NOTE - this blog post represents only my views and not those of ABC. But I am pissed off!
It's very simple and we can still do this: All ARISE has to do is say YES to allowing its AFT candidates to run with ABC.So, why did ARISE put a roadblock on its candidates who want to run on the ABC slate, giving the Unity leadership an excuse to prevent these candidates from winning? Why did Unity agree with ARISE? ABC has agreed publicly to allow ARISE candidates to run. Why won't ARISE do the same? The say they want a formal agreement as New Action had with Unity for over a decade. Should we wear tuxedos?
New Action/Unity sign agreement for 2007, 2010 and 2013 elections
March 22, 2025
I've been too busy the past week to address the important issue of how Unity and ARISE united to keep people from running on multiple slates, an increasing level of ARISE focusing its attacks on ABC. Petitions were due last Monday, RTC Meeting Tuesday, DA Wednesday, R&R Thursday. Finally, I've had room to breathe.
Back in December I offered a leader of MORE an idea of how to run two slates and win a control of the exec bd and adcom. Cross endorse enough candidates (not all so as to leave room for organizing new people) - all AFT, 3 each for Adcom which would give us 6 out of 12, a majority of the divisional and at large exec bd. The idea was turned down because if we won how would we govern the UFT? I said we'd figure it out -- let's win first. But I question whether elements of the ARISE coalition really want to win and are focused on not letting ABC win.
My backup plan was to encourage AFT candidates to run on both slates.
I spoke to a few candidates who did sign up for both slates and if forced to choose they say they will choose ABC.
Here is a detailed account on how Unity Caucus and ARISE united in a way to help Unity maintain their monopoly of AFT delegate seats.
First a brief date by date summary:
Feb. 27 - After a question from an ARISE UFT election committee rep about running on multiple slates, Carl Cambria the Unity head of the election committee, rules that candidates could run. At that point I declare that ABC agrees to allow any such candidate to run with them. None of the 3 reps from ARISE make such a statement, nor do they approach the ABC reps, Christina Gavin and I, about working something out despite us sitting 10 feet away. But later on they will attempt to blame ABC for not meeting with them when here they were all in the same room. All ARISE had to do was make the same declaration as ABC. But they didn't and haven't. Why?March 7, 2025 - Michael Shulman, running as ARISE candidate for Secretary, emails Carl Cambria, head of the UFT 2025 election committee and a Unity Caucus member and candidate for Unity.
Dear Carl,
From past correspondences, we in the ARISE slate are under the impression that in order for a candidate to run under more than one slate there must be agreement of the slates involved, to be aligned with past UFT practices. At this time, no such agreement exists between the slates. What is the mechanism that the UFT Membership Department will use to insure that candidates who submit petitions from multiple slates will not be allowed to do so without such agreement? Thank you for your attention to this matter. I will forward this to other concerned UFT Election Committee members.
Michael Shulman (ARISE Candidate for UFT Secretary)
March 13 - Unity Election committee member Marcus Escobar agrees with Shulman and asks Carl to review his decision of Feb. 18.
March 14 (days before petitions are due) - Carl revises his decision about allowing candidates to run on multiple slates.
March 17 - Norm, an ABC election committee rep, holding up the official UFT election guide which has no mention about formal agreements about candidates running for multiple slates, speaks at the UFT Exec Bd. on the issue. Nick Bacon issues an inaccurate account of what Norm said while Unity minutes accurately reflect Norm's comments. (SEE BELOW FOR BOTH ACCOUNTS.)
March 18 - Christina Gavin, ABC rep on election committee, protests Carl's revision of his Feb. 27 decision.
March 19 outside the DA: Norm asks Shulman why ARISE didn't talk to ABC reps at the Feb. 27 meeting about running joint candidates if a meeting was so important to them. Shulman replies they only do communications through official channels. Norm says that's the typical caucus response but is also an excuse.
Let me dive right in.
Note how Shulman ignores the fact that on Feb. 27 ABC declared agreement for people to run on both slates. With the ball in the ARISE court, Shulman chooses to punt and claims there must be some kind of formal agreement, a bogus argument to cover up their real intent which is to try to show they had more candidates than ABC - they bragged about their 550 - the most since the 1980s they say while ABC has 559 - the most since ARISE bragged about their 550.
Ok - so lose the potential to break the AFT monopoly for "official". Is that how they will run the UFT? So Unity like. This officiousness is the caucus mentality that was a key to the split between ABC and ARISE.
Note the alliance between Unity and ARISE to throw a monkey wrench into the possibility of AFT candidates running on both ARISE and ABC slates and possibly winning some non-Unity AFT seats for the first time ever if Unity gets less than 50% of the vote. This only makes sense for Unity. So what is the motivation of ARISE other than to try to reduce the ABC number of candidates and vote? Yes Virginia, ARISE is clearly not running against Unity but against ABC, which is running against Unity and to win.
