No,it's UFT Prez Randi Weingarten--superdelegate.
Ms. Weingarten, of course, is committed to Hillary Clinton, who took a bath last night in both Wisconsin and Hawaii. If anyone remembers Mayor Mike's first mayoral race, in which the UFT endorsed 3 candidates, all of whom lost, one has to wonder just how valuable our endorsement is.
Sure we helped Governor Pataki, who thanked us by vetoing 55/25 and improvements to the Taylor Law. And we gave a boost to serial union-buster Serphin Maltese. Now we're backing a Republican senatorial candidate who thinks private school parents ought to get tax credits. But it seems we have a pattern of getting behind losers whenever we pick candidates who might remotely support teachers, or public school kids, or humanity in general.
Is the UFT endorsement the kiss of death? I'm not convinced. I'm fairly certain the only thing worse is a monetary contribution from yours truly. But I don't think this country can afford the budget-busting, warmongering, middle-class killing, homophobic nonsense that's been the GOP's hallmark for the last decade. The rich are rich enough already.
I'd urge the UFT to endorse McCain if I thought that would stop him. Unfortunately, when the UFT endorses bad candidates, they tend to win. Perhaps I'll send him a contribution, say 10 cents, and ensure his demise.
After all, it's for the good of the country.
Thanks to Sol