I missed this while I was preparing the carnival, but Newsday, on May 23, 2006, pointed out that school violence was being underreported. Thanks to the Education Wonks for pointing us to this story.
I learned of this practice very shortly after I started teaching in October 1984, and I can only conjecture that increased accountability has worsened the problem. I'd be very interested in hearing from NYC teachers who aren't already aware.
However, there are well-established precedents for fudging educational statistics.
Many forget non-educator US Education Secreatary Rod Paige, who came into prominence via overseeing the "Texas Miracle," in which the dropout rate miraculously dissipated to vitually nothing. This was accomplished through the time-honored practice of cooking the books, and its reputed success helped President Bush to nearly defeat Al Gore in the 2000 election. Among Mr. Paige's other accomplishments are paying off journalists to shill for his programs and declaring the NEA a "terrorist organization."
So why are the Gloomy Guses at Newsday suddenly begrudging our principals a few helpful falsehoods?