work and what ways work best in dealing with these realities. These philosophies made clear how people should be with each other, how political decision making should be done, and how the economic system should work. In the Western world the dominant philosophies are Judeo-Christian, democratic, and capitalist/socialist. Each person pretty much chooses from these to come up with the mix that suits them. In China, the main ones were Confucian, Taoist, and Legalist until the early 20th century when Marxism and capitalism entered the mix. The most desired mix to follow has historically been the emperor’s most desired mix. Emperors typically study Chinese history to see how these have worked and come up with their own preferences, put them into practice, learn, and adapt. If the mix works, the dynasty survives and prospers (in their parlance it has the “Mandate of Heaven”). If it doesn’t, it fails and is replaced by another dynasty. This process has gone on from before history was recorded and will go on as long as there are people who have to decide how to collectively do things. While I can’t do these philosophies justice in a couple of sentences each without digressing too deeply (though I will go into them more deeply in Part 2), here is the best I can do: Confucianism seeks to bring about harmony by having people know their roles in the hierarchy and know how to play them well starting from within the family (between the husband and the wife, the father and the son, the older sibling and the younger sibling, etc.) and extending up to the ruler and their subjects, with them bound together by benevolence and obedience. Each person respects and obeys those above them, who are both benevolent and impose standards of behavior on them. All people are expected to be kind, honest, and fair. Confucianism values harmony, broad-based education, and meritocracy. Legalism favors conquest and unification of “all under heaven” as soon as possible by an autocratic leader. It believes that the world is a “kill or be killed” jungle in which the strength of the emperor’s central government and strict obedience to it must exist without much benevolence given to the people by the emperor/government. The Western equivalent is fascism. Taoism teaches that the laws of nature and living in harmony with them are of paramount importance. Taoists believe that all of nature is composed of opposites and that harmony comes from balancing them well—yin and yang. This plays an important role in how the Chinese seek the balance of opposites. Of these, Confucianism and neo-Confucianism have been the most influential through time, usually with some Legalism thrown in, up until the early 20th century when Marxism gained favor with Mao and then with his successors. I will briefly explain Marxism when we get into the 20th century. Naturally all of these have been very fleshed out and have evolved over time, along with the ways that the emperor and government operate. All of these Chinese systems from the beginning of recorded history were hierarchical and non-egalitarian. I was told by one of the most senior Chinese leaders, who is also a highly informed historian and an extremely practical top policy maker, that the core difference between Americans and the Chinese is that Americans put the individual above all else and the Chinese put the family and the collective above all else. He explained that Chinese leaders seek to run the country the way they think parents should run the family—from the top down, maintaining high standards of behavior, putting the collective interest ahead of any individual interest, with each person knowing their place and having filial respect for those in the hierarchy so that the system works in an orderly way. He explained that the word “country” consists of two characters, “state” and “family,” which represents how the leaders view their roles in looking after their state/family—like strict parents. So one might say that the Chinese government is run from the top down (like a family) and optimizes for the collective while the American approach is run from the bottom up (e.g., democracy) and optimizes for the individual. (These differences of approach can lead to policies that those on the opposite side find objectionable, which I will explore in more detail in the next chapter.) While Americans fight for what they want in the present, most Chinese strategize how to get what they want in the future. As a result of these different perspectives the Chinese are typically more thoughtful and strategic than Americans, who are more impulsive and tactical. I also found Chinese leaders to be much more philosophical (literally readers of philosophy) than Americans leaders. If you read their writings and their speeches, you will find this to be true. Philosophies of how reality works and how to deal with it well are woven into their thinking, which is expressed in their writings. Thanks Ray Dalio for well understanding humanized civilization. Ray Dalio is the founder and co-chairman of Bridgewater Associates, which, over the last forty years, has become the largest and best performing hedge fund in the world. He is the author of #1 New York Times Bestseller and #1 Amazon Business Book of the Year, Principles. Dalio has appeared on the Time 100 list of the most influential people in the world as well as the Bloomberg Markets list of the 50 most influential people. He lives with his family in Connecticut. How China did initiated economic reform and open up As same as that of great many reform in China, the economic reform and opening up was not from a purposeful plan of the central government, but initiated by individuals with farsightedness and then supported by central government. Former executive vice chairman of China Merchants Group, the important explorer and pioneer for China's economic reform – Mr. Yuan geng who died, at 3:58 on Jan. 31, 2016 at his 99 years old. The process of China’s economic reform is a process of fighting against conservative ideology, especially those policy makers from socialist governing system. Besides ideology, it involved well understanding human nature. Mr. Yuan Geng and China Merchants Group By stirring up Opium Wars in 1840, the Western powers forced the government of China to have signed with a series of unequal treaties, by which to have grabbed huge waterways rights in coastal and inland China. China’s traditional domestic shipping was rapidly defeated. Dec. 16, 1872, under the effort of China’s Minister Li Hongzhang, to have established China Merchants Steam Navigation Company for developing modern navigation industry to compete with overseas ships with a fleet of ships and offers ocean freight shipping services, which was the first Limited Liability Joint-Stock Company in China. Due to Chinese Civil War, the company split into 3 branches. The one in Shanghai and in Taipei was merged or renamed; only the one in Hong Kong has been in existing and upraised as China’s state owned. Under planning economy, the company stayed in idle without any achievement. In Oct. 1978, Mr. Yuan Geng was appointed as executive vice chairman of the company in Hong Kong, and later the company was developed as China Merchants Group. January 31, 1979, the government of China approved the application of Mr. Yuan Geng to have established Shekou Industrial Zone in Shenzhen, China, and in March 1980, Mr. Yuan Geng was appointed as top director of the Zone. The Shekou Industrial Zone is a prototype of special economic zones, firstly opened the door to foreign investors in China. It was foreshadowed of China's reform and open up in the background that planning economy has still occupied in a monopoly position. Since then, as a leader, Mr. Yuan Geng was to carry out comprehensive reform exploration. Here, in particular, I must point out that, at that time China, the ideology of the whole society was dogmatically adhering to socialism, with strongly exclusion of any private economy of capitalism, and Mr. Yuan Geng’s reform exploration was just the practice of the way of Capitalism in managing the Industrial Zone by economic means, which was radically against main stream of social ideological. In 1979, in the construction of Shekou Port firstly broke the egalitarianism payment to implement work performance linked reward system to have greatly promoted productivity, which caused trouble for himself and also trigged reform of wage system in china. In order to overcome the decades phenomenon of high cost, poor quality and schedule delays in engineering construction, in 1980, the China-Swiss Mechanical Engineering Company firstly introduced the project bidding, since then, the infrastructure projects mostly by tender contract, thus, reached in low cost, high quality, and high construction speed. It played a role of pioneering and pathfinder in China’s infrastructure construction reform. As an experimental field, in Shekou industrial zone, Mr. Yuan Geng created a lot of management innovation, even free election. Only from 1979 to 1984, he created 24 national first innovations in social governance. As a successful model, those innovations has been playing an exemplary role, it greatly contributed and promoted the economic reform in whole China. The deeds of Mr. Yuan Geng made me sure that, an excellent, non conformist and innovative individual can affect the future of a country. The progress of a country can also serve as an example to promote the advancement of other countries. Of course, the excellent individual cannot be success without a booster effect of the favorable tide – the historical development trend. From above facts, we can learn the difficult that China carried out economic reform successfully. In 1981, in Shekou Industrial Zone, the land leveling, industrial related facilities and construction of the pier were substantially completed. In June 16, the news paper of the People's Daily published the report of Xinhua News Agency – The Construction Speed of Shekou Industrial Zone is fast, and firstly proposed Shekou Model with affirmed the bonus system, project bidding system, and a series practices in according to market economy law. Since then Shekou Mode was fixed down and has been playing as a model for China's economic reform nationally. Then the central government copied the experiences to another 14 coastal cities, and then much more. A lot of people entered Shenzhen to seek opportunities from Hong Kong after the start of economic reform. At the end of 2006, there were more than 8.46 millions people in Shenzhen city; there more than one million were from Hong Kong among them. Now, the people in main land China are easily into Hong Kong legally no one illegally any more, which was pre-indicated by Deng Xiaoping. It is necessary to point out that any social change would inevitably touch the vital interests of some people, thus would cause a danger for the reformer. Mr. Yuan Geng once said, he had seen that when antelopes were hunted by beast, the old antelope was firstly to jump into the mountain stream and stood there, then, frail little antelopes jumped to on and then skip over the mountain stream. The old antelope is protecting their race at the expense of their own life. An American bornglobal political-economist experienced economic reform of China The economic reform of China without blindly following others Talk about economic reform, we may easily think of the outstanding politicians and economists who once operated the economical and political reform of former Soviet Union. They bravely performed great shock therapies that exactly followed the suggestion of the economists. The great politicians combined great economists to have created great job, they work together finished the reform from planning economy under one party dictatorship to market economy under multiparty democracy in a very short period, they finished reform decisively and thoroughly, at the same time, they also finished the country. “Fortunately, Beijing did not listen to the West as that of Soviet Union”, said Mr. Laurence Brahm, an American-born global political-economist and lawyer based in Beijing, who once worked as advisor for the central government of China in helped and experienced the process of major policy making for the economic reform. In an interview video in Mandarin on YouTube, named Fortunately, Beijing did not listen to the West as that of Soviet Union, Mr. Laurence Brahm said that he once provided many practices and policies of the West, but, the leaders of China did not dogmatically follow any one. He said that the process for the reform of stated owned enterprises were extremely difficult, because a single enterprise is a mall society with running schools, hospitals, housings, pension, and more. The reform involved complex social reform at whole systematically. It was extremely difficult. But, the most steps were correct. In the YouTube video The expert of the US highly value China’s 40 years of reform and opening up, Mr. Laurence Brahm said that the top leaders of China have served at different levels of government, such as, they've either worked in ministries dealing with very pragmatic industrial technology or agricultural issues, they've also experienced in the village level, the city level, and province level dealing with the issues of administration of both urban centers and villages. They were well understand those suggestion of the Shock Therapy or Washington Consensus of the West was infeasible with potential of disasters。 Therefore, the leaders of China explored own way by trial and practice in step by step pragmatically, not dogmatically. Because of according to their experiences, the process of social development was complexity, the social problems were also complicated, when a problem was solved, several new problems are triggered. Just like the domino effect in endless, new methods are always needed to solve new problems. It is irrational by one prescription to treat all kind of diseases. In 2014, according to his insights and experiences from the works in China and the works for other governments with different economic models, he published Fusion Economics: How Pragmatism is Changing the World to have indicated that a fusion of models and culture can come together to create an alternative that will help solve world problems rather than create them. By which, he outlined a new global consensus based on pragmatism, common sense, and grass-roots realities, and thereby turns away from economic systems dangerously steeped in ideology and stymied by politics. Backed on the experience of the rational practice of China, he indicates that the World Bank, IMF, and WTO are largely outdated due to they pursue a very policy of market fundamentalism with unshirkable responsibility for the 2008 financial crisis and the deterioration of global political, economic and social stability. 37 years of experience in China, Mr. Laurence Brahm indicated the big difference between the leaders of China and the Western democratic players. The leaders of China were all well experienced, but the democratic players of the West are freshman without experience besides good at pleasing voters. As my view, suppose that China turn to democracy, the result will be as that of India in a similar population. As my view, it is just democracy and the human rights in failing India. Now, Mr. Laurence Brahm is focus on the Himalayan Consensus that is a holistic economic development paradigm that emphasizes the integrity of planetary eco-systems as an indispensible basis for socio-economic development. As American was born in the United States, Mr. Laurence Brahm uses practical methods to help people escape of poverty. However, those Americans who live in the United States are using unrealistic ideologies to save the world. As a result, they are harming the world and themselves. The failure of Soviet Union was caused by the kidnap of confused ideologies. In comparison with that of the West, China has less kidnapped by the ideologies. The process of economic reform of China was the process of breaking the shackle of ideologies The process of the economic reform of China was a process of seeking for the good use of the advantage of capitalism and socialism People are inborn selfish instinct; the selfish survival seeking activities is the basic driven force the development of human society; without selfish instinct of people without human society. The selfish instinct is double edged sword in impacting social governance. It said that the capitalist society is the capital controls a nation, and the socialist society is the nation controls the capital. No we may say that the capitalist society is the greedy controls the nation, and the socialist society is the nation controls the greedy. By meeting the desire of people inborn selfish instinct; the market economy promoted the economic prosperity of capitalist society; but that over relying on meets the desire of people inborn selfish instinct is also has dead side effect. Sep. 12, 2017, Professor at the University of California, Robert Lustig published book The Hacking of the American Mind: The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains to expose that industry has manipulated the most deep-seated survival instincts of people for profiting, the science that drives these states of mind, and the government actors who facilitated it. Jan. 4, 2022, Jeremy Menchik, Professor at Boston University, published Confessions of a 'human guinea pig': Why I'm resigning from Moderna vaccine trials. When participating in the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine trials; he found that for maximizing its profits; Moderna did not let vaccine going all out to end the pandemic as quickly as possible, but is in helping prolong it by not making its mRNA technology available to the the U.S. government or other manufacturers so global production can be scaled up quickly. So that the Professor concludes that the process of science and the products it yields are noble, science for outrageous profit that costs people their lives is not noble. The fact is clear that capitalist society allows greedy controls the nation has been in making disaster. The socialist society is mainly based on the communist idea of Kari Marx of contributing what you can contribute and taking what you need; but that over relying on people's consciousness and self-esteem also there is dead side effect; which is to destroyed social productivity by suppressing human selfish instinct; so that, in compared with capitalist society, the socialist social system makes poor. The fact is clear that socialist society allows nation controls greedy has be also in making disaster. For developing a better livable society, the integrated use of the advantage of capitalism and socialism is the best way. The process of China’s economic reform was the process of integrating the advantage of capitalism and socialism by nation control major economy; while by broken the equal payroll system of socialism to enlarge that contribution linked payments; by which optimized the advantage of capitalism and socialism. The review of the development of China’s economic reform This section is excerpted and reedited from my 2012-07-29 article To Make Possible from Impossible by Breaking the Shackles of Dogmatic. For facilitating the understanding to that of I am going to discuss, I think that, there is necessary to review the reflection of former Russian President Vladimir Putin on Russia's ridiculous experience in their socialist period. In Dec. 30, 1999, Vladimir Putin made a speaking of “For almost three-fourths of the outgoing century Russia lived under the sign of the implementation of the communist doctrine. It would be a mistake not to see and, even more so, to deny the unquestionable achievements of those times. But it would be an even bigger mistake not to realize the outrageous price our country and its people had to pay for that Bolshevist experiment. What is more, /it would be a mistake/ not to understand its historic futility. Communism and the power of Soviets did not makeRussiaa prosperous country with a dynamically developing society and free people. Communism vividly demonstrated its inaptitude for sound self-development, dooming our country to a steady lag behind economically advanced countries. It was a road to a blind alley, which is far away from the mainstream of civilisation.” As same as other socialist countries in former socialist camp, the experience of China is similar to that of Soviet Union. For almost three-fourths of the last century,Chinalived under the sign of the implementation of the communist doctrine. The dogmatists have directed many ridiculous farces with a little knowledge about the theory of Karl Marx without grasping the living soul of Marxism, which is to make a concrete analysis for specific situations, to solve specific problem by specific solution. There were many reports about economic achievements of China; however most of them were looking at the appearances rather than dug into the substance in the level of philosophy. Such as that, the most of daily goods worldwide are made in China, and that China has made economic miracle, but no one answered about that why did it happen? The process of the development of China’s economic reform was the process of beating ideological dogmatists and then the proposals for the economic reform can be practiced. The proposals were from the grassroots of the ordinary people or Governors who were working in local Governments according to their personal experiences from the social root and approved by top Governors who were foresight without dogmatic mind and dared take the political risk personally, such as, Hu Yaobang, Zhao Ziyang and Deng Xiaoping, they played decisive role at different historical period. Then implemented from point to line and from the line to area, step by step, avoided big social shake that happened in many other former socialist countries. Follow is an example. Ezra F. Vogel, the Professor of the Social Sciences Emeritus at Harvard University, who cost about 10 years, visited many key figure and historical sites, mastered informative first-hand information, to have written < Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China> that published in 2011. In the book, he indicated that Deng’s formula for