Showing posts with label carnival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carnival. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Gobble Gobble

Welcome to the 146th edition of the Carnival of Education. Let's talk turkey:

Holiday Dinner

We'll begin with Elementary History Teacher, who's got a pretty good handle on what Thanksgiving is all about.

Math or multicultural mush? Joanne Jacobs knows what she wants on her plate.

How's about a nice side dish of hot potato parent?

Health Food

At Successful Teaching, they claim showing gratitude can make you live longer. Well, all I can say is thank you. Thank you very much.

Ryan from I Thought a Think asks what role schools should play in public health.

How do you motivate kids to be serious students of English? Over at Throughlines, they have a few suggestions.

Homeschool 2.0 offers some must-read books for teachers.

I'll Take This With a Grain of Salt, Please

Mister Teacher doesn't go for that whole turkey thing. He's partial to monkey, apparently.

Here's an alternative to the traditional turkey dinner--it's something called Daft Doggy.

Woodlass from Under Assault questions her union's leadership.

Ever-vigilant Eduwonkette examines how NYC's Education Department spins the test scores.

Home Cooking

Why are they opting for homeschooling over at Learning at Home? Well, since public schools have already pretty much banned everything, what choice did they have?

What's it like for a homeschooling mom to talk to professional teachers? Dawn will tell you right here.

Sure you can teach. But what about your own kids? Here's a parents' guide to improving your children's education and grades.

Lighter Fare

Don't know a 401K from a 57 Chevy? Miss Cellania tells all you need to know about money.

Miss Brave envisions a teacher reality show. Will it be better than Top Chef?

Stressed out from living on a teacher's salary? Get 2 for the price of one--Have a Gneiss Day offers The Confessions of a Playstation Widow, and throws in a Stress Buster free of charge.

Pissed Off Teacher shares the dubious joys of teaching in a trailer, and has some cute cat photos for no extra charge.

Canned Is Fair (but Fresh Is Better)

Mamacita of Scheiss Weekly says there are no excuses in basketball, but perhaps too many in education.

Here are some SAT test-taking tips you might want to share with your students.

Darren from Right on the Left Coast has a tale of two teachers: one's turkey with dressing and the other's Beefaroni.

Do Giblets Have Heartstrings?

So You Want to Teach offers a touching tale about overcoming adversity.

"I am always amazed—and humbled—when I am privileged to witness parents receive devastating news with grace and dignity," says California Teacher Guy. It's well worth reading the whole story, and you'll find it right here.

Warm and fuzzy though he may be, Right Wing Prof labors under the odd notion that if students wish to pass his class, they actually need to do assignments when they are assigned.

Don't Burn the Questions, Please

Why isn't education "reform" catching on with Democrats? Go right to the top and ask the PREA Prez.

According to Instructivist, When Bill Gates says jump, Chicago's Mayor Daley asks only: How high?

University Diaries tackles that ever-troubling mystery--Where do professors come from?

Uh-oh. When schools ban sugary snacks, are they encouraging students to become illicit candy pushers?

Study here? Or study abroad?

Big Apple Pie

Syntactic Gymnastics
takes a decidedly jaded view of NYC Chancellor Klein's system of grading schools.

Chaz gives us the skinny on just what qualities Mayor Bloomberg seeks in teachers.

Reality-based educator says if we judged Chancellor Klein by the same criteria we used to grade city high schools, he'd receive an "F."

And Diane Ravitch assesses Mayor Bloomberg's progress on the NYC Public School Parents Blog.

Danger, Will Robinson (Blowfish Sashimi)

Uh Oh. EdNotes Online says watch out--they're conducting witch hunts for teachers.

Jon Swift warns not to vote for Hillary--it could kill David Broder.

Can designing the yearbook place your waistline in peril?

Pasteurized Cheese Food Product

At Smartless, they're discussing the myths our teachers taught us.

There's a lobbyist very publicly bashing Texas schools. But Education in Texas says the public is not getting the whole story.

The Education Wonks examine a professional testing company, and give it an F.

Dave Saba gives a well-deserved F to these teachers as well.

Don't Burn the Questions, Part 2

Is it really possible to live without television?

Sharp Brains asks. "Is intelligence innate and fixed?" Hmm...maybe some of those goshdarn administrators will get smart after all.

Should I write that nasty old test, or should I just swipe a bunch of questions from that Barron's review book? Ask Matthew K. Tabor (but don't ask what the "K" stands for).

Going to the Mat asks---what's the gold standard for charter schools?

What if you. Felix, have to pick up Oscar's tuna fish sandwiches just before parent-teacher conferences?

Miracle Whip

The Tempered Radical describes a professional development seminar that was clearly second to none.

D0 you believe in magic? No? Well read this.

Maybe there's an alternative to that ubiquitous Scholastic Book Fair after all.

