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6-14 News
送交者: FVCK 2023月06月14日09:00:06 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 有些人的确是Clinical moronsFVCK 于 2023-06-07 02:18:30

6/14  Here’s everything the Federal Reserve is expected to do Wednesday – CNBC 

6/14  Another Major African state applies to join BRICs – RT

6/14  Trump’s boxes and Clinton’s sock drawer… – WSJ

6/14  WH slams trans activist for going topless at WH Party… – DM

6/14  A fed rate pause, and then? – NFTRH

6/14  China’s real estate slump predicted to last for years, threatening wider region – CNBC

6/14  Is there a global gold standard in development? – BG

6/14  Chart: the countries expanding their nuclear arsenal… – Stats

6/14  Tucker Carlson pinpoints moment ‘Permanent Washington’ decided to send Trump to prison – IW

6/14  Visualizing the world’s largest lithium producers – VC

6/14  US Economy – Surprisingly Resilient or Potemkin Village? – UNZ

6/14  Food Prices Rise Even as Inflation Eases, Straining Consumers’ Budgets – NYT

6/14  Yuval Noah Harari: “emotionless algorithms” will soon dominate earth… – NN

6/14  Starbucks denies union’s accusation of banning pride decorations – NBC

6/14  Powell caught in one heck of a squeeze… – WS

6/14  Gold & the fed: what lies ahead? – 321Gold

6/14  As Iran emerges from isolation, Israel is feeling cornered – Yahoo!

6/14  GRAPHIC: Tranquility reigns over markets still awash with cash, for now… – Reuters

6/14  More money will not fix eu’s migration problem… – RT

6/14  Silver is significantly underpriced given the looming supply shortage… – SG

6/14  This is why nobody will do anything until it’s too late… – OTM

6/14  How “squatter democracy” created america’s first welfare program – Mises

6/14  US consumers are facing a crushing debt servicing problem… – ZH

6/14  Texas Gov. pulls porn out of schools… – TSC

6/14  Stories for children: the US economic fairytale… – GS

6/14  Belarus starts taking delivery of Russian nuclear weapons… – Reuters

6/14  Quid Pro Joe: the simplest explanation for the Biden crime family’s bribery scandal – LR

6/14 Warmonger Alert: More US weapons for Ukraine – When will this madness stop? – US Dept of Defense

6/14 Desperate China property developer lures buyer with gold bars – Business Insider

6/14 The DeSantis Plan To Wage War on ‘Weaponized’ DOJ (well worth the read) – Real Clear Politics

6/14 SLPC is a “highly profitable scam” This is a despicable, evil organization loved by the media – Daily Signal

6/14 28 Americans killed or wounded in Syria during last 60 days- Why the hell is the US there? – Joshua Landis Twitter

6/14 Main expressway entry to downtown Chicago- out of control! – Chicago Contrarian Twitter

6/14 Warmonger Alert: Latest F-35 jet fighters don’t work ($350 million each) – The Drive

6/14 Weird: Deepest hotel in the world opens at the bottom of an abandoned mine – Boingboing

6/14 Google’s return-to-office crackdown faces backlash from employees – CNBC

6/14 Fewer people trust traditional media, more turn to TikTok for news – Reuters

6/14 Pay attention! China’s patient but insistent South China Sea grab – Asia Times

6/14 Kevin McCarthy’s bunk mate hits the panic button – Mediaite

6/14 Tranny tits out for Biden’s White House ‘Pride’ party (Warning Graphic) – The National Pulse

6/14 R.I.P. Cormac McCarthy (one of my favorite authors) – Hollywood Reporter

6/14 Watch Tucker Carlson Episode 3 – Tucker Carlson

6/13 Westfield Abandons Largest San Fran Mall, Stops Paying $558 Million Loan – San Francisco Chronicle

6/13 Bud Light sales still cratering – Zero Hedge

6/13 Workers unhappy at work – This is a new thing? (flair for the obvious alert) – CNN

6/13 Bitcoin adds nearly 50,000 millionaires this year so far despite crackdown – FXSTREET

6/13 Microsoft is betting EVERYTHING on AI (what could possibly go wrong?) – Wired