success was simple: “Don’t argue; try it. If it works, let it spread.” I think this is the best understanding for the success of the economic reform inChina. It certainly possesses universal significance. “Don’t argue; try it. If it works, let it spread.” Whether the statement look or sound is all very simple, but, it is hard to do so at the time of beginning of economic reform in China. Firstly, that “Don’t argue” was impossible, because argue is the job or hobby of some people. If some of the socialist dogmatists considered something beyond the boundaries of socialism, even if "It works", they would not "let it spread." The aftereffect for the proposal providers or practitioners would be more than just argue, but a severe punishment or even jailed. The creed of those dogmatists is: that would rather keep the socialist weed, but never adopt the capitalist seedling. In fact, the process of China’s economic reform was the process that broke the dogmatic shackles regarding the road of Socialism and Capitalism; it was called as political struggle of the two-line, and was considered as involved in alive or death of China. This phenomenon was not unique to China and not unique to the socialist camp. Almost any Western politician, open mouth or close mouth, will be with a sound of the values of liberal democracy and, that is their hobby. It is not because of the true human conscience, but because of the need for showing own noble to deceive voters, thereby maintain their political position for enjoying political privileges. This was the reason I wrote section of the 1.. Human nature and social governance: Whether it is the past and the present, whether it is the West or the East, the individual or the society, everything that happened were stemmed from the quality of people - the quality of reasoning function – humanized or non-humanized. That being the case seriously, then, how that China did broke the dogmatic shackle to make possible from impossible. Here I’d like to try to discuss it with some practical experiences of China. At the beginning of China’s economic reform in three decades ago, most politicians and sociologists have objected strongly according to their dogmatic understanding for Socialism, Capitalism and Marxism. Deng Xiaoping, an outstanding top leader in economic reform of China, he repulsed the useless dogmatic arguments with patient explanation that whether the share of planned economy is a little bit more or the share of market economy is a little bit more, it is not the essential difference for Socialism and Capitalism. That planned economy is not equivalent to Socialism, Capitalism also has plan, and market economy is not equivalent to Capitalism, Socialism also has market. The plan and the market are only the economic means that can help to develop economy. He indicated that, if China does not reform to develop economy for improving the living of the people, any road would be a dead end. Poverty does not belong to Socialism. We need to build Socialist society with unique feature of China. In China, officially called Deng Xiaoping as the chief architect of China's reform and opening up, however, Professor Ezra F. Vogel's findings were contrary. He calls Deng “the general manager” ofChina’s latest revolution. Due to that Deng was careful not to get out in front of the economic reform, but used younger officials such as Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang for that. Even he did not involve in the decision-making to launch market-oriented special economic zones for capitalist-style experimentation. In my view, in the process of China’s economic reform, the role of Deng Xiaoping is much significant than that of as a chief architect. As one of highest political leader with no dogmatic mind, Deng’s role was just as Bulldozers or Icebreaker to have successful excluded resistances for economic reform. I can say with certainty that,China, as a feudal imperial ideology deeply rooted country, if there was no strong political authority as Deng Xiaoping, the economic reform would never be able to achieve the outcomes today. Deng’s unique role, no one could replace. Back to Top Now, looking back the course of China’s economic reform, it had no previous theories or references in model or framework, there was no any prior design at all. It was just as Deng Xiaoping said: Wading across an unfamiliar river by feeling the rocks on the bottom of the river. It meant that the process of economic development was continuously adjusting the policy or direction according to the problems that emerged in the practice. A decisive ideological battle for economic reform of China September 1977, Hu Fuming, an associate professor at the Philosophy Department at Nanking University of China, who wrote a paper < Practice Is the Sole Criterion for Testing Truth> to criticize the prevalent of Dogmatism. It challenged the absurd dogmatic argument of "two whatever" (which refers to the statements that "we will resolutely uphold whatever policy decisions Chairman Mao made, and unswervingly follow whatever instructions Chairman Mao gave").” However, at the start, no one dared publish it. Until 8 months later, in May 10, 1978, it was published after personal validation of Hu Yaobang who was the executive director of Central School of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Hu was one of the few outstanding top leaders in promoting economic reform ofChina. He was always solving the problem depending on the actual circumstances without dogmatic mind. The paper was suffered strong criticize. It was condemned as “absurd in theory, reactionary in ideology, and the intention was to cut down the red flag ofChina.” Obviously, those dogmatists have neither talent nor morality because they never study to improve themselves. They are always making irrational response for any sound. They are born of persecuting with full energy against the people of integrity. The only fear for them is the peace of the world. This was the reason that Deng Xiaoping was ousted from his political position 3 times in his lifelong. The writer Hu Fuming himself has prepared into jail. As a socially responsible scholar, he learnt that social progress need brave person to sacrifice for it, even with the life. Fortunately, in June 2, 1978, on a meeting, Deng Xiaoping publicly supported the view of the paper of Hu Fuming and severely criticized the dogmatism. He called to liberate the thoughts by breaking the spiritual shackles of Dogmatic. In December 1978, on the third Session of the Eleventh Plenary Meeting of Communist Party of China - CPC, the event of discussion regarding the criterion of truth was being highly valued. It has further eliminated the dogmatic poison regarding the Socialism and Capitalism. “The article gave rise to a nationwide "Debate on Standards for Judging the Truth".” In a large extent reduced the poison of Dogmatism, and “ushered China into an era of reform and opening up.” There was a paper that praises the contribution of the article of Hu Fuming, the title was <An article influences Chinese history>. Before economic reform, China was a socialist society of public ownership and planned economy based on the guiding ideology from the theory of Marxism-Leninism. Indeed, the dogmatic arguments related with the road of Socialist or Capitalist were never stop since the establishment of P. R. China in 1949. There were always some people to look at the tiny buds of Capitalism with a magnifying glass to disroot it. Cat Theory destroys ideological dogmas made China high speed development Since 2000 years ago, China has uprooted soil for budding toxic ideologies by forbade all schools of thought; so that the people of China are able to live a long peace prosperous life; in contrast; the West has been living in Law of Jungle of looting and killing in endlessly provoking wars under the conducting of thoughtful thoughts – Ism; -Ist and more. In nowadays China, the ideologies that are in badly troubling social governance, such as, multiparty liberal democracy, one party dictatorship, universal values, human rights, freedom, communism, socialism, capitalism, Neoliberalism, and great many more of such stuffs are all the inbound one that budded in European looting and killing bloody soil. Globally, for more than a century; such inhuman stuffs have been in playing the extreme bad role of distorting the cognitive function of people; so that they take wrong as right and promote bad for good to make society ungovernable. There is best proof for my inference that the ideologies poison people; it is that in the West; the social welfare system is a kind of communism; the sadness is that people condemn communism, but eagerly enjoying it created welfare. The other proof is that people mix political model and economic model as one by economic model capitalism representing market economy under multiparty dysfunctioned liberal democracy; while by economic model socialism representing state owned planned economy under being condemned one party dictatorship. Berlin wall; generally says, it was a wall for isolating the social practice of different ideologies. In its East, the countries were practicing communism based socialism of state owned economy rigidly in elimination of capitalist germ; while in its West, the countries were practicing capitalism rigidly in elimination of communist germ. Actually, in the practice; since the start, the capitalism has never cleaned up the state owned economy; while the socialism has never cleaned up the market economy; the difference is at the proportion. The planned economy was found by the founder of former Soviet Union; Vladimir Lenin who indicates that the government must control the key segments of economy; then the agricultural and heavy manufacturing sectors were largely centralized. During the 1940s to the 1970s, the Soviet economy grew at a rate that outpaced that of Western European nations. Now China is still in the governance of government controlling the key segments of economy; but also, economy grew at a rate that outpaced that of the major economies globally. So that the economy state owned or not is not the cause of the failure of former Soviet headed socialist camp. Feb. 09, 2014, I once wrote article Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature to indicate that Human behaviors are determined by dual natures: The cultural nature of those acquired altruistic qualities, and natural (animal) nature of those inborn selfish instincts. The Management is to finish purposeful tasks with the culture nature driven by meeting the animal nature with payment under the enforcement of regulations. Therefore, Management is the Art of playing human natures. The failure of more than 70 years of socialist practice was not mainly because of over relied on the human culture nature by madly suppressing the exertion of human animal nature under the enforcement of State Apparatus in ignored inborn selfish nature of people; with an equalitarian wage system not linked to contribution. The driven force for German outstanding manufacturing mainly comes from their legislated management for rationalization proposals, which is to extract bonus from the profit gained in the application of the rationalization proposals to motivate all staff to pay their full talent into the business running since Mr. Krupp initiated it in 1872. That is 142 years ago. The driven force for patent invention of 102 years old IBM has been counting on the top of those world-class corporate giants in the United States for 20 consecutive years is the patent-related bonus incentive system. There were a lot of researches on the economic success of China, and most of them attributed the success to the magic of the Invisible Hand. But, that was not fully true with ignored the essence - it was that China has broken the egalitarian wage system, that implemented for decades in the socialist period, to have largely increased the share of work performance-related payment. The method of increasing the share of work performance-related payments is simple; but the practice of the method was not simple; but was extremely difficult; because of the ideology argument that it is in capitalist greedy; therefore being deadly resisted by socialist doctrinaire; but later, it was solved by Cat Theory. In 1962’s China, there were some rural areas in response to famine and natural disasters, spontaneously generated some flexible production models without touching the bottom-line of the state-owned ownership. Such as, one of them was that took each family’s members as one production unit contracted to take the responsibility for a certain area of farmland to solve the thorny problems that some people did not work well when team-working in the production unit that the members were mixed together from different families. The selfish nature of mankind is inevitable; the key is how to well control it, how to turn the shortcoming to the strongpoint. Those new emerged production models were able to play this kind of role. They should have been a good thing with the function of improving the production efficiency, but were strictly prohibited by some dogmatists. Only Deng Xiaoping supported them with his famous Cat Theory: “It doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice.” In other words, he did not worry too much about whether a production model was capitalism or socialism as long as it can improve the production efficiency. This was obviously a sensible comment, but, it became main reason that he was purged from his political poison first time. However, Mr. Deng laughed finally in decades later with the success of the economic reform under his way. But the effective practice was forbidden by the socialist doctrinaire with the argument that production model is in capitalism. They said that it would rather want the grass of socialism, no seedlings of capitalism. Only Deng Xiaoping supported the practice with his famous Cat Theory: “It doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice.” In other words, he did not worry too much about whether a production model is capitalism or socialism as long as it can improve the production efficiency. This was obviously a sensible comment, but, it became main reason that he was purged from his political poison first time. However, Mr. Deng laughed finally in decades later with the success of the economic reform under his way. In the book Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China, Professor Ezra Vogel indicated that Deng’s formula for success was simple: “Don’t argue; try it. If it works, let it spread.” I think this is the best understanding for the success of the economic reform in China. It certainly possesses universal significance. The success of China is at stopping ideological arguments to enjoy the complementary advantages of socialism and capitalism. “Don’t argue; try it. If it works, let it spread.” Whether the statement look or sound is all very simple, but, it is hard to do so at the time of beginning of economic reform in China. Here was a story to show the harm of dogma of socialism in the process of economic reform of China. In the summer of 1991, a guest visited Deng Xiaoping and asked that, today I want to ask you about the problem of employment of private enterprises. How many workers hired belong to socialism and not belong to exploitation of capitalism? As soon as Deng Gong heard that, he immediately raised his voice with somewhat anger: I tell you, we should not argue such issue anymore; don't endlessly argue of wasting time, we can't afford for it. The economic reform and opening up are new things; we must boldly try and go forward with trial and error. The question made Deng Xiaoping aware the dead resistance of economic reform; in January 1992, 88 years old Deng Xiaoping specially went to Shenzhen city and explained that the economic development is the last word, if we do not reform and opening up, it is dead end, we must dare to test and try boldly. At that time, the news media dared not report what Deng Xiaoping said and Deng Xiaoping has to order news media reported. Before economic reform, there were a lot of people from China illegally went into Hong Kong to be captured and sent back by the police of Hong Kong, then they went back and were sent back, thus recycling. Those illegal immigrants were considered as traitors to be rudely treated. Many illegal immigrants drown in the Gulf between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Made me tearful is that, until now, no accurate statistics of how many people have made the sacrifice to the Gulf by their lives on the way swimming toward a dreamed place where they might get a better life. Here, I think of the stories of East Germans fled into West Germany risked their lives over the Berlin Wall during the period of Cold War, especially a 77-year-old lady who was attempting to jump to West Germany from a building of East Germany near the Berlin Wall, however, when she saw the height where she was standing, she was immediately scared of paralyzed sitting on the floor, but when she heard the sound of policemen was breaking the door behind her, she immediately stood up and jumped down toward West Germany. Such a flying roads were imprinted with blood, East Germany once played as so, and Shenzhen China was as so. What was the reason to have forced those people on this dead road? The reason was very simple: it was the poor. Poor forced some brave people to seek a better life through illegal immigration by venturing in the life risk. The initiation of the test zone for economic reform November 1977, when the leaders of Guangdong province were uneasily waiting for the instructions after they had reported to Deng Xiaoping about the event of more and more people fled to Hong Kong. Deng Xiaoping has been remarkably silent a while. He continuously smoked a couple of cigarettes, then slowly turned himself and calmly said that: "This caused by our improper policy and it could not be controlled by force." Deng Xiaoping stressed the significance of developing economy: only the life of the people improved, we can solve this problem. We must change the poor situation even on a blood road. His ambitious determination had further broken the shackles of the dogmatism regarding socialism that insisted on planned economy. In 1980, Shenzhen, a small poor city closed to Hong Kong, with 300 thousand people, was set as a test zone for economic reform by central government through approved an application of Guangdong province, without any financial support besides the permission of making local policies independently: 1. Development based on absorbing foreign funds. 2. The economic models are Sino-foreign joint ventures, cooperative ventures and solely-foreign-oriented. 3. Products export-dominated. 4. Economic activities are market-regulated under the guidance of national plan. At the same time, for the foreign investment in the test zone, provide special offers and conveniences in taxation, immigration employment and so on. The management model could be different from that of domestic. They may have greater power of autonomy following the international practice to tie closely to the international market. Only several years, Shenzhen was developed as a modern city. Then the central government copied the experiences to another 14 coastal cities, and then much more. A lot of people entered Shenzhen to seek opportunities from Hong Kong after the start of economic reform. At the end of 2006, there were more than 8.46 millions people in Shenzhen city; there more than one million were from Hong Kong among them. Now, the people in main land China are easily into Hong Kong legally no one illegally any more, which was pre-indicated by Deng Xiaoping. Before disintegration of Soviet Union, a Russian governor who once visited Shenzhen and was impacted by that what he saw about the extensive economic reforms, which were totally contrary to the theory of Marxism and the socialist road that was insisting strictly by the countries in the international socialist camp, which supervised by the force of former Soviet Union. He talked to the top Governor of Shenzhen with somewhat scare: “you have placed your certificate of party member and even your head on shoulder to bet on economic reforms”. From the talks we would learn the political risk that was taking by those governors who were directing economic reforms. From the perspective of today we would feel the absurdity that experienced in socialist countries. Those dogmatists who dogmatically comprehended the socialism, with good wish, but wrong way to have caused harm to human society. Today, although the socialist camp basically collapsed, but dogmatism did not go into its grave, it still widespread and endanger human society. Apr 25, 2011 10:10 am EDT, there was a report on the website of Reuters <Analysis: Shandong postcard: big changes sweep rural China>. It described the new scene in rural area ofChinacurrently. “Nationwide, per capita rural incomes after inflation rose 14.3 percent in the first quarter from a year earlier, double the increase in urban disposable income, thanks to higher farm prices and bigger remittances by migrant workers.” World Bank reported that, in the past 25 years, the achievements in poverty reduction, there 67% were attributed to China. It is a proven fact that economic reform of China was correct. China’s success in economic development in step by step has avoided mass bleeding that had happened in many other socialist countries during social political and economical transformation. China's current economic model has mixed with the both models of Socialism and Capitalism, which good applied the both advantages from the planned economy and the market economy. The current economy is controlling by two kinds of hands, visible and invisible. The economic theory is a mixture from Marxism, Adam Smith, Keynesian and others. This is the why that China has been making economic miracle in decades, while other former socialist countries had fell into long-term languishing due to changed their political and economical system in a very short time without any preparation in advance. Only China outshines all of the others. Now the clear fact is that, no matter socialism or capitalism, which can promote the production of social wealth, will be a