The focus of attacks from ARISE leading lights, led by the New Action faction, has been on ABC with a lean to Unity. Is there some kind of back door post-election deal in the works? After all, New Action, one of the 3 components of ARISE, has a long history of back room deals with Unity going back to 2003 through 2016. Do you remember when they ran Michael Mulgrew as their presidential candidate in the 2010 and 2013 UFT election, an interesting year that followed the 2012 Unity/NA sellout on Cuomo's Tier 6 bill and the 2014 Mulgrew sellout on retiree healthcare when he raided the stabilization fund. Imagine if I claimed NAC backed the Tier 6 and destabilization changes? No worries. I won't.
Now before I go on, let me state that neither I nor ABC is saying that someone can force a caucus to run candidates they don't want. But ABC is saying right up front it has no objection to any ARISE candidate running with ABC. So why won't ARISE make the same declaration instead of clinging to "formal meeting" which ABC interprets as a meeting with the dreaded ARISE steering committee which is sure to report a distorted account of the meeting.
What we hear from ARISE is an attempt to blame ABC for not being willing to meet with them to come to some agreement, as New Action did in its back room deals with Randi and Mulgrew that led to NA candidates running on the Unity slate. I'd like to see that agreement, since NAC is claiming that agreement as a precedent. Don't hold your breath.
New Action has led the assault on ABC with a number of bogus arguments and distorted reporting. Nick's NAC Attacks on ABC compared to mild treatment of Unity are notable. Nick suffers from ABC PTSD - like a jilted lover - in this case ABC's ultimate rejection of his steering committee plan which divided the UFT election pie into fourths -- one each to New Action, MORE and Retiree Advocate - representing all together less than 1% of UFT membership and one fourth to everyone else - the 99% - which ABC has been aiming to reach. ARISE had to divide the spoils into thirds while ABC went out and organized a slate of almost 560 people to run while the ARISE gang had been mocking ABC as being 7 people.
Let's compare Nick's report of the March 17 Exec Bd. meeting where I made a statement about the election manipulation by Unity, at no time claiming that someone can run without caucus approval.
This was followed by a debate of sorts between Michael Shulman and Norm Scott about the UFT election. Norm was upset that ABC was not being allowed to have some of their members run on multiple slates (without the consent of those other slates), citing a history of cross endorsements between Unity and New Action. Shulman pointed out that such cross endorsements were only ever done with the permission of both slates and that when ARISE sought to meet with ABC on this question (and running together more generally), ABC refused to even take the meeting. Ultimately, Norm’s contention was that allowing members to run on multiple slates (without the consent of those slates) would be a positive development because someone on two slates would be more likely to win an election against Unity. I find this argument extremely problematic. Why should someone who, by definition, misleads one or more slates into getting on their ballot while also running with (and voting for) said slate’s competitor, be rewarded with a higher chance of winning an election? Carl Cambria was correct to issue his ruling on this matter. Consent is a necessary part of cross-slate endorsements. And if ABC was really interested in this, they should have agreed to meetings that were offered numerous times by ARISE prior to the beginning of petitioning.
What a shame. I used to read Nick's Notes religiously. Note how Nick gratuitously added something I did not say: Norm’s contention was that allowing members to run on multiple slates (without the consent of those slates) - All I said was that ABC gave its consent and questioned why ARISE would not do the same.
Now note the UFT Official more accurate minutes of the same meeting:
Norman Scott, a RTC Executive Board member, raised concerns regarding
The upcoming UFT elections and the issue of candidates running on multiple slates. He cited historical precedents, specifically the 2007, 2010, and 2013 elections where individuals ran on both the New Action and Unity slates.
He highlighted the recent ruling by the Election Committee Chair, Carl Cambria, which initially permitted candidates to run on multiple slates and accrue votes from each. He insinuated that Unity, realizing the potential loss of UFT convention seats, pressured the Election Committee (note that Mr. Scott himself is a member of the election committee) to reverse its decision. He specifically criticized Michael Schulman and a Unity member for supporting this reversal, which occurred shortly before the petition deadline.
Scott then stated that the ABC openly allows its members to run on multiple slates, emphasizing their commitment to providing candidates with the opportunity to win UFT seats and challenge the unity. He asserted that ABC would not prevent anyone from running on another slate.
Michael Schulman requested a point of personal privilege to address what he termed the “perverted version of history” presented by the previous speaker.