6/13 Here is where inflation is hurting Americans the most – MarketWatch

6/13 JP Morgan settles with Epstein victims for $290 million – NYT

6/13 Here’s latest inflation breakdown in one chart – CNBC

6/13 Ford and GM sign deals to use Tesla charging stations – Forbes

6/13 Trump booked and fingerprinted (no mughshot, no handcuffs) – Gateway Pundit

6/13  World bank: global economic growth expected to slow to 2008 levels – GG

6/13  Water scarcity: China and India look the most threatened from shortages – CNBC

6/13  Silver’s undervaluation: a precious metal in high demand that is growing scarcer – SA

6/13  NATO kicks off its largest air drills in history, Germany hosts – ZH

6/13  China Can’t Work Out How to Fix Its ‘Balance-Sheet Recession’ – BB

6/13  San Francisco mall turned over to lender as downtown struggles – WSJ

6/13  WHO announces launch of “digital health certification network” – NN

6/13  South Africa mulls moving BRICs summit to china over Putin arrest warrant – ZH

6/13  Cocoa prices soar to seven-year highs – CNBC

6/13  US junk loan defaults surge as higher interest rates start to bite – Financial Times

6/12 Biblical! Trump Saturday night “The Final Battle” (59 second video clip) – Twitter

6/12 Exposed! Pentagon’s new “Perception Management” Office (survelience state out-of-control) – The Intercept

6/12 Will Federal wokers ever return to downtown Washington DC? – Yahoo News

6/12 How the U.S. let EV battery tech born here wind up in the hands of China – Auto Blog

6/12 Countries with the tallest men … 10 INCHES difference between top spot and last – Daily Mail UK

6/12 The New Crypto Bill Gary Gensler Doesn’t Want You to Know About – Coindesk

6/12 Is doing business in China becoming impossible for foreigners? – The Economist

6/12 The Financial Times’ Week Ahead Overview (Globalist point of view) – FT

6/12 Take a close look at this and weep (US debt nearing $32 trillion) – US Debt Clock

6/12 Hottest Thing in Real Estate Is a Loan From Two Years Ago – NYT via Yahoo

6/12 Saudi Arabia’s Golf Deal Puts Biden and PGA in Same Awkward Position – Bloomberg

6/12 Djokovic wins French Open – Greatest of All Time? – Reuters

6/12 20 Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns – Brownstone

6/12 BlackRock now paying for guards, home security for CEO Larry Fink – PIOnline

6/12 BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: “You have to force behaviors” – Infowars

6/11  Fed Is First to Reach Crucial Junction in Global Inflation Fight – Yahoo

6/12  The hottest thing in real estate is a loan from two years ago – Yahoo!

6/12  4 children who survived 40 days in Colombia jungle reunited with families – CBS

6/12  Gold summer doldrums – AH

6/12  Powell’s big problem just got even more complicated… – WSJ

6/12  Reading the charts from tech to precious metals to the US dollar – TT

6/12  Time to get real about artificial intelligence – EP

6/12  Russia’s improved weaponry and tactics pose challenges to Ukraine’s counteroffensive – AP

6/12  Don’t get lured into the matrix… – BT

6/12  Of two minds – everything is being repriced, starting with risk – OTM

6/12  Key events this very busy week: CPI tomorrow and central banks galore – Zero Hedge

6/12  The Great Grift: how billions in covid-19 relief aid was stolen or wasted – AP

6/12  VIDEO: Trump promises “final battle” to “demolish the deep state” – SN

6/12  The false and failed logic of western sanctions – Asia Times

6/11  PMA says us west coast port workers shut down port of Seattle… – Reuters

6/11  The great DOJ werewolf hunt – Knustler

6/11  Recession: JPMorgan bond Chief Bob Michele sees worrying echoes 2008 – CNBC

6/11  Sentiment in gold remains bullish, but prices to stay below $2,000… – Kitco

6/11  The Feds already have all the evidence they need to charge Biden in Ukraine… – AT

6/11  Visualizing the ‘greatest wealth transfer in history’ as boomers shed their mortal coils – ZH

6/11  Mapped: the growth in house prices by country – VC

6/11  Earnings improve. but beware of trojan horses. – RIA

6/11  New A.I. Chatbot Tutors Could Upend Student Learning – NYT

6/11  The boys of America are suffering — So much for the patriarchy – ET

6/11  No u – RB

6/11  Fed Is First to Reach Crucial Junction in Global Inflation Fight
– Yahoo!