good-ism. No matter socialist or capitalist, who can give people a happy life; will be a good-ist. Superstition of any side will be a harmful. Mr. Deng Xiaoping was a good player on that. The valuable experience derived from the success of China should be that, due to the objective world is continuously changing we must solve the specific problems according to the specific circumstances and avoid to respond to all questions with a same formula or dead doctrine. While reviewing for success of China’s economic reform, some people even said that, in this world, there is nothing impossible but only the things that are unimaginable. Any theories have their historical limitations. Along with the social development, it will accumulate some new problems that need to be solved through updating old theories or launch new theories. Such new problems emerge and to be solved timely is the driving force to promote the progress of human civilization. Initiation of Yiwu Global largest wholesale market for daily commodities A proper social productivity is the cornerstone for the survival of any country. The collectively decline of former socialist countries are caused by lower productivity, which is caused by the kidnapping of the ideology of Socialism, with strictly suppressing the activity of private economy. At start, I have indicate that the successive government of China is more pragmatic with less kidnapping of ideology, indeed, that is the general situation, but in certain historical period, it still was under the kidnapping of ideologies, such as, in the period of socialist planning economy, under the conduct and the enforcement of former Soviet Union, China was once strictly suppressing private economy, especially the folk trade. Due to economic difficulties, people lack living materials, especially food. In order to survive, people began to try to make small business, but, that was strictly banned as capitalism. Follow were from documentary Feng Aiqian, a mother of 5 kids in Yiwu county, Zhejiang province, since government restricts her from doing small business to buy food, she argued with the leader of Yiwu County, which triggered the local policy for private market in May 1982. At the end of 2017, there were more than 65 million private industrial and commercial businesses nationwide. Yu Yunxin who once was selling embroidered products, today, built Yiwu World Trade Center. Liu Yuanqing, who once engages in long-distance trafficking, now produces 20% of the world's blankets. The origin of the civilization of West The civilization of West was the dehumanization by dehumanized people. Western civilization originated in Europe; since ancient time, Europeans ant nests populated as tribes in too many to avoid wars; the war threat life made thinking and pursuing of people focus on how to defeat others for self survival, by fabricating Gods brainwash people to gang up for looting & killing others; which formed individualistic values & war seek genes and people make efforts and fighting for the will of Gods; by any one competing on power, in regarding loot & kill others for self survival as a matter of course and regarding fighting for being No.1 as a matter of course and developed individualistic civilization; with the individualistic social elements are not suitable for social animals human. The biggest characteristic of individualistic civilization is to fully protect the dark side of human nature to help selfish instincts to perfect exert. It does not have a slight quality that required for social animal humans to survive. The West fabricated toxic ideologies to hatefully brainwash people tearing culture; economy and society hatred fragmented to have made hatred social elements, especially the politics, the politicians have to mutually attack as enemies, and it is impossible to carry out effectively social governance. The entire society is designed as a bullfighting arena, and the people are tamed as Bullfights, looking for targets to attack and butting heads with each other. European ancestors fabricate too many childish ideologies; by democracy, autocracy, values and human rights hijack social governance and to have dehumanized own people and global people in promoting inhuman for human. Democratic politics made Government power lost control to be shared by too many low-quality individuals. If we track back the cause of wars, it was initiated by some individual, who shared certain government power makes kills. The individualistic values and war seek genes made people in west addicted in occupying and plundering. The start of the west destructs world from kills home to kill world Jan 1, 2017, Jason Hickel, anthropologist and professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain; who published article THE DIVIDE, A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions, in which Jason Hickel introduced the start of Europe dehumanized people to begin looting and killing world widely. In 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail to discover a new world; he first blindly landed place was Cuba, where he encountered a remarkable people – a civilisation very unlike his own when in Europe; he wrote in his journals. When you ask for something they have, they never say no. Columbus noticed that they do not bear arms, and do not know them, when I showed them a sword; they took it by the edge and cut themselves. Columbus was eager to exploit this vulnerability, jotting a rather ominous note in his journal: ‘With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.’ During his second expedition, he put his evil idea into the practice. At this time; he led seventeen ships and 1,200 men, and then Columbus ruthlessly captured thousands of indigenous Americans to be sent back and sold in Spain as slaves. But this time his real objective was gold. He forced the local inhabitants to bring him a certain quantity of gold every three months. Those who failed to do so would have their hands chopped off or were hunted down and killed. Men were forced to spend their lives in mines, stripping the mountains in search of gold. Up to a third of workers died every six months. Within two years of Spanish invasion; they killed 125,000. Since then, the Europeans were more and more beastly occupying, plundering and killing world widely. Over the past few centuries, the West has ravaged America, Africa, and Asia. They evil slave trade, opium trade and turned tens of thousands of people into commodities, and forced the migration of countless plants, animals, minerals, and even bacteria and viruses. From tulips to real estate, from Amsterdam to New Amsterdam, from 1637 to 2008, countless stock market bubble disasters failed to prevent the next adventure. Historically, Japan was a country that was influenced the most by the Confucian culture of China and in long pursuing for peace; even right now it is still in use of Chinese characters; but, after being tamed by the black ships of the United States, it also began to plunder and kill, until killed about 30 millions of Asians to be U.S. atomic bombed. Prof. Niall Ferguson, who indicates that in 600 years ago, Western Europe, was a miserable poor place, ravaged by war and plague; which proved that the ant nests populated tribes have long been without proper rule. During 16 century, Europeans learnt mathematics, astronomy, technology and creativity from China and developed six new concepts: competition, science, the rule of law, modern medicine, consumerism, and the work ethic as the "killer apps", and then West came to control the three-fifths of mankind and the four-fifths of world economy. The rich of the west is from plunder not from democracy Prof. Ferguson argues that the days of Western predominance are numbered because of that Europeans no longer work long hours, and Americans have almost given up saving completely. The real workers and savers in the world are now the heirs of Confucius, not Calvin. Western civilization has lost ability to solve the world's problems. The rich of democratic countries does not entirely come from the creation of material wealth brought from democratic governance, but from the plunder globally by troops and later by economy. For instance; during the First Sino-Japanese War, China compensated 230 million taels of silver to Japanese; later, paid 980 million taels of silver to Eight-Nation Alliance, plus 20 million taels to the church, for a total of 1 billion taels. In the Second Opium War 1860, French and British troops looted the imperial collections and then looted, and burnt Old Summer Palace of China. Mar 30 2021, Professor Jason Hickel jointly published Plunder in the Post-Colonial Era: Quantifying Drain from the Global South Through Unequal Exchange, 1960–2018, indicates that the global North appropriated from the South commodities worth $2.2 trillion in Northern prices — enough to end extreme poverty 15 times over. Over the whole period, drain from the South totalled $62 trillion (constant 2011 dollars), or $152 trillion when accounting for lost growth. That drain from the South remains a significant feature of the world economy in the post-colonial era; rich countries continue to rely on imperial forms of appropriation to sustain their high levels of income and consumption. “We have long known that the industrial rise of rich countries depended on extraction from the global South during the colonial era. Europe’s industrial revolution relied in large part on cotton and sugar, which were grown on land stolen from Indigenous Americans, with forced labour from enslaved Africans. Extraction from Asia and Africa was used to pay for infrastructure, public buildings, and welfare states in Europe – all the markers of modern development. The costs to the South, meanwhile, were catastrophic: genocide, dispossession, famine and mass impoverishment.” “Imperial powers finally withdrew most of their flags and armies from the South in the mid-20th century. But over the following decades, economists and historians associated with “dependency theory” argued that the underlying patterns of colonial appropriation remained in place and continued to define the global economy. Imperialism never ended, they argued – it just changed form.” “They were right. Recent research demonstrates that rich countries continue to rely on a large net appropriation from the global South, including tens of billions of tonnes of raw materials and hundreds of billions of hours of human labour per year – embodied not only in primary commodities, but also in high-tech industrial goods like smartphones, laptops, computer chips and cars, which over the past few decades have come to be overwhelmingly manufactured in the South.” May 6, 2021, Professor Jason Hickel jointly published Rich countries drained $152tn from the global South since 1960, indicates that we have long known that the industrial rise of rich countries depended on extraction from the global South during the colonial era. Europe’s industrial revolution relied in large part on cotton and sugar, which were grown on land stolen from Indigenous Americans, with forced labour from enslaved Africans. Extraction from Asia and Africa was used to pay for infrastructure, public buildings, and welfare states in Europe – all the markers of modern development. The costs to the South, meanwhile, were catastrophic: genocide, dispossession, famine and mass impoverishment. Imperial powers finally withdrew most of their flags and armies from the South in the mid-20th century. But over the following decades, economists and historians associated with “dependency theory” argued that the underlying patterns of colonial appropriation remained in place and continued to define the global economy. Imperialism never ended, they argued – it just changed form. While the west depends on appropriation world widely to sustain their high levels of income and consumption; badly; since ancient times, the European looting & killing bloodily soiled individualistic civilization has dehumanized people lost essential ability for making life necessities. Supposed that it was no worker from China; it will be no American Transcontinental Railroad & Canadian Pacific Railway. No the Silk Road provided made in China cannot survive. The rich of the U.S. depends on dollar plunders. In 1944, the world economy was very shaky, 44 allied nations met in Bretton Woods to discuss and find a solution for the prevailing issues that plagued currency exchange, and formed Bretton Woods System, which solved a growing global financial crisis, strengthened the overall world economy and maximize international trade profit. However, human greed turns all good things into evil plunder. Just by fluctuates the interest rate of US dollar, it can wipe out the savings of small countries and plunge their people into disaster. Now the global countries fight up and refuse to continue to be enslave-plundered; it will surely finish the rich life of Rich democracies. The de-dollarization will surely finish U.S. Federal System. Now the Rich democracies, there are growing number of homeless; Please Google by key words: Europe, cold, death, you will shock by the results, it is capitalism democracy killing people. This was the predicted results of Professor Wang Huning in 37 years ago when the capitalism democracies enjoy in prosperity and happiness, and they derided China hopeless in politics and economy; but Wang Huning gave up flowing capitalism democracy and adhered to socialism for common prosperity. In contrast; as Confucian cultured with that “do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you”; China never invades or plunders others, but builds the Great Wall to avoid war. Zheng He Fleet (1405-1433) with 7 times around the world, besides fair trade, did not carry out colonial ruling; killing and plundering. The civilization of China triggered the birth of western inhuman civilization In 2011 TV documentary Civilization: Is the West History? Professor Niall Ferguson, who indicates that six hundred years ago the kingdoms of Western Europe seemed like miserable backwaters, ravaged by incessant war and pestilence. It was Ming China or Ottoman Turkey that had the look of world civilizations. In 1420 when Ming China had a credible claim to be the most advanced civilization in the world: 'All Under Heaven'. England on the eve of the Wars of the Roses would have seemed quite primitive by contrast. A civilization was born after drawing knowledge from Eastern mathematics, astronomy and technology. Beginning in 16 century, the West developed six new concepts: competition, science, the rule of law, modern medicine, consumerism, and the work ethic as the "killer apps" that allowed the West to go ahead of the Rest; opening global trade routes, exploiting new scientific knowledge, evolving representative government, increasing life expectancy, unleashing the Industrial Revolution, and hugely increasing human productivity. Civilization shows exactly how a dozen Western empires came to control three-fifths of mankind and four-fifths of the world economy. However, Ferguson argues that the days of Western predominance are numbered because the Rest have finally downloaded the six killer apps the West once monopolised – while the West has literally lost faith in itself. The question for our own time is whether or not we have lost that competitive edge to a rapidly ascending Asia. Due to that ethic seems now to be fading in the West. Europeans no longer work long hours, and Americans have almost given up saving completely. The real workers and savers in the world are now the heirs of Confucius, not Calvin. Yet these fears may underestimate the ability of Western civilization to solve the world's problems. China humanized the west, but the west developed more evil one
British submarine captain Gavin Menzies traveled around the world due to his profession and was shocked by the remains of Zheng He's fleet all over the world. After retire, he spent 14 years at his own expense, visited historical sites in 120 countries and more than 900 libraries, museums and archives, and wrote 1421: The Year China Discovered the World and 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance. He wrote that in 1434, a Chinese Zheng He fleet arrived in Tuscany, Italy, and presented the Pope with a large number of books covering various fields: geography, astronomy, mathematics, art, printing, architecture, steel manufacturing, civil engineering, military affairs, weapons, surveying, cartography, etc. From then on, Europeans accepted Chinese ideas, discoveries, and inventions. The understanding and learning of China inspired the creativity of the Renaissance and formed the foundation of European civilization. In Chapter 15 – Leonardo da Vinci and Chinese inventions, Mr. Gavin Menzies wrote that, In my youth, Leonardo da Vinci seemed the greatest genius of all time: an extraordinary inventor of every sort of machine, a magnificent sculptor, one of the world’s greatest painters and the finest illustrator and draughtsman who ever lived. Then, as my knowledge of Chinese inventions slowly expanded, more and more of Leonardo’s inventions appear to have been invented previously by the Chinese. I began to question whether there might be a connection – did Leonardo learn from the Chinese? Mr. Gavin Menzies wrote that Da Vinci drew all the essential components of machines with extraordinary clarity – showing how toothed wheels, gear wheels and pinions were used in mills, lifting machines and machine tools. All these devices had been used in China for a very long time. In the Tso Chuan are illustrations of bronze ratchets and gear wheels from as early as 200 BC which have been discovered in China. What describes by Mr. Gavin Menzies turned out historical scandal that the one of the greatest admirable inventor and painter so far Leonardo Da Vinci who was a copycat that became famous by plagiarizing the arts of ancient Chinese people. The said that Gavin Menzies revealed that it was the Chinese that discovered America, not Columbus. It was also Chinese advances in science, art, and technology that formed the basis of the European Renaissance and our modern world. Until now, scholars have considered that the Italian Renaissance - the basis of our modern Western world - came about as a result of a re-examining the ideas of classical Greece and Rome. China's history is all verified by archaeology, with written records or physical evidence. On the contrary, Western history is mostly without archaeological evidence, nor physical evidence. Moreover, the text is vast. The Greek civilization and Aristotle that people often mentioned are mostly not verified by archaeology. The West has been accustomed to making up stories to self beautify, made lies as truth, and truth as lies. In addition to colonial occupation and plunder, the West is better at cultural substitution occupation. Since 1400s, European missionaries entering China to make cultural invasion by their God brainwash people. However, instead themselves were brainwashed by the civilization of China and respected that by Imperial Examination chooses learned people as officials as the Elite Constitution by values merit over birth to grant power to scholars. At that time, the government of China did not restrict the missionary activities; in order to brainwash believers, they banned them to respect Confucius and worship their ancestors. As a result, the believers angrily drove missionaries away and burnt the church. Later, the Pope in Europe decreed that allow believers to respect Confucius and worship their ancestors. However, Christianity did not popular in China. God failed with Confucius and Chinese ancestors. In Europe by the efforts of Enlightenment leaders, Voltaire in France and Leibniz in Germany, etc., Europe almost adopted the practice of selecting officials by examinations. If it had been successful, and politics had been run by carefully selected rational social elites, humans would have avoided the two world wars in bloodbathed Europe. But the Good Life was pushed into the gutter by Montesquieu of France. In the spirit of law, he defiled the Imperial Examination of China as autocracy, which misled the West into the inhuman democracy of separation of powers; it made Hitler a dictator and blood bathed Europe; also the most manmade disasters derived from democracy. Also; the democracy relied ideologies, such as, Values, Freedom, Human rights, Free world, etc., of those have been used inhumanly coercing social governance to ruin world are mainly advocated by French ancestors. We may say that humans suffered politically-induced disasters were mainly stemmed from France. But, if we Google for the achievements of Voltaire, no one can match so far; also majority French are the same. But western civilization always made inhuman people dominated as that of bad money drives out good one. The purpose of establishing a government in human society is for using the administrative power of the government to suppress the wrongful behaviors of the low quality people to create a livable society. But the democratic design made the government as the drama stage for the reckless play of the low quality people. Multiparty political design hopes that multiparty opposition can ensure a quality government; but human selfish instinct made the multiparty opposition as maliciously opposition; for replacing the ruling position to enjoy self given luxury salaries, benefits and privileges in regardless ruining the life of own families. Please look at the thoughtful names for making livings by play democracy: Hawks, Dovish, Donkey, Elephant, Left wing, Right wing, Extreme right, Extreme left, Green Party, Tea party, Liberal party, Conservative Party, Democratic Party... No one will believe people in such quality are able to make rational policies. Human suffered tragedies were from mess in governance of the values & human rights hijacking created free world in chaotic state without restraint; all kinds of evil are free prevailing. Antihuman democracy grants power to people in antihuman quality; and then they abuse the power inhumanly destructing human life. 2007, in The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West, rational Prof. Niall Ferguson who indicates that: “why the twentieth century history was bloodiest by far? Why did unprecedented material progress go hand in hand with total war and genocide? The rise of democracy during the 20th century should have reduced the incidence of war, however, the waves of democratization were followed by increases in the number of civil wars and wars of secession with around 19 or 20 million people were killed in around 100 military conflicts.” Please review the cause of wars in modern times; the most of them rooted in democracy and its relied ideologies. Please look at the lawmakers in parliaments; the Professors in universities, the thinkers in think Jars; the media reporters, the Video bloggers; etc.; the majority of them make livings by yells democracy; values & human rights; which proved the fact that the one of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid. The individualistic Values & war seek genes made society privatized in the state of stiff-person syndrome. It is extremely difficult for doing things in public good, but the private bodies easily embezzle public wealth. The all of social aspects of West are jokey with social elements favoring the play of the dark side of human nature, Please look at the world, media, and people are talking about stock volatility; talking about dollar and talking about invests grabbing money; but no one talk about how to increase the productions of life necessaries. 