Hats in the Ring-Ding

Nancy Flanagan from Teacher in a Strange Land asks whether teachers should get involved in politics. Then, she invites you to a Technology Smackdown. You feel lucky, punk?

Maestra T. wonders why presidential hopeful John Edwards couldn't visit her high school instead of this one.

Menus from the Good Old Days

What's it like to be on strike? The Columbus Education Association remembers it well.

Future Daughters share their favorite things about history.

Times are tough. But Jose Vilson remembers when you could buy things for pennies.

Mrs. T. (no relation to Mr. T.) waxes nostalgic about Thanksgivings past.

Exotic Offerings

How do they handle problem kids in England? Find out here.

Batya at Shiloh Musings feels she's teaching less English and more test-taking skills. All the way in Israel they have the same problems we have here.

Now here's something you don't see every day. In NYC there's an awful lot of talk about grading schools. But over at Principled Discovery, they're discussing a proposal to grade parents.

The Baglady discusses how Asian parents influence their children's success.

Dessert Menu

Even with the finest ingredients, the proof's in the pudding.

The Science Goddess weighs mastery and performance.

Eduwonk asks whether educators should be reviewed by their peers.

Hmm...maybe teaching English to newcomers is not so easy after all.

Next weeks carnival will be at Mattamatical Thinking. Submissions are due on 11/27 by 11:59 pm Eastern. Emails to mbardoe (AT) att (dot) net or use this handy form.

Thanks to all who participated in this carnival!

And special thanks to David Bellel for creating the one and only teaching turkey.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Carnival of Education Volume 126

Welcome to the Independence Day 2007 edition of the Carnival. As it's a national holiday, we'll begin by promoting Family Values, thank you very much:

Mom and Dad

NYC parent Patrick Sullivan has some harsh words for charter schools.

Miss Malarkey doesn't hesitate to respond when you ask who her cutest student is.

Pissed Off Mom is very upset about after-school program cuts.

Make Math, not War

Darren from Right on the Left Coast suggests teachers may have some significant similarities with military leaders.

Maybe we could recruit teachers from the military. That would help DY/Dan, who wonders where the new math teachers are going to come from.

Pissed Off Teacher lives up to her name, upon discovering her hapless math students were Convicted Without a Trial.

Write Angles examines math, Youtube-style.

Here and There

Quietly Into the Night explains why her son is homeschooled.

Global Citizenship
describes a presentation about "Second Life" in The Magic School Bus.

Chemjerk reports that creationism is not getting much of a forum in the NEA convention this year. For some reason they insist on promoting that goshdarn evolution.

Uh oh. Looks like another KIPP school didn't work out. What to do about those pesky statistics? Apparently, they just took their name off the door, reports Schools Matter in KIPP Cuts and Runs Again.

Los Extranjeros

Over at Why Homeschool, they're worried about the academic decline in the UK.

But wait! Scenes from the Battleground, which actually comes from the UK, says it's time to get back to basics. Maybe there's hope after all.

Me-Ander says forget Rome and come to Shiloh.

The Meaning of Life

Ms. Teacher tells of her grandmother who "strongly felt that religion is not what you say (or tell others to do) rather it is how you as an individual lived your life."


It's big trouble for little kids when budget cuts hit the nurse's office.

Ms. Whatsit freaks me out in no small way with a story of what happens when your lovely children suddenly morph into teenagers.

Dr. Homeslice speaks.

Green Dots in the Big Apple

Eduwonk think it's positive that the UFT is supporting Green Dot Charters.

Norm Scott of Ednotes Online sees it as an attack on public education (and he's not too crazy about school closings either).

And Whitney Tilson, a Vice Chairman of KIPP Academy (among other things), reckons if I'm against it, it must be a good thing.

There and Here

Are we giving students our best or are we out of sync somehow? Leader Talk discusses Misalignment.

Ms. Cornelius wrote a beautiful tribute. To whom, you ask? Find out here. Mamacita says it's perfect.

Scheiss Weekly offers the notion we might be too quick to label kids learning-disabled. Maybe if we gave those kids more interesting things to read, they'd actually be more interested.

Crazy Eights

Graycie had me laughing out loud with her 8 Random Facts.

But wait--here are 8 Random Facts about Happychyck.

Um...some from Frum.

And still more--if you're fixing up your house this summer, don't ask California Teacher Guy for help.

How Do They Do That?

At Se hace camino al andar, Nancy ponders more effective strategies in teaching reading.

But what if you have to, perish forbid, teach teachers? Right Wing Nation has a few amusing, yet essential tips.

Show Me the Money

Bright Minds examines teacher salaries of yesteryear.

The Education Wonks just aren't sure about that NEA budget. Here's why.

New Teachers Corner

Ms. C. contemplates her first year as a teacher. Thoughtful and worth checking out.

Jose Vilson learned not one, but 16 things this year.

Burning Questions

How do you choose a principal? And how often do teachers get to help do so?

