Trump and Musk: A Balance Between the Fox and the Hedgehog in Global Leadership and High-Tech Innovation 刺猬与狐狸的隐喻,交互共生的智慧 The Metaphor of the Hedgehog and the Fox: The Wisdom of Intersubjective Symbiosism 本文思考背景 大战略(Grand Strategy或High Strategy),是指以“有目的的运用所有一个安全共同体能运用的权力手段”来利用国家整体资源的总体战略。 《论大战略》是“冷战史学泰斗”约翰·刘易斯·加迪斯(John Lewis Gaddis)20年的战略研究成果,呈现了大战略逻辑跨时空、跨领域、跨文化的交融与映衬。从2500多年前的希波战争,到第二次世界大战,从战无不胜的罗马帝国,到改变美国命运的开国总统,Gaddis探究了那些伟大和持久帝国的智慧、气质和勇气是如何塑造的。在Gaddis笔下,薛西斯一世、伊丽莎白一世等国家,马基雅维利、奥古斯丁、伯里克利等政治思想家,化身为“狐狸”或“刺猬”,甚至是两者的综合体。 “狐狸”追逐多个目标,思维零散、离心,却能根据对环境的敏感观察适时调整战略;“刺猬”目标单一,思维专注却固执,坚守一个不变的原则,以此规范言行。Gaddis认为,人的思维常处于刺猬式和狐狸式两种思维方式的对抗中,如果能把刺猬的方向感和狐狸对环境的敏感性结合起来,追求目标与能力的一致性,就能孕育出成功的大战略。好的战略之所以能够沿袭千年,是因为在时代推移、技术迭代中能够不断被反思、调整和重塑。但并不是只有国家才需要大战略,我们每个人都需要在事业和生活中实现目标与能力的平衡。这一战略思维将帮助我们强化权衡代价的意识,刺激我们对复杂环境的感知,从而达成心中所念。 我的理解,Gaddis的结论是:保持刺猬式专注固然不易,但像狐狸一样灵活调整自己的策略似乎更难。实施大战略不能让固定的原则或偏见捆住手脚,一个好的战略未见得自始至终都能逻辑自洽,甚至不排除前后矛盾和冲突的可能。唯有把刺猬的方向感和狐狸对环境的敏感性结合起来,才能不失常识地成功践行交互主体共生的大战略(Implementing the Grand Strategy of Intersubjective Symbiosism)! ——Archer Hong Qian 本文针对现实 热战、冷战、又热战,低效、高耗、泛特权的当今世界,川普与马斯克,在世界政坛与高科的横空出世,面临两大世界性的挑战:一是让践踏生命的世界实现和平,一是让低效高耗不公平的Trust(企业或政府)组织降本赋能!

那么,不妨把“实现和平与降本赋能”,称之为川普与马斯克的“双战”。 既然是“双战”,就需要动态平衡目标与能力的战略、战术,策略、谋略。也就是说,无论“和平,是打出来的,还是谈出来的?”,抑或“降本赋能,是狐狸好,还是刺猬好?”,这绝不是简单的二分法选择题! 任何一根筋思维,无论是如“狐狸多知”,还是若“刺猬有一大知”,都不足以应对两大世界性的挑战,甚至可能一招不慎,功败垂成,结果“一如弹指间登上至尊之位,又电光火石间重回卑微”! 所以,我冒昧地请求川普先生和马斯克先生,不要低估更不必再攻击,拜登过去四年在国际国内政治中象狐狸般狡猾,也不要过高估计自身超级英雄般的进击能量,把自己现任做的事与前任比较,不合适,还会引发不必要的麻烦,完全没有必要。 因为,狐狸式思维善于归纳各种不同信息,重视环境的变化和对自身能力的评估,而不是仅依据“宏伟理想”进行推导(哪怕借助AI算法),但往往模糊了目标和焦点,坐失良机;刺猬式思维则恰恰相反,重视目标的单一性和纯粹性(直接利用AI算力),而忽视多重策略的配合,且往往拒绝批判和反思,一根筋地沉浸在自己先入为主的观念里。“大选结束了,胜利者必须承担国家的全部责任!”(《MAGA 2.0:从保护主义到全球共生战略》,惊闻对加拿大关税战开打,作于2月3日新加坡-大阪航班)。 既然是“全部责任”,那就必须清楚:狐狸式思维与刺猬式思维各自有各自的优长与短板,唯有二者交互共生(Intersubjective Symbiosism)——把刺猬的方向感和狐狸对环境的敏感性结合起来,才能通过现实常识(某种自发、单纯而未被理论套路污染的久经时间考验本相)孕育践行为成功的大战略。 我特别要对川普总统说,我相信你有Passion、有Vision、有Mission、有Expasion,更有Action,带领美国进入新的“黄金时代”! 如果你真的想让“美国再次伟大”(MAGA)成为人类生活方式创新与再选择——交互主体共生(Intersubjective Symbiosism)之域的楷模,那么,上文我冒昧说出的“五个忠告”,可能是您完成使命,要注意的必要条件,归结到一句话就是:神选之人,还是人,不是神,愿您真正肩负起当代美国人民赋予您的总统责任,避免MAGA演变成一场悲剧和闹剧! 只有把刺猬的方向感和狐狸对环境的敏感性结合起来,才能通过现实常识孕育践行为成功的大战略(Grand Strategy或High Strategy)。

卢比奥说,在外交政策中,你不得不与你不喜欢的人合作。而且,遗憾的是,你常常会与你喜欢的人产生分歧。有时你得想办法与“在大多数问题上”和你立场不同的国家合作。一些情况下,你可能会发现自己在某个问题上与长期密切合作的盟友立场相左。 没想到,原来卢比奥如此智慧,不只是那口若悬河的参议员卢比奥,他还真有合格外交官的品质啊!这就可以理解他为何在几个重要场合一言不发了。 不过赫赫,笃定要换一种方式解决俄乌战争的川普总统,第二任期就职伊始,至今给足了普京面子,不按政治正确套路出牌,被套中媒舆骂成筛子的川普,面对还在提各种停火条件耍花招的普京,日前再次客气地给出周一无条件停火的时限,倘若普京再不识相,以川普的貌似不可预测,实际孞念超常坚定的性格,且不说川普在乌美沙特联合声明后已然拒绝欧洲延长俄罗斯能源央行许可证的请求,坚决中断这个欧洲既援乌又给俄输血的机制(好在欧洲的春天来了!),必有惊天大锤砸下! 大战略,需要“把刺猬的方向感和狐狸对环境的敏感性结合起来”的大智勇!