2006, in The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of The World , Prof. Ferguson indicated, in 2006, the world total economic output was worth around $47 trillion, but financial derivatives was $473 trillion, it was 10 times larger. Professor tells the fact that the financial economy is with a surplus of 10 times large plunder on real economy; which means that there are 10 people are in making living by preying on the wealth that makes by 1 people. This is the reason why some people have to sell their own organs online to survive their families. The entire society, from government officials to ordinary people, acted as a hot boiling boiler, bubbling and attacking of each other, fights for values, freedom and human rights, but them self lived valueless without dignity. In the democracies; the proliferation of liberalism and over-commoditization have corrupted values supported social system to have destroyed foundation for survival and people lived no dignity as human beings. The politicians vowed to make country great again; but that it is impossible in a social system of destroyer destroys well for bad. The civilization of China enlightened development of modern economics Since 1400s, more and more European missionaries entered China form bloodily killing home yards and being shocked by the peaceful prosperous life of people; they eagerly translated and sent culture of China back Europe to have triggered great response and discussion; besides triggered Renaissance, Enlightenment; and French Revolution to push Europe ended the Dark Ages. The culture of China has also enlightened the development of modern economics. Tao Te Ching (China, around 400BC) was mainly the summaries of historical experiences, discusses the principles of self-cultivation, governing a country, employing military force, and maintaining health in a philosophical sense, with politics as its main purpose. It has had a profound impact on thought, science, politics, literature, and art, etc., TCM was developed with its principles and terminology. Tao Te Ching coined term wu wei; wu means none, and wei means ability, capability or the accomplishment from action; so that the term wu wei means that government must reduce the excessive harassment on the livelihood of people, for example, reduce excessive taxation, avoid arbitrary assignment of labor and so on; which was a government could do in the ancient backward agricultural economy. This was not as recklessly complicated as the West clamoring in today with various freedoms. In 1700s, the term wu wei of Tao Te Ching inspired French Physiocrat François Quesnay (1694–1774), who coined the economic idea Laissez-Faire according. Then the laissez-faire inspired British Adam Smith wrote economic bible the Wealth of Nations in 1776; in which he proposed the term of Invisible Hand, and then the Invisible Hand was advocated as inhuman lawless Neoliberalism that advocates cutting off all of the supervisions of Government. The manmade financial and economic disasters were derived from the Neoliberalism supported demons play of greedy people. The fatal harm of laissez-faire in over freed market inspired British economist John Keynes considers for the solution, since 1919, he put forward macroeconomic ideas successively, 1926 published the End of Laissez-faire, and 1936 further detailedly put forward The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, since then all countries have regarded controlling currency issuance, adjusting interest rates in 2%, and actively Gov-investing to stimulate economic development as a essential means of regulating the national economy. The humanized governing thoughts wu wei was being evil used to developed the lawless idea of individual is the basic unit in society with a natural right to freedom; no one has right to interfere anyone in the enjoyment of freedom. By which fabricated evil ideas of liberty or freedom, free world; freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of association, all kinds of freedom; but all of them favors the bad one free play due to too many people no human nature. Europe individualistic civilization made world bloody pool No looting & killing is the minimum standard to distinguish between higher animals and lower animals. Europe is a looting killing bloody pool since ancient time. China’s of Zheng He's fleet (1405-1433AD) 7 times sailing around the world, without colonizing or killing, but delivers a large number of books to Italy, while European missionaries sent civilization of China back to Europe, inspired development of modern economics & laid the foundation for Europe to end the Dark Ages. But 59 years later Colombo sailing 1492-1502AD found new world, the Western countries swarm world as bloody poor. Europe developed social elements are for enjoying the lives that cannot be enjoyed in the past time; but went extreme of covered with the cloak of humanity to hide the nature of anti-humanity; due to they favor the venting of anti-socialism; so that politics, medicine, various ideologies, are highly toxic, and a little bit of them will turn people into a beast to destroy world in all aspects. The most inhuman one is democracy; it has been granting power to reckless individual dictator as that of German Hitler. The tragedies proved the fact that democracy made government a crazy mad house for psychosis free play. All of democracy dehumanized psychoses have been yelling people fight for democracy. Human suffered tragedies were from the bestial distortion of values. The freedom and human rights hijacking created free world in chaotic state without restraint; all kinds of evil are free prevailing. Antihuman democracy grants power to people in antihuman quality; and then they abuse the power inhumanly destructing human life. 2007, in book The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West, rare humanized Prof. Niall Ferguson indicated: “why the twentieth century history was bloodiest by far? Why did unprecedented material progress go hand in hand with total war and genocide? The rise of democracy during the 20th century should have reduced the incidence of war, however, the waves of democratization were followed by increases in the number of civil wars and wars of secession with around 19 or 20 million people were killed in around 100 military conflicts.” Please review the cause of wars in modern times; the most of them rooted in democracy and its relied ideologies. Please look at the lawmakers in parliaments; the Professors in universities, the thinkers in think Jars; the media reporters, the Video bloggers; etc.; the majority of them make livings by yelling democracy; values and human rights; which proved the fact that the one of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid. The democratic politicians promote democracy, values and human rights to endanger the life of people globally. But in their own countries rampant crimes made people live in the fear neither human rights nor human dignity. Please look at the wars; it is that democracy made dictators individually force people kill people. Democracy made hell life; but politicians and people are still priding for being enjoying democracy. The Europe based Western civilization was inborn to dehumanize human life Contrary to the history of China was all from written records or archaeological evidence; but the history of the west, was mostly without written records and archaeological evidence. The Greek civilization and Aristotle that people often mention have no archaeological verification. People say that it was fabricated as that of Gods for deceiving. These fantasy legends were without verification from the actual social practice. The unrealistic social governance system of political system, legal system greatly misled and harmed social governance of the West.
Europeans bloodshed made social elements were in order to enjoy what could not be enjoyed during the mixed rule of Aristocratic and Religious in the dark ages, everything is going to opposite of the suffers during the past, and it went to extremes. The free world, democracy, freedom of belief, freedom of speech, values, human rights and so on., their social effects were to meet the needs and facilitate the low-quality people recklessly worse social governance. The social elements of Western civilization are with cloak of humanity covering up the evil nature of anti-humanity; due to they meet the needs of anti-socialism. Politics, medicine, various ideologies, are highly toxic, and a little bit of them will turn a person into a beast, to promote animality as humanity, and destruct human society in all aspects. Even more incredible is that ever since French people bloodily stormed their palace and hanged their king, the democracies have been running under the false hypocrisy by political correctness witch hunt. That yelling for defending democracy, eliminating autocracy, promoting values, freedom, and human rights have become the sacred cloaks for doing evil, and any anti-human people who puts them on; they can do whatever anti-human crimes they want. Once put on sacred cloaks; people will acquire unlimited power over the State Apparatus; and then they dare do whatever they like and the police officers of State Apparatus are powerless; In Hong Kong youth dared smashed the legislative halls and paralyzed legislature. In inventor country France; during 2019 Yellow vest violence, there was report that Police union says ’It's a massacre': One French police officer commits suicide every four days. In such a purposefully designed anti-human social system, the Constitution, judges, lawyers, civil society, religious groups, trade unions, human rights organizations, and much-much more such kind of stuff; all has absolute power over the power of the State Apparatus. No matter what they do evilly, society and government are powerless. In such a dehumanized social system; the rational people and their thoughts & behavior are suppressed, while the thoughts and behavior that harms social governance of the low quality people are freely unimpeded. Please look at the dehumanized world; the constant wars killings, the constant clamors for wars, the constant military exercises, the constant use of people's life saving money to produce extinction weapons, and more. A simple disease out-of-control kills people on a large scale, ruined world economy, and completely ruined lives of people. The ruined world and the unlivable chaos of democracies revealed that the base of a civilization, the social governance of the west developed liberal democracy is a typical casino for the mad play of psychosis by granting power for dictator to the people in the mentality of psychosis; and then they abuse the power venting psychotic mentality. Please review the cause of wars in current world; the most of them rooted in democracy and its relied ideologies. Please look at the lawmakers in parliaments; the Professors in universities, the thinkers in think Jars; the media reporters, the Video bloggers; etc.; the majority of them make livings by yelling democracy; values & human rights. It was democracy made German Hitler a dictator blood bathed Europe. Please look at the killing wars today, mostly are from the democracy made dictator. Psychosis once elected immediately acts as destined world saver. The warlike genes made childish nature of whom else but me; the politicians in west will be more active to show up for beautifying self as world savior; but inhuman Western civilization doomed them can only finish world. For a long time, the generations of such kind of people have been killing people and corrupting world by good intention. 2007, in book The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West, rare humanized Prof. Niall Ferguson indicated: “why the twentieth century history was bloodiest by far? Why did unprecedented material progress go hand in hand with total war and genocide? The rise of democracy during the 20th century should have reduced the incidence of war, however, the waves of democratization were followed by increases in the number of civil wars and wars of secession with around 19 or 20 million people were killed in around 100 military conflicts.” The democratic politicians promote democracy, values and human rights to endanger the life of people globally. But also made own people lived neither human rights nor human dignity. In 1992, excited by pushing down of Berlin Wall, US political scientist; Dr. Francis Fukuyama who excited that is the end-point of mankind's ideological evolution and the universaliation of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government. However, in 2014, after enjoyed the Donkey and Elephant corrupted the “final form of human government”, Dr. despaired wrote that America in Decay “no way out”. In 2019, a report said that the resigned Canadian deputy PM Chrystia Freeland said Liberal democracies are being "hijacked by angry populist politicians, “the doubts creeping in inside liberal democracy… liberal democracies that are becoming totally polarized societies, divided into these hostile – even warring – tribes who can’t talk to each other, and societies that have been hijacked by angry populist politicians;” ” where “the details may be unique but the basic storyline is the same.” In 2019, CEO of Business Council of Canada, Goldy Hyder, who wrote that Our politics is suffering from analysis paralysis and the illusion of action to have sadly signed: “Canada wasn’t born, it was built.” “Canadian leaders don’t consider themselves to be nation-builders in a literal sense.” “The issue is that our desire to critique now exceeds our desire to create.” “The procedural obstacles we’ve put in place make it possible for a handful of individuals to hold up initiatives endorsed by most Canadians. Important projects, programs and policies can be delayed until supporters give up and move on.” The European inhumanly developed civilization was inborn to completely dehumanize human life. The increasingly dehumanized unlivable world revealed fact that democracy is the mother of demons to share power to so many inhuman individuals. The war seek gene made people addicted in that by election of people acting as mortal enemies fight to formulate policies is human way of democracy in legitimate. They condemn China for not having election and condemn that China formulates policies by ensured quality people friendly consultation as autocracy; inhuman and illegitimate; and condemn China is being socialism based. Individualist values and warlike genes destroyed Europe and world The individualistic social elements are not suitable for mutual help social animal human beings. The individualistic social elements of west, the free world, the democratic politics, the values and the human rights; and more, the most of west advocated are favoring the free play of animalistic one. In particular, democratic politics rewards power to the antihuman ones, they destroy their own country and the world. The individualist values & warlike genes have solidified democracies of west in the anti-human state. The democratic politics made power to be shared by too many anti-human one dictator with the power over the power of State Apparatus; and abuse power as tool for rampant corruption, fraud & world destruction. Human selfish instinct survival seeking activities are the force for developing economy. If there is no restraint, all of us will use public instruments for personal gains; and the individualistic social elements favor the personal gains by public instruments; which promoted full venting of the dark side of human nature. Human rights coerced union culture destroyed manufacturing of the west Also they childish developed a tomb culture that regards striking for more by doing less, sabotage, and unearned gains are in line with social justice and human rights. While that people work hard making life necessaries is slave labor, which is not in line with social justice and human rights. They promote such inhuman culture world widely. Feb. 9, 2014, in article Management is the Art of Playing Human Nature, I indicate that: The failure of the Socialist-Bloc was due to it over relied on cultural nature by suppressing the animal nature, while the failure of the Capitalist-Bloc was due to it over relied on animal nature; China was good at best use of the both. April 9, 2017, in article Social governance must consider the quality of human brain, I indicate that, a well-developed brain has good attention and memory, easily completes a higher level of education, and thus easily achieving a better cultural nature; so that the person tends to be in cultural nature less in animal nature. The most evil act of exterminating human civilization is at that such anti-human tomb ghosts have been acting as global supervisors to enforce global people and global countries all doing the same. It is just the advocating of human rights to have killed manufacturing by corrupted labor quality; the left of quality WWII generation took labor productivity away, and democracies lost foundations for making life necessaries. The manufacturing of democracies in the west can never be restored due to it uprooted in culture. Politicians need the cultural poison of human rights pleasing voters, union culture cannot touch, labor quality cannot update. 2018, in book Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap, the American political scientist at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, the professor Graham Allison has indirectly proved that the United States has lost essential vitality along with the loss of social productivity. The silver line of the Washington Metro began planning in 1968, officially launched in 2000, but began the construction until in 2009. The first phase of the project was completed in 2014, which was 46 years later from the start of the planning, but, that only completed 5 stations of planned 34. The professor sighed that it’s even harder to know when the second phase of the connection to the Dulles Airport will be completed. The professor introduced another project that was the bridge across the Charles River between the Kennedy School and Harvard Business School in a distance that can be seen from his office window. In 2012, the State of Massachusetts said they were going to renovate this bridge, and it would take two years. But it was finished until 2017 with three times over budgeting. As sharp contrast, the professor introduced a project in Beijing China; a much bigger bridge called the Sanyuan Bridge was renovated within 43 hours. The Professor disappointed said that now China completed project in hours is more than that of the United States completed in years. French Republic did the same thing Feb. 2013, the article French minister hits back at 'three hour day' attack reports that: "Arnaud Montebourg, minister for industrial renewal in France, was subject to a written barrage of abuse from Maurice Taylor, chief executive of US tyremaker Titan, after the French politician appealed for financial support for an ailing Goodyear factory." "Mr. Taylor berated French workers for putting in just "three hours" a day, and said his company would be "stupid" to invest in the loss-making tyre plant in Amiens, northern France." "'The French workforce gets paid high wages but only work for three hours. They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three. I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me that's the French way!' Mr. Taylor wrote." An on line survey, there were 81 percent of French people said support the view of American boss. Great Britain did the same thing 2016, Professor of Economic Development at the University of Hertfordshire, britain, Hulya Dagdeviren, who wrote article How did Britain fall out of love with privatisation to disappointed indicate that, privatization was supposed to reduce the burden on the taxpayer and force these sectors to become more competitive, efficient and deliver better value for customers. But over the long term, it has become clear that private services do not deliver good value. For the ticket of 35-minute railway journey, in Britain was £358 monthly, but in Italy was £37 only. The most recent data show that for Department of Health projects which delivered over £11 billion of capital investment, the undiscounted cost of the unitary charges to be paid until the end of these projects was around £80 billion. Obviously, the economic thoughts of the great sons of the Britain, Adam Smith and John Keynes, were all beaten by own ancestors kindly coined ideologies and failed in saving the lives of own countrymen by saving their economy, even if their micro and macro economics have been in conducting world economy by complementary of each other. Briton YouTube comments with that the cost of finished project in China cannot finish budgeting in Britain. Supposed that no labors from China, there would be no Atlantic Railway in the United States, and without mad in China no one lives well. Thanks to