What the heck is School 2.0? Ask the Elementary Educator.

Does the world end if you stop blogging? Even if you're in Disneyland?

JD2718 asks: Are there are two education systems in NYC?

What on earth is going on in those St. Louis schools?

And why are women held to a higher standard?

Suggestion Box

Laura Huertero says don't read this. Mentor Texts advise you read this instead.

The Science Goddess says keep on bloggin'.

Friends of Dave advise philanthropists.

Mike Estep says don't fret (even if you're playing the guitar) because talent is overrated.

Don't just toss 'em away! Matthew K. Tabor tells why student evaluations matter.

The End

In conclusion, we offer for your edification and enlightenment a humble update on the renowned and Versatile Mr. V., who, upon failing to procure a summer school position, has finally retired. So there's yet another cause for fireworks.

Next week, the Carnival returns to The Education Wonks. Their Tuesday deadline is 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific. Please send contributions to: owlshome [at] earthlink [dot] net, or use this handy form.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Carnival

Well, I've just received an email informing me that I was not actually the subject of carnival criticism I'd read. I've therefore deleted my previous post. I apologize to anyone and everyone I may have offended in that post (As usual, I had endeavored to offend as many people as possible).

This was not my first mistake, and it surely won't be my last. But when I make a mistake, I'll be the first to admit it.

Here's the thing about the Carnival, though--you pays your money, and you takes your chances. You can't realistically expect everything to reflect your particular point of view, whatever it may be.

The carnival is basically democratic. Within reason, I include posts sent to me regardless of POV, and I try not to negatively editorialize on their content, as I would not wish them to do so to me. However, inclusion does not necessarily indicate agreement.

I have mixed feelings about The New York Times, Newsday, The Daily News, The New York Post, and The Village Voice, all of which have printed anti-union op-eds or articles. That doesn't stop me from writing them letters, though. Thankfully, my point of view doesn’t preclude them from printing my letters either.

One of the most anti-union folks around is NYC Schools Chancellor Joel Klein, and the UFT published a column of his in its publication, NY Teacher. Would it be fair to conclude, on that basis, that the United Federation of Teachers is anti-union?

When The Daily News began excerpting posts from this blog, I got some angry email from Unity faithful expressing horror that I would allow myself to be quoted in such a publication. I couldn’t help but notice they had no objections whatsoever when the News printed UFT President Randi Weingarten’s op-ed a week later.

I think the carnival is a great place for all of us to express our views on education, whatever they are. I don't expect to persuade people like Rod Paige that unions are good things. But that doesn't mean he isn't entitled to his point of view.

However wrong it may be.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Troubled? Visit the Carnival

We've got exactly what you need. First, call Charles Atlas so people stop kicking sand in your face. While you're waiting for him to get back to you, take a break and check out the 118th edition of the one, the only, the Carnival of Education.

Latest News

What self-respecting carnival could be without the Morning EduGaggle? The Education Wonks maintain it's a fine breakfast, way better than creamed chipped beef on toast.

Huffenglish discusses laptops in schools. So does Musings from the Academy (who also urges you to join the differentiation discussion.)

Reality-based educator tells us how no student loan provider is left behind.

I don't get much correspondence from magazines, but The Nation wants y'all to know it has a special issue on NCLB. Check out the promise and problems, as well as a comprehensive examination by a panel of experts.

For another perspective on NCLB, here's some Eduwonkery for you.

Fearless Leaders

Ms. Cornelius shares Ten Signs Your Administrators Have Lost Touch. I'm mostly okay with that, as long as they keep their hands off me.

Happychyck gets placed under the microscope.

Renee Moore reminisces about her experiences as a teacher leader in Shelby, Mississippi, and tells why teachers know more about what works than consultants (Naturally, I'm shocked and stunned).

The British are coming to check out new blogger Aimlessmiss. And they're visiting Ms. C as well.

According to I, Who Can't:

Demolishing the Regional Offices is like blowing the dust off an old pick-up. If the common sense and wisdom of all the teachers in New York continues to be ignored, I don’t care who looks under the hood- the old thing will never run again.

Family Matters

April May discovers that, being a teacher and a mommy, her values fail to jibe with those of some non-teaching mommies.

Why do teenagers rebel? Principled Discovery suggests they may be attempting something altogether different.

Mike in Texas ponders a cute little baby.

Burning Questions

As long as your school looks good, who cares whether it is good?

In the movies, love means never having to say you're sorry. But in real life, should kids say they're sorry in lieu of punishment?

What the heck does "proficient" mean anyway?

Who's your favorite student?

What do you say to a kid who hasn't shown up to class till yesterday?


Instructivist, the guy who got me started on this whole blogging thing, teaches how to talk new math.

Need a college scholarship? Here are some handy tips.

Oh boy! My own virtual biology lab!

IB a Math Teacher has one that's horrifying but hilarious.

