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A Quick Bible Study Vol. 245: 'What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?' – Author Jerry Newcombe Interview

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AP Photo/David Eggert

Author's Note: All previous volumes of this series are here. The first 56 volumes are compiled into the book  "Bible Study For Those Who Don't Read The Bible."  "Part Two," featuring volumes 57-113, was published  in December 2022. 


Thanks for joining our study to discuss “What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?” This question, worth pondering at Christmas, is also the title of a favorite book of mine authored by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe. Published in 1994, the book has become a classic. The famous pastor, D. James Kennedy, has gone home to be with Jesus. However, Jerry Newcombe still glorifies the Lord, and I am blessed to know him. Townhall readers are familiar with Jerry’s writings, which are regularly featured.

More about Jerry can be found at ProvidenceForum.org, a division of Coral Ridge Ministries founded by D. James Kennedy.

Before we launch into my interview with Jerry, I repeat a passage from last week’s study, Vol. 244: “The Christmas Story That Birthed the Season.” It summarizes why Jesus was born, as told to Mary by the angel Gabriel:

“Mary, you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end” (Luke 1: 29-33).  

While reading, remember: “his kingdom will never end.” That verse foretold the impact that Jesus will always have on His kingdom — the infinite universe.

Q. Myra Kahn Adams: Your book is eye-opening to those who don’t believe in Jesus but live in a Jesus-influenced world. Since it was published in 1994, can you discuss its impact and influence over the last 30 years? 


A. Jerry Newcombe: The book has helped spawn other books along the same lines. One man, Oscar Reynold-Lynch, a missionary to Mexico, wrote a novel called “Good Grief,” which mentions “What If Jesus Had Never Been Born” as the inspiration for his nightmare vision of a world without Christian influence. The subtitle is "A Terrifying Trip to a Place Where Jesus Had Never Been Born." 

Another person, Bill Myers, author of many bestselling books, wrote a novel called “Eli,” predicated upon the notion of what if there were no Jesus. He even writes in his Preface: "If you're interested in the impact Jesus Christ has had upon our society, Kennedy and Newcombe's book, ‘What If Jesus Had Never Been Born,’ gives interesting insights on how different our society would be today if Jesus had not come." 

There have also been non-fiction books that have focused on the same point — the social impact of Jesus has been (and continues to be) phenomenally positive. One of the best-known of these is Alvin J. Schmidt's book, “How Christianity Changed the World” (with the original title being “Under the Influence.”)

Perhaps one of the book's best compliments was from the late radio broadcaster Paul Harvey. Here is what he said on his popular nationwide news broadcast when the book was first published: 

"You are familiar with the Jimmy Stewart movie — ‘It's a Wonderful Life.’ It allows Jimmy Stewart’s character to see what his town would have been like had he never been born. Dr. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe wrote a book called ‘What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?’ Chapter by chapter, it reveals how Jesus influenced just about everything -- charity and education, government, civil liberties, science, economics, medicine, and morality. This is scary. It was a perfectly horrid world before Him! The book is called ‘If Jesus Had Never Been Born’ [sic]. It's published by Thomas Nelson."


[To Paul Harvey’s list, Myra adds that Jesus greatly influenced literature, music, art, and architecture.]

MKA: Jerry, do you know if there are people who have been brought to Christ after reading your book? 

JN: A former missionary to Kyiv (Roger MacMurrin, the former music director at Coral Ridge) authorized the book to be translated into Russian. Roger told us that the translator man came to put his faith in Jesus in the process. The book has been translated into Norwegian, Korean, Indonesian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese. In fact, one man who was an American businessman living in Hong Kong and was active in ministry wrote us the following:

"Dear Dr. Kennedy and Mr. Newcombe, I loved your book ‘What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?’ China needs this book. It is very powerful. Jesus will certainly change the entire nation. Christians would be greatly encouraged! I'd love to help you translate it into Chinese. I'd also like to take about 30 copies back with me [to Hong Kong].”

MKA: Please share your thoughts about the “reason for the season.” Jesus tends to be downplayed in our secular culture, while the pageantry of lights, parties, gifts, etc., takes on a more prominent role.

JN: To paraphrase C. S. Lewis, if Jesus had never come, it would be "always winter, but never Christmas." Jesus is the Light of the World. The reason people install lights at Christmas time — whether they know it or not — reflects the belief that Jesus is the “light of the world,” who was born at Christmas. 


In our culture today, we often focus on the trappings of Christmas but throw the baby out with the bathwater, and I do mean the baby in the manger. The first Christmas gifts were gold, incense, and myrrh, brought by the wise men from the East. Christians have been giving gifts ever since, and non-believers also offer gifts, but they forget the real reason for the season. It's as if people are celebrating someone's birthday — only He's not invited!

MKA: Jesus's total domination over the world is so integrated into every aspect of our lives, society, and culture that the average person is unaware of His profound influence.  Your final message?

JN: I'm gratified that for three decades our book has helped people appreciate the impact of Jesus. I love the quote in our book from James Russell Lowell (1819-1891):

 "I challenge any skeptic to find a ten square mile spot on this planet where they can live their lives in peace and safety and decency, where womanhood is honored, where infancy and old age are revered, where they can educate their children, where the Gospel of Jesus Christ has not gone first to prepare the way. If they find such a place, then I would encourage them to emigrate there and proclaim their unbelief."

MKA: Jerry, on behalf of Townhall readers, thanks for your time during this glorious season of light and love.

Myra Kahn Adams is a conservative political and religious writer with numerous national credits. Her book, "Bible Study For Those Who Don't Read The Bible," reprints the first 56 volumes of this popular study. "Part 2,” with the same title, reprints Vols. 57-113. Order it here. 


She is also the Executive Director of the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit, dedicated to building a future permanent Shroud of Turin exhibit in Washington, D.C. The National Shroud of Turin Exhibit recently hosted a four-day exhibit (with a VIP guest) at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, IN. Contact: MyraAdams01@gmail.com




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