the high-quality generation that cultured from the hardships of WWI and WWII to have laid foundation for West democracies today; now new generation even lost ancestral skills to bomb world. The leaders of democracies have all vowed to make own country great again; vowed to bring manufacturing back; however, the fact is that not only they can never to bring manufacturing back or develop new manufacturing, but also the existing manufacturing is in destroying; due to society filled in low quality labor under destructing culture. The west coins and pick up bad thoughts to dump good one The humanized practice of China derived from the humanized guidance of rational dialectic philosophy Daoism; due to that it is the philosophy in determining people’s way of thinking and thereby deciding the practice wrong or right. In the West, the Western Individualistic Civilization cultured too many people in distorted cognitive function; always gave up good and pick up bad as guidance; which is because of without the humanized guidance of rational dialectic philosophy. The West has prided for the richness of thoughts, but, they never reflected their social effect good or bad. The varieties of philosophies and ideologies like a botanical garden, though it is rich in species, but it is mixed with highly toxic weeds, Such as, Hegel’s philosophical thought has been highly respected and played far-reaching influence. But, if you look closely at Hegel’s philosophy; it is mixed with highly toxic weeds, such as, advocates the rationality for the wars; and which contributes greatly to the barbaric play of the West. The self-contradictory thoughts of Hegel and the thoughts of other Westerners were the typical distorted thinking of the people who inspired by the barbaric events under social environment of endless wars and religious killing of long Dark Ages. Due to that China outlawed schools of thought, toady the toxic philosophies and ideologies were from the west; besides dehumanizes people as social garbage; such toxic stuff used a tools for living making, in the consideration from the perspective of human survival; in the universities, more than 50% of profession of non-technology for human survival are bad than good in training good kids as social garbage of Vampire Parasite on society. A variety of think tanks provides a place for vampires to survive, as the jars for fermenting toxic thoughts. Many disasters made by democratic politicians were rooted in the inhuman ideas that fermented by the social garbage in the think tanks. Gave up good philosophy dialectics first-rate intelligence The west always dumps good thought but picks up bad one. American novelist Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) in his 1936 essay “The Crack-Up” indicates that “the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.” Obviously, in compared with philosophy Reductionism in rigid mechanical thinking, the dialectic philosophy Daoism is best for retaining the ability as first-rate intelligence that is able to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time. In the West, there is a best philosophy for a first-rate intelligence; it is the dialectics that found Ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus (535–475 BC), who characterized all existing entities by pairs of contrary properties; which was similar as that of dialectic philosophy Daoism in Far East China in the similar historical period. But the fate of two similar philosophy on the opposite side of Earth was opposite different. In China the Daoism was taking as leading philosophy; and by its principle and terminology develops medicinal system - TCM. In West; the valuable philosophy dialectics was in idle without influence for humanizing civilization besides for people academic chewing as livings making to stay far away from the production of life necessaries. It was the sorrow of Western civilization; it seems always threw away the valuable thoughts; while picks up the trash one as guidance; by such a trash way develops Western civilization in trash way. The root cause of such sadness is from the geographical factors caused different social environment and which restricted the thinking way of people. The appeals that government is a necessary evil and give me liberty, or give me death were all for fighting against Britain's colonial government in the United States; but in today, people are still using them as bible to recklessly fighting against government. Wrongful pick up outdated idea “Government is a necessary evil” American philosopher, political theorist and revolutionary, Paine Thomas, 1737-1809, Common sense: addressed to the inhabitants of America, on the following interesting subjects, He authored Common Sense (1776) of the most influential pamphlet at the start of the American Revolution, and helped to declare independence from Great Britain. In Common Sense he indicates that “Society in every state is a blessing, but Government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a Government, which we might expect in a country without Government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer. Government like dress is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built on the ruins of the bowers of paradise.” Wrongful pick up outdated idea “Give me liberty, or give me death” American attorney, planter, politician, and a founding father, Patrick Henry (1736 – 1799), in 1775, Second Virginia Convention was delegates to select a presiding officer, and they elect delegates to the Continental Congress. At the convention, Patrick Henry offered amendments to raise a militia independent of royal authority in terms that explicitly recognized that war with the British Empire was inevitable, sparking the opposition of convention moderates. On March 23, Henry defended his amendments and purportedly concluded with the following statement: If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come. It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! Less thoughtful more impulsive made Individualistic Civilization Sep. 16, 2020, the founder and co-chairman of Bridgewater Associates, Mr. Ray Dalio who published article Changing World Order, Chapter 6: The Big Cycle of China and Its Currency; in which, he pointed out the different quality of people between China and the US: “Chinese leaders study history to learn lessons that help them plan for the future and deal with the cases at hand. Believe me, the lessons learned from these histories are now guiding Chinese leaders’ decision making.” “While the most of Americans focus on particular events, especially those that are now happening, most Chinese, especially their leaders see evolutions over time and put what is happening in the context of them. While Americans fight for what they want in the present, most Chinese strategize how to get what they want in the future. As a result of these different perspectives the Chinese are typically more thoughtful and strategic than Americans, who are more impulsive and tactical.” The retired U.S. Army Colonel; government official; and an author, consultant, and television commentator, Dr. Douglas Abbott Macgregor who once indicates that, “Chinese are not like us. They think carefully. They consider all the options. For them the use of force is the last resort. But once they decide to use it, they go all the way to the end to be successful.” I cited the comments above is for helping people to understand that it is those people who are in less thoughtful and strategic but more impulsive in undermining democratic played countries; and therefore will understand the rationality of China selecting thoughtful quality people performing social governance. I introduce the detailed personal title for the commenter is wanted to show the fact that realistic observation and thoughts can only come from quality people with proper reasoning ability. The formation of the U.S. plutocratic politics and capitalism democracy Capital-aggregated companies appeared in the Tang Dynasty (618-907AD) of China, but no disaster was created because the government rationally suppressed capital greed. Thousand years later 1700, during the British Industrial Revolution; companies ravaged America, Africa, and Asia. They turned tens of thousands of people into commodities and forced countless plants, animals, minerals, and even bacteria and viruses to migrate. From tulips to real estate, from 1637 to 2008, countless stock market bubbles disaster-ed human life. President Abraham Lincoln had a deep insight into the nature of companies driven by human greed. In 1865, on his deathbed warned that companies had been over-praised, high-level corruption was coming, and corporate consortiums would expand their influence by influencing people's prejudices or preconceived ideologies until wealth accumulated to a certain extent in the hands of certain people, leading to the demise of the United States of America. However, the money powered groups did not do a human job of destroying the evil axis of America, but they did extremely evil things. They evilly dehumanized democracy into plutocratic politics by legalizing the political donations; the Rich is able to legally control the election to make own proffered one take power; thereby control the formulation of policies; which is by political donations driving the power of the State Apparatus to plunder to wage wars, and makes arms for profit. The plutocracy uses all kinds of bad thinking, bad ideas, bad institutions, bad civil society; etc., to dehumanize people and destroy the foundation for human survival in all aspects of society. For a long time, the democracies in west spent huge amounts of money to control public media for glorifying democratic politics. Also, democratic countries plundered rich made people misbelieve that democratic politics can create prosperity. So that politicians; even the ordinaries globally are touting democracy. The repeated disasters prove that democracy makes inhuman dictator. Individualistic values & warlike genes distorted cognitive function of people, in mal-believed that the government and society in chaos as the bubbling boiler is the essence for human civilization. The evil deeds of the plutocratic politics of the United States 2019, article US the most warlike nation in the history of the world: Carter, former President Jimmy Carter indicated that, the U.S. is the most warlike nation in the history of the world and has been at war for all but 16 years of its 242-year history, due to a tendency to force others to adopt American principles. 2023, the nephew of former President John Kennedy, Dr. Robert Kennedy, who indicated the deeds of the United States and China: “Over the past decade, our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges, and airports.”“China spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world.” Since ancient time, the west has been in minority low quality people hijacking majority high quality people ruining life. The manmade tragedies show that modern democracy is in doing the same thing. 2006, Prof. Niall Ferguson wrote book The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of The World , indicates that, in 2006, the world total economic output was worth around $47 trillion, but financial derivatives was $473 trillion, 10 times larger. Professor tells that the financial economy with a surplus of 10 times plunders on real economy; which is that there are 10 people are in making living by preying on the wealth that makes by 1 people. 2012, resigned Canadian deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland, who wrote book Plutocrats: the rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else revealed the reason that why the higher animals live in the Law of Jungle of the lower animals way: Plutocrats hijack State Apparatus to exercise immense and unchecked power for greedy and messing human world made the Fall of Everyone Else. The book describes that: Wealth, corruption, and populism are no longer constrained by national borders, this new Gilded Age is already transforming the economics of the West as well, the entire globalized world is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands of the Plutocrats. The 2008 financial meltdown cost $4 trillion in economic output; fortunes were made by the very people who precipitated the disaster while millions lost their homes and their savings. The New Global Super-Rich Plutocrats made the Fall of Everyone Else, a joblessness, debt, and economic uncertainty to the sovereign nation of the plutocrats, where each crisis seems to offer a new business opportunity. Note: Dr. Prof. Niall Ferguson is a famous historian with a deep understanding the manmade tragedies of human history; while Chrystia Freeland is born in Alberta Canada, a Rhodes Scholar winner, studied Russian history and Slavonic Studies at Harvard University and Oxford University. Once worked as a journalist in Ukraine and editor at Financial Times, The Globe and Mail and Reuters; by which learnt world humanized her. If Dr. Prof. Niall Ferguson and Chrystia Freeland did not have such well profound understanding for the evils of capitalism democracy, they will be also blindly touting capitalism democracy good. The Rich coerced plutocratic politics has been spending large sum of money making prejudice or preconceived idea to turn truth into lies and lies into truth, they beautified capitalist democracy, which destroys humanity, as world savior, and they defame communism, which saves humanity, as the evil destroyer. This was why Prof. Niall Ferguson and former Canadian deputy PM Chrystia Freeland are still cursing China for not being capitalism democracy that they have sentenced as dead demons. Later I will tell that this is because of the inborn flaw of human intelligence that cannot avoid the deception of plutocracy. The capitalism democracy is an evil anti-human tombs system Review the plays and the catastrophic deeds of the capitalism democracy, it is an inhuman tombs system; due to that in all of the aspects of the social elements were purposefully designed for facilitating the fully venting of the dark side of individualistic selfish greedy of human animal instinct, by which way paved boulevard for inhuman ghosts seizing and driving the power of the State Apparatus to boldly destruct human life. The reason that people advocate and promote democracy is that they thought it is a good game for them and satisfies their needs of anti-human mentality. It was democratic politics that enabled Hitler to come to power in Germany and drove the Germans to bloodbath Europe. It was the cause of all modern wars. Fewer people turn out for elections to have proved that rational people are leaving democratic game. Please look at the election of democracies; it's just a bunch of psychopaths venting crazy. Please look at their anti-human tombs politics: the purpose of establishes government is by the administrative power of government suppressing the anti-human behaviors of low quality people; but, the democratic political design made the government as the dram stage for low quality people free recklessly play. The multiparty political design hopes that multiparty opposition can make a quality government; but human selfish instinct made multiparty opposition as maliciously opposition for replacing ruling position to enjoy luxury payment, luxury benefits and privileges; thereby disabling legislature and dysfunction of governance. The tomb democracy provides undoubtable excuse for idiots making disasters. Please look at thoughtfully designed names for making living by playing democracy: Hawks, Doves, Donkey, Elephant, Green party, Tea party, Left wing, Extreme left, Right wing, Extreme right, Conservative Party, Liberal Party, Republican Party, Democratic Party and more; all ganged by the lower animals gangs. If we track the inducement of the international conflicts and wars were purposefully provoked by low quality politicians for maintaining their political position in own country; or some individual for the promotion of the ideologies – democracy, liberty, or freedom, or free world; for which, some individuals use their occupied certain Gov-power to drive the power of State Apparatus to overthrow communism socialist regimes and non-democratic regimes. This was the reason that in the Massachusetts ratifying convention 1788, the Representative in U.S. Congress, and leader of the Federalist Party in House, Fisher Ames (1758–1808), who despaired likens democracy to volcano, “which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption, and carry desolation in their way.” 2007, in book The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West, Prof. Niall Ferguson sadly said that: why the twentieth century history was bloodiest by far? Why did unprecedented material progress go hand in hand with total war and genocide? The rise of democracy during the 20th century should have reduced the incidence of war, however, the waves of democratization were followed by increases in the number of civil wars and wars of secession with around 19 or 20 million people were killed in around 100 military conflicts. Please look at their anti-human tombs social system: legislature and society designed as Cancha and Bullring as battlefields, and for which they domesticated people into manic fighters. In legislature, in Society and globally, they are looking for targets to attack, mess world as mess as that of a bubbling boiler. Everywhere is stirred as battlefields, in Legislature, in Societies, in Universities, in everywhere, everyone believed oneself as world leader confidently arguing and arguing, but, own home yard gets worse and worse. They believe that only such play is human way and only such a way is qualified human beings must be. By philosophy Daoism of TCM humanizes western medicine Wrongfully philosophy Reductionism made medication kill people The philosophies guides the way of people’s thinking and thus impacts the effectiveness of people’s behaviors; thereby deciding the outcomes are wrong or right and impacting the actual effects are good or bad. Human body is extremely complex organic system in dynamic developing under the impact of too much factors in unknown or known but they are uncontrollable; especially the uncontrollable psychological factors. Linus Pauling was the pioneer of study that how the atoms are combined into the basic units of life through chemical bonds of the chemical effects of electronegativities. He once said that, if I were an atom, then the length of a protein would reach the moon. Here we can perceive the complexity of cells; gene sequences and organs. The physiological activities or processes of the body are extremely complex, with various organs, various tissues; various immune cells and more in various different functions, and with various glands secreting hormones regulate the metabolism & physiological functions. It must regard as Chaotic System to deal with Chaos Theory. In this practically concerning, the holistic dialectic seeking philosophy Daoism guided Traditional Chinese Medicine-TCM is suitable for human life; while the micro precision seeking philosophy Reductionism guided Western medicine is opposite; this is the reason that Western medicine smartly endless coins chronic incurable diseases. Due to mis-adopted philosophy, Western civilization has also dehumanized medicine. The medicine is the basic pillar of a civilization; the failure of medicine proved the inhuman of civilization. Here I must indicate that it is mainly in the medication; but this is key part. Philosophy Daoism and Traditional Chinese medicine Philosophy Daoism dialectically views the universe as a system of the unity of opposites, which is composed of many components - subsystem with own feature of unity of opposites. By Yin and Yang represent the two opposites. TCM developed by taking the principle and terminology of Daoism, it views human body as an emotional whole of all parts are inter-influenced; by natural therapies and compound medication of natural medicinals restore Yin-Yang balance as treatment. In thousands years ago; it found that psychological factors in decisively affecting diseases development and the treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication with a sayings that a clown in town is worth a dozen doctors. In past thousands of years, TCM identified & used about 11,146 plants, 1581 animals and 80 minerals as medicinal use and accumulated about 100 thousands of experience-based formulas in covering almost all known diseases. Now with modern technologies, those formulas updated produce many OCT tablets and injections by extracts, and labeled with the instructions, precautions and dosage; and available in Chinese pharmacies globally. My article Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach. Modern studies found some of those natural medicinals have therapeutic effect similar to synthetic ones in killing the pathogens directly, and some of them have nutritional effect similar to orthomolecular medicine. Some can boost human immunity, such as, boosting the weight gains of immune organs, increasing the number and activity of the immune cells, such as, phagocytes, NK cells and so on. Some can improve sleep, some can reduce anxiety, and some can improve appetite, etc. Modern studies proved the correctness of TCM in compound medication Compound medicinals produce synergy effect the more medicinals the stronger cure-effects the lower side-effects. Modern studies proved the correctness of TCM in restoring Yin-Yang balance 2019, article Disinfect the Natural Way indicates that human immunity is by releasing Hypochlorous acid - HOCl kills viruses. So the since the birth of mammals, it is HOCl in functioning immunity. 2020, article Breadth of concomitant immune responses prior to patient recovery: a case report of non-severe COVID-19 reports that a COVID-19 sufferer self-recovered after the increase of immune cells in blood. Above facts show that the cure effect is not from drugs killing, but from the physical restoration; which is perfect matching the restoring Yin-Yang balance; which is boosting immunity increasing immune cells. Modern studies proved correctness of TCM in psychotherapy 2008, a research crossing the disciplines of psychology, medicine, neuroscience, and genetics reports that stress causes deterioration in everything, susceptible to everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to everything from the common cold to cancer. 