Da Big Apple

In NYC, accused teachers spend months sitting in offices waiting just to find out what, if anything, they're being charged with. And false accusations are just a way of Life in the Rubber Room.

Norm from Ednotes Online discusses teacher certification, then and now.

Welcome to my world.

Everyone loves Mayor Mike. Except those darn parents, who remain unimpressed.

While the mayor re-re-reorganizes schools, Diane Ravitch suggests how to actually improve them.

Life's Little Pains in the !@#$!@#$

Ryan from I Thought a Think hasn't had time to think a thought because he's up to his eyeballs in testing. Read They Test Me so I Test Them right now.

Frankly, it frightens me how often I agree with the Prof at Right Wing Nation. Check out his taxonomy of annoying types found on college campuses. Hmmm....that one reminds me of a teacher I once had. Have you met this person?

According to Mark Twain, "God made the Idiot for practice, and then He made the School Board."

Me-Ander loves to teach, but finds the hot weather in Israel a little discouraging.

And Darren, from Right on the Left Coast, has had it up to here with all this diversity stuff.

Food for Thought

Here's a brain teaser from Sharp Brains. Try not to cut yourself.

La Quijota muses on dress codes.

Mr. McNamar of The Daily Grind contributes a thoughtful and provocative analysis of student misbehavior. Check it out.

Feeling dull? Listless? Traipsing about in a mindless stupor? It's your lucky day. Try some brain exercises for the frontal lobe.

Hocus pocus. JD 2718 offers up a little math magic.

Rubbing Sand From Their Eyes

Be careful what you put on the net. Universities can be very prissy, and Tracy Coenen tells us of a young woman who was denied a teaching certificate, apparently because of a photo where she posed as a drunken pirate.

Waddya think about young teachers who appear on The Bachelor? What? It's a TV show.

MS Teacher's career begins to mirror a Sergio Leone flick. Go ahead and make her day.

Educator on the Edge ponders troubling times for Mr. Fun.

Party Time

Laura Huertero discusses her school's cuatro de Mayo festivities. They sound great, but frankly, I'm a little concerned about her multiple personalities.

Looking for a really worthy new mode of procrastination? Play the interview game with Mrs. T. of Chucheria.

For the uninitiated, here's a fine whine primer.

Life's Highways

Pissed Off Teacher, who's just lost her mom, celebrates her life with a poem written by California Teacher Guy.

This and That

Math has gone weird over at Miss Cellania's place. She finds the coolest, funniest stuff day after day. How on earth she does this I have no clue.

Ian Stewart discusses his book, Letters to a Young Mathematician.

Aixa Rodriguez discusses her hair-raising adventures as a charter school teacher.

Tech changes everything, even homeschooling.

More Burning Questions

Why on earth is Elementary History Teacher saying "Neato?" And how can we convince her to stop?

What do you give the man who doesn't have everything, but seems to have done everything? At the very least, you post his list in the carnival.

What's a diploma really worth?

What do you do when students stage a walkout to protest immigration policies?

And what happens when a Hip Teacher approaches The Scottish Play?

That and This

Say it ain't so, Joe Williams.

Over at Dy/Dan, they're Revisiting Vic Mackey.

Remember offers just about everything you ever wanted to know about May 2nd.

And most importantly, if Mamacita says size matters, it does.

Next week's carnival returns home to The Education Wonks. Send your submissions to owlshome [at] earthlink [dot] net by 9 PM EST or use this handy form.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Forget Politics

Welcome to the 92nd edition of the Carnival of Education. It seems like only days ago we were at the 91st. Thanks to The Education Wonks for sending the carnival to NY this week.

If the folks you liked won, congrats, and enjoy the carnival. If not, forget about it and continue reading. We've tried to include something for everyone.


offers a very amusing textbook prescription.

This Week in Education shows us Dinosaurs in the Garden of Eden.

And everyone, of course, needs to know How to Freak Out Ninth Grade Girls.


That heartbreakingly Poor, Starving College Student enlightens us on the very odd Educational Policy at Brown University. You'll laugh, you'll cry (and maybe you'll send her a few bucks).

But wait! Here's just what that poor, starving student needs. The Education Wonks tell us How to Get Rich in Public Education. This is just the thing for me and my fellow NYC teachers, who've just been offered yet another contract that fails to keep up with cost of living.

Fearless Leaders

Norm Scott of EdNotes Online explains why NYC big shots Mike Bloomberg and Joel Klein's governing styles have a lot in common with those of totalitarian regimes.

Chaz' School Daze thinks principals would be a lot more effective if they actually taught classes.

Classroom Tips

Radagast offers some practical advice about preventing cheating.

Kate at Teaching Debate offers some tips on what you need to get an effective debate started.

And Loni, homeschool mom to 9 children, gives helpful hints for learning the multiplication table.

Union Business

James Eterno and the Jamaica High School UFT chapter have taken a principled stand against the union's unwillingness to even ask for improved working conditions.