最后,问你一个简单的问题:川普第二任期,他的行政内阁中,哪位重要成员属于“刺猬型”?哪位重要成员是“狐狸型”?哪位是“刺猬+狐狸型”?他们在美国内政外交行为中整体配合如何?请回答。 Let me ask you a simple question: In Trump's second term, which key cabinet member belongs to the "hedgehog type"? Which key member is the "fox type"? And who is the "hedgehog + fox type"? How do they coordinate overall in U.S. domestic and foreign affairs? Please answer. ChatGPT回答如下,读者朋友,你的回答呢? 在特朗普总统的第二任期内阁中,成员的风格各异,可大致归类为“刺猬型”、“狐狸型”以及兼具两者特质的“刺猬+狐狸型”。以下是对部分关键成员的分析: 刺猬型成员彼得·黑格塞斯(Pete Hegseth) - 国防部长 黑格塞斯长期担任福克斯新闻的军事评论员,立场坚定,意识形态鲜明,体现出典型的刺猬型特质。 帕姆·邦迪(Pam Bondi) - 司法部长 邦迪曾在特朗普弹劾案中为其辩护,展现出对特朗普的高度忠诚,政策立场坚定,符合刺猬型特征。 狐狸型成员埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk) - 政府效率部负责人 马斯克作为企业家,涉足多个领域,展现出灵活多变、适应性强的狐狸型特质。 马可·卢比奥(Marco Rubio) - 国务卿 卢比奥在外交事务上展现出灵活务实的风格,体现出狐狸型特质。 刺猬+狐狸型成员斯科特·贝森特(Scott Bessent) - 财政部长 贝森特作为投资人,兼具对金融市场的深刻理解和灵活应对市场变化的能力,体现出刺猬与狐狸的双重特质。 内阁成员的整体配合特朗普第二任期的内阁成员在政策执行上展现出高度一致性,尤其在移民、关税和减税等核心议题上,体现出强大的执行力。 然而,部分成员缺乏丰富的行政经验,可能影响内阁的整体协调和政策推进。 总体而言,内阁成员在内政外交事务中表现出较强的协作性,但也面临因经验不足而导致的潜在挑战。 Archer Hong Qian 2025年3月13日于温哥华 链接:Trump and Musk: 刺猬与狐狸 The Metaphor of the Hedgehog and the Fox: The Wisdom of Intersubjective Symbiosism - 全球共生研究院
The Metaphor of the Hedgehog and the Fox: The Wisdom of Intersubjective Symbiosism
Background of This Article Grand Strategy: The Balance of Objectives and CapabilitiesGrand Strategy (also known as High Strategy) refers to the purposeful application of all available instruments of power within a security community to maximize the utilization of national resources in a comprehensive strategic framework. On Grand Strategy, written by the "Cold War historiography titan" John Lewis Gaddis, is the culmination of 20 years of strategic research. This work presents an overarching logic of grand strategy that transcends time, disciplines, and cultures, illustrating the interplay and reflections between different eras. From the Greco-Persian Wars over 2,500 years ago to World War II, from the invincible Roman Empire to the founding presidents who reshaped America’s destiny, Gaddis explores how the wisdom, temperament, and courage of great and enduring empires were forged. In Gaddis' narrative, historical figures such as Xerxes I, Queen Elizabeth I, and thinkers like Machiavelli, St. Augustine, and Pericles are portrayed as embodying foxes, hedgehogs, or a synthesis of both. The Fox pursues multiple objectives, possesses decentralized thinking, and is adaptable to changing circumstances due to acute environmental awareness. The Hedgehog focuses on a singular goal with unwavering concentration, adhering rigidly to a fixed principle that guides its actions.