1955 found placebo effect in 50-60% cure rate has proved the correctness of TCM; the disease treatment is seven-tenths in psychotherapy, only three-tenths in medication. 1930s, Hans Selye, who firstly apply the word stress - engineering term - to living organisms in their struggles to adapt and cope with changing environments; stress hormone cortisol considered one of the main culprits in the stress-illness connection. When an animal perceives danger, a system kicks into gear: A chain reaction of signals releases various hormones — most notably epinephrine (“adrenaline”), norepinephrine, and cortisol - from the adrenal glands above each kidney. Hormones boost heart rate, increase respiration, and increase the availability of glucose in the blood, thereby enabling the famous “fight or flight” reaction. Because these responses take a lot of energy, cortisol simultaneously tells other costly physical processes — including digestion, reproduction, physical growth, and some aspects of the immune system — to shut or slow down. When occasions to fight or flee passed, body’s stress thermostat adjusts accordingly: Cortisol levels return to baseline, but problems occur when stresses don’t let up —or when, for various reasons, the brain continually perceives stress even if it isn’t really there. Philosophy Reductionism and Western medicine Philosophy Reductionism was introduced by French philosopher and the founder of analytic geometry Descartes (1596–1650); which is referring to subdivide complex system into simple units to understand the complex whole. Western medicine develops by taking Reductionism as guidance, it views human body as the inanimate assembly of lifeless parts by infinitely subdividing body as independent basic micro unit as genes or proteins to study the development of diseases and by looking for killing and genetic patching as treatment; without sense of psychotherapy. Western medicine can accurately diagnose the causes of diseases, but it cannot produce accurate bullets. For example, according to statistics, there are 200 symptoms of COVID-19. although individual patients only shared limited symptoms, but these symptoms continue to develop and worsen. Also many diseases have no pathogenic agents for killing, such as, degenerative diseases. The Stiff Person Syndrome is the thorniest one among the incurable chronic diseases. Since 1950s, Western medicine has been batch training killers Western medicine can accurately diagnose the causes of diseases, but it cannot produce accurate bullets. Also many diseases have no pathogenic agents for killing, such as, degenerative diseases. The Stiff Person Syndrome is the thorniest one among the incurable chronic diseases. 1955 found placebo effect in 50-60% of cure rate; and found that many synthetic drugs were ineffective than that of placebo did with side effect killing people; then randomized double blind clinic trial used to prove drug effective than that of placebo did; and batch kids as killers by tests in single ingredient kicks away the effective medicinals in multi-ingredients to ban the use by unscientific and unproven. Due to the compositions of natural medicinals of TCM are too complex to meet double blind clinic trial and to be yelled as unscientific and unproven. Then yelling unscientific and unproven have developed as the popular culture that anyone can yell at will, by such childish play; they scare people dare not self help by cheaper handy remedies; then unscientific and unproven made people a nightmare in the healthcare of increasingly unaffordable drugs and treatment. Easily containable Epidemic Covid-19 lost control is a typical manmade disaster that Western medicine provides tools for greedy people kicking away the cheaper, handily, safer remedies, for marketing antibody drugs and vaccines by unreasonably high price to promote epidemic sustained ongoing for profiting; which has emptied government finance and destroyed world economy to destroyed very foundation for human survival, but the Covid-19 was not be contained by Western medicine; but it is the suicidal mutation of the virus to have saved humanity. Feb. 23, 2020, I once wrote article Some medical experts are in acting as the Killer aid of SARS-CoV-2, due to that they persuade people not use of experience base medications on the pretext of unscientific; which was same in China. Since Western medicine was introduced into China, some people have been trying to kill TCM by the name of unscientific. But in the practice TCM showed unique advantage. In the treatment of 2003 SARS, Western medicine doctors use large doses of hormones to treat patients, resulting in a large number of deaths and lifelong paralysis due to femoral head necrosis. TCM treatments have neither deaths nor sequelae. But’ when treating Covid-19, the Western medicine experts were still recklessly rejecting the use of TCM. On Jan. 19, a Western medicine expert was appointed as the team leader to conduct the treatment of COVID-19 patients; he resisted the participation of TCM experts for the treatment of Covid-19. On Jan. 25, the top leaders of China held a meeting and forced the use of TCM, but it was useless. On Feb. 8, 2020, has to replace the team leader. Thus, the TCM experts were able to treat Covid-19 patients and quickly cured patients to have contained the epidemic. The test shows that the immune cells increased in the blood of recovered Covid-19 patients. Above tragic fact in China proved tragic reality that as the part of Western civilization; the Western medicine is also with evil magic to evilly dehumanize people to uproot their human nature. TCM integrates Western medicine to enjoy complementary advantages We must rationalize medical philosophy by Reductionism integrating Daoism to enjoy complementary advantages of each others; then from viewing human as lifeless assembly to view human as human as emotional organic whole; then the concept of disease treatment will be rationalized from killing and genetic patching to make restoration of Yin-Yang balance; and the concept of drugs will be rationalized from developing synthetic one with side effect to combination of existing medicinals in regardless of the synthetic drugs or natural medicinals; then it will trigger brand new drug concept of drug concept revolution; which is that any substance that is able to provide therapeutic effect will be god medicine. Based on integrated medical philosophy; we may explore safe, effective and cheaper medicinals that are able to make breakthrough in the disease treatment and help people home self-help in disease treatment and prevention; thereby reducing the reliance on public healthcare; by which solve the dilemma of healthcare of drugs are expensive unaffordable; while more and more incurable patients overwhelming hospitals. Huangdi Neijing of China 168BC suggested that the superior doctor treats disease before it occurs, the mediocre doctor treats disease at it ready occurs, and the inferior doctor treats disease after occurred. Thus the superior doctor is the nutrients. Then people self help by cheaper dietary supplements will cure most diseases and timely repairing aging lesions healthy 120 years. Dump antibiotics into garbage bin by TCM boosting immunity Now, firmly evidence has clear; we must update the concept in the disease treatment by dumping antibiotics & vaccines into garbage bin; and turn to cure patients by promoting immunity; and which is much easier. The advancements in the concepts of disease treatment will produce Drug concept revolution: 1... The synergistic interactions of medicinals will be god medicine Multi-combined medicinals produce synergistic effect, more combined stronger cure effect fewer side effect. Any disease is a multi-lesions syndrome. It is necessary to follow TCM by compound medicinals repairing ill-lesions restore Yin-Yang balance. Multiple medicinals can cure diseases as that shotgun hits multi-targets in once. The medicinal ingredient of all of herbs is a multiple complex in multiple therapeutic effects. 1980s, Germany once carried out about 300 clinical studies with standardized phytopharmaceuticals. Accordingly published report Phytomedicine Research in Germany. The studies show that “these phytopharmaceuticals had full therapeutic equivalence with chemotherapeutics and had the simultaneous advantage of being devoid of any adverse effects.” “The mechanism of action of herbal drugs and their extract preparations, which differ in many respects from that of synthetic drugs or mono substances, can be characterized as a polyvalent action and interpreted as additive or, in some cases, potentiating.” Also many modern studies have proved that the multi-combined medicinals can produce synergistic effects of each other to enhance the curative effect and reduce the side effect; the more medicinals combined the stronger cure effects the lower side effects. Sep. 2019, article Fruit flies live longer with combination drug treatment reports that if it is used individually, lithium, trametinib and rapamycin are able to extend the lifespan of the fruit flies by an average of 11%, but if by any two combined use can increase the lifespan around 30%, and all three combined can reach 48%. The studies show that 13 TCM natural medicinals combining made Lianhua Qingwen Capsule contain 160 active components to care COVID-19 by 57 target proteins, 35 signaling pathways in cure rate over 90%. The findings proved the existence of the basis in both physiology and pharmacology for the compound medication; which indirectly proved rationality of the theory of ancient philosophy Daoism guided TCM. The best medication comes from the unlimited combination of medicinals. In the sharp contrast; those commonly used antibiotics of Western medicine have been killing people, Aug, 2024, Antibiotics are failing, the US has a plan to launch a research renaissance: WHO identified antimicrobial resistance as one of the century’s top global health threats; globally death toll was estimated to be over 1 million. 2024, the study of An Enteric Bacterial Infection Triggers Neuroinflammation and Neurobehavioral Impairment in 3xTg-AD Transgenic Mice indicates that the infectious agents following hospital-acquired infections and consequent antibiotic regimen may induce gut dysbiosis and pathobiome and increase the risk of sepsis, thereby increasing the predisposition to neuroinflammatory and neurobehavioral impairments via breach gut-blood-brain barrier. It is easily understandable; to a large extent, the antimicrobial resistance is the natural results of the side effects of the antibiotics damaging the natural function of human body in the increase of immune cells. By TCM restores balance; the nutrients in supporting human life are the best medicines for curing diseases; which are able to cure any diseases to erase the concept that Western medicine coins incurable diseases. Dietary vinegar, melatonin and dietary supplements all have multi-therapeutic effect; if we combine them as a combo, their synergistic effects produced therapeutic effects will be amazing to cure most of diseases. This is the reason that Western medicine believed the Stiff Person Syndrome is an incurable disease. 2... The electronegativities of atoms will be god medicine In 1930s; Linus Pauling published The nature of chemical bond from a series of Chemical Research Reports, and indicates that chemical bonds are the attractive forces that hold atoms together in the form of compounds. They are formed when electrons are shared between two atoms. There are 3 types of bonds: covalent bonds, polar covalent bonds and ionic bonds. The simplest example of bonding can be demonstrated by the H2 molecule. Linus Pauling; who first defined electronegativity as a numerical scale in 1932; the electronegativity is a measure of an atom's tendency to attract electrons in a chemical bond or the power of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to itself. Electronegativity increases from left to right across the periodic table. Linus Pauling described electronegativity of an atom is a relative value of that atom's ability to attract election density toward itself when it bonds to another atom and noted that the electron-pair bond was formed through the interaction of an unpaired electron on each of two atoms; that the spins of the electrons had to be opposed; and that once paired, the two electrons could not take part in additional bonds. Pauling asserted that of two orbitals in an atom, the one that could overlap the most with an orbital from another atom would form the strongest bond and that the bond would tend to lie in the direction of that concentrated orbital. As far as we know, all matter, whether living or inanimate, is composed of atoms, and the basic binding force is the electronegativity of the atoms. People cannot stop breathing because the physiological activities of human body require electronegativity of oxygen atoms; which is the driving force for physiological activities of covalent bond structured body. The chemical effect of atomic electronegativities can produce broad therapeutic effects by damaging covalent bonded structure to kill viruses and bacteria; while stimulating the physiological activities of body produce full cover therapeutic effect without the formation of drug resistance; while opens physiological door for other drugs take effect. The polar chemicals that can produce electronegativity can be medicinal used as the carrier of electronegativities, and it is the potential hope for curing chronic degenerative diseases to kill the concept of incurable diseases; according to Periodic Table of Elements, the electronegativity values are F (4.0) > O (3.5) > Cl (3.0) = N (3.0) > Br (2.8) > C (2.5) = I (2.5) = S (2.5) , which can be considered as the reference for finding potential chemicals to medicinal use. As the carrier of electronegativity; the derivatives of hypochlorite radicals, carbonate radicals, hydroxide radicals, etc., are best medicines; Such as Sodium hypochlorite, Calcium hypochlorite, Sodium carbonate, Calcium carbonates, Sodium hydroxide, Calcium hydroxide, Chlorine dioxide, and so on; will be the God medicine as cure for all and cure Western medicine sentenced incurable disease, such as, stiff-person syndrome, Alzheimer's; diabetes, psychosis, etc., of those degenerative one without pathogens for kill. The HOCl and its derivatives are not only safe in use; but also are more effective due to there are two atoms O (3.5) and Cl (3.0) in higher electronegativity values. Studies show that it is able to anti-aging by facilitating to unfold the mis-folded proteins that caused by potentially pathogenic; such as, in the Alzheimer’s disease, atherosclerosis, and arthritis. Hypochlorous acid and its derivatives are safe than vinegar did. Vinegar oral rat - LD50 - 3.3 g/kg; Sodium hypochlorite 12.5% oral rat - LD50 - 5.23 g/kg as available chlorine; Calcium hypochlorite oral rat - LD50 - 850 mg/kg; Sodium carbonate oral rat - LD50 - 4.09 g/kg and Calcium carbonate oral rat - LD50 - 6.45 g/kg. The LD50 of Sodium hypochlorite is 5800 mg/kg or 290g/50kg in nearly double than that of vinegar; which meant that the use of hypochlorite will be safer than that of vinegar. Chlorine dioxide will be potential medication by electronegativities of Oxygen atom and Chlorine atom. Reports said that it is able to cure the most of disease, including cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, arthritis, kidney or liver diseases, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, eye disease, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, etc.. Google; there are so many studies about the therapeutic effect of Chlorine dioxide. The LD50 of chlorine dioxide is 292 mg/kg or 14g/50 in rat, oral, LC50 is 0.29 mg/L by inhalation. I infer that the safe and effective dose for medicinal use of chlorine dioxide should be 300 - 600mg/50kg in 4 times daily; by comparison with that of vinegar; the effect of chlorine dioxide is more powerful. Chlorine dioxide LD50 is 93.86 mg/kg has wide range of therapeutic effect. Hypochlorous acid and its derivatives are the best medicine; the key is at study the safe use, rather than simply reject by the name unsafe. The effect of vinegar and the carrier of electronegativity are like the bullet, one bullet hitting on a virus can stop it from replicating, and it will gradually disappear. So that the slight concentration of them in the blood will be enough to sweep away the all of the viruses; while they are able to boost immunity by increasing the blood immune cells. I infer that the broad cure effect of vinegar stemmed from chemical effect of atomic electronegativities of the oxygen in vinegar molecular. By the medicinal use of the polar chemicals of the carrier of electronegativity; we will be able to kill the concept of incurable diseases that Western medicine trained people are coining. I infer that the full cover therapeutic effects of vinegar stemmed from electronegativities of oxygen atoms; which will be able to promote physiological activity of covalent bond structured human body and play a role as opening physiological door to promote other multi-medicinals best exerting therapeutic role. Vinegar is major medicine in TCM used to treat many thorny diseases for thousands of years. Vinegar is safe use for thousands of years. It relieves snoring and apnea, and cures stomach problems; destroy the structure of the virus; increases blood immune cell counts, enhances immunity, reduces fat of chicken intestinal wall and abdominal, maintains the health of intestinal microbiota, reduces inflammation, lowers blood sugar and blood lipids, and adjusts human physiological indicators in both directions. It has positive therapeutic effect on all diseases studied. Therefore, vinegar can repair damage caused by disease or aging, and rejuvenate and prolong life. American nutrition expert says that vinegar is a cure for all. Modern studies show that vinegar can kill all viruses and bacteria, shrink cancer cells, increase immune cells, and regulate physiological indicators back to normal. It has a therapeutic effect on various diseases. Vinegar can decreased small intestine muscular thickness and abdominal fat Jan. 3, 2018, study report Effect of probiotic and vinegar on growth performance, meat yields, immune responses, and small intestine morphology of broiler chickens: 30 day-old broiler chicks drinking water diluted vinegar significantly decreased small intestine muscular thickness (MT) and abdominal fat. Vinegar has anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects Jul. 27, 2017, study report Anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects of synthetic acetic acid vinegar and Nipa vinegar on high-fat-dietary-induced obese mice: vinegar reduced lipid deposition, improved the serum lipid profile, increased adipokine expression and suppressed inflammation in the obese mice. Vinegar may be as an adjunct treatment modality for Diabetes May 6, 2015, study report Vinegar Consumption Increases Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Uptake by the Forearm Muscle in Humans with Type 2 Diabetes: vinegar reduces postprandial hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia, and hypertriglyceridaemia without affecting lipolysis. Vinegar's effect on carbohydrate metabolism may be partly accounted for by an increase in glucose uptake, demonstrating an improvement in insulin action in skeletal muscle. Apple Cider Vinegar can thin sticky mucus and clears stuffy noses Sept 10, 2017, on the website; Lung Health Institute posts article Apple Cider Vinegar and COPD: Clears Stuffy Noses – Apple cider vinegar contains potassium that thins mucus. Also, the acidic PH prevents bacteria growth. Directions: Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink. Apple Cider Vinegar can increases oxygen in blood stream Jan 15, 2021, article Nine Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar; it said that Apple Cider Vinegar can increases oxygen as it releases iron from the food you eat into your blood stream supplying more oxygen throughout the body. Apple Cider Vinegar promotes oxygen to cells by promoting hemoglobin and myoglobin Dec. 6, 2013, articel The Surprising Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar said that apple cider vinegar helps release iron from the food you eat, so it can be used throughout the body. This is important because iron is a key component of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Both hemoglobin and myoglobin are responsible for carrying oxygen to cells throughout the body. Vinegar molecule is able to disorganize virion structure. 