He defended Carl Cambria’s consistency, clarifying that while Cambria ruled candidates could run on multiple slates, past instances of dual-slate participation were based on mutual agreement between the slates involved. He stated that that no such agreement exists between ABC and Arise. Schulman emphasized his role in past elections, specifically his support for Randi Weingarten and Michael Mulgrew, which were based on agreements between the slates. He stated he wished to correct the misinformation Scott provided. He offered to discuss the issue further with any interested Executive Board members after the meeting.
Wow, who ever thunk that Unity would give a more accurate account that a so-called opposition person?
Below is the correspondence
Feb. 27 - UFT Election Committee meeting: One of the 3 ARISE reps ask if people can run on multiple slates and Carl says yes and their votes are combined. The 2 ABC reps announce openly at that meeting that ABC agrees to allow any candidate to run on our slate even if on another slate. In my book that constitutes agreement and no meeting is necessary on our part.
March 7, 2025 - Michael Shulman, running as ARISE candidate for Secretary, to Carl
Dear Carl,
From past correspondences, we in the ARISE slate are under the impression that in order for a candidate to run under more than one slate there must be agreement of the slates involved, to be aligned with past UFT practices. At this time, no such agreement exists between the slates.
What is the mechanism that the UFT Membership Department will use to insure that candidates who submit petitions from multiple slates will not be allowed to do so without such agreement?
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I will forward this to other concerned UFT Election Committee members.
Michael Shulman (ARISE Candidate for UFT Secretary)
ABC agrees publicly that any candidate may run on the ABC slate. So ARISE clearly does not agree or wants ABC to whisper sweet nothings in its ear.
When I raised this issue at the March 17 UFT Exec Bd meeting, Shulman replied that ABC refuses to meet with ARISE. Fact is that he was at at the Feb. 27 election committee meeting where Carl made his original decision and I stated unequivocally that ABC approves any candidate running on another slate to run on the ABC slate, all three ARISE reps remained silent -- not one offer to meet with ABC on that issue, not has there been any outreach at all - so Shulman's statement is not accurate. But when ABC declares publicly it is OK with multiple slates and ARISE and UNITY both object, we need to examine the motives of each.
Here Carl rules in response to Shulman that candidates can run on multiple slates as long as each slate accepts the candidate.
March 10, 2025
I received your attached note, and I have Bcc’d the entire Election Committee here with my response.
Each slate sends a designee with its petitions in person to the Election Coordinator who signs the receipt we discussed at our first election committee, that will establish the petitions submitted for each slate. If the UFT separately receives petitions in which individual candidates designate a slate, the Election Coordinator will confirm with the slate designee whether or not that individual should be included in that slate. The determination of that conversation will be communicated to that individual and shall be considered final. If it is determined that the individual is not permitted to run on the slate indicated, that individual may run as an independent, provided they are not running with another slate.
Carl Cambria
Executive Director of Negotiations
United Federation of Teachers
March 13, 2025Dear Carl,
I am writing to you on behalf of the Unity slate in response to your email from Monday at 5:24pm "RE: Candidates Running on Multiple Slates".
Unity agrees with ARISE that there is no agreement for a candidate to run on more than one slate.
Marcus Escobar
March 14, 2025Election Committee Members,
I received the attached email from Marcus Escobar on behalf of Unity. Since Unity and ARISE have both stated there is no agreement for candidates to run under more than one slate, candidates will not be permitted to do so. Therefore, the UFT is modifying the response below as follows:
Each slate sends a designee with its petitions in person to the Election Coordinator who signs the receipt we discussed at our first election committee, that will establish the petitions submitted for each slate. If more than one slate submits a petition for the same individual, the UFT will confirm with the slates to determine which slate the individual should run under. The determination of the slates shall be communicated to the individual and shall be considered final. If the slates are unable to reach a determination, the UFT will reach out to the individual to determine which slate the individual is running under. At that point, the determination of the individual will be communicated to the slates and shall be considered final. Moreover, if the UFT separately receives petitions in which individual candidates designate an additional slate to the one submitted by the slate designee, that petition will not be accepted.
Carl Cambria
Executive Director of Negotiations
United Federation of Teachers
March 18, 2025 - Christina Gavin to Carl CambriaHello Carl,I want to put on the record that ABC objects to your reversal of your original decision.
We briefly discussed candidates running on two slates at the last election committee meeting. You told us that a candidate was able to do that provided they submitted separate sets of signatures/nominating petitions for each slate. This is the information that has been communicated to interested candidates. No "agreement of the slates" was mentioned whatsoever during our election committee meeting. I asked you how votes would be tallied for any cross-slate candidates if someone split their ballot, and you responded that it would be more difficult to calculate.
We reject the idea that you would reverse the stance you first presented on Feb. 27 and then reaffirmed in your response to Mr. Shulman on Mar. 10. We find it to be wholly unacceptable to change the rules of petitioning in the midst of the process.In solidarity,Christina Gavin, ABC member of the UFT Election Committee