Gaddis argues that human cognition often oscillates between fox-like flexibility and hedgehog-like rigidity. The key to successful Grand Strategy lies in harmonizing the directional sense of the hedgehog with the environmental sensitivity of the fox, ensuring that objectives and capabilities align. The best strategies endure over millennia because they evolve through self-reflection, adaptation, and restructuring in response to shifting eras and technological advancements. However, Grand Strategy is not solely the domain of states and empires; it is equally essential for individuals in their careers and personal lives, where balancing goals and capabilities remains a fundamental challenge. This strategic mindset enhances our ability to weigh trade-offs, perceive complex environments, and ultimately achieve our aspirations. The Conclusion of Gaddis' Grand StrategyGaddis concludes that staying singularly focused like a hedgehog is difficult, but adjusting flexibly like a fox is even harder. The implementation of a grand strategy should not be constrained by rigid principles or ideological biases. A sound strategy may not always be logically consistent from start to finish, and it could even entail contradictions or conflicts over time. Thus, only by combining the hedgehog’s sense of direction with the fox’s environmental sensitivity can one cultivate a grand strategy that is both practical and effective.
Relevance to RealityThis article aims to apply Grand Strategy thinking to contemporary realities, exploring how strategic flexibility and steadfastness intersect in today’s geopolitical and technological landscapes. It serves as a guide for leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and individuals seeking to navigate uncertainty, harness opportunities, and construct a balanced long-term vision for success.
Hot wars, cold wars, and then hot wars again. An inefficient, high-cost, and privilege-laden world. In this world, Donald Trump and Elon Musk have emerged as disruptive forces in global politics and high technology, facing two monumental global challenges: Achieving peace in a world that tramples on life. Reducing costs and empowering efficiency in inefficient, high-cost, and unfair Trust-based organizations (corporate or governmental).
We might call these two challenges Trump and Musk’s “dual battle”. Since this is a “dual battle,” it demands a dynamic balance between goals and capabilities, requiring strategy, tactics, planning, and wisdom. In other words, whether “peace is achieved through war or negotiation” or whether “cost reduction and empowerment should follow the thinking of a fox or a hedgehog”—these are not simple binary choices! Any one-track mindset—whether following the fox’s knowledge of many things or the hedgehog’s mastery of one big thing—is insufficient to tackle these two global challenges. Worse still, a single misstep could lead to total failure, with success slipping away in an instant: "One moment, ascending to the throne of supreme power, and in a flash, returning to obscurity." A Humble Request to President Trump and Mr. Musk Thus, I humbly request President Trump and Mr. Musk: Do not underestimate, nor continue attacking, President Biden’s fox-like cunning in international and domestic politics over the past four years. Do not overestimate your own “superhero-like” energy to charge forward. Avoid unnecessary comparisons between the incumbent and previous administrations, as they are inappropriate and could invite unnecessary trouble.
The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Fox and the Hedgehog Fox-like thinking is excellent at synthesizing diverse information, adapting to environmental changes, and assessing one's own capabilities realistically—rather than blindly pursuing “grand ideals” (even with AI-driven calculations). However, foxes often lose focus and miss opportunities. Hedgehog-like thinking, in contrast, is highly focused on a single, pure goal (leveraging AI computational power directly). However, it often lacks multi-strategy coordination, rejects criticism and reflection, and stubbornly clings to preconceived ideas.
As I wrote in "MAGA 2.0: From Protectionism to the Global Symbiosism Strategy" (published on February 3, during a Singapore-Osaka flight, upon hearing about Trump’s initiation of a tariff war against Canada): "The election is over. The winner must now bear full responsibility for the nation!" (Full article) If "full responsibility" is the mission, then understanding the strengths and weaknesses of both fox-like and hedgehog-like thinking is essential. Only through Intersubjective Symbiosism—combining the hedgehog’s clear sense of direction with the fox’s acute sensitivity to the environment—can realistic wisdom be translated into a truly successful grand strategy. A Special Message to President Trump President Trump, I believe you possess Passion, Vision, Mission, Expansion, and most importantly, Action—qualities necessary to lead America into a new “Golden Age”. If you truly wish for “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) to become a global model for innovation and lifestyle transformation—a world of Intersubjective Symbiosism, then the five critical warnings I humbly mentioned above are essential conditions for you to fulfill your mission. Ultimately, it all boils down to one key truth: "A chosen leader is still human, not a deity." I sincerely hope you will fully embrace the responsibility entrusted to you by the American people, avoiding any scenario where MAGA degenerates into either a tragedy or a farce! Conclusion: The True Art of Leadership Only by integrating the hedgehog’s unwavering sense of direction with the fox’s keen adaptability can true leadership emerge, cultivating wisdom that turns practical action into a winning grand strategy. Archer Hong Qian March 13, 2025 – Vancouver