2023, article Effect of acetic acid inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 reports that vinegar inactivated SARS-CoV-2; by transmission electron microscope observe the morphology of SARS-CoV-2 virus virions treated with 6% acetic acid (vinegar); the SARS-CoV-2 viral particles shows the presence of abnormal viral morpho-diagnostic features with misshapen structures, fewer viral particles in number, and disorganized virion structure. A vinegar molecule is a bullet that kills viruses and bacteria I infer that the virus killing effect of vinegar is from the divalent electronegativity of two oxygen atoms in vinegar molecular. The chemical effect of atomic electronegativities is able to kill viruses and bacteria by damaging their covalent bond that is in bonding their structure. The study by 6% acetic acid is for getting a quicker result; but we can infer that single vinegar molecular will be able to act as a dead bullet to kill virus in a little while to destruct any of viruses. Also modern studies show that vinegar along has multi-therapeutic effect on all of studied diseases. People once criticized President Trump for calling cure COVID-19 by bleach, but it was from his doctor, who once cured him of COVID-19 infection with combo of HCQ, melatonin, and antibiotics. The doctor of President Trump was the unique best doctor in the U.S. 3...Melatonin will be the god medicine curing for all It said that melatonin doesn't have an established LD50. For sleeping a sober mind that is able to make my brain obedient for proper concentration as my will, I take 5 mg Melatonin daily, two weeks later; I surprisingly found that the stool becomes soft, well formed without constipation; and the volume reduced by about 50%. My experience showed that melatonin can radically improve the digestion problems from long sit typing. By regularly taking Melatonin will be able to permanently optimize our digestive system - Gut to create the operators in Gut of the plant in processing in-took foods as nutrients that can be directly absorbed and used to build the organic building of the complex human body. The properly supply in nutrients will be certainly playing a therapeutic role by restoring disease degenerated human body. Viewing in this way; we can say that poor work efficiency of Gut caused poor nutrition supply is the main inducement that flaws the organic building to cause physical diseases; which inspired us that we can treat diseases from the root level of improving the work efficiency of Gut to improve the nutrition supply by Melatonin nourishing the Gut-microbiome. I searched and found that improving intestinal microorganisms has therapeutic effects that cover the most of diseases. Transplanting of gut flora from healthy mice cured sick mice, Gut is second brain in producing 95% of Serotonin, neurons and most neurotransmitters, Melatonin for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Melatonin increases intestinal probiotics to improve nutrient supply. The gut is the second brain in producing 95% of serotonin, neurons, and most neurotransmitters. Melatonin can prevent and treat cancer; stimulate cell regeneration, revive renal failure stem cells, repair aging nerves & immune systems, repair diabetic nerve damage, treat degenerative diseases, repair brain damage of Alzheimer's, cure Alzheimer's disease, and protect the spinal cord from damage, cure COVID-19, Promotes wound healing, promote learning and memory, and much more. 4... The Orthomolecular Medicine is best medication Orthomolecular medicine is originated in Canada by Canadian biochemist, physician, and psychiatrist Abram Hoffer (1917- 2009), who use megadose B3 cured schizophrenia; and then he introduced to U.S, Bill Wilson (1895 - 1971) co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) with Dr. Bob Smith in 1935. Wilson was an alcoholic who overcame his addiction. Bill Wilson conduct a group of mentally ill alcoholic use B3, and result was satisfied, then wrote paper The paper inspired two-time Nobel Prize winner American chemist Dr. Linus Pauling (1901-1994), who coined Orthomolecular Medicine that aims to maintain health by nutritional supplementation; such as, vitamin B, vitamin C, D, E; minerals, amino acids, trace elements and fatty acids; to cure diseases by correcting the imbalances or deficiencies based on individual biochemistry. The key is at high concentration in blood. It is better by intravenous. Here I have to indicate the evil of Western medicine trained people, Dr. Abram Hoffer and Bill Wilson were both attacked due to advocate the use of B3 and ousted from their job position. Please Google online; there are still a lot of articles in condemning Linus Pauling regarding the use of the Orthomolecular Medicine. Modern studies showed that Orthomolecular medicine has full cover therapeutic effects, such as: Vitamin C was safe at doses up to 1.5 g/kg in patients The LD50 of Vitamin C is generally accepted to be 11900 milligrams (11.9 grams) /kg. The American Association of Poison Control Centers has reported zero deaths from vitamin C. In North America, the vitamins, minerals, herbs and TCM medicinals are called as dietary supplement in OTC. The orthomolecular medicine, vitamins and minerals, etc., are all effective medicine; the megadose of vitamin B, B3, C, D, etc., individually, has multiple therapeutic effects that are able to cure many thorny diseases. Vitamin C reduced mortality from heart disease 30-40%. It has multi-therapeutic effects that cover the most of diseases; It was reported zero deaths from vitamin C. Safe at doses up to 1.5 g/kg in patients. High-dose Intravenous Vitamin C cured Viral Infections. It enhances functions of the immune system; interferes with the assembly of viral RNA and DNA. It affects several components of the human immune system. It shortens the time of stay in the ICU. It Improve Organ Dysfunction in Cardiac Surgery Patients, High-Dose rescued critcal Covid-19 patient Vitamin C reduced mortality from heart disease 30-40% in the USA Vitamin C has multi-therapeutic effects that cover the most of diseases High-dose Intravenous Vitamin C cured Viral Infections Vitamin C involved in enhancing functions of the immune system. Vitamin C interferes with the assembly of viral RNA and DNA High Dose Vitamin C and Influenza: A Case Report Vitamin C affects several components of the human immune system Vitamin C Can Shorten the Length of Stay in the ICU. Vitamin C to Improve Organ Dysfunction in Cardiac Surgery Patients, Vitamin C protects important organ systems (cardiovascular, neurologic and renal systems) during inflammation and oxidative stress. It also influences coagulation and inflammation; its application might prevent organ damage. High-Dose Vitamin C rescued a critcal Covid-19 patient Aug. 10, 2020, article 'Unusual' IV High-Dose Vitamin C Success Story in COVID-19 reports that a 74-year-old white woman develops ARDS, on the request of families, started on a continuous intravenous infusion of high-dose vita-min C (11 g /24 hours). Two days later, her clinical condition gradually begins to improve, and the clinicians discontinue supportive treatment with norepinephrine. Vitamin B3 Vitamin B3 helped immune cells to kill bacteria by 1,000 times. Aug. 28, 2012, article Vitamin B3 May Help Kill Superbugs said that “Nicotinamide, commonly known as vitamin B3, may help the innate immune system kill antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria, the so-called "superbugs". In lab work done with mice and human blood, researchers found high doses of the vitamin increased the ability of immune cells to kill the bacteria by 1,000 times.” I Google found that the LD 50 vitamin B3 is 4.5 grams/kilo. This is equivalent to 225 grams for a 50 kg people or approximately 100 times as much as is normally recommended. Vitamin D High dose of vitamin D3 cured flu or influenzalike illness Jun, 2015, Vitamin D for influenza, we treat flu or influenzalike illness by a 1-time 50 000 IU dose of vitamin D3 or 10 000 IU 3 times daily for 2 to 3 days. The results are dramatic, with complete resolution of symptoms in 48 to 72 hours. One-time doses of vitamin D at this level have been used safely and have never been shown to be toxic. We urgently need a study of this intervention. The cost of vitamin D is about a penny for 1000 IU, so this treatment costs less than a dollar. 5... Honey is the best medication with broad cure effects Honey is a combo of herbs. Modern studies show that honey is medicine that can cure many diseases to keep healthy. According to modern scientific literature, honey may be useful and has protective effects for the treatment of various disease conditions such as diabetes mellitus, respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and nervous systems, even it is useful in cancer treatment because many types of antioxidant are present in honey. In conclusion, honey could be considered as a natural therapeutic agent for various medicinal purposes. Sufficient evidence exists recommending the use of honey in the management of disease conditions. Based on these facts, the use of honey in clinical wards is highly recommended. Cheaper remedies can erase the concept of incurable diseases The change of philosophical guidance of the thinking way will certainly change the perspective and the way of looking at the problems, and the way of treating diseases will be also changed. Following the philosophical guidance of the dialectical holistic medicine TCM, after understanding the wide range of miraculous physiological functions of dietary supplements, we will understand the absurdity of precision medicine; symptomatic medicine, evidence based medicine and more such kind of childish plays in Western medicine. They just relieve the symptoms, cannot cure diseases from the physiological base. The physiological activities of the human body require the support from adequate nutrition. So that optimized nutrition supply is able to improve the physiological activities to the optimal state; and thus is able to repair illness and aging caused lesions, thereby cure diseases by restore the normal condition of body. Human body is an complex organic system, with various organs, various tissues; various immune cells and more; with various complex functions, and various glands secreting hormones regulating metabolism and physiological functions, there is any deviation in any of them will cause health problems. Dietary supplements are just able to regulate various physiological activates and functions developing towards healthy state. In this rational practical way, we are able to reflect the extremely absurdity of the Western medicine; in the precision medicine; symptomatic medicine, evidence based medicine and more such kind of unearthly fantasies. As the main component of European bloodily cultured western civilization, western medicine has irresistible deception also. The study on target medication and genes therapy will waste most of medical spending to ruin life. Dietary vinegar, melatonin and dietary supplements all have multi-therapeutic effect; if we combine them as combo, their synergistic effect produced therapeutic effect will be amazing to cure most of diseases. My wife and my son were both Covid-19 infected, in the state of fever, cough, lethargy, short of breath sleeping, did not eat or drink for a day long; after take vinegar slept 3 hours got up asking for drinking and eating, and then took another dose of vinegar sleeping hours recovered quickly. According to my years of experiences; I infer that 2x500mg vinegar capsules/50kg or dilutes 5% vinegar x 20ml + honey at will + 3-5mg melatonin + 3g vitamin C or more remedies is able to cure various diseases, erase the concept of incurable diseases, and daily take as health keeping timely repair aging lesions to be disease free for healthy 120 years. The genetic studies can never benefit but harm human life I infer that the genetic studies can never benefit; but harm human life by fatal side effects and even used to develop biological weapons as that Covid-19 easily harms organic system. Linus Pauling was the first to study how atoms are combined into the basic units of life through chemical bonds. I remember he once said that, if I were an atom, then the length of a protein would reach the moon. Here we can perceive the complexity of cells and gene sequences. Those who study gene therapy are like children playing around; they think that jumping around on the earth can change the operation of the universe. In 2003, we once cheered for the completion of Human Genome Project with the happy that we could uproot all diseases as easy as that of adjusting the clock time by turning the clock hands. Since then, genetic studies has wasted the most of medical spending with endless exciting repots of amazing genetic therapies; but until now, no one was stably used clinically; due to that was wrong in medical philosophy; human body is too complex to treat in that simple way. Because of, human body is complex organic system; composed of cells (genes) in huge numbers that can be compared with the huge numbers of the planets in Galaxy; so that human body is extremely complex organic system; there are dozens even hundreds different gene-fragments in affecting the development of one disease; and the psychological factors are in decisive affecting the development of diseases and which is uncontrollable. As far as organic life is concerned, the complexity of the life structure and the process of the physiological activity exceed that of galaxies and the universe governed by gravity. The Solar System has been running billions years, now it is still stable run. But the physiological process of human body is endlessly changing. This is the reason that genetic therapies reported endlessly; but, no one is stable applied clinically. The vaccines can never help human get out of the torture of the covid-19; due to that virus is in quick mutating, but it doomed ruining human life by allowing virus free lethal mutation and promoting the virus times more reproduction. Dec. 7, 2022,article Covid-19 Isn’t a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated Anymore reports that since the beginning of the pandemic, people 65 and older accounted for 75 percent of all American Covid deaths. That dropped below 60 percent as recently as September 2021. But today Americans 65 and over account for 90 percent of new Covid deaths, an especially large share given that 94 percent of American seniors are vaccinated. Nov. 25, 2022, a report from Singapore that as of Nov.17, the seven-day moving average shows that among every 100,000 people, only 0.13 unvaccinated people have severe symptoms of Covid-19, but 0.27 vaccinated people have severe symptoms. Feb. 27, 2024, China reported that after the injection of Covid-19 vaccine, there were serious abnormal reactions, including allergic reactions, platelet reduction, encephalitis, spinalitis, myocarditis, nephrotic syndrome, limb weakness, nerve paralysis, vascular edema, etc. Nowadays, many online articles that negatively report on vaccines have disappeared, but most of articles that report positively on vaccines are still online. Nov 19, 2024, article Former CDC director claims that COVID-19 emanated from UNC-Chapel Hill reports that the former director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has made a direct accusation that COVID-19 was started in a lab at UNC-Chapel Hill (U.S. Carolina) by one of its researchers and not a lab in Wuhan, China. He said that the virus was ‘intentionally engineered as a part of a biodefense program’ and that the United States’ role in it was substantial. Jul 23, 2024, article Dr. Robert Redfield on COVID vaccine mandate 'mistakes': 'They don't prevent infection' reports that Dr. Robert Redfield said that mandating mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is "one of the greatest mistakes" due to the body’s “very strong, pro-inflammatory response.” Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reported 37,000 deaths in people who received the COVID-19 vaccine, with 24% of those deaths occurring within two days of vaccination. March 7, 2022, a Mandarin article reports that the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research under FDA released a Pfizer vaccine data file for the first time. It mentioned that the Pfizer vaccine had as many as 1,291 adverse events, including kidney damage, acute flaccid myelitis, brain stem embolism, cardiac arrest, hemorrhagic encephalitis, and so on. Western medicine researches were falsified and unreliable Jan. 18, 2024, article Critics claim to find flaws in dozens of Alzheimer's studies by Temple scientist reports that Temple University scientist Domenico Praticò helped secure a $3.8 million state grant to study Alzheimer’s disease, school officials hailed the news as a sign that his research center was “poised to become a national leader in dementia research.” However, there were reports that Praticò improperly reused or altered images of mouse brains that accompanied his studies, thereby making his findings appear stronger than they really were. Also his works have numerous instances of data incongruity. Article said that research misconduct has drawn increased concern in recent years, and in 2023, an analysis by the journal Nature found that more than 10,000 research papers had been retracted that year — meaning they were formally withdrawn due to deliberate fabrication, major errors, or other serious flaws — a record high. Although that represents a small fraction of studies published, the consequences can be severe. Article said that the president of Stanford University stepped down due to that he manipulated images in his studies, though it determined that he did not personally engage in the misconduct. Also that month, federal officials found that former University of Pennsylvania scientist William Armstead had falsified or fabricated 51 figures in his studies, and he agreed to a seven-year ban on conducting federally funded research. We have good reason to ask that eventually on earth how many research results are reliable in the researches on the level as micro as genes and protein. Above facts revealed reason why that western medicine was less effective than reported. Above cited shocking academic frauds inspire us looking back at the more harmful academic fraud in the studies of genetic therapies and covid-19 vaccines. Since Human Genome Project completed in 2003; the childish genetic studies has wasted the most of medical spending with endless exciting repots of amazing genetic therapies; but until now, no one was stably used clinically; due to that was wrong in medical philosophy; human body is too complex to treat in that simple way. We must kill any virus directly by vinegar or HOCl to stop viruses' replication, rather than endlessly vaccination to allow virus tricky mutations; then forces governments endlessly vaccinations and wasting money on genetic studies until finish those genetic players’ themselves, their families and all of us. It is precisely because of the deceptive nature of Western medicine. In past 3 years; genetic plays have hollowed out the finances of governments; and made the containable Covid-19 as uncontainable in badly damaged economy and the life of people; due to that play did not kill, but let virus live mutating. In this concern, the treatment under philosophy Daoism of TCM will be only hope for human healthcare. Vinegar alone 2 times is able to cure airborne infectious diseases; for babies who cannot take medicine wipe their belly with vinegar water; by self-help will cure the most of diseases at home to make doctors rest at home. By the humanized philosophy of TCM, we will be easily to erase the idiotic ideology of incurable diseases. I am sure that by water dilute similar dosages of vinegar and sodium hypochlorite for drinking of Chicken and Livestock; it will be able to cure and prevent the infections in regardless of the kind of virus and bacteria, thereby avoiding slaughter; while the drinks will largely promote the increasing of the production and the quality of the Egg, Milk and Meat. Optimal use of electronegativity carrier vinegar, melatonin, dietary supplements, etc., we are able to erase the concept of incurable disease; such as Stiff Person Syndrome, Diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, Autism, Arthritis, etc.. The key is at the study of how to medicinally use them safely, rather than simply rejection as Western medicine harmed people. Then, the dietary vinegar, melatonin, orthomolecular medicine, TCM medicinals, HOCl derivatives, chemical radicals will be good drugs, due to that individually, they all possess wide range of therapeutic effects, Google, you will be shocked. But, the cheaper safer dietarys and dietary supplements can never be popularized. According to my 4 years of failed hundreds of Emails, Phone calls and specially bought a Fax Machine to fax. The emails that I sent to request for uprooting pandemic Covid-19 by vinegar since 2020. The report of zero infections in China’s plants Iran by daily HOCl disinfection inspired me to conduct a meats plant zero infection; I found that daily inhaling Vinegar or/and HOCl mixed air is able to prevent airborne infectious diseases to end pandemic COVID-19. If we spray vinegar or HOCl in feedlots; it will avoid slaughterer of poultry and livestock. But the good ideas are difficult to be used; due to Western civilization budded Western medicine has dehumanized too many people in idiotic play in taking stupid as smart and promting inhuman for human. Since earlier 2020, I have sent hundreds emails, phone calls, and specially bought a Fax machine to fax the suggestions by vinegar and cheaper dietary supplements end the epidemic Covid-19 to the officials of many countries, and even the officials of WHO, but they all failed. Please see my article The emails that I sent to request for uprooting pandemic Covid-19 by vinegar since 2020 In China, during 2003 SARS, TCM cured patients no deaths, no sequelae, Western medicine (WM) caused a large number of deaths and femoral head necrosis. But the experts of WM deadly resist experts of TCM treating Covid-19, the top leadership times meets to force it, until replaced experts of WM, the TCM was popular used and end epidemic. In earlier 2020, as a psychological comfort to Covid-19 patients by non-symptomatic Chinese herbal decoctions to have cured a large number of Covid-19 patients; tests found that their blood immune cells were increased. To this day, people in west still slander the Gov-China for covering up death data based on their own large number of deaths; due to their officials banned the use of TCM and handily remedies by yelling unscientific. In China, until right now, the Western medicine dehumanized people are still striving to strangle TCM. This was why I said that Western medicine also has the evil magic to dehumanize people into the social garbage. There are too many people easily dehumanized but difficult to be humanized; and the social elements of Western civilization are just favoring the play of dehumanized people; which is the dead obstacle to the progress of human civilization; and which is why higher animal human beings have been living in the state of lower animals. In France, Professor Didier Raoult proved HCQ is effective in curing Covid-19, the promising work did not get appreciation to inspire more people to save lives, but it triggered many people world widely into manic state & work hardly proving Professor is a liar; even sued him; which proved western medicine dehumanized too many people. Now the fact has proved that Professor Didier Raoult was correct in the treatment of covid-19 patients by the use of hydroxychloroquine combining azithromycin. Please Google, there are still articles condemn Professor Didier Raoult