It appears the real money is in being a supply secretary. All that purchasing power, and no one dares enter your office, for fear their next eraser could be the last. Apparently, a few elementary school secretaries pooled their resources to buy a few things of dubious educational value:
...a diamond ring, digital cameras and a portable DVD player - and such mundane items as cigarettes and beer, school investigators charge.Included among the items purchased by the secretaries between October 2002 and November 2005 were Easter outfits for plastic geese, "Best Grandma Ever" T-shirts, and a doormat that read, "Boucher's Bungalow."
Boxes of Marlboro Lights cigarettes and 12-ounce cans of Coors Light beer also surfaced amid the shameless shopping spree.
Well, working in a public school is hard work, and you gotta unwind somehow after a full day of defrauding the taxpayers. What's better than sitting down, putting on your free diamond ring, and having a nice cold one?
It's like winning the lottery without having to hassle with buying all those tickets.