Saturday, January 21, 2006

Jonothan Kozol speaks...

...on institutionalized racism in NYC Schools.

Black and Hispanic children make up about 72 percent of the citywide enrollment in the New York City public schools. At Stuyvesant - the most prestigious public school in the city - they make up less than six percent of enrollment.

In fact, the percentage of black kids who go to Stuyvesant has decreased dramatically in the last quarter century. Twenty-six years ago, black students represented almost 13 percent of the student body at Stuyvesant; today they represent 2.7 percent.

I'm not implying that the administration at Stuyvesant is made up of racists - they must be remarkable people to run such a wonderful school. Black and Latino students do not have access to Stuyvesant because they have not been adequately prepared to compete with the other students applying for a limited number of spots. What the racial gap in admissions represents is the devastating end result of the failure to educate black and Latino children effectively from the age of two and a half up to their 8th grade year.
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