Showing posts with label Educators4NYCEducator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Educators4NYCEducator. Show all posts

Monday, May 09, 2011

Educators4NYCEducator Policy Statement

As you know, Mayor Bloomberg has announced his plans to reduce the teaching force by 12%. Many people are saying, oh, this means higher class sizes, and will thus be a disaster. Others are saying it's incredibly stupid to cut teachers while sitting on what is now a 3.2 billion dollar surplus.

We at Educators4NYC Educator choose not to wallow in negativity, but rather to seek new reforms. For example, Mayor Bloomberg will be saving over 300 million by laying off thousands of teachers. We see this as an opportunity for innovation. NYC is a city of innovation. For example, we're now not only using value-added methods, but fighting to make the results public, despite the fact that the actual results can be worse than meaningless.

We've also created a merit pay program that failed to substantively improve anything. We've devoted a lot of time and money to this plan, and as reformers, the important thing is that we tried. And, of course, there were the incredible test score gains that proved to be nothing but an illusion.

What's the point? The point, of course, is that it's daring and noble for NYC to fearlessly try new things. That's why we at Educators4NYCEducator are now upping the stakes. We'd like Mayor Bloomberg to take a mere 100 million of the savings and donate it to the Educators4NYCEducator Foundation. Our numbers have increased considerably since last week, with 4 or 5 commenters agreeing to sign our pledge and grab a share of the loot promise to uphold our guiding principles. Will this be an improvement to education? Who knows? But it's been amply demonstrated that Tweed will pretty much try anything, and that evidence whether or not it would succeed was neither here nor there.

So please sign up in the comments section. As soon as Mayor Bloomberg signs off on our proposal, Miss Eyre and I will be sending your checks. And don't worry about follow up--Miss Eyre and I both pledge to stop going to work once we get the money an agreement from Tweed so that we can devote ourselves full time to shameless self-promotion the principles that guide us all. And please tell your friends we'd like to buy them off encourage their participation in our noble quest!

And don't forget, we need to keep pressure on the union to poll members on whether or not they'd like the city to give us 100 million bucks. It's always good to have a scapegoat principled argument with which to win over the public!

Monday, May 02, 2011

Educators4NYCEducator Press Release

Our new organization, Educators4NYCEducator, has taken a stand for the good of NYC Schools. It is our contention that, should layoffs occur, reverse seniority order is unacceptable. For the good of our students, we need to ensure quality. We therefore propose that, should layoffs occur, that we not focus over who does or does not get laid off. What is truly important is that the NYC Department of Education invest 80 million dollars in the Educators4NYCEducator Foundation. This foundation is dedicated to the enhancement of all educators in the foundation, primarily myself and Miss Eyre.

As everyone knows, a good teacher is a happy teacher. Both Miss Eyre and I vow to be exceedingly happy once the city forks over the 80 million dollars. In fact, we are so confident that this will improve our practices that we are willing to forgo the next year's payment of 80 million dollars if the first 80 million fails to enhance our teaching. We are willing to make that sacrifice, even though we would very much prefer to make the 80 million an annual rather than one-time payment.

Furthermore, we have challenged the United Federation of Teachers to poll its members and find out whether or not rank and file approves of this notion. Thus far, the UFT has declined. We find this outrageous as we think it's the function of a union to fulfill whatever request we make, no matter how preposterous or counter-productive.

We urge you to come to one of our socials. All you need do is sign a commitment to support our goal of getting the city to give us 80 million dollars, and you will get not only a free bowl of peanuts, but also the opportunity to step up to the bar and buy yourselves a drink.

50% of all proceeds will go to Educators4NYCEducator. If you haven't got time to come to our social, please feel free to sign up in the comments section, where we will cut you in on some of the booty make you a charter member.