6/11  Zelenskyy says ‘counteroffensive, defensive actions’ taking place in Ukraine – AP

6/11  12 ways to cut the chains of financial serfdom – OTM

6/11 Can a chatbot preach a good sermon? 100’s attend ChatGPT Church service – AP

6/11 The End of Influencers on Instagram – Wired

6/11 Army excuse for renaming Fort Brag full of false history – New American

6/11 Anne Frank-impersonating drag queen arrested for murder – Ann Coulter

6/11 Americans will foot the bill on phony ‘climate change’ catastrophe – David Stockman

6/11 More warmonger madness! US to give $2.1 billion more for Ukraine weapons – AntiWar

6/11 Weekend review including, tough time to buy or build a home – Bloomberg

6/11 Crypto crackdown! Review of top weekly Crypto stories – Coin Telegraph

6/11 Missing kids found alive after 40 days! “Children of the Jungle” – CNN

6/11 Unibomber Kaczynski, dead by suicide in prison – NYT

6/11 Globalists: AI Bible rewrite to create ‘Religions that are actually correct’ – Slay News

6/10  T-bill yield guiding markets to liquidation… – NFTRH

6/10  Crypto.com suspends us institutional exchange service – CT

6/10  CHARTS: Copper mining profits top $100 billion a year, but where are the new mines? – Mining.com

6/10  Settling for long-term inflation… – JTM

6/10  Politicians in our major cities have decided the solution to the crime… – EOAD

6/10  How can we possibly be in a bull market now? two letters: AI – CNN

6/10  RFK Jr. vows to defend second amendment, free speech, border, and end wars – SN

6/10  Major banks will axe 19 locations in a single state this summer… – DM

6/10  5 countries where you can live your best life in 2023 (according to data) – SM

6/10  Experts warn ai could result in mental health consequences – Axios

6/10  Home foreclosures are rising nationwide, with Florida, California and Texas in the lead – NBC

6/10  Visualizing gold price and US debt (1970-2023) – Mining.com

6/10  Gold Summer Doldrums… – AH

6/10  Doug Noland: Q1 ’23 Z1: shedding light on liquidity dislocation – DN

6/10  Doug casey on how the war on farmers could trigger a famine – IM

6/10  Why is choosing the right trading methodology so important for sustainable growth? – TT

6/10  COVID propaganda roundup: Pfizer knew MMA shots sicken infants in April 2021 – DB

6/10  UK housing market strains grow as mortgage rates creep higher – Reuters

6/10  Meta reveals twitter competitor it plans to launch as stand-alone app… – WSJ

6/10  The true fossil fuel crisis… – YT

6/10  Trump Indictment: A moment of reckoning for the former President – MSN

6/10  Trump names Hunter Biden as his running mate so DOJ will stop investigating him – BB Satire

6/10  Owner of Two major hotels in San Francisco bailing on city due to crime… – GP

6/10  National humiliation is just another tuesday afternoon in america – SM

6/10  Why Turkey’s currency is crashing after Erdogan got reelected… – AP

6/10  Snowden warns today’s surveillance technology makes 2013 look like ‘child’s play’ – CD

6/10 “We’ve now reached WAR phase. Eye for an eye” – Congressman Biggs

6/10 Earth shattering fed indictment! “Uphill battle for Trump” – NY Post

6/10 Americans more worried about running out of money, than death – Market Watch

6/10 Anarchy in the USA (American society has collapsed) – Daily Mail UK

6/10 27 kids missing in Cleveland (cops have never seen anything like this) – The Sun

6/10 Nazi symbols on Ukraine’s front lnes (Globalists alligned with Nazis) – NYT

6/10 Depositors flee US banks! $472 billion pulled out in 3 months – Daily Hodl

6/10 Lies, Sweet Lies: What Stories Do We Believe? – Mercola

6/10 Big development in Ukraine? – Asia Times

6/10 Move to Miami from NYC : Save $200k/ year – Bloomberg

6/09  Reading the charts from tech to precious metals to the US dollar – TT

6/09  The End of the World (as we know it)… – BT

6/09  Rickards drops bombshell – DR

6/09  Biden: Americans opposed to radical gender ideology “hysterical and prejudiced.” – Twitter

