很想在后院, 添些植物,譬如桃和梨, 让红红白白的花瓣, 欣欣地绚烂在春光里。 一个声音阻止道:“不要”! 在缺水的加州,地球, 负担不起!
门前的草, 又一次枯黄,在六月。 我跟唱着“金色就是新绿”, 痛心地凝视, 那片斑驳的“绿地”。
从优山美地来的山泉, 只够让食物链顶端的生物汲取, 夏眠吧小草, 守住最后一口气息, 等待下一次的苏醒, 在阴雨的冬季。
多少人关心股市的涨落, 胜过关心地球的负担能力? 杞人忧天,今人忧地, 曾经的笑话,当今的多余, 我们果真,眼中只有自己?
亿万年后,新一轮文明, 或许,会发现史前, 惊艳过去。 说什么呢,生命难道 就只是一场又一场的偶遇?
注:这些年加州缺水严重。政府让民众节约用水,不要浇草地的宣传口号是:GOLD is the new green

Earth, can't afford it
I really want to be in the backyard, Add some plants, such as peaches and pears, to make the petals red, red, white, and white, Brilliantly blooming in the spring light. A voice stopped and said, 'No!'! In California, where water is scarce, Earth, Can't afford it! The grass in front of the door, Once again withered and yellow, in June. I sang along 'Gold is New Green', Staring painfully, That mottled 'green space'.
The mountain spring from Yosemite, Only enough for organisms at the top of the food chain to absorb, Sleep in summer, grass, Hold onto the last breath, Waiting for the next awakening, In the rainy winter.
How many people are concerned about the ups and downs of the stock market, More than caring about the human capacity of the Earth? Ancient worrier worries about the sky, today's worrier worries about the earth, the joke of the past, and the excess of the present, Do we really only have ourselves in our eyes?
Billions of years later, a new round of civilization, Perhaps we will discover prehistoric times, Amazing past. What do you mean, is life just a chance encounter after another?
Note: California has experienced severe water shortages in recent years. The government reminds the public to save water and not to irrigate it