online. He Was a Science Star. Then He Promoted a Questionable Cure for Covid-19; French scientist who promoted one of Trump’s favorite coronavirus cures set to be replaced; Controversial French doctor Raoult in disciplinary hearing over notorious Covid-19 tips. Now, here, I infer that if professor integrates more medicinals to combine with hydroxychloroquine besides the use of an azithromycin; he would find god medicine with stronger therapeutic effect to reduce the Covid deaths in more than 90%. In the earlier time of the start of pandemic Covid-19; the personal attack on Professor Didier Raoult for the use of hydroxychloroquine combining azithromycin have certainly caused many deaths of French people and the people globally. Obviously; those people who attacked Professor Didier Raoult have committed crime of helping virus killed millions of people. No matter how their reason was sound and reasonable; but it caused massive deaths were there. The fact has clearly showed that, as same as that Western Civilization; it derived Western medicine also has magic to dehumanize many people into psychotic state to have caused too many people take wrong as right and promote bad for good in stubborn insisting unchangeable; without sense for reasoning the bad consequence Whether it is humans suffered medical difficulties or the difficulties in poultry and livestock breeding, they are all the results that people have kicked away the cheaper remedies for profiting the expensive ineffective one. If we humanize social governance to stop taking medication for profiting, then by the cheaper handily dietary supplements in self help; we will reduce the incidence of disease to reduce people’s reliance on unaffordable drugs and public healthcare; by huge cost saving way; we are able to uproot the dilemma in healthcare to extend lifespan. Also; the studies showed that antibiotics antimicrobial resistance caused more than one million people died globally each year from 1990 to 2021, and predicted that there are 39 million people will die from 2025 to 2050. While WHO has prepared disease-X to force spending on the study for the diseases not existed to further empty Covid-19 emptied government finance. We must stop such plays by promoting the use of dietary supplements. The study on genetic therapies of Western medicine is the most inhuman play that will easily ruin human life. The facts have proved that vaccination not reduced infection & death, but promoted, due to it damaged immunity. Everything in the west needs to be and can re-humanized by the humanized civilization of China. It is wrongful Western medicine ruined healthcare of Canada The Western medicine as the key one of wrongful social elements; it also favors people greed by yelling unscientific or unproven to scare people dare not self rescue by handily remedies kill virus and increase immune cells and keep Covid-19 ongoing to this day, for profiting expensive ineffective antibody drugs and vaccines with genes rewriting to kill 20 millions, empty Gov-finance, destroyed economy; and ruined the life of people. In the last century, Marx and Engels mobilizing communist movement promoted the nationalization of capitalist countries, almost eliminated capitalism, and capitalist countries established a communist style social security system that has been preserved to this day. The UK calls it from the grave to the cradle. Canada followed the UK in establishing a universal health care system. Today, long medical waiting times have become a nightmare for Canadians and government; there are endless reports of people dying due to lacks of treatment available. Dec 6, 2023, Waitlist Deaths at Five-Year High: In Canada over 17,000 patients died while waiting for surgery or diagnostic scans in 2022-23, a 64% increase since 2018. Since the incomplete data, the true total is closer to 31,397. Nearly 1,000 Ontarians died waiting for heart surgery since 2013. Jan 3, 2025, article Quebec ERs report major overcrowding, some at more than 200% capacity reports: the average ER wait time across the province on Friday was five hours; and the average time patients spent on a stretcher was more than 16 hours. Vinegar alone can empty ERs. Jan 7, 2025,Man dies at Winnipeg emergency room while waiting for care: after long waits without see doctor; a middle-aged man died in the emergency room at Winnipeg. We must combine traditional Chinese medicine with Western medicine to enjoy complementary advantages. TCM developed by taking the principle and terminology of Daoism in views patient as emotional human and cure by compound medicinals repair the ill-lesions to restore Yin-Yang balance, recognizes that the treatment is 30% medication, 70% psychotherapy. Modern studies prove that compound medicinals is able produce synergistic effects; the more combined the stronger cure effects the lower side effects. Western medicine takes Reductionism as guidance in views patient as inhuman assembly and cure by killing and genetic patching no sense of psychotherapy. In 1955 found placebo effect in 50-60% cure rate; Western medicine has to use double blind clinic trial proves drug effective than placebo is, since then by test in single kicks away compound medicinals and refuse use by yells them as unscientific and unproven. 2019, article Disinfect the Natural Way indicates that human immunity is by immune cells releasing Hypochlorous acid kills viruses to function immunity; which means that whether it is medication or oxygen inhalation, it is all to prolong life and wait for the increase of immune cells; but some people are too weak to increase; while the compound medicinals of TCM are just able to promote the increase of immune cells quickly. But Western medicine promoted antibiotics resulting in a large number of deaths. Antibody drugs and vaccines destroy natural immunity, leading to a large number of infections and severe ill-deaths. We have to learn TCM to cure patient by repairs ill-lesions to restore natural harmony; then the nutrients of foods; the dietary supplements will be the effective medications as cure for all to cure all diseases. Without proper medications made tragedy of Covid deaths in Britain Jan. 17, 2021, a report from Britain, Almost a third of recovered Covid patients return to hospital in five months and one in eight die said that out of 47,780 people who were discharged from hospital in the first wave, there 29.4 per cent were readmitted to hospital within 140 days, and 12.3 per cent of the total died. There is a devastating long-term toll on survivors of severe coronavirus, with many people developing heart problems, diabetes and chronic liver and kidney conditions. Then how did the doctors of Great Britain create such a miracle, a case provides answer. Feb. 5, 2021, University of Cambridge published report SARS-CoV-2 evolution during treatment of chronic infection to indicate that a 70 years old male was admitted to hospital in positive for SARS-CoV-2. Treatment included two 10-day courses of remdesivir with a 5-day gap in between during the first 57 days. Then two units of convalescent plasma were administered on days 63 and 65. After clinical deterioration, remdesivir and a unit of convalescent plasma were administered on day 95, but the individual died on day 102. It is really a pity, in the treatment of 102 days; only remdesivir and convalescent plasma were available for the doctors of the Great Britain. However, even if the use of the remdesivir and convalescent plasma were also in against the recommendations of WHO. Nov. 20, 2020, article WHO has issued a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir reports that in hospitalized patients; regardless of disease severity, as there is currently no evidence that remdesivir improves survival and other outcomes in these patients. Aug. 24, 2020, article WHO cautious on COVID-19 plasma as U.S. issues emergency authorization reports that WHO chief scientist, said only a few clinical trials of convalescent plasma have produced results, and the evidence, at least so far, has not been convincing enough to endorse it beyond use as an experimental therapy. It is clear that suppose the doctors of Great Britain followed the recommendations of the WHO; above 70 years old British man would face an embarrassing situation without any treatment available. People certainly remember that WHO once launched “Solidarity” clinical trial for COVID-19 treatments, in which suggested drugs were all have showed hopeful curative effect in curing covid-19 patients, but all of them were proved as ineffective by double blind clinic trial. It was just that scientific addiction of the double blind clinic trial misleads people working to kick away the effective medication; by such a way, indirectly; they lengthened torturing of the 70 years old British man to die by lasting 102 days. People can imagine the feeling of the psychological torture for the doctors of the Great Britain when helplessly viewing own countryman being gradually tortured to die without proper treatment available. No matter is from which country; whenever I see videos or photos of medical staff wearing full PPE rescuing patients in ICU, I can't help being tearful. I am happy with their happy when they succeeded in rescuing the patients, and I am tearful with their tear for failed to rescue the patients. Their efforts are the driving force for me, in driving me to persevere in writing the articles with the hope that can eliminate pandemic covid-19 as soon as possible. Though, sent hundreds of emails and dozens of phone calls, there were no one care about my ideas, but the scenes that medical staff wearing full PPE rescuing patients in ICU are always emerging before my eyes and driven me to continue thinking and typing. The tragedy happened in Britain may be the same in Canada, because of the similar treatment under same Reductionism guided Western medicine. Please see the sad report Jan. 28, 2021, The tip of the iceberg COVID long-haulers facing financial ruin and report Jan 28, 2021, Insurance claim denials leave some COVID-19 sufferers planning 'for the worst'. Globally, there many reports that covid-19 survivors were suffering bad complications in the disabled states. We are not only need to save the life of infected people, but also, we have to ensure the cured people are healthy able to enjoy a quality life; and more importantly, only healthy people can ensure healthy labors to create quality economy for quality life. French Prof. Didier Raoult mistreated by dehumanized people In March and April 2020; French Professor Didier Raoult who happily announced that the hydroxychloroquine combining azithromycin is effective treatment to cure COVID-19 patients; sadly the work did not get appreciation to inspire more people to consider how to use the effective medication to save lives, but it triggered many people into manic state to work hardly for proving the Professor Didier Raoult is a liar; even sued; which has far beyond the issue in medicine. Here were Googled disappointed reports in May 12, 2020, He Was a Science Star. Then He Promoted a Questionable Cure for Covid-19 and Sep. 17, 2021, French scientist who promoted one of Trump’s favorite coronavirus cures set to be replaced. May 27, 2021, Scientists rally around misconduct consultant facing legal threat after challenging COVID-19 drug researcher. May 11, 2021, Controversial French doctor Raoult in disciplinary hearing over notorious Covid-19 tips. Now the fact has proved that Professor Didier Raoult was correct in the treatment of covid-19 patients by the use of hydroxychloroquine combining azithromycin. Now, here, I infer that if professor integrates more medicinals to combine with hydroxychloroquine besides the use of an azithromycin; he would find god medicine with stronger therapeutic effect to reduce the Covid deaths in more than 90%. In the earlier time of the start of pandemic Covid-19; the personal attack on Professor Didier Raoult for the use of hydroxychloroquine combining azithromycin have certainly caused many deaths of French people and the people globally. Obviously; those people who attacked Professor Didier Raoult have committed crime of helping virus killed millions of people. No matter how their reason was sound and reasonable; but it caused massive deaths were there. The fact has clearly showed that, as same as that of the European bloody looting and killing Dark Ages bred Western Individualistic Civilization; it derived Western medicine also has magic to dehumanize some of people into psychotic state; though they are only in a very small minority; but such people are without ability for reasoning the bad consequence; so that they are over active socially and seizing the leading social position to recklessly make trouble to others and society. It is unbelievable that, even if in the birthplace China, TCM has long been attacked as unscientific or even as witch witchcraft by the experts who were trained by Western medicine. For treating covid-19 patients; those experts also reject the participation of the experts in TCM; so that China’s top leadership of seven members’ politburo has to hold special meeting to force the experts in Western medicine cooperating with the experts in TCM, then; under the enforcement of government; the synthetic drugs and natural medicinals were combining used to have cured patients quickly with lesser deaths and complications. People may ask that why so many people take wrong as right and promote bad for good in stubborn insisting unchangeable; without sense for reasoning the bad consequence that will badly harm the life of people; and themselves and their families; which relates to the limitation of human intelligence that is decided by the quality of brain and the acquired knowledge. It is the medical experts in misleading WHO wrongful directing Add this topic here want to show the terrible reality that the most of Western medicine trained medical experts are in the psychotic state without proper reasoning ability for qualifying their duties in stubbornly taking stupid as smart; taking wrong as right and promoting bad for good. Due to ignorance; they are the actually killer for the most of disease death. Since the outbreak of the pandemic Covid19, the officials of WHO have been emaciated very much; which shows that they have endured too much psychological torment and which proved their higher personal quality; however, viewing back today, the officials of WHO seem played a extreme bad negative role by endorsing false medical research results to amplify their harm by increasing the deceptiveness with the trustable name of world's highest health authority - WHO. April 6, 2022, Nature News published article Why the WHO took two years to say COVID is airborne to have revealed the process of WHO making anti-pandemic guidance, it is globally distributed experts of Western medicine in providing suggestions to WHO for directing global anti-pandemic practice, but the officials of WHO seem adopted the wrong one. I excerpt some of the article as bellow. Early in the pandemic, the World Health Organization stated that SARS-CoV-2 was not transmitted through the air. That mistake and the prolonged process of correcting it sowed confusion and raises questions about what will happen in the next pandemic. In early 2020, public-health advice on COVID-19 focused on sanitizing surfaces more than protecting against airborne transmission. As 2021 drew to a close, the highly contagious Omicron variant of the pandemic virus was racing around the globe, forcing governments to take drastic actions once again. The Netherlands ordered most businesses to close on 19 December, Ireland set curfews and many countries imposed travel bans in the hope of taming the tsunami of COVID-19 cases filling hospitals. Amid the wave of desperate news around the year-end holidays, one group of researchers hailed a development that had seemed as though it might never arrive. On 23 December, the World Health Organization (WHO) uttered the one word it had previously seemed incapable of applying to the virus SARS-CoV-2: ‘airborne’. On its website, a page titled ‘Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): How is it transmitted?’ was quietly edited to state that a person can be infected “when infectious particles that pass through the air are inhaled at short range”. The change brings the WHO’s messaging in line with what a chorus of aerosol and public-health experts have been trying to get it to say since the earliest days of the outbreak. Many decry the agency’s slowness in stating — unambiguously — that SARS-CoV-2 is airborne. Interviews conducted by Nature with dozens of specialists on disease transmission suggest that the WHO’s reluctance to accept and communicate evidence for airborne transmission was based on a series of problematic assumptions about how respiratory viruses spread. For example, even in the middle of the fast-moving epidemic, the WHO dismissed field epidemiology reports as proof of airborne transmission because the evidence was not definitive, something that is difficult to achieve quickly during an outbreak. Other criticisms are that the WHO relies on a narrow band of experts, many of whom haven’t studied airborne transmission, and that it eschews a precautionary approach that could have protected countless people in the early stages of the pandemic. Critics say that inaction at the agency led to national and local health agencies around the world being similarly sluggish in addressing the airborne threat. Having shifted its position incrementally over the past two years, the WHO also failed to adequately communicate its changing position, they say. As a result, it didn’t emphasize early enough and clearly enough the importance of ventilation and indoor masking, key measures that can prevent airborne spread of the virus. Mounting evidence suggests coronavirus is airborne — but health advice has not caught up. But Dale Fisher, an infectious-diseases physician at the National University Hospital in Singapore and chair of the WHO’s Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network steering committee, doesn’t think that confusion over whether the virus is airborne has had a defining impact on how the pandemic has played out. “It’s not the cause of the catastrophe we’ve seen,” he says. Some other researchers defend the agency’s response, given the rapidly evolving situation. “I really don’t think anybody dropped the ball, including WHO,” says Mitchell Schwaber, an infectious-diseases physician at Israel’s ministry of health and an external adviser to the WHO. “So many assumptions that we had about this virus were proven false. We always, we always were learning new things.” Lidia Morawska, an aerosol scientist at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, spearheaded several efforts to convince the WHO and other health agencies of the airborne threat. She says that airborne transmission was “so obvious” as far back as February 2020, and that omitting it from official guidelines was disastrous. In the final days of March 2020, Morawska contacted dozens of colleagues — an international mix of aerosol scientists, infectious-disease specialists, and building and ventilation engineers — to get the word out about the airborne threat of SARS-CoV-2. On 1 April 2020, the group sent an e-mail laying out their case to Michael Ryan, head of the WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme, and Maria Van Kerkhove, technical lead of the WHO’s COVID-19 response. Within an hour, the agency was on the phone. Two days later, the group attended a video conference with members of the Health Emergencies Programme and the Infection Prevention and Control Guidance Development Group (IPC GDG) — an external group of about 40 clinicians and researchers that advises the WHO on infection containment, especially in hospitals. At the time of the meeting, more than one million people had been infected with SARS-CoV-2, and 54,000 had died. Community spread was rampant in several countries. Morawska presented what she says was a compelling case for airborne transmission. Two facts stood out. First, there was solid evidence that people were becoming infected even when they were more than one metre — the safe distance recommended by the WHO — from a contagious individual. Second, years of mechanistic studies had demonstrated how mucus in a person’s airway can spray into aerosols during speech and accumulate in stagnant rooms. Morawska felt rebuffed by the WHO and its advisers. “I didn’t have a feeling that they were trying to see this from our perspective,” she says. She and other people who study aerosols and airborne disease transmission say that the IPC GDG is ill-equipped to assess this type of transmission because most of its members have focused on controlling infections in hospitals and they lack expertise in the physics of how airborne contagions spread. At the time of the 1 April meeting, no one in the IPC GDG had studied this type of disease transmission, say critics. July 6, 2020, Professor Lidia Morawska and 239 scientists from 32 countries jointly published article It Is Time to Address Airborne Transmission of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), but also it was helpless. Early WHO advice on masks recommended them only for infected people and their carers. “What the WHO says is normally based on a consensus of expert advice and opinion,” says Christopher Dye, an epidemiologist who served as the scientific adviser to the agency’s director-general until 2018. The resigned White House Coronavirus Adviser Professor Scott Atlas, who sighed the tragedy of SARS2 pandemic and the need to restore trust in the country’s vital institutions: the management of this pandemic has left a stain on many of America’s once noble institutions, including our elite universities, research institutes and journals, and public health agencies. Among the most damaged has been the harm to the essential functioning of science, research, and debate. The Europe bloody soiled Western civilization has never humanized due to its social elements favors bad one exertion. The harm of such social elements cannot be changed; but we can dilute its harm by the philosophies of China. The philosophies and wisdoms from the civilization of China are the hope for saving human faced problems. |