6/09  Woke marvel eliminates the punisher due to “problematic” conservative fan base – ZH

6/09  Tucker Carlson slams US government over pedophile network scandal – RT

6/09  Middle-income buyers face the most severe housing shortage… – CNN

6/09  Swedish Prime Minister: “massive immigration just doesn’t work”… – SN

6/09  Gold looks decent & silver looks great! – 321Gold

6/09  Washington quiets as Canadian smoke blankets US capital… – Reuters

6/09  Cuba’s spy deal with China has echoes of cold war tensions… – WSJ

6/09  So about Trump’s second indictment… – MT

6/09  Expect awakening in gold amid govt overspending – MS

6/09  Traders aren’t buying the oil deficit story – OP

6/09  Initial Unemployment Claims Surge by 28,000 to a Post-Pandemic High of 261,000 – MT

6/09  Biden was involved in bribery scheme with Ukrainian gas firm – RT

6/09  Former NATO Head: some countries considering troop deployment in Ukraine – LI

6/09  Chart: services no longer required: the fastest-shrinking jobs – Stats

6/09  Debt ceiling? there’s no such thing as “the Debt ceiling” – BT

6/09  You can’t depend on the state to maintain public order… – Mises

6/09  BlackRock: 3 reasons why investors should consider a tactical allocation to gold – Kitco

6/09  Binance.US suspends USD deposits, warns of fiat withdrawal pause… – CT

6/09  Gold’s model calls for crude oil bottom… – 321Gold

6/09  The real-estate market caught in a tangled web of ownership and debt – WSJ

6/09  Song: “Everything’s Gay in June” – YT

6/09  An investing strategy silently making motivated people wealthy… – TT

6/09  Trump: “i have been indicted”… – ZH

6/09  Wildfires spread in Canada’s British Columbia as Quebec stabilizes… – Reuters

6/09  ExxonMobil: new fracking technology can double oil output – Oil Price

6/09  The End of Easy Money: Bankruptcy filings pile up at fastest rate since 2010 – Wolf Street

6/08  Look around and what do you see? social defeat. – OTM

6/08  Cuba to host secret Chinese spy base focusing on US – WSJ

6/08  Silver and the popping of the debt bubble… – HM

6/08  How gold prices could be affected by another rate hike… – CBS

6/08  The End of Easy Money: bankruptcy filings pile up at fastest rate since 2010 – WS

6/08  Gay stats… – IPSOS

6/08  Schrödinger’s War – and Orwell’s… – AE

6/08  Gold demand to drop 9% in 2023 as central banks slow purchases… – Kitco

6/08  Technology is meaningless without entrepreneurship – Mises

6/08  The Starter Home Is No More, Even in Second Tier Markets – MT

6/08  Trump notified that he is the target of ongoing criminal investigation… – Politico



6/14  Here’s everything the Federal Reserve is expected to do Wednesday – CNBC 

6/14  Another Major African state applies to join BRICs – RT

6/14  Trump’s boxes and Clinton’s sock drawer… – WSJ

6/14  WH slams trans activist for going topless at WH Party… – DM

6/14  A fed rate pause, and then? – NFTRH

6/14  China’s real estate slump predicted to last for years, threatening wider region – CNBC

6/14  Is there a global gold standard in development? – BG

6/14  Chart: the countries expanding their nuclear arsenal… – Stats

6/14  Tucker Carlson pinpoints moment ‘Permanent Washington’ decided to send Trump to prison – IW

6/14  Visualizing the world’s largest lithium producers – VC

6/14  US Economy – Surprisingly Resilient or Potemkin Village? – UNZ

6/14  Food Prices Rise Even as Inflation Eases, Straining Consumers’ Budgets – NYT

6/14  Yuval Noah Harari: “emotionless algorithms” will soon dominate earth… – NN

6/14  Starbucks denies union’s accusation of banning pride decorations – NBC

6/14  Powell caught in one heck of a squeeze… – WS

6/14  Gold & the fed: what lies ahead? – 321Gold

6/14  As Iran emerges from isolation, Israel is feeling cornered – Yahoo!