Jeff Kaufman thinks the UFT has sold out rank and file.

In Texas, unions are prohibited from collective bargaining. Consider, though, they seem to have baby showers instead of faculty meetings.

Dr. Homeslice offers Union Bouquet 6.5 for your edification and reading pleasure.

Puzzling Dilemmas

Uh oh. Do you see yourself in any of the thirteen things that drive California Teacher Guy crazy?

Mrs. T. (no relation to Mr. T.) has to wander around with a cart of supplies for her 90 minute classes. The other day, she forgot to pack her cart with quizzes. Chucheria asks--what's a master teacher to do?

At The Art of Getting By, one of the very coolest-looking blogs I've ever seen, Janet can't decide whether her breath is taken away or her class should simply be hauled away.

At I Thought a Think, The Rain wonders whether vouchers will work for everyone. Also, he offers the BIGGEST stories in Washington right now.

Ms. H. of Unaccountable Talk had an unusually demanding Halloween.

And Eduwonk has some interesting analysis on how elections may affect education.


Pissed Off Teacher gets to the root of the issue--the kid just might be stupid.

Joe Williams of The Chalkboard discusses the charming young man who came to school dressed as Adolf Hitler.

Ms. Cornelius can't abide a principal who lacks both judgment and principle.

Not Funny

Happychyck Wonders, but her characteristic contentment is shattered when she learns one of her students has been killed in Iraq.

Mamacita at Scheiss Weekly offers something magical but sad nonetheless. Also, some kids are hard to get through to. But if she can't do it, who could?

Schools Matter reports Army recruiters telling prospects not to worry--The Iraq war is over.

Life's Little Challenges

Public Education Defender has an American History Required Knowledge Test. How well can you do?

Carol of The Median Sib is preparing for what must be the evaluation to end all evaluations, as it seems to require so much paperwork it precludes her from doing anything else.

Mr. R. at Evolving Education just got a bonus, and doesn't oppose merit pay sufficiently to return it.

And Mr. Lawrence of Get Lost Mr. Chips is justifiably paranoid about students who touch him.


Graycie, over at Today's Homework, writes a parent to say what many of us would like to, though our internal editing apparatus won't permit it.

Do you have what it takes to be an elementary school teacher? April May will tell you (Her students say the darndest things).

Diane Weir doesn't want school bands at political rallies.

Me-Ander tells us that even prompt, conscientious teachers have to be late sometimes.

And The Science Goddess is sick and tired of the election season. While I'm on the subject, she will be hosting the next Carnival of Education. Don't forget to send your contributions to the_science_goddess[at]yahoo[dot]com by 6 p.m. PT., Tuesday, November 14th.

Testify Some More!

Mister Teacher at Learn Me Good is disturbed by his students proclivities toward ratting out one another.

Ms. Whatsit seems to have had it with English only proponents. She'll show them a thing or two (not that they'll understand).

A History Teacher offers a new twist on War--What is it Good For?

Wenchy Poo holds court on elements of character.

And the Professor over at Right Wing Nation attributes a lot of fuzzy academic nonsense to "Groupthink." Hmmm...let me discuss that with my peers and decide what we think.

Violence in the Classroom

Dr. Deborah Serani wonders how we can stop school violence.

First year NYC teacher Ms. C. has been having a rough year. First, she was assaulted by a student. Then, the kid received only a five-day suspension, despite 8 written accounts of violent behavior. She was not permitted to attend the school hearing for fear things might get "adversarial." After all that, the kid waltzed right back into her classroom.

What to Teach?

Philosophy, et cetera, thinks we're offering too much et cetera and too little philosophy.

Wa Salaam is optimistic about high schools in the US emphasizing writing once again.

A Girl Who Asks Too Many Questions writes about a sex education program that stresses communication rather than the most efficacious methods of placing condoms on bananas.

And Chinese Beyond the Textbook suggests we learn Chinese with Harry Potter.

And Just in Case...

Here's how you dismantle an atomic bomb.

This midway is registered at TTLB's carnival roundup.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Another Faculty Meeting?

Of course not. You remember what happened at the last one, and we don't want to talk about it any more. No, it's the Carnival of Education, hosted this week by The Median Sib.

Next week's carnival will be right here at NYC Educator. You can send your contributions to nyceducatorATgmailDOTcom (there's a link on the upper right hand of this page), or use the handy dandy submission form.

Submissions are due by next Tuesday, November 7th, at 6 PM EST.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Truth, Justice, the American Way, and Summer Vacation

Welcome to the 74th edition of the Carnival of Education. Thanks to The Education Wonks for the opportunity to host, and for working so hard to keep it going.


Ms. Cornelius has an extraordinary post containing some of the very best general advice for prospective teachers I've ever seen. I wish Ms. Cornelius had been my education teacher in college. I'd have far fewer things to attribute to trial-and-error. Go on, read this one.

Black students in Ohio are graduating at a lower rate than their white counterparts. Scott Elliot of Get on the Bus points out that in Dayton, that trend is reversed, and it's the white kids being left behind.

The truth is, boys are having far more trouble with school than girls. Or maybe they aren't. This Week in Education documents the perplexingly even-handed research. Not only that, but they reveal why The Donald fears teachers.

April May reveals the hideous truth about camping.

If you interview Laura Huertero for a teaching postion, don't ask what her worst quality is. She can't decide between procrastination, disorganization, and masochism. Consider hiring her for her unflinching honesty.


There's a very interesting story about charter schools and unions this week. Nicole Byrne Lau, by most accounts an exemplary teacher, was fired after it was discovered she'd been distributing a chart revealing public teacher salaries.

The school's CEO, Eddie Calderon-Melendez, had a sudden attack of loquaciousness, telling the NY Daily News she was a child-hating racist. Three Standard Deviations suggests Calderon-Melendez should be fired himself.

I first read about this on the NYCSA blog The Chalkboard, written (excellently!) by Joe Williams. Joe asks whether she's Norma Rae or David Duke. We at NYC Educator concluded Norma Rae was a lot closer to the reality. School of Blog wonders whether this incident implies mandatory unions are necessary in charters. Eduwonk says charter workers should have the option of unionization but doesn't feel this situation reflects all charters.

The AFT's blog, Let's Get it Right, discusses the difficulties of unionizing charters. In my humble opinion, the best and most complete account, better than the one in the NY Times, was written by Leo Casey in Edwize, and points to a Disney-style ending--Ms. Lau quickly landed a job as an English teacher in Brooklyn Tech, one of NYC's very best schools, with a big raise and a union contract.

The American Way

Where else but here would you find a Shroud of Turin-Mobile? And why, asks Mamacita, are teachers who know little or nothing about sports supposed to supervise them?

High school student Schuyler Hall says every man, woman, and child in America owes a $27,905 share of the US National Debt.

What new delights does RJ Reynolds have for our youngsters? Watermelon-flavored cigarettes, according to NYC's own reality-based educator.

Mike in Texas points out yet another disadvantage of working a non-union job at Wal-Mart. And he includes, for my money, one of the coolest graphics ever. Check it out.

The Education Wonks present the latest in a continuing series of Wonkitorials, and this week's topic is Secretary Spellings' Spanish Fly-in. EdWonk is quickly becoming the edusphere's leading expert on Spellings' exploits and adventures.

Summer Vacation

Jules at Mildly Melancholy eagerly awaits her summer-long weekend.

Miss Malarkey is saying adios to the Sunday night blues.

Nani from Se hace camino al andar is at the Cape, anticipating a summer of further travel.

It's all Greek to JD2718.

Sadly, not everyone is doing a happy dance this summer. Chaz has a very biting and real description of what it entails to teach summer school here in fun city.

La Maestra, however, also finds some things to like about teaching summer school.

Is there a summer absence dividend? Well, Mr. Lawrence left town, and won an award.

Mrs. T. (no relation to Rocky's nemesis) from Chucheria is headed for Disney World. Before she leaves, she has some very funny comments about the DaVinci Code film.

Puzzling Dilemmas

Do teachers need tattoos? If so what kind? One of my favorite new reads, Happychyck Wonders, examines the various ramifications of this issue.

Graycie, at Today's Homework, is growing weary of teaching Of Mice and Men. Can you suggest some new literary possibilities to motivate her kids? Maybe AphrikaNYC can help get her started.

New York City kids are encouraged (if not coerced) to pay hundreds of dollars in senior dues. After they pay, is it fair to keep their money, but turn them away from graduation ceremonies for missing one credit?

The LA Times' School Me wonders, with the help of educational reformer Milton Friedman, whether public schools are worth the effort. Don't be upset. Apparently, the devil made them do it.

Homeland Stupidity wants to know why "highly qualifed" doesn't measure classroom effectiveness instead of certification requirements.

Puzzling Dilemmas, Part 2

Assorted Stuff asks whether we're promoting literacy at the expense of creativity.

Math teacher Darren wonders whether bias, faulty math skills or possibly both are to blame for a questionable report on education spending.

Dr, Homeslice poses this very tough question--how do you explain a layoff? He then gives a very thoughtful answer.

How do you use that goshdarn Noah Webster spelling book anyway?

Why doesn't No Child Left Behind take parental involvement into account? While we're on the subject, Homeschool Blogger offer a handbook for precisely that.

How can you succeed in middle school without really trying? Kitchen Table Math offers a two part response here and here.

Capitalism and High Finance

Anonymous Educator has found a site where teachers can buy and sell lesson plans. How's that for a way to supplement that pittance they laughingly call your salary? For more on this story, see Joanne Jacobs. And if that ain't enough, check out The Education Wonks.