6/14  GRAPHIC: Tranquility reigns over markets still awash with cash, for now… – Reuters

6/14  More money will not fix eu’s migration problem… – RT

6/14  Silver is significantly underpriced given the looming supply shortage… – SG

6/14  This is why nobody will do anything until it’s too late… – OTM

6/14  How “squatter democracy” created america’s first welfare program – Mises

6/14  US consumers are facing a crushing debt servicing problem… – ZH

6/14  Texas Gov. pulls porn out of schools… – TSC

6/14  Stories for children: the US economic fairytale… – GS

6/14  Belarus starts taking delivery of Russian nuclear weapons… – Reuters

6/14  Quid Pro Joe: the simplest explanation for the Biden crime family’s bribery scandal – LR

6/14 Warmonger Alert: More US weapons for Ukraine – When will this madness stop? – US Dept of Defense

6/14 Desperate China property developer lures buyer with gold bars – Business Insider

6/14 The DeSantis Plan To Wage War on ‘Weaponized’ DOJ (well worth the read) – Real Clear Politics

6/14 SLPC is a “highly profitable scam” This is a despicable, evil organization loved by the media – Daily Signal

6/14 28 Americans killed or wounded in Syria during last 60 days- Why the hell is the US there? – Joshua Landis Twitter

6/14 Main expressway entry to downtown Chicago- out of control! – Chicago Contrarian Twitter

6/14 Warmonger Alert: Latest F-35 jet fighters don’t work ($350 million each) – The Drive

6/14 Weird: Deepest hotel in the world opens at the bottom of an abandoned mine – Boingboing

6/14 Google’s return-to-office crackdown faces backlash from employees – CNBC

6/14 Fewer people trust traditional media, more turn to TikTok for news – Reuters

6/14 Pay attention! China’s patient but insistent South China Sea grab – Asia Times

6/14 Kevin McCarthy’s bunk mate hits the panic button – Mediaite

6/14 Tranny tits out for Biden’s White House ‘Pride’ party (Warning Graphic) – The National Pulse

6/14 R.I.P. Cormac McCarthy (one of my favorite authors) – Hollywood Reporter

6/14 Watch Tucker Carlson Episode 3 – Tucker Carlson

6/13 Westfield Abandons Largest San Fran Mall, Stops Paying $558 Million Loan – San Francisco Chronicle

6/13 Bud Light sales still cratering – Zero Hedge

6/13 Workers unhappy at work – This is a new thing? (flair for the obvious alert) – CNN

6/13 Bitcoin adds nearly 50,000 millionaires this year so far despite crackdown – FXSTREET

6/13 Microsoft is betting EVERYTHING on AI (what could possibly go wrong?) – Wired

6/13 Here is where inflation is hurting Americans the most – MarketWatch

6/13 JP Morgan settles with Epstein victims for $290 million – NYT

6/13 Here’s latest inflation breakdown in one chart – CNBC

6/13 Ford and GM sign deals to use Tesla charging stations – Forbes

6/13 Trump booked and fingerprinted (no mughshot, no handcuffs) – Gateway Pundit

6/13  World bank: global economic growth expected to slow to 2008 levels – GG

6/13  Water scarcity: China and India look the most threatened from shortages – CNBC

6/13  Silver’s undervaluation: a precious metal in high demand that is growing scarcer – SA

6/13  NATO kicks off its largest air drills in history, Germany hosts – ZH

6/13  China Can’t Work Out How to Fix Its ‘Balance-Sheet Recession’ – BB

6/13  San Francisco mall turned over to lender as downtown struggles – WSJ

6/13  WHO announces launch of “digital health certification network” – NN

6/13  South Africa mulls moving BRICs summit to china over Putin arrest warrant – ZH

6/13  Cocoa prices soar to seven-year highs – CNBC

6/13  US junk loan defaults surge as higher interest rates start to bite – Financial Times

6/12 Biblical! Trump Saturday night “The Final Battle” (59 second video clip) – Twitter

6/12 Exposed! Pentagon’s new “Perception Management” Office (survelience state out-of-control) – The Intercept

6/12 Will Federal wokers ever return to downtown Washington DC? – Yahoo News

6/12 How the U.S. let EV battery tech born here wind up in the hands of China – Auto Blog

6/12 Countries with the tallest men … 10 INCHES difference between top spot and last – Daily Mail UK

6/12 The New Crypto Bill Gary Gensler Doesn’t Want You to Know About – Coindesk

6/12 Is doing business in China becoming impossible for foreigners? – The Economist

6/12 The Financial Times’ Week Ahead Overview (Globalist point of view) – FT

6/12 Take a close look at this and weep (US debt nearing $32 trillion) – US Debt Clock

6/12 Hottest Thing in Real Estate Is a Loan From Two Years Ago – NYT via Yahoo

6/12 Saudi Arabia’s Golf Deal Puts Biden and PGA in Same Awkward Position – Bloomberg

6/12 Djokovic wins French Open – Greatest of All Time? – Reuters

6/12 20 Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns – Brownstone

6/12 BlackRock now paying for guards, home security for CEO Larry Fink – PIOnline

6/12 BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: “You have to force behaviors” – Infowars

6/11  Fed Is First to Reach Crucial Junction in Global Inflation Fight – Yahoo

6/12  The hottest thing in real estate is a loan from two years ago – Yahoo!

6/12  4 children who survived 40 days in Colombia jungle reunited with families – CBS

6/12  Gold summer doldrums – AH

6/12  Powell’s big problem just got even more complicated… – WSJ

6/12  Reading the charts from tech to precious metals to the US dollar – TT

6/12  Time to get real about artificial intelligence – EP

6/12  Russia’s improved weaponry and tactics pose challenges to Ukraine’s counteroffensive – AP

6/12  Don’t get lured into the matrix… – BT

6/12  Of two minds – everything is being repriced, starting with risk – OTM

6/12  Key events this very busy week: CPI tomorrow and central banks galore – Zero Hedge

6/12  The Great Grift: how billions in covid-19 relief aid was stolen or wasted – AP

6/12  VIDEO: Trump promises “final battle” to “demolish the deep state” – SN

6/12  The false and failed logic of western sanctions – Asia Times

6/11  PMA says us west coast port workers shut down port of Seattle… – Reuters

6/11  The great DOJ werewolf hunt – Knustler

6/11  Recession: JPMorgan bond Chief Bob Michele sees worrying echoes 2008 – CNBC

6/11  Sentiment in gold remains bullish, but prices to stay below $2,000… – Kitco

6/11  The Feds already have all the evidence they need to charge Biden in Ukraine… – AT

6/11  Visualizing the ‘greatest wealth transfer in history’ as boomers shed their mortal coils – ZH

6/11  Mapped: the growth in house prices by country – VC

6/11  Earnings improve. but beware of trojan horses. – RIA

6/11  New A.I. Chatbot Tutors Could Upend Student Learning – NYT

6/11  The boys of America are suffering — So much for the patriarchy – ET

6/11  No u – RB

6/11  Fed Is First to Reach Crucial Junction in Global Inflation Fight
– Yahoo!

6/11  Zelenskyy says ‘counteroffensive, defensive actions’ taking place in Ukraine – AP

6/11  12 ways to cut the chains of financial serfdom – OTM

6/11 Can a chatbot preach a good sermon? 100’s attend ChatGPT Church service – AP

6/11 The End of Influencers on Instagram – Wired

6/11 Army excuse for renaming Fort Brag full of false history – New American

6/11 Anne Frank-impersonating drag queen arrested for murder – Ann Coulter

6/11 Americans will foot the bill on phony ‘climate change’ catastrophe – David Stockman

6/11 More warmonger madness! US to give $2.1 billion more for Ukraine weapons – AntiWar

6/11 Weekend review including, tough time to buy or build a home – Bloomberg

6/11 Crypto crackdown! Review of top weekly Crypto stories – Coin Telegraph

6/11 Missing kids found alive after 40 days! “Children of the Jungle” – CNN

6/11 Unibomber Kaczynski, dead by suicide in prison – NYT

6/11 Globalists: AI Bible rewrite to create ‘Religions that are actually correct’ – Slay News

6/10  T-bill yield guiding markets to liquidation… – NFTRH

6/10  Crypto.com suspends us institutional exchange service – CT

6/10  CHARTS: Copper mining profits top $100 billion a year, but where are the new mines? – Mining.com

6/10  Settling for long-term inflation… – JTM

6/10  Politicians in our major cities have decided the solution to the crime… – EOAD