Eduwonk, considering Warren Buffet's remarkable gift to Bill Gates' foundation, contemplates whether it's time to revisit the tax-code regulation that requires foundations to donate five percent of their endowments every year.

Andrew Pass stresses the importance of funding pre-schools.

Teacher Barry says Ann Arbor public schools are on an austerity budget, and administration is to blame for failing to make any changes to the budget proposal before resubmitting to the same voters who rejected it the first time.

The Roanoke Times' brand-new blog Campus Watch reports that the Radford University department of music is requiring its new students to bring Apple iPods with them. Is that deductable for Mom and Dad?

Sex Education

Teacher Lady, of the snarky and provocative Sex Ed, in Higher Ed., is flabbergasted that her college students not only fail to turn off their cell phones, but see fit to bring their young children to her Human Sexuality class. While I'd like to take that class, my kid will just have to learn on the street like the rest of us.

Over at Why Homeschool, they're questioning the value of sex education.

The Village People meet Goeffrey Chaucer at Kibbles n' Whine. Why under sex education? You'll hafta read The Canterbury Tales for that.

Big Apple's Loyal Opposition

The Delegate's Chair, one of very few chairs that can type, finds little to love about NYC Schools Chancellor Joel Klein.

The United Teachers Party questions the effectiveness of the labor coalition organized by UFT President Randi Weingarten.

The ICE-UFT Blog wonders why teachers gave the sun, the moon and the stars, while union employees get the same raise simply for keeping the office open one extra hour a week.

Remarkable Discoveries

Chemjerk says teacher quality is crucial for quality education, more crucial than course content in Now for Something Completely Obvious.

Strausser is back from Education Space Academy, which amazed him. He amazed me too, by convincing me that professional development can be interesting.

Over at Discourse about Discourse they say changing a language arts department may be tougher than it seems.

Mister Teacher at Learn Me Good suggests cheaters never win, but they just might get paid.

At Sigmund, Carl, and Alfred, they're contemplating the power of prayer.

Spunky Home School tells of a valedictorian in NJ who used his speech to describe his education as hollow and wasteful.

Dave, of Friends of Dave, points to--you won't believe it--a school district fudging the figures to make itself look better. If that doesn't shock you, check it out anyway for the great Mark Twain quote, and Dave's dogged insistence you hum Dueling Banjos as you read..

Where Have All the Teachers Gone?

Soreheads like Tom at I Who Can't (and me) worry a lot about the number of teachers we lose. Here's one, however, who's coming back.

Teacher Sol says we're not the only country losing teachers.

GuusejeM has some great thoughts on what makes a good teacher and why we need more of them.

I told Chance at Sapient Sutler he'd ace his teaching competency exam and waddya know? He did. Welcome to a new, smart teacher, and congratulations.

Me-Ander, all the way from Israel, says things are so tough the government's resorted to importing English teachers (I wonder if they borrowed that idea from New York City).

The Fine Art of Assigning Blame

Ms. Dennis at Your Mama's Mad Tedious, writes I'm Insubordinate Part 1, the saga of how, rather than make necessary improvements, Principal Puffschmuck has chosen to spend much of his energy assigning blame. Ms. Dennis, unfortunately, is on the receiving end. I can't wait to see what happens in Part 2.

Among my very favorite serious blogs on public education is Schools Matter. See their take on lack of accountability in charter schools right here.

Right Wing Nation has had it with teachers whining and pointing fingers, and further says the NEA should be disbanded, just like PATCO was back in the eighties. The Right-Wing Prof. is feeling poorly but writing with as much fire as ever, and we wish him a speedy recovery.

The Rain, from one of my favorite new blogs, I Thought a Think, questions the wisdom of placing quotes from Mein Kampf under your high school yearbook photos. Can such gaffes be attributed to the innocence of youth?

Next week's carnival will be hosted by the LA Times' School Me blog. Please send your contributions to janine.kahnATlatimesDOTcom by 7 PM California time, next Tuesday July 11th.

This midway is registered at TTLB's carnival roundup.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


That's right, no more waiting--it's finally here. Welcome to the 68th edition of the Carnival of Education. Hopefully, there’s something for everyone.


Oh boy! It’s
prom day for Mr. Lawrence.

This Week in Education fills us in on NSA spying and sexy pictures. If that doesn’t turn you on, check out the speed stacking.

Lennie poses two questions--what could possibly be
in these books that makes someone want to ban them? And could these folks be praying the ban succeeds?

Over at
Chaz's School Days he’s talking Boys and Pencils, and we’ll leave it at that (this is a family blog).


Why are all those teachers so happy (and so hungry)? The Education Wonks will fill you in on their little secret. And what on earth has US Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings been taking that's inhibiting her mathematical skills?

Rock and Roll

Ms Cornelius, our intrepid and fearless heroine, selflessly battles the pink robots (including, at no extra charge, a brief musical interlude courtesy of Oklahoma's favorite non-country band, the Flaming Lips).


might not believe who the new school bullies are. Get on the Bus with Scott Elliot, and while you’re riding, examine whether a historic 1923 school is worth saving.

Filthy Lucre

Nick at
Punny Money offers suggestions on how you can go to college without incurring those nasty student loans.

Edpol tells us about Applying Decision Models to School Budgeting.

Like all of us (who drive),
Miss Cellenia is feeling gas pains.


Go on, admit it. That’s why you got into teaching.
Polski fears nothing, reveals all, and does so with bilingual flair.


I was just putting the finishing touches on my latest post, Parental Involvement is the Cure for Our Educational Woes, and now this. Ken from
DE-D Reckoning points out parental involvement is not a cure for our educational woes after all.

Existential Angst

Ms. Frizzle is so horrendously busy she's finding very little time for the little things, like having a life.

Considering Ms. Frizzle’s trials and tribulations, is this job worth it? I think so.

Don’t ever forget to read Mamacita at
Scheiss Weekly (just as it says). She always has something well-worth reading, and this is no exception.

If Three Standard Deviations to the Left hadn’t sent me this post, I’d have put it up anyway. Check it out.

A favorite of mine, Graycie at
Today’s Homework, waxes nostalgic about her graduating seniors.

The Daily Grind ponders late work here, here, and here.

Doctoral candidate and always thoughtful
Jenny D. has a serious question for choice advocates.

Truth and Justice

Chemjerk brings us a true tale of how science can be used for catching evildoers who cheat on tests.

The Cranky Taxpayer says Virginia is enabling Richmond’s violations for truancy laws.

Schoolme, the LA Times’ new education blog, wonders whether $57 and 20 hours of community service is a tad harsh for tardiness. Don’t miss the twist at the end. And check out Alexander Russo’s interview with Schoolme’s Bob Sipchen.

High school student
Schuyler Hall alerts us that LA Unified is not taking the attempted hostile mayoral takeover lying down.

Brad of the
HUNblog gets on his soapbox with an impassioned plea for early childhood education, as well as the unsettling suggestion the good old days were not all they're cracked up to be.

Greg at
Rhymes with Right worries about schools arbitrarily determining what is “inappropriate” behavior on the net.

Does Size Matter?

Joe Williams at
The Chalkboard seems to think it does.

These folks
think so too.

not everyone agrees.

A History Teacher wonders, whatever the size may be, where can you put it?


The math world is all abuzz about integrated math, much maligned, but is it working? Matt from Scholar's Notebook gives us the lowdown.

While we’re discussing numbers, hop over to
Kitchen Table Math and take the very cool Executive Function Self Test. Delve more deeply here.

Darren and his math class demonstrate once and for all how multiculturalist lefties are destroying the world.

Speaking of which, here’s
Mr. Radical himself, JD2718

RU4 Real?

The Super has a creative solution—funding schools via selling the lottery to the highest bidder.

Spinmile at
EdzUp introduces a fresh feature: the New Teacher Diaries.

Reality-based educator gives us the good news—yet another turning point in Iraq.

Life’s Mysteries

Ever wonder how to create a
science fair project?

When are you gonna
get a life, anyway?

early academics help kids?

From your friendly neighborhood
elementary history teacher—who was our first President? It’s not who you think.

And when are we gonna learn, as
The Art of Getting By so ably points out, that it's “not whether you win or lose, it's how you avoid playing the game.”

Learning to Teach

Ms. W. can’t decide whether or not to stick with teaching. Run, don’t walk, visit her and offer some encouragement.

Mrs. Bog blogs from the bog, with a few
Thoughts and Questions on Student Teaching.

Eduwonk discusses a study about National Teacher Certification.

Here’s a
Teaching Update from Science and Politics

Laura Huertero shows us how to utilize a six line review to help kids write.

Let’s Get it Right has an interview with E.D. Hirsch.

Teaching to Learn

Going to the Mat suggests we can prepare kids better for inevitable hours of high-stakes testing.

Me-Ander, meandering all the way from Israel, is happy to take a break.

The Nerd Family wonders whether testing is necessary.

The Wandering Visitor, a real, live medical doctor, chimes in with a post called Always Learning, which suggests that the student-teacher relationship depends largely on the enthusiasm of the student.

Some people grow attached to boxes. Others sit in them, seal them with packing tape, and ship themselves off to exotic places. But of all the boxes in all the gin joints in all the world, there are simply no boxes like
Drop Down Boxes. Why? Marcia Adair reveals all.

Sandra tells us about a
pilot program in Tennessee.

One Very Special Teacher

HuffEnglish tells us about a teacher who’s retiring after 69 years. Let’s wish her well.
Carnivals Yet to Come

Next week's carnival will be moving way out west to Education in Texas. Please send submissions to mikea3_98(at)yahoo(dot)com.

This midway is registered at TTLB's
carnival roundup.