6/10  How can we possibly be in a bull market now? two letters: AI – CNN

6/10  RFK Jr. vows to defend second amendment, free speech, border, and end wars – SN

6/10  Major banks will axe 19 locations in a single state this summer… – DM

6/10  5 countries where you can live your best life in 2023 (according to data) – SM

6/10  Experts warn ai could result in mental health consequences – Axios

6/10  Home foreclosures are rising nationwide, with Florida, California and Texas in the lead – NBC

6/10  Visualizing gold price and US debt (1970-2023) – Mining.com

6/10  Gold Summer Doldrums… – AH

6/10  Doug Noland: Q1 ’23 Z1: shedding light on liquidity dislocation – DN

6/10  Doug casey on how the war on farmers could trigger a famine – IM

6/10  Why is choosing the right trading methodology so important for sustainable growth? – TT

6/10  COVID propaganda roundup: Pfizer knew MMA shots sicken infants in April 2021 – DB

6/10  UK housing market strains grow as mortgage rates creep higher – Reuters

6/10  Meta reveals twitter competitor it plans to launch as stand-alone app… – WSJ

6/10  The true fossil fuel crisis… – YT

6/10  Trump Indictment: A moment of reckoning for the former President – MSN

6/10  Trump names Hunter Biden as his running mate so DOJ will stop investigating him – BB Satire

6/10  Owner of Two major hotels in San Francisco bailing on city due to crime… – GP

6/10  National humiliation is just another tuesday afternoon in america – SM

6/10  Why Turkey’s currency is crashing after Erdogan got reelected… – AP

6/10  Snowden warns today’s surveillance technology makes 2013 look like ‘child’s play’ – CD

6/10 “We’ve now reached WAR phase. Eye for an eye” – Congressman Biggs

6/10 Earth shattering fed indictment! “Uphill battle for Trump” – NY Post

6/10 Americans more worried about running out of money, than death – Market Watch

6/10 Anarchy in the USA (American society has collapsed) – Daily Mail UK

6/10 27 kids missing in Cleveland (cops have never seen anything like this) – The Sun

6/10 Nazi symbols on Ukraine’s front lnes (Globalists alligned with Nazis) – NYT

6/10 Depositors flee US banks! $472 billion pulled out in 3 months – Daily Hodl

6/10 Lies, Sweet Lies: What Stories Do We Believe? – Mercola

6/10 Big development in Ukraine? – Asia Times

6/10 Move to Miami from NYC : Save $200k/ year – Bloomberg

6/09  Reading the charts from tech to precious metals to the US dollar – TT

6/09  The End of the World (as we know it)… – BT

6/09  Rickards drops bombshell – DR

6/09  Biden: Americans opposed to radical gender ideology “hysterical and prejudiced.” – Twitter

6/09  Woke marvel eliminates the punisher due to “problematic” conservative fan base – ZH

6/09  Tucker Carlson slams US government over pedophile network scandal – RT

6/09  Middle-income buyers face the most severe housing shortage… – CNN

6/09  Swedish Prime Minister: “massive immigration just doesn’t work”… – SN

6/09  Gold looks decent & silver looks great! – 321Gold

6/09  Washington quiets as Canadian smoke blankets US capital… – Reuters

6/09  Cuba’s spy deal with China has echoes of cold war tensions… – WSJ

6/09  So about Trump’s second indictment… – MT

6/09  Expect awakening in gold amid govt overspending – MS

6/09  Traders aren’t buying the oil deficit story – OP

6/09  Initial Unemployment Claims Surge by 28,000 to a Post-Pandemic High of 261,000 – MT

6/09  Biden was involved in bribery scheme with Ukrainian gas firm – RT

6/09  Former NATO Head: some countries considering troop deployment in Ukraine – LI

6/09  Chart: services no longer required: the fastest-shrinking jobs – Stats

6/09  Debt ceiling? there’s no such thing as “the Debt ceiling” – BT

6/09  You can’t depend on the state to maintain public order… – Mises

6/09  BlackRock: 3 reasons why investors should consider a tactical allocation to gold – Kitco

6/09  Binance.US suspends USD deposits, warns of fiat withdrawal pause… – CT

6/09  Gold’s model calls for crude oil bottom… – 321Gold

6/09  The real-estate market caught in a tangled web of ownership and debt – WSJ

6/09  Song: “Everything’s Gay in June” – YT

6/09  An investing strategy silently making motivated people wealthy… – TT

6/09  Trump: “i have been indicted”… – ZH

6/09  Wildfires spread in Canada’s British Columbia as Quebec stabilizes… – Reuters

6/09  ExxonMobil: new fracking technology can double oil output – Oil Price

6/09  The End of Easy Money: Bankruptcy filings pile up at fastest rate since 2010 – Wolf Street

6/08  Look around and what do you see? social defeat. – OTM

6/08  Cuba to host secret Chinese spy base focusing on US – WSJ

6/08  Silver and the popping of the debt bubble… – HM

6/08  How gold prices could be affected by another rate hike… – CBS

6/08  The End of Easy Money: bankruptcy filings pile up at fastest rate since 2010 – WS

6/08  Gay stats… – IPSOS

6/08  Schrödinger’s War – and Orwell’s… – AE

6/08  Gold demand to drop 9% in 2023 as central banks slow purchases… – Kitco

6/08  Technology is meaningless without entrepreneurship – Mises

6/08  The Starter Home Is No More, Even in Second Tier Markets – MT

6/08  Trump notified that he is the target of ongoing criminal investigation… – Politico



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1 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷峰笇閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽€夐敓鎴枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹
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3 閿熻剼浼欐嫹閿熸枻鎷峰箷閿熺Ц闈╂嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹 婧敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹
4 閿熷彨鐧告嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷疯儨閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷� 婧敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹
5 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鍙鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷� 閿熷彨璁规嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓濮愩€� 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷�
6 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷�
7 閿熻纰夋嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹涓€閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹
8 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷�
9 浼敓鍙拝鎷� 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷�
10 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹鏂敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹婧愰€氶敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷疯壙閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熻剼锟� 姣涢敓鏂ゆ嫹
1 璇磋閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹911閿熸枻鎷锋ゼ閿熶茎纰夋嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂も€� 閿熸枻鎷烽噹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹
2 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹涓€閿熻鎲嬫嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ湰閿熺殕锝忔嫹閿熸帴璁规嫹閿熸枻鎷� FVCK
3 閿熷彨鐧告嫹閿熻娇锝忔嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鍙紮鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿燂拷 runqun
4 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熻妭锝忔嫹澶遍敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鑺傚尅鎷锋垬閿熸枻鎷烽敓鐭鎷� runqun
5 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹缁熼敓濮愬矝閿熸枻鎷烽敓绉哥稖 浣嶉敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷风ず閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹 runqun
6 閿熷姭闈╂嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹a閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹涓€閿熻娇鐚存嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷� 閿熸枻鎷烽噹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹
7 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熻妭锝忔嫹閿熻鎾呮嫹鎴橀敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熷壙浼欐嫹閿熸枻鎷风偢閿熸枻鎷� runqun
8 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸彮浼欐嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹寮洪敓缁炵》鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓渚ユ唻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿燂拷 閿熸枻鎷烽噹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹
9 閿熸枻鎷风劧閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熻В锛岄敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷蜂负浠€涔堥敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓渚ユ枻鎷� mingcheng9
10 閿熷姭鎲嬫嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹鍙查敓琛楀洖锝忔嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹鍏ㄩ敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷�
2022: 六四民主就是外部势力渗透中华的切入点
2022: 鲁太监说要牺牲,中共开国元勋,哪个牺
2021: 1989年,如果赵紫阳与李鹏能够各自组党
2021: 这才是中国,我们伟大的祖国。
2020: 五月的失业数据搞错了!哈哈!
2020: 华人吃苦奋斗在美国成功,黑人为什么不
2019: 狗学生们,中共不欠你们啥了吧。清华北
2019: 赤裸裸的威胁
2018: 人可貌相
2018: 其实好命好运不一定是大富大贵,命一定

閿熸枻鎷烽敓鑺傛唻鎷风珯 | 閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹閿熸枻鎷� | 閿熸枻鎷风郴閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹 | 閿熸枻鎷疯仒閿熸枻鎷锋伅 | 閿熸枻鎷风珯閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹 | 閿熸枻鎷风閿熸枻鎷烽敓